The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 108: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun


Lu Shijin was very puzzled, where did Zhou Xueyuan say this

But the most urgent thing is not to worry about this, but to put on a surprised look of "how is it you", so that Zhou Xueyuan will not be suspicious.

So Lu Shijin tried his best to open his eyes wide, pointed at Zhou Xueyuan, and asked in horror: "You are not Junior Brother Lin, who are you!"

Zhou Xueyuan stood with his sleeves behind his sleeves, and said sarcastically: "Not long ago, I asked for double cultivation of this seat, and you forgot about this seat in a blink of an eye?"

"You are... Zhou, Uncle Zhou?!" In order to convince Zhou Xueyuan of his surprise, Lu Shijin deliberately took a step back, and he couldn't help but feel complacent about his proficient acting skills.

Zhou Xueyuan glanced at him lightly: "Of course it is me, it seems that you are not as stupid as I imagined."

Lu Shijin: "..."

If you can't speak, please don't speak!

Why is this person so annoying!

If I didn't know that you were him, I would have beaten you all over the head with a stick!

Lu Shijin took a deep breath, and decided not to argue with him for the time being, "But aren't you dead, uncle? Why did you become like Junior Brother Lin?"

"It's a long story, and you don't need to know." Zhou Xueyuan looked at him and said indifferently, "You just need to know that I and Junchen are the same person in the future, and when you see Junchen, you have to treat me with respect Just fine."

Respectful... I [beep] your uncle!

Lu Shijin was so angry that he finally recovered from his internal injury and almost relapsed. He took a few deep breaths and kept smiling politely, "Uncle Master, you mean that disciples are not worthy to ask?"

Zhou Xueyuan didn't speak, and looked at Lu Shijin's eyes, just like a high-ranking fairy looking at a mortal like an ant, the answer is self-evident.

This look undoubtedly sparked a spark in Lu Shijin's temper.

Okay, I don't deserve it, go fuck yourself!

Lu Shijin sneered silently, and bowed to Zhou Xueyuan, "Since the uncle thinks the disciple is unworthy, then the disciple dare not hang around in front of the uncle and hinder the old man's eyes, the disciple resigns."

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and open the door to leave, but Zhou Xueyuan said, "Stop."

"I don't know if Master Uncle has anything else to teach you?" Lu Shijin didn't turn his head and asked in a neutral tone.

Zhou Xueyuan coughed lightly: "This seat has not yet recovered, you have to stay and protect this seat."

"Did I hear you right?" Lu Shijin turned his head and looked at Zhou Xueyuan with a half-smile, "Uncle, you mean that you want me to stay—to protect you? The number one person in Tianqingzong also needs protection?"

Zhou Xueyuan said seriously: "It's not protection, it's a joke, how can I need someone to protect me? I just want you to protect me before I recover my skills."

Lu Shijin waved his sleeves, "I'm sorry, uncle, I think I'm as small as a speck of dust, but you are noble and holy, and I don't deserve to be by my uncle's side, so you should find another expert."

"Stop!" Seeing that Lu Shijin was about to push the door, Zhou Xueyuan finally couldn't maintain his indifferent expression, and a trace of panic appeared, "Don't leave! I don't mean that."

"Uncle, you don't need to tell me what you mean," Lu Shijin said lightly, "It's because I'm not worthy. The disciple still has something to do, so let's go first."

Zhou Xueyuan hurriedly shouted again: "Don't leave!"

"You say no, why don't you? Why?" Lu Shijin said coolly, "I don't owe you anything, and I didn't sell it to you. Why would you do such a thankless thing? You don't like me. , why am I still leaning in front of you? Am I cheap? "

"I don't mean that." Zhou Xueyuan paused, and said, "I don't look down on you, it's just that my rebirth is a big matter, and it won't do you any good if you know."

Lu Shijin said "Oh" calmly, obviously not accepting Zhou Xueyuan's explanation.

Zhou Xueyuan walked behind Lu Shijin, lowered his voice, and said, "If you can stay, I can agree to your previous... want to do double cultivation with me."

Lu Shijin turned his head abruptly, this time staring at Zhou Xueyuan in real surprise: "???"

Zhou Xueyuan tilted his head and coughed unnaturally, and said: "You don't have to be surprised, I know your feelings for me, it's all your infatuation."

Lu Shijin frowned even deeper: "???" At the same time, there were more question marks on his forehead.

"No, do you have any misunderstandings about me?" Lu Shijin didn't know what expression to make, and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "When did I fall in love with you?"

"If not," Zhou Xueyuan said sullenly, "Why would you rather die than listen to Mu Cang and kill me? If not, why are you pestering me to double cultivate with me?"

