The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 114: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun


"Are you awake? Hehe..." Lu Shi took two steps back, facing the furious Mu Cang, he didn't know what to say other than a smirk, and felt that he was about to be completely ruined by these three personalities.

Every day is either on the way to the overturned car or at the scene of the overturned car.

After coaxing one to offend the other, and then having to coax the other again, what crime did Lu Shijin do in his previous life? !

"Who do you want to marry?"

Mu Cang's face was pale, his voice was cold, and he looked like a vampire who didn't see the light of day. Lu Shijin felt that if he didn't satisfy him with his answer, Mu Cang would come over and bite his neck in the next second.

"And... and you." Lu Shijin muttered in a low voice, "Who else but you."

Mu Cang: "Really? But why did I just listen to you, that's not what I said."

"Why not? Is there anyone else here besides the two of us? So this is naturally for you." Lu Shijin said nonchalantly.

Of course Mu Cang didn't believe it, and suddenly appeared in front of Lu Shijin like a ghost, and grabbed his hand to prevent Lu Shijin from retreating, "How dare you argue, if I didn't hear it with my own ears, how long are you going to hide it from me?!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't want to hide it from you!" Seeing that he couldn't be fooled, Lu Shijin waved his hands again and again and said, "Calm down first and don't rush to get angry at me. You can see for yourself what this place is?"

Mu Cang looked around, "The mustard space? So what?"

Lu Shijin said helplessly: "This is Zhou Xueyuan's mustard space. Just before you appeared, he was about to lock me up here and not let me go out. Do you think I should follow his wishes and say something nice to stabilize him? Otherwise, I will be locked up here by him, where will you find me?"

After hearing this, Mu Cang's dark face softened a little, and he asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Lu Shijin nodded sincerely, "Of course it's true."

"Then you lied to Zhou Xueyuan when you said you wanted to join him?" Mu Cang let go of Lu Shijin's hand and asked.

Lu Shijin: "That's not true."

Mu Cang's face darkened again, "You!"

"But if I said I wanted to hide it from you and Junior Brother Lin, I lied to him!" Lu Shijin swore to the sky before Mu Cang got angry.

Mu Cang: "What's the difference between the two?"

Lu Shijin: "Of course I do. I not only want to join Zhou Xueyuan, but also you and Junior Brother Lin, so I naturally have to ask you about such a big matter."

Mu Cang looked at him and sneered, "Your heart is not small, and you want to join the three of us at the same time, hugging left and right, very chic."

Lu Shijin clicked his tongue and dared not agree: "I didn't think so. I have always regarded the three of you as one. You are the ones who caused internal divisions. Don't rely on me, okay? Unless you have a way Divide one into three, otherwise, if I am with any one of you, it is the same as being with the other two, do you want me to also finely separate three personalities to match with you? This is simply too difficult!"

Mu Cang: "I have said that this body will belong to me sooner or later. Even if you want to join, you, Lu Shijin, still bear the title of 'Music Master of the Demon Realm, Mu Cang's Taoist Companion', and it has nothing to do with anyone else!"

Lu Shijin didn't want to talk, he was already getting nervous exhausted by them.

In the final analysis, the source of all these contradictions is Zhou Xueyuan's fault!

Okay, why did so many personalities split out! Now the three personalities are killing each other, fighting each other and being jealous, why is it that he is the most innocent who suffers!

Is there any way to calm the fight between them? Or let them blend together

But when he thought that Mu Cang and Lin Junchen might not be seen after the main personality and the secondary personality merged into one, Lu Shijin felt a little uncomfortable again.

In all fairness, if the three of them don't fight for life and death, Lu Shijin is still willing to get along with these three personalities.

In fact, it feels quite amazing, just like falling in love with three different people every day, if it is not hovering on the verge of overturning at any time.

Lu Shijin laughed secretly at himself for being too greedy. Sometimes, he wanted everything, but often he didn't get anything.

The conflict between the three needs to find a perfect solution after all. He can't just watch them kill each other like last time.

He has already experienced life and death once, and he never wants to experience it again.

"Convenience store, do you have any good way to make the three of them coexist peacefully?" Lu Shijin asked 711 without hope.

The 711 that has been forgotten for a long time is online, "At present, it seems that there is no. Host, in fact, you are the contradiction that caused them to fight. They all want to monopolize you, so they will always be hostile to the other two personalities."

Lu Shijin: "Then is it possible that they can shake hands and make peace if I disappear?"

