The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 88: Hairpin, Ning Ziyan's personal maid


Compared with the blue bijia of other maids, Chen Hexiang doesn't look wrong at first glance, but after a closer look, Ning Ziyan is familiar with it. The material of the blue bijia is actually silk satin. Although it is not as much fabric as the whole dress, there are not many such fabrics in the house, and there are only two horses in Ning Ziyan's place.

Make two clothes for yourself and it's gone!

This material was brought over by Xia Yuhang's friends from other places. I heard that it was an offering, and it was extremely rare, not even in the palace.

But what happened to the bijia on this girl

The handkerchief on the bottom of the hand was rubbed tightly, and then relaxed, the stiff smile on his face slowly relaxed, and he pretended not to care, and said: "It's just a little extra material I saved, and I asked this girl to make a bigger A, I never thought that this girl would wear it out, which made Fifth Sister laugh."

There was a smile on her face, and the sternness in her eyes, but she couldn't stop it. When she got back to the mansion, she would see if she didn't kill this bitch. She flirted with Xia Yuhang all day long, and said that the two of them were fine. This little slut married the ugliest and most disgusting old watchman in the house, let's see how she will seduce Xia Yuhang in the future.

Chen Hexiang felt that something was wrong, raised her head to look at Ning Ziyan tremblingly, then lowered her head timidly, with a look of timidity, and secretly calculated in her heart that her affairs could not wait any longer, so Xia Yuhang had to admit her Today happened to be an opportunity, so I specially wore this bijia to come here.

Seeing Chen Hexiang's delicate and weak appearance, and the fleeting calculations in her eyes, Ning Xueyan sneered in her heart. It seems that there are quite a lot of people conspiring at today's banquet. It's easy to make mistakes, but let's see how Ling and Ning Ziyan get out.

"Fifth Sister, you are too clean here. Today is always Aunt Ma's birthday. Fifth Sister must wear some makeup. Don't make Aunt Ma feel that our sisters look down on her and treat her slowly." Ning Ziyan Said with a grin.

" mother didn't..." Ning Xueyan looked embarrassed.

"Although the second mother is gone, it has been a month. It is rare for Aunt Ma to hold a birthday party. Everyone is very happy, but we can't let the guests come to disappoint." Ning Ziyan looked worried for Ning Xueyan After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the ruby fringed hairpin from his sleeve, it was extremely beautiful.

Seeing Ning Ziyan take out this hairpin, Chen Hexiang, who had been paying attention to this side, couldn't help but raised her head, with a bit of greed in her eyes, but immediately lowered her head. If Ning Xueyan hadn't been paying attention to her, she wouldn't have Will find out what she's doing.

"Fifth sister, you must be beautiful wearing this. Look at the color, how beautiful the shirt looks on you. You are the legitimate daughter of the Hou family, so don't let people underestimate you. You don't wear a hairpin on your head. Forget it, I Here is a hairpin, give it to my younger sister!" Ning Ziyan said generously, taking the hairpin, she was going to stick it affectionately on Ning Xueyan's head.

"Thank you big sister, but I look like this, and wearing such a gorgeous hairpin is not suitable!" Ning Xueyan refused a little, and took Ning Ziyan's hand to let her sit down, as if distressed. It fell on the ruby hairpin, but it was sparkling and moving, obviously it was also extremely tempting.

"Why isn't it suitable? A person like Fifth Younger Sister is good with everything. Could it be that Fifth Younger Sister didn't like my hairpin and said so on purpose." Being pushed by Ning Xueyan like this, Ning Ziyan's face Showing a bit of displeasure.

"Big sister, you misunderstood, look at my face, wearing such a bright..." Ning Xue said in a smug way, she looked away from the hairpin with great reluctance, and pushed the hairpin in front of Ning Ziyan.

This way, I clearly like it very much, but I have to push it away.

Ning Ziyan's puzzled eyes fell on Ning Xueyan's face. Indeed, her face was still much paler than normal people. Such a gorgeous and beautiful hairpin is extremely inappropriate to insert. The color of her face cannot suppress the color of accessories. Regardless of time, it is a taboo for women to decorate.

But she still has a reason to give this hairpin today!

Of course, sending it by force is not acceptable, and the reason still needs to be found.

Fortunately, Ning Xueyan seems to like it very much: "Fifth sister said that your complexion is not very good, it's okay, didn't I send some makeup to fifth sister last time, type it out, big sister will dress up for you, Then put on the hairpin, it must be as beautiful as a fairy."

Hearing what she said, Ning Xue was so moved that she couldn't leave the hand that was pushing the hairpin.

Seeing the show, Ning Ziyan smiled more and became more affectionate: "Fifth sister, why are you still hesitating, some of the guests who came today have never seen you before, and the eldest sister will take you to see it later, it is always the first one." The first time I see those people, it's normal to dress decently, and it's not about letting Fifth Sister wear bright red and green clothes, no one will care."

"But, those powders... Put them here, if the fourth sister likes them, she will take more!" Ning Xueyan frowned slightly.

"It's okay, I have some here, so I'll use them for Fifth Sister first." Ning Ziyan said generously, and turned to Chen Hexiang who was following behind.

She is very careful about her body now, so she even brings this kind of powder with her, and she can take it out when she wants to touch up her makeup.

Upon hearing the call, Chen Hexiang came over immediately and took out the makeup powder from the bag she was holding.