Lu Shijin: "..." What Zhou Xueyuan said, does it seem to make sense

Zhou Xueyuan raised his chin, looked at Lu Shijin silently with lowered eyelids, his expression seemed to say "Admit it, I already knew it".

Lu Shijin shook his head twice, reminding himself not to get involved with Zhou Xueyuan, wouldn't it make him more proud if he admitted that he had feelings for him

After that, can he still hold his head up in front of Zhou Xueyuan? !

"Master, you misunderstood." Lu Shijin chuckled and said slowly, "The reason why I didn't kill you is because I knew that if I killed you, I would be charged with deceiving my master and destroying my ancestors, and I would not be able to survive. I came to you for dual cultivation because I want to survive, the reason is that simple, please don't misunderstand that I have any affection for you."

Zhou Xueyuan's snow-white face blushed with embarrassment, as if someone had slapped him.

He had been proud and conceited all his life, how could he have been ridiculed like today.

It turned out that people didn't care about him at all, but he was just being sentimental.

"So, are you trying to be as good as you can in order to survive?!" Zhou Xueyuan pointed to the pile of books he brought back on the ground in order to save face, and questioned Lu Shijin, "You have only seduced me for two days. As soon as you die, you turn around and seduce your junior brother, and instruct him to buy these obscene things! It's extremely obscene!"

Obscenity? What obscenity

Lu Shijin bent down and picked up a random book on the ground. When he opened it, he saw that they were all naked and hugging small figures...

He suddenly realized, is it true that Lin Junchen lied to him that the heirloom was left in the inn just now, and that it was true when he went back to the book seller to buy these Longyang books? !

This silly boy, when did he learn to be bad? !

In Zhou Xueyuan's eyes, Lin Junchen has always been a good student who is dedicated to the Tao, diligent and hardworking, even if he is beaten to death, he will not believe that Lin Junchen will buy the Longyang book by himself.

In Zhou Xueyuan's eyes, Lu Shijin, who had no integrity in Meng Lang, naturally became the one who instigated good students to learn to be bad.

Lu Shijin was caught off guard by a big black pot that fell from the sky.

But even if there was something wrong between him and Lin Junchen, what position did Zhou Xueyuan use to accuse him

How dare you accuse others of doing their best? ! Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Lu Shijin rolled up the book in his hand, patted his palms, and said indifferently: "It's just buying some books, how can you become a man? What's more, I and Junior Brother Lin are in love with each other. Buying these things will increase the fun in the room. I have to report to Master Uncle, too?"

Zhou Xueyuan was speechless with anger, because he underestimated the thickness of Lu Shijin's face.

Lu Shijin has already talked about this point, if he must leave, how can he stop him

When did he, Zhou Xueyuan, beg others in a low voice

"Let's go." Zhou Xueyuan walked to the place that Lu Shijin had cleaned, and sat down on the blanket with his back to Lu Shijin.

Just by looking at the back, one doesn't even need to look at Zhou Xueyuan's expression, one can feel a sense of anger emanating from it.

Seeing Zhou Xueyuan deflated, Lu Shijin felt a little happier, lifted his clothes, walked towards Zhou Xueyuan triumphantly, and sat down in front of Zhou Xueyuan, facing him face to face.

Zhou Xueyuan lowered his eyes and didn't look at him, and said coldly: "Aren't you going to leave? Why are you staying?"

Lu Shijin laughed and said: "Uncle, don't get me wrong, I didn't stay here for you. Because I remembered, uncle's current body is still my junior brother's, and I stayed for the sake of my junior brother's safety."

When Zhou Xueyuan heard this, his face darkened even more, and he turned around to face the wall and meditate with his eyes closed, completely ignoring Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin made an indecent gesture towards Zhou Xueyuan's back, and then lay down on the ground, with his hands behind his head and legs raised, humming a little song to celebrate the victory.

Zhou Xueyuan meditated silently, no one talked with Lu Shijin, he was bored, and suddenly remembered those books that were abandoned on the ground, they had nothing to do, and they could just be used to pass the time.

So Gu Lu got up, went to pick up the book and brought it back to its original place, and took out a fist-sized luminous pearl from the storage bag to illuminate it, which was no darker than the light of a candle.

Lu Shijin sat down cross-legged and spread the story book on his lap, afraid that Zhou Xueyuan would not know what he was doing, so he deliberately flipped the book out loudly.

The younger brother has good taste, and the books he bought are very eclectic, and they are full of pictures and texts, Lu Shijin read them with great interest.

