The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 86: People around Aunt Ma


"Girl, the eldest lady has made such a big fuss over Aunt Ma's birthday, is she trying to thank Aunt Ma for helping her earlier?" Nanny Han asked worriedly.

"No!" Ning Xueyan smiled slightly, turned around, walked to the table and sat down, poured herself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said thoughtfully, "If you want to thank me, she will also secretly, Absolutely nothing like this will happen!"

Nanny Han guessed: "Girl, this old slave always thinks that this matter will not be that simple."

Of course, this matter will not be simple, and it is still a trick. Of course, the final goal is himself. He really thinks that he is so easy to bully, and he keeps calculating himself again and again, and tricks him insidiously.

"Lan Ning, are you familiar with Aunt Ma's maid?" Ning Xueyan asked Lan Ning on the side.

Compared with Qingyu, Lan Ning's way in the mansion is much wider than that of Qingyu.

Lan Ning thought for a while, and said: "The servant girl and Qiu Fang in Aunt Ma's room have worked together before, so they are familiar."

Ning Xueyan nodded, beckoned her over, and whispered something in her ear, Lan Ning nodded with a smile on her face.

In the evening, Lan Ning met Qiu Fang at the door of the kitchen. The two held hands affectionately and went to the corner together to talk.

"Qiu Fang, is Aunt Ma going out today?" Lan Ning suddenly smiled as she was speaking thoughtfully, pulled her hand over, and put a piece of silver into her hand.

Qiu Fang was taken aback for a moment, but she understood in an instant. She blinked and looked at her, and said hesitantly, "Lan Ning, this...isn't so good!"

Seeing the struggle in her heart, Lan Ning smiled slightly, and stuffed another piece of silver into Qiufang's hand. Qiufang's family was not well off, and there was a sick old lady at home, so the economy was extremely tight.

"Don't ask anything else, just ask about Auntie Ma, our girl heard Auntie say that she misunderstood her, so she poisoned her medicine, I feel really uncomfortable, so I want to know what Auntie Ma usually sees Man, what are you talking about." Lan Ning laughed.

"Well, it's not good to let the master's affairs out... Boss, isn't it?" Qiu Fang hesitated.

"Just asking, our girl doesn't know how to do anything to Aunt Ma. Now that Aunt Ma is in the Hou Mansion's favor, why would our girl touch her." Lan Ning smiled and handed over two pieces of silver.

These are equivalent to Qiufang's monthly routine for more than half a year, the balance in her heart has fallen, Qiufang stomped her feet vigorously, and replied: "Yes, from now on... If there is anything wrong with my aunt, I must report it to the fifth girl."

"Does Aunt Ma like going to Da Furen's yard very much recently?" Lan Ning secretly heaved a sigh of relief after the matter was settled, and asked seemingly casually.

This matter cannot be hidden from anyone, and everyone else can see it.

"Yes, although my aunt was very fond of the eldest lady before, her relationship with the eldest lady is not as good as it is now. These days, the eldest lady is happy every time she sees our auntie. It seems that she has changed from before. Yes." Qiufang said.

In the past, when Aunt Ma went to curry favor with the eldest lady, she was always ridiculed by the maids and mother-in-law next to the eldest lady, and the eldest lady also looked indifferent. A servant like Qiu Fang, in Yunxia Courtyard, even has a little status No, as long as they are individuals, they can be allowed to work.

But it’s different now, the eldest lady smiles all over her face when she sees Aunt Ma, and the maid of Yunxia Courtyard, the mother-in-law is also very polite when she sees her, which makes the people who follow Aunt Ma very frightened, and they always feel that it’s not right. Practical.

All the old people in Hou's mansion knew who the eldest lady was, and she would be so kind to an aunt.

This is another reason for Qiu Fang to go all out and surrender to Ning Xueyan!

"I heard that my aunt is pregnant. Did your aunt talk about this before?" Lan Ning asked.

"We were also very surprised about my aunt's pregnancy. We didn't notice it at all before, but..." Qiu Fang hesitated for a moment, and after seeing that there was no one around, she leaned over her head and said in a low voice, "Our aunt's childhood is not very good. Sure, I was still taking medicine a few days ago, but I stopped these days."

It's not allowed in the small days, and you still take medicine

Lan Ning understood it, nodded, and the two chatted a little more before going back to the hospital.

On Aunt Ma's birthday, the house was very lively.

The new favorite of the Marquis' Mansion of Huguo, and the favor of Mrs. Hou, and heard that she is pregnant, it is the most proud time, and the Marquis' Mansion holds a big banquet.

Although one concubine's room can't be on the stage, since Hu Guohou and Ling's family have both spoken, everyone will come to congratulate them for the sake of the two of them.

The banquet was placed in the east garden, and a stage was set up in the back garden.

Of course, a post of this size would not be able to reach Prince Yi's mansion, but fortunately, the prince never felt that there was anything wrong with wanting to see such a post.

So when such a post was sent to him, he casually picked it up and put it in his hand, looked at the words on it with some interest, and then smiled slightly: "Is this king going to give it to you too?" Congratulations to Marquis Huguo?"