"Of course I don't mean that," 711 explained, "I mean, don't forget what our purpose in this world is, we are here to do tasks, not to mediate conflicts between them, as long as the tasks are completed , we can leave this world, even if the three personalities want to fight, they have no chance, right?"

After some reminders from 711, Lu Shijin immediately understood.

That's right! Why should he worry about personality fusion and split personality? As soon as the task is completed, all these troubles are gone!

"How's the audience refreshment and plot completion?" Lu Shijin finally found the key to solve the problem, and asked excitedly.

711: "Fifty percent of thirty percent."

After getting the data, Lu Shijin suddenly withered into an eggplant that had been beaten by frost, "It's only so small?"

711: "The main character, Lin Junchen, hasn't started to grow yet. The excitement of being wronged and kicked out of the teacher's school and then coming back to revenge and abuse the scum is gone. The progress must be slow."

Lu Shijin was suffering from a headache, and Lin Junchen's playing time had been shortened by one-third, so it's no wonder the audience felt refreshed!

We must find a way to help the junior brother rise!

However, Lin Junchen must not be allowed to follow the old path of the original plot. Although he cannot become a demon king, he must be a righteous leader or something to be happy!

What a headache!

"What are you thinking?" Mu Cang asked strangely seeing Lu Shijin's sudden frown.

Lu Shijin supported his forehead and said wearily, "It's nothing, I was thinking about how we can get out if Zhou Xueyuan is not here."

"Why do you want to go out?" Mu Cang asked.

Lu Shijin looked at him in surprise, "Why don't you want to go out?"

Mu Cang took two steps casually with his hands behind his back, "The green mountains and green waters here are beautiful, so what's wrong with it? No matter what, it's better than those bull-nosed old Taoists facing Tianqingzong."

Lu Shijin: " can think about it."

Mu Cang looked over at the wooden house, with a leisurely smile on his lips, "If Zhou Xueyuan knew that I was double cultivating with you in his mustard space, do you think he would be so angry? It's a pity, it's a pity that I Sagittarius can't see his deflated expression with his own eyes, it must be very satisfying."

Lu Shijin slandered, if Zhou Xueyuan really found out, he would not only be so angry that his seven orifices would smoke, he might be so angry that he would commit seppuku on the spot!

"No, I don't just want to double cultivate with you." Mu Cang suddenly thought of a trick that could make Zhou Xueyuan vomit to death, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows triumphantly. He pulled Lu Shijin to the cabin, "I want to get ahead of him." Become a member of your family! Be ahead of him and announce to the world that you are my Taoist partner, Mu Cang!"

Lu Shijin was a little at a loss: "... Wait, wait, this is going to be a union? There is nothing here, isn't it too hasty?"

Mu Cang stopped and looked back at him, his eyes turned cold, "Why, you don't want to?"

Lu Shijin: "It's not that I don't want to, it's just... just..."

He hesitated for a while, unable to explain why, although he didn't really resist in his heart, but he always felt that this was inappropriate, and he was afraid that doing so would hurt the other two.

Seeing Lu Shijin's hesitation, Mu Cang felt jealousy and anger rising in his heart, "When you were facing Zhou Xueyuan, you were still willing to pretend that you were willing to coax him, but when you come to this seat, you don't even want to pretend, do you?! If you said that you would choose me among the three, you lied to me, right?"

Lu Shijin was a little afraid of Mu Cang like this, and couldn't help but retract his hands, "No, that's not the case, listen to my explanation..."

Sensing Lu Shijin's evasion, Mu Cang became even more furious. He couldn't listen to any explanation at all, and dragged Lu Shijin into the cabin, "Come with me!"

What would happen if he entered the cabin with Mu Cang, Lu Shijin was not sure, but he had a premonition that something terrible would happen.

Walking outside the wooden house, Lu Shijin quickly hugged a pillar, refusing to take another step inside.

"If you have anything to say, you can just say it outside, why go into the house!"

Mu Cang stopped, looked at Lu Shijin's reluctance to die, smiled instead of anger, "I'll ask you again, will you come in or not?"

"No way, no way! I know if you'll do something weird to me!" Lu Shijin said, poking his neck.

"Don't force me to do anything to you." Mu Cang coldly threatened.

"Move, don't you still want to slap me to death?" Lu Shijin hugged some pillars tightly again, smashing the jar, "You come here! I'm a coward if I hide!"