Before he knew it, he saw the night, Lu Shijin finished the last story book, covered his mouth and yawned, turned over and was about to go to sleep, when Zhou Xueyuan, who had been sitting there without moving for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes.


Hearing this, Lu Shijin sat up quickly, and was stunned when he saw the bewildered look on Lin Junchen's face.

what happened? Zhou Xueyuan turned into Lin Junchen again

Shouldn't night be the time for Mu Cang to come and go? How did Lin Junchen wake up

Could it be that the timing of the appearance of these three personalities is random

That would be bad! Lu Shijin secretly thought something was wrong, he could still lie to Lin Junchen that what happened last night was sleepwalking, but how would he explain what happened during the day

You can't sleepwalk during the day!

Sure enough, Lin Junchen held his forehead and began to ask: "Brother, what's wrong with me? I remember I came to look for you when I saw your signal after I left the city, but halfway through, I suddenly lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes, the person appeared here? Brother, how did I come back?"

"That..." Lu Shijin pondered the reason with a headache, "I found out that you hadn't come for a long time, so I came out to look for you and found you fainted by the side of the road. I brought you here."

"Having fainted? Why did I faint?" Lin Junchen asked suspiciously.

Lu Shijin said without changing his face: "It must be because of being too tired these few days, coupled with restlessness, it's not a big deal to get dizzy."

Lin Junchen frowned: "Really?"

Lu Shijin nodded and said seriously: "Of course it's true, how could I lie to you."

Lin Junchen scratched his head, as if he temporarily believed Lu Shijin's statement. Lu Shijin heaved a sigh of relief, but he was also worried in his heart that the fact that the three personalities shared the same body would be revealed sooner or later.

"Brother, those books..." Lin Junchen glanced at the situation in the ruined temple, and when he saw the blue books at Lu Shijin's feet, he was immediately ashamed and ashamed.

Damn it, why didn't he get dizzy sooner or later, but why did he get dizzy when he finished buying these things

Now that his brother finds out, he is completely ashamed!

When Lin Junchen mentioned this, Lu Shijin remembered, what was the reason that made Lin Junchen insist on buying these books regardless of his safety? It also caused him to be misunderstood by Zhou Xueyuan.

Lu Shijin picked up a book casually, shook it in his hand, and asked Lin Junchen with a smirk: "Junior brother, these, shouldn't they be your family heirlooms?"

"No, it's not..." Lin Junchen lowered his head in embarrassment, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

Lu Shijin: "Tell me, did you go back to the city just to buy these books?"

Lin Junchen replied in a low voice: "Yes, yes."

"Why do you want to buy it?" Lu Shijin moved over, picked up Lin Junchen's chin with a corner of the book, and made him look directly into his eyes.

Lin Junchen bit his lower lip, hesitatingly said: "Because... I want to study."

Lu Shijin was taken aback: "..." Never expected such a reason.

Lin Junchen gritted his teeth, and simply said what he wanted to say, "I'm useless, I don't know how to do this kind of thing, I wanted the senior brother to teach me before, but the senior senior brother must think I'm stupid so he rejected me this morning. So I wanted to buy these and learn by myself.”

Lu Shijin couldn't help making a "puchi" sound, but finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... So, it turns out that it's because of you... Hahaha!" Lu Shijin rolled up the book and patted Lin Junchen's forehead, "You idiot, how can you be so stupid!"

Lin Junchen covered Lu Shijin's hand, and looked at Lu Shijin aggrievedly, "Yes, I'm just stupid, brother, you can laugh if you want to."

Lu Shijin had had enough of laughing, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said dumbfoundedly: "I really didn't dislike you in the morning, don't think about it, it's really because I think it's not good to prostitute in the daytime, so I rejected you."

"Then it's already night..." Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin quietly.

"Ah?" Lu Shijin froze for a moment, he didn't expect Lin Junchen's thoughts to turn so fast.

Lin Junchen: "It's evening, will Senior Brother reject me?"

Lu Shijin's face was a little hot from his fiery eyes, and he raised his head slightly to distance himself, "Then you have learned it now?"

Lin Junchen frowned in distress, "No, I passed out before I could read it."

Lu Shijin stuffed the book into his chest with a smile, "Then it's not too late for you to study now, take it and study hard."

Lin Junchen took the book, flipped through two pages, and suddenly remembered something, and asked Lu Shijin with bright eyes: "These books... Brother, have you read them?"

Lu Shijin: "Oh, when you woke up just now, I was bored and looked through it. You have a good eye. If you buy it back, the original quality is good."

Lin Junchen asked again: "Which story do you like the most?"

