The Devious First-Daughter

Chapter 90: Pregnancy, surprise or fear


There are several dishes of melon seeds, preserved fruits, and tea in the pavilion. The windows on both sides are closed, and the stove is burning warmly. It is indeed a good place for chatting. Besides, this place faces the water and is on the rockery. The environment is extremely quiet, people who are not in the mansion will not even find such a quiet place on the rockery.

There were only Aunt Ma and a maid in the room.

Aunt Ma was restless, walked to the door from time to time, and stopped irritably. It was originally agreed upon, but somehow she felt uneasy, as if she had a bad premonition.

Suddenly a human voice came from outside, Aunt Ma didn't see joy on her face, instead a trace of fear flashed across her face.

"Auntie, this tea is ready to drink, otherwise it won't be effective in a while." The maid standing by the table pushed the tea on the table, looked at Aunt Ma and said.

"I..." Aunt Ma hesitated for a moment.

"Could it be that Auntie wants Master Hou to know that you have no child in your stomach?" The girl's cold eyes fell on Aunt Ma's face.

Aunt Ma, who was watching, shivered, gritted her teeth, walked over to pick up the teacup on the table, and drank it down in one gulp.

Drink a little faster, and cough violently!

There was a light knock on the door, with some hesitation, Aunt Ma finally stopped coughing and covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

The maid took two steps back and was standing in the shadow of a corner of the pavilion.

"Come in!" Aunt Ma sat down on the seat, cleared her throat, and gritted her teeth secretly. The medicine has already been taken, and it is useless to say more, besides, there must be an end to her drugging Ning Xueyan. , that fifth girl doesn't seem to be easy to mess with.

Aunt Ma will regret this, she would have known that she would not have entered the Marquis's mansion that day, she originally wanted to enjoy the glory and wealth, who would have thought that riding a tiger would be hard to get off now, of course she would not agree to take care of this matter for her just to curry favor with the eldest lady, until now Get a fake pregnancy.

She was pregnant in October, and there was nothing in her stomach, so how could she give birth to anything, when the time came, she would be really miserable!

Therefore, this child must be lost, and it must be lost because of Ning Xueyan. With the premise of drugging before, Ning Xueyan is jealous of herself, and there is a reason for drugging to destroy her "child"!

This was originally planned by the eldest lady and Aunt Ma, and now I have drunk the tea after mixing the medicine. This medicine has only one effect, which is to make her little days earlier, but I don’t know why, looking at the door slightly pushed open, Ma Aunt has a bad feeling.

Things went so smoothly that there were almost no twists and turns.

But Aunt Ma's heart has twists and turns! I can't help seeing sweat on my head.

Would a person who made the lady so taboo be arrested so ignorantly!

"Caiyun!" A pleasantly surprised voice came from the door, and the familiar voice brought Aunt Ma back to her sanity, but when she stood up suddenly, not only was she not happy, but a burst of fear quickly appeared on her face, and she stretched out her fingers in panic. Pointing at the fair-skinned young man in front of him.

"You... you... why are you here?" Because of the panic, she could hardly stand up, her stomach ached, and she felt like she was falling.

"What's the matter, didn't you ask me to come here? Caiyun, how are you doing... but, do you still miss me?" The young man was stunned at first, then his face showed some pain, he didn't go out, but closed the door, Looking at Aunt Ma, she asked with a sad face.

"I'm fine, how can I be okay, you go, go... go!" The pain in the abdomen surged up, and the painful Aunt Ma could hardly speak, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, she barely held it back, and walked over, Push the man out.

The person who came was not Ning Xueyan, but a member of the theater troupe, and "that person". The "hidden situation" that she had tried her best to cover up was suddenly exposed. How could Aunt Ma not be shocked? Breaking into a cold sweat, almost fainting.

"What's the matter with you, are you sick... what happened?" But the one who has been thinking about Aunt Ma all the time, seeing Aunt Ma's sudden face change, sweat on her forehead, and the appearance of unsteady standing, she thought it was true sick.

He hurried forward two steps to support Aunt Ma who was on the verge of falling.

"Get out of the way." Before he could stand still, a huge force came from his side, and the man held Aunt Ma firmly in his hands. He was unprepared for a moment, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground with Aunt Ma.

The two of them had a fight, and neither of them could get up for a while.

"You still don't want to get out of the way, go away!" The girl was in a hurry, knowing that something was wrong, she hurried over to pull Aunt Ma, thinking that she would pull Aunt Ma away, but unexpectedly the man didn't let go, just pulled her away. On the contrary, he was pulled down again heavily.

When the three of them were in a mess, the door suddenly opened, and Ning Xueyan brought a few maids and mother-in-law, standing at the door and looking at everything inside the door in astonishment.

Why did Aunt Ma tug at a man and fall to the ground? What's going on

Inside and outside the door, suddenly there was silence!

"Blood, blood, Aunt Ma is bleeding?" A sharp-eyed maid screamed and pointed to the hem of Aunt Ma's dress, where a red mark flowed out in a meandering way.

Aunt Ma almost subconsciously pushed away the man in front of her, screaming with her stomach hurting, her forehead bursting with cold sweat.

"Tummy, my belly!"