Mu Cang really walked towards Lu Shijin step by step, and slowly raised one hand to the top of Lu Shijin's head, as if ready to take a picture at any time.

Lu Shijin's eyes widened. Damn, is he serious

Lu Shijin immediately forgot what he said just now, let go of the pillar and ran back, this time, he recited the Sword Control Art more neatly than ever before, stepped on the flying sword and just ran for his life.

Fortunately, Zhou Xueyuan's mustard space has no restrictions on the use of spells. Mu Cang didn't realize it for a while, and was giving Lu Shijin a chance to escape. When he realized it, he immediately went after him with his sword.

In Zhou Xueyuan's mustard seed space, the two staged a good show where you chased me and ran away.

Lu Shijin was not proficient in manipulating the flying sword to run around the hills, scolding his mother in his heart, the big devil is the big devil, if he disagrees with him, he will be shot to death, if he talks to that bastard Mu Cang again, he will be a stick!

Lu Shijin began to miss Lin Junchen and Zhou Xueyuan very much, and prayed in his heart to change people quickly, he didn't want to continue flying around in the sky anymore, he didn't have enough adrenaline, hey!

Once a person's desire to survive is stimulated, the potential will be infinite. Lu Shijin is flying fast with his sword, but Mu Cang is trapped in Lin Junchen's body and his mana is limited, so he couldn't catch up with him for a while.

"Big brother! Why are you flying so fast, you wait for me!"

Lu Shijin suddenly heard someone calling him "senior brother" behind him, the tone sounded like Lin Junchen, so he couldn't help but slow down, and turned his head to look back.

Lin Junchen waved at him and chased after him, "Brother, where are we? Why are you hiding from me?"

Lu Shijin was still a little skeptical that he would be replaced by such a coincidence

But his daze had already given Lin Junchen a chance to catch up with him.

Lin Junchen flew to the same position as him, gasped and asked inexplicably, "Elder brother, why are you hiding from me?"

Lu Shijin carefully observed Lin Junchen's expression, and found nothing amiss, and the tight string in his heart relaxed a little.

"You don't know, there was a bastard who wanted to kill me just now! Fortunately, I got rid of him cleverly. Damn, if I talk to that bastard again, I will write my name upside down!"

Lin Junchen: "Which bastard is it?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, decided not to tell Lin Junchen the truth for the time being, and wrote lightly: "It's nothing, you don't know him."

"Then let's go down first?" Lin Junchen suggested.

Lu Shijin nodded in agreement, and pressed down the blade of the sword with Lin Junchen, falling to the ground.

Lu Shijin had just retracted his sword, and before he had time to put it back into the scabbard, Lin Junchen suddenly reached out and snatched his sword. Lu Shijin looked at him strangely, "Junior Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

After "Lin Junchen" handed over Lu Shijin's weapon, his expression changed suddenly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was the arc that Lu Shijin was very familiar with.

"You're not Lin Junchen! You're Mu Cang!" Lu Shijin took two steps back in disbelief, trying to run away, but Mu Cang hugged him lazily, carried him on his shoulders easily, and headed towards the cabin go.

"Are you childish or not?" Lu Shijin scratched and scratched Mu Cang's back to vent his anger, "You pretended to be Junior Brother Lin to lie to me?! You liar, bastard! Put me down!"

Mu Cang didn't pay attention to his harmless attack, and said coldly: "Sure enough, no matter whether you have Zhou Xueyuan or Lin Junchen, you have more trust in this seat. Lin Junchen can make you turn back with a single word." , but you avoid me like a snake and a scorpion."

"If you didn't want to kill me, would I run away?" Lu Shijin retorted angrily.

Mu Cang said eloquently: "It can be seen that you don't have any trust in me at all, that's why you feel that I want to kill you. If that's the case, then I might as well let this villain go to the end."

"What do you want?" Lu Shijin stopped his hands, feeling something was wrong, "Don't act recklessly, or I will really ignore you in the future."

Mu Cang patted Lu Shijin's buttocks, and said lightly: "Now you know how to be afraid? It's too late."


Lu Shijin only hated why Zhou Xueyuan had to leave a small wooden house in the mustard space.

Just giving Mu Cang a chance to torture him.


Do you know how Mu Cang treated him

Not only tied him into the small wooden house, but also sucked away his yang energy through double cultivation.

Insufficient yang energy, the poor Lu Shijin showed his prototype and turned into a little fox with snow-white fur.