Lu Shijin took five or six books in his hands, picked and picked, threw one to Lin Junchen, and said with a smile, "This one."

Lin Junchen sat upright, opened the booklet, and looked thirsty for knowledge, "Okay, then I will learn from this book."

Lu Shijin was sitting in front of him with his arms crossed in high spirits, wanting to see what Lin Junchen could learn.

It was also the first time for Lin Junchen to come into contact with this kind of reading material. He usually reads either scriptures or mental methods in Tianqingzong's Library Pavilion. Where has he seen such good things.

The young guy was full of anger, and after only a few pages, Lin Junchen was aroused by the bold sentences on the booklet, not to mention the lifelike pictures, which made Lin Junchen hot all over. It would be great if there was a piece of ice for him to lie down to cool down.

Lin Junchen raised his eyelids and glanced quietly at Lu Shijin. The senior brother had jade bones and ice muscles. He wondered if he would be as comfortable as ice when he unbuttoned his clothes and held him in his arms.

Thinking about it this way was even more terrible, Lin Junchen imagined the same picture as the picture in his mind, but the villain's face was replaced by him and Lu Shijin, and there was a burst of heat in his nose, as if something was about to flow out Same.

"Big Brother." Lin Junchen called Lu Shijin in a hoarse voice.

Lu Shijin was well aware of Lin Junchen's torment at the moment, but he pretended not to understand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Junchen closed the book and crawled to Lu Shijin's side, "I've read the book, but what's written in the book is always on paper, and it's not detailed enough. I'm a little ignorant. I think I have to practice it before I can really learn it. Senior brother, what are you doing?" Say?"

"How do you want to practice?" Lu Shijin raised the corners of his eyes and swept him sideways.

Lin Junchen opened the book again, pointed to a picture on a page, and said in a good student's tone: "I want to try the movements on this page, can you, brother?"

Lu Shijin glanced at it, good guy, the silly boy is really good at picking, he has played such difficult moves since he came up, he hasn't learned how to walk yet, but he wants to run away.

It depicted two figures, one with his arms suspended in mid-air, and the other standing behind him and lifting the former's thighs.

The artist who drew this painting is superb in his workmanship, and even the ecstatic expressions on the faces of the two villains are well drawn. Lu Shijin can't help but sigh, this artist is really talented in painting little yellow books. If he painted anything else, maybe he would have It became famous in the painting circle.

"Brother, is this okay?" Seeing that Lu Shijin was silent, Lin Junchen asked again, "Is it because you don't like it? Why don't you change it to something else?"

"Do you like it?" Lu Shijin looked at Lin Junchen and asked without answering.

Lin Junchen nodded shyly and excitedly, his fiery breath almost hit Lu Shijin's neck.

Lu Shijin couldn't bear to let the young man down, so he raised his brows and smiled with lively expression.

"That's it."

Lin Junchen was so happy that he didn't know what to do, he boldly hugged Lu Shijin and kissed him on the cheek, "Then, brother, please stand up?"

Lu Shijin stood up as he wished, and let Lin Junchen wrap two white silks around his wrists, and the other end of the white silks was thrown on the beam of the ruined temple.

The luminous pearl exuded a faint light, blending with the moonlight shining in from outside, coating their bodies with a layer of moist light.

You can occasionally hear the cooing of night owls outside, and the neighing of autumn insects, but they are not as pleasant as the occasional whispers and panting from the ruined temple...

"Brother, I like you..." Lin Junchen kissed Lu Shijin's earlobe, murmured, proving his heart to Lu Shijin over and over again.

The boy's arms were strong and strong, Lu Shijin was held in his arms, he didn't worry at all that he would fall, he just felt the different experience Lin Junchen brought him with his heart...

After a long time, the moon set and the east was twilight. The autumn insects outside stopped chirping, and the movement in the ruined temple gradually subsided.

Lin Junchen's thirst for knowledge was particularly strong, and Lu Shijin was forced to practice with him all night. When Lin Junchen finally gave up, he was already so sleepy that he fell asleep and closed his eyes.

Lin Junchen lay down next to him, not sleeping honestly, insisting on putting his arms around his waist to hug Lu Shijin, full of possessiveness.

However, Lu Shijin felt that not long after he closed his eyes, Lin Junchen's hand was dishonest again, and he reached into his shirt and poked down.

The young man's energy is really strong, but he is so intemperate, even a vixen can't stand it!

Lu Shijin tried his best not to faint, patted Lin Junchen's hand angrily, and cursed: "You're still here after you've been doing it all night? Can you stop? It's not just this one time, you have to squeeze it all out." It's me?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Shijin felt that the hand that had been inserted into his clothes really stopped, but he didn't pull it out, as if it was frozen.