"Go, call the doctor and tell me that something happened to Aunt Ma." Ning Xueyan instructed Qingyu.

"Yes, servant girl is going now." Qingyu nodded, and disappeared in a flash.

On the one hand, Ning Xueyan asked someone to help Aunt Ma, and on the other hand, she went to inform Mrs. Tai, Mrs. Ma, and the scene was even more chaotic. Except for Ning Xueyan, no one noticed that man, under the hint of Aunt Ma, secretly I took advantage of the chaos and ran out.

This series of accidents scared the maid and mother-in-law who guided Ning Xueyan!

Mrs. Tai and Mrs. Ling came very quickly. It was Lan Ning who went to invite Mrs. Ling, so she was a little later than Mrs. Ling. So far, Mrs. Ling has not realized that something is wrong. Mrs. Tai was already sitting sullenly when she entered the door. There, Aunt Ma was lying on the couch on one side, hugging her stomach, rolling over in pain, while Ning Xueyan was standing on the side with her head down, unable to see her expression clearly.

It looks like it's a trick.

"Mother, what happened?" Ling asked eagerly, proud of herself but not showing on her face.

"Mother, don't ask any more questions, first ask the doctor to come over and take a look at Aunt Ma's body." Ning Xueyan raised her head, her eyes were still frightened, it was obvious that she had just been frightened.

"What do you mean don't ask, can you not ask about such things, Xueyan, why are you here? Could it be that you ran into Aunt Ma?" Ling looked at Ning Xueyan suspiciously.

"Mother, I... no!"

No matter how she listened to it, Ling felt that Ning Xueyan's words were not, it was very forced, and looking at Mrs. Tai's gloomy face, she didn't say a word, there must be something hidden.

That's right, her granddaughter knocked her future grandson away, and the old woman is still heartbroken to death, but she can't say this in front of others, otherwise it will lose the face of the Marquis of Huguo.

But how could the Ling family let Ning Xueyan pass through the door for nothing? This matter is going to make a big fuss.

As if frightened at the moment, she raised her voice: "Ah, hey, my fifth girl, you are really... Even though Aunt Ma misunderstood you and put something in your medicine, nothing happened, how could you Really get rid of the child in her belly, that's your own brother!"

Ling's heartbroken, loudly accused Ning Xue of smoke.

She was standing right at the door, and with such a loud voice, the ladies who were passing by under the rockery couldn't help but look up here, and they also found Mrs. Ling standing at the door. They all stopped and looked over. They didn't know where What happened!

"Mother, it's not like this..." Ning Xueyan's face turned pale, and she hurriedly explained, but she clicked when she said it, and happened to ask Ling's to seize the loophole.

"It's not like this, could it be something else? That's a little life that hasn't been born yet. Why are you so cruel as a big sister, and a good son was killed? Xueyan, are so young At such a young age, why are you thinking so viciously!"

Ling said loudly, speaking uprightly, as if standing up for Aunt Ma.

He kept saying that Ning Xueyan intentionally harmed Aunt Ma's child.

Aunt Ma, who was lying on the couch, couldn't even speak because she was in pain. Han Lingshi kept making a face, but Ning Xueyan took two steps forward, blocking her sight. The ring is also tightly covered.

"Mother, how did you conclude that I did this?" Ning Xueyan put away the shock in her eyes and said flatly.

"This... It's still up to you. You're the only one here, most likely... Xueyan, how did your mother teach you, why is your heart so poisonous now!" Ling said in a loud voice.

The ladies below the rockery did not come up, but because the mountain was not high, they could hear clearly. They all looked at each other hesitantly. The ones above were the eldest lady and the fifth girl of the Huguohou Mansion. The fifth girl had a vicious mind and killed someone, so she became a little curious.

Simply stand under the rockery one by one, quietly listening to the follow-up development.

"Mother, just because I am standing here, I have become a person with vicious thoughts. If I am standing here today, my eldest sister and second sister, would my mother just sit on the two sides without asking any questions?" On this sister?" Ning Xueyan said with a cold smile on her lips, neither humble nor overbearing.

"I... I... Your two sisters, it's impossible for you two to do such a thing?" Ling was taken aback, but immediately retorted subconsciously.

"It's impossible for the two elder sisters to do such a thing. What about me? I'm so vicious in the eyes of my mother, and I can kill people with a single shot? Or did my mother know it a long time ago, and it was supposed to be like this?"

Ning Xueyan smiled and took a step forward. This made Ling's speechless, so I couldn't make up for it!

Mrs. Tai's gloomy eyes fell on Ling's body, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her lips: "Ling, Aunt Ma has no child, isn't it you who benefit the most? Why did this matter get into trouble with the fifth girl?" On the body, the fifth girl came here to treat Aunt Ma properly, but when you say it, she is thinking viciously, so what if you are not vicious?"

The pavilion was steaming with heat, just now Ning Xueyan deliberately opened the window in order to let Aunt Ma breathe fresh air, the words of Mrs. Tai came out from the slightly opened window and fell on the heads of the ladies. in the ear.

"No... wasn't it hit by snow and smoke?" Ling Shi was a little dazed at this moment, blinked her eyes, and asked in a panic.