"Thank you, miss, let the servants serve our girls." Lan Ning came over to take the powder in Chen Hexiang's hand, and said politely.

Now that she said that, Ning Ziyan couldn't say anything. She nodded immediately and sat behind the chair to watch Lan Ning help Ning Xueyan dress up. After a while, I only saw Lan Ning laying down Ning Xueyan's foundation.

After she was pregnant, her body was not very convenient. After sitting so hard, she felt tired after a while. She sat on the left side and felt tired again, so she simply sat on the right side again. I'm tired, so I can't sit still.

Holding Chen Hexiang's hand to stand up: "Fifth Sister, I'll go to the garden first to see who are the people here. I will introduce to Fifth Sister later."

"Okay, big sister go first, I'll be here in a while." Ning Xueyan nodded with a smile, a glint of darkness flashed in her eyes, Ning Ziyan really colluded with Ling's to harm herself.

I hope you won't cry too badly after a while!

"Girl, what should I do with this hairpin?" The people watching Ning Ziyan left, and Lan Ning didn't comb for Ning Xueyan. She walked to the table, picked up the ruby hairpin, and asked Ning Xueyan.

Although Lan Ning couldn't see what the hairpin was, she knew it was not a good thing from the eldest girl's attentive attitude. Back then, the eldest girl had always treated Miss Ziying with this attitude, but what happened later? It's not that the eldest girl has any malice towards Miss Ziying, but all of this malice is hidden behind her affectionate smile.

Miss Ziying couldn't see through, so she died in the lotus pond for no reason.

Ning Xueyan had already smelled the faint fragrance on the hairpin, very faint, almost none, if she didn't know about these things, I'm afraid she would never have imagined that the hairpin was actually smeared with medicine, and it was that kind of medicine …

Both Ning Ziyan and Ling's hearts are dark, in order to get rid of themselves, they will do everything possible, but unfortunately, in the end, they want to disappoint them. They couldn't wait before they did it!

"Lan Ning, think of a way to drop the hairpin in front of Chen Hexiang." Looking at the girl in the mirror, Ning Xueyan bent her lips and smiled coldly. Chen Hexiang put on that gorgeous bijia today, so she also has plans. Then I would give her a push, just now to see how greedy she looked at the ruby hairpin.

I knew that she must have fallen in love with this hairpin, but it was not bad, "borrowing flowers to present Buddha"!

When Ning Xueyan arrived in the garden, she was dressed properly, with a little light powder on her face, and her delicate face became more colorful when she looked good. There was a ruby hairpin in her hair, and a few tassels hanging down from it. , shake it a little bit, the beauty of the lining is like jade, and the jade color is fragrant.

The banquet was placed in the garden, with the men's seats on the left and the women's seats on the right, separated by a veil in the middle, the voices from the opposite side could be heard, but the figures could not be seen clearly.

The stage was set up high, and there were already people singing on it. The audience applauded and laughed from time to time.

There is no time for the banquet, most of the guests have arrived, but there are still some in the future. For this kind of banquet, the banquet must wait until everyone has arrived, lest others say that the Huguohou Mansion has lost its etiquette.

Ling Shi and Ning Ziyan sat in the middle, surrounded by wives and girls from various prefectures in a large county, chatting and laughing very lively.

Through the crowd, they saw Ning Xueyan approaching, with the ruby hairpin sticking out of her head, the mother and daughter smiled sinisterly at each other, turned their heads and stopped paying attention to Ning Xueyan.

Ning Xueyan found a chair in one corner and sat down, but did not go there.

This position is just right, no one else can see her, but she can see people at a glance.

Aunt Ma came over in a hurry, she seemed to be in a hurry, wiped her forehead with a handkerchief in one hand, walked to the banquet hall, saw that no one noticed her, she was slightly relieved, pushed Qiu Fang away, After a few steps, he hurried to Ling's side.

Seeing Aunt Ma coming, Ling glanced at her disdainfully, but with a smile on her face, she came over affectionately and pulled her to her side: "Where have you been, why haven't I seen anyone until now, I almost let the maid Come and find you."

When she heard that Mrs. Ling was coming to look for her, Aunt Ma shivered subconsciously, but she immediately put on a smile: "The concubine went to the kitchen to have a look, just in time to catch up with the kitchen and said that there is a soup that tastes good. The concubine is thinking about having lunch later. In the evening, I will be hungry, so I have a drink first."

She had just secretly gone to the theater troupe, and she dared not say anything about it. Now she had an idea, and thought that two women were talking about Tang on the road, so she immediately changed the story and went over to have a look. I also tasted it, which would give me an excuse.

"Soup? I'm hungry. Does Aunt Ma have any more?" Ning Ziyan has eaten a lot these days, and she is really hungry now. Ning Xueyan didn't dare to drink it just now. Now that Aunt Ma is fine, it is true Hungry.

"Yes, yes, yes, the concubine was thinking that the soup tastes good, so she specially asked someone to bring a big bowl. The eldest girl wanted to drink it, so she followed the concubine to the front room to rest." See Ling Shi Not finding the loophole in her words, Aunt Ma breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed to a room outside the crowd.

Just now, in order to flatter Ling's, and also to strengthen the credibility of her words, she specially asked someone to bring soup over.

"Okay, you lead the way first." Ning Ziyan stood up, she was a little tired after sitting for a long time, and she meant to rest her feet by walking around.

Ling knew about her daughter's situation, so she nodded without doubting her...