He was really sleepy, as long as Lin Junchen didn't pester him, he could do whatever he wanted, and Lu Shijin didn't bother.

But who would have thought that in the next second, that hand would forcefully wrap around Lu Shijin's waist, turning him over.

"What are you doing!" Lu Shijin closed his eyes, squeezed Lin Junchen's hand and scolded, "Can you let me sleep for a while? If you keep messing around, I'll get angry!"

"Are you angry? Do you still have reason to be angry?"

The voice next to his ear was as cold as ice, with a strong evil spirit, definitely not like the tone that Lin Junchen would use when speaking!

Lu Shijin's sleepiness suddenly disappeared, and he hurriedly opened his eyes, facing Shangmu Cang's deep eyes filled with cold air, in which monstrous anger was brewing.

"You... how, what, just, come?" Lu Shijin didn't know what to say, and jumped out word by word.

Damn, can you still say that you can change people when you change people? Not even a hello

Don't bring such a playful person? If this continues, he will become schizophrenic!

"Do you think that I am here early, or that I am late?" Mu Cang stared at Lu Jinjin's face and asked coldly.

Lu Shijin: "... No, don't you usually show up at night? It's almost dawn, why do you..."

"Oh, yes, so I didn't show up last night, so you thought I wouldn't show up, so you dare to be so confident and dare to cuckold me, don't you?" Mu Cang unconsciously moved his hand Pinching Shang Lu Shijin's neck, his voice was cold, "Do you know what will happen to those who dare to betray me?"

Lu Shijin: "!!!" He is a scholar who meets a soldier, it's hard to tell why!

Mu Cang's black eyes burst into anger: "Say! Who did you spend the night with? Is it Zhou Xueyuan, that beast in clothes?!"

Lu Shijin: "...No."

Mu Cang froze for a moment, "Lin Junchen?"

Lu Shijin pursed his lips and stopped talking, Mu Cang smiled instead of anger, "Very good, you just said 'it's not just this time', are you planning to sleep with him a few times, because you think my head is not green enough? ?"

Lu Shijin felt that the hand on his neck had a slight tendency to tighten, and quickly shook his head to defend himself: "No, please calm down and listen to me! I think that you are the same person, and I am not betraying you ah!"

"The same person?" Mu Cang sneered, "I don't bother sharing my body with other people. I tell you, this body will belong to me sooner or later!"

Lu Shijin has a bit of a headache, Mu Cang actually wants to monopolize his body? Still think the world is not chaotic enough? Do you still think he is not tired enough

"Musang, you, Zhou Xueyuan, and Lin Junchen are originally three personalities of one person. Only when you fuse together can you be called a complete person. Why do you have to kill each other?" Lu Shijin persuaded earnestly.

"You say that because you are afraid that I will kill your good junior brother?" The flames of jealousy burned Mu Cang's reason, and he could no longer listen to any persuasion. After a happy night, he wished he could strangle Lu Shijin to death and stab himself twice!

Lu Shijin struggled to breathe, grabbed Mu Cang's hand on his neck, and tried hard to break free from Mu Cang's grasp.

Fortunately, Mu Cang controlled his evil thoughts and didn't really hit hard. As soon as Lu Shijin resisted, he let go of his hand.

The freed Lu Shijin struggled to sit up, coughed violently while rubbing his neck, and looked at Mu Cang with lingering fear.

For a moment, he felt that Mu Cang really wanted to kill him, and a chill ran down his back.

Originally, he thought that the appearance of the three personalities had rules to follow. If so, he also had a way to deal with it so that they would not be aware of each other.

But the current development of changing people without warning has gone beyond Lu Shijin's control. It is impossible to hide it for a while, and sooner or later they will find out the existence of the other party.

At this moment, Lu Shijin only had one question in mind, how to stop these three personalities from killing each other.

Good and evil are inherently in a single thought.

Although Mu Cang has evil thoughts, he is not a vicious person. He will help him heal his wounds and show mercy to his subordinates.

Although Lin Junchen has kind thoughts, he will also have extreme thoughts. Lin Junchen in the original plot is an example.

Lu Shijin asked 711 for help in distress: "Is there any way to make Mu Cang and Lin Junchen get along with each other in a friendly way, preferably as one? Otherwise, not only will my kidneys be overwhelmed, but I'm afraid my life will also be lost." .”

711: "Wait, did you forget that there is another Zhou Xueyuan?"

"Oh, you're talking about that arrogant, self-obsessed, arrogant and stinky protagonist?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Let him die."