The eunuch who was waiting on the side of this sentence trembled for a while. A concubine of the Huguohou's Mansion is just a concubine. Even if it is the birthday of the wife of the Huguohou's Mansion, it may not be able to invite his own prince. Why is this one so good today? interest.

"If the lord sends someone to congratulate him, the status of the concubine in the Huguohou's mansion will be almost the same as that of the main wife." The eunuch cautiously remonstrated, not knowing whether the lord was telling the truth or whether it was something interesting.

Such a small concubine's room, not to mention the prince, even if the prince sent someone there, it would be a compliment to him.

Ao Chenyi narrowed his eyes slightly, picked up the tea in his hand gracefully, and took a sip: "I heard that the new aunt this time has something to do with that girl, and that girl was poisoned so much that she didn't die for a while. , it’s really a fate, and she survived the catastrophe, this king thinks that she should give her a gift.”

"What does the lord mean by giving gifts to the concubine's house of Huguohou's mansion, and directly deliver the gifts to the fifth girl?" The eunuch who followed Ao Chenyi is of course his confidant, and he knows some things well. , but he didn't know the true meaning of this prince, so he couldn't help asking.

"No, it's not good to give gifts on other people's birthdays! This king doesn't like this kind of thing the most. You can ask this girl tomorrow, but you can ask this king to help me and directly make this concubine the wife of the Marquis of the country. " Ao Chenyi said lazily, a bewitching smile flashed in his icy eyes.

Ping wife, isn't she also a wife!

His eyes fell on his injured arm before. Unexpectedly, the medicine from this little wild cat was really good. Although it was not as good as the medicine he had left at that time, it was unexpected that the scar formed so quickly. At that time, he sneaked into the Ning Zu'an's study was not about getting something, it was about exploring the truth.

In fact, this kind of thing didn't require him to go out in person, but this master came to be interested, and even brought two hidden guards there in person, and then he was injured and didn't go outside the mansion, but went to the inner courtyard instead The two hidden guards were helpless. Fortunately, the two hidden guards were confident that even if the whereabouts of the prince were discovered, they could take the prince away and let him mess around.

"Yes, my lord, this servant will ask someone to ask you tomorrow morning." The master asked An Ran, and the servant answered naturally, as if it was really a good thing for them to go directly to a lady from a great family.

"How are the girls sent here before?" Ao Chenyi's red lips curled up, and his voice was ethereal and gloomy.

"The slaves who were sent by the third prince before are being checked by someone. I'm afraid there are many places to check. The news from Jiangnan has not arrived yet." The eunuch said respectfully, and replied in a low voice, it was not him. I don't want to hurry up, I really can't get up soon, and it's really not easy to check a person more than ten years ago.

Besides, since this matter is so secret, few people must know about it.

"If you can't check it out for a while, don't check it anymore, just deal with the person directly, and call out the manpower for other purposes." Ao Chenyi said, with a cold smile on his gorgeous and prosperous face, and the words brought The bloodthirsty hostility seemed to be referring not to human life, but to a few simple flowers and grasses.

"My lord, if that's true..." the eunuch asked dumbly.

"Ao Mingyu threw so many people at this king, it is determined that this king will investigate, and if he finds something wrong, he will definitely come to snatch it again. Unfortunately, this king has never been a fool. He will investigate when he has time, and kill him directly if he has no time. After he dies, throw it at Ao Mingyu's place, so that he won't stop thinking about it."

Ao Chenyi hooked his fingers leisurely, his eyes were cold and treacherous.

"Yes, the servant obeys the order!" The eunuch understood, "What should I do if the people from the third prince's side are sent here in the future?"

"Give it away! Even if they are all willing to send people to play with me, I will always have to play tricks. Find a few parts to make a few things and send them over. It is more suitable than giving them away directly." Ao Chen Yi leaned back, the corners of his handsome lips seemed to be bloodthirsty, and under the light, it was like a powerful monster, coming with blood.

No one doubted the possibility of his speaking.

"Yes, the servant told them at night that they must make a beautiful one, so as not to lose the name of His Highness."

"Okay, let's go, be careful." Ao Chenyi waved his hand, the cold smile on the corner of his lips turned into a wave of hostility, some people really regarded his place as a garbage disposal site, fake it Handle it yourself, and really try to get it back, but unfortunately, I have never been able to make progress here.

Of course, for his own nephew's sake, he certainly thinks highly of Ao Mingyu, so let's leave some parts for him, lest he say that he bullies the small and loses the dignity of the royal family, thinking so , Ao Chenyi's deep eyes flashed a cold mockery.

"Yes, Your Highness." The eunuch retreated in response.

"Wait a minute, I still need to write a letter to that little girl here. There is no need for tomorrow. Tonight, someone will throw me into that little girl's yard on my behalf. After the appointment at dusk, this private meeting, private letter, elopement What, shouldn't it be at night, when no one is around!"

When the eunuch was about to retire, Ao Chenyi suddenly had a whim and called him to stop.

Private meeting, private letter, elopement? The eunuch had a bitter face, is it really you that the prince said! When will I still have this hobby! Who you want is not a matter of a word, so there is no need to be so sneaky.

"My lord, this...that's what the outside world said." The eunuch hesitated a few times, talking about how much he knew about this as an eunuch.