Satisfied, Mu Cang pulled Lu Shijin out of the quilt, hugged the little fox's head in his arms, "In this way, I won't be afraid of you messing with me."

Lu Shijin shook his head and bit Mu Cang's hand, but he didn't even have the strength to bite down hard. He tilted his head and just wanted to lie down like a salted fish.

Life, oh no, why is fox life so difficult.

Lu Shijin was extremely tired and fell into a deep sleep. Mu Cang saw that he was extremely tired, so he stopped teasing him, put him on the bed and covered him with a quilt, and then lay down next to Lu Shijin.

He originally wanted to hug Lu Shijin's waist, but where did the fox's waist come from, so Mu Cang put his hand on the little fox's soft belly, and fell asleep with Lu Shijin.

There is no concept of time in the mustard space. If it is not according to the owner's will, the sun can hang in the sky forever and never set.

Therefore, Lu Shijin didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, he tried to sit up and stretch as usual, but failed.

He opened his round fox eyes sleepily, looked at his short limbs, and finally remembered that he had become a fox again.

Lu Shijin covered his face with his paws, and lamented that he might be the first fox whose yang energy was sucked back by someone. It was the shame of the nine-tailed fox!

The despicable and shameless old thief Mu Cang actually came up with such a detrimental trick against him!

In this way, it is impossible for him to double cultivate with his junior brother or Zhou Xueyuan, because humans and beasts will be harmonized!

Lu Shijin woke up first, while Mu Cang was still sleeping next to him, when Lu Shijin saw him, he became furious, and bit Mu Cang's arm hard like revenge, Mu Cang woke up immediately with his eyes open.

"Hiss—" the man covered his arm, and was about to fight back against his attacker. When he saw clearly what was lying on the bed, he couldn't help raising his voice in surprise, "Xiaobai?"

Lu Shijin blinked his fox eyes, he hadn't heard the name "Xiaobai" for a long time, and Lin Junchen was the only one who could call him that, so, the little junior in front of him must not be Mu Cang pretending again, right

Lin Junchen hugged Lu Shijin, and looked at each other, "Brother, why did you become a fox again?"

"It's a long story, so let's not talk about it." The fox sighed, and then he was stunned after he finished speaking. He couldn't believe that he could still talk in the fox form. "What the hell? Can I talk?"

A fox that can speak human language is indescribably weird, but Lin Junchen knows that Xiaobai is his elder brother, so he doesn't find it scary at all, but finds it very interesting and cute.

Lin Junchen took a look at the surrounding environment. This place was not familiar to him, so he asked Lu Shijin, "Brother, where are we? What's going on?"

Lu Shijin twisted the fox's body, motioning for Lin Junchen to put him down.

The little fox pursed his pointed mouth and complained softly: "This is Zhou Xueyuan's mustard space. He brought me here and then disappeared. We can't get out until he comes back."

"Uncle Zhou?" Lin Junchen lowered his eyes thoughtfully, and suddenly raised his head to look seriously at Lu Shijin, "Brother, please tell me the truth, the incarnation of Uncle Zhou's kindness you mentioned to me... is he, is it me?" ?”

Lu Shijin's fox eyes widened: "... how do you know?"

Lin Junchen smiled miserably, "Recently I always lose consciousness inexplicably, and after waking up, I don't remember what happened during the time when I lost consciousness. The first time my brother could lie to me that I was sleepwalking, but I can't do it in the daytime later. Sleepwalking? In fact, the second time, I vaguely guessed the reason, but I just didn’t want to face the reality.”

Lu Shijin was silent, he already knew that fire could not be covered with paper, and Lin Junchen was so smart, he could only hide it from him for a while.

"I was in the bronze mirror that day, and I saw the picture that Uncle Zhou deliberately left in the bronze mirror for me to see, so I understood it all." Lin Junchen said dejectedly, "I'm just a clone of him, so he Only then will I have the confidence to let me kill him, because he can be resurrected through my body."

"Bronze mirror?" Lu Shijin remembered something and subconsciously denied it, "That's not him."

Lin Junchen frowned to express his doubts, "Isn't it him? Could there be someone else?"

Forget it, Lin Junchen has the right to know the truth, and there is no point in hiding it from him. Even though he was created by Zhou Xueyuan, he is now an independent individual and has the right to decide his own life.

Lu Shijin decided to confess everything to Lin Junchen, so he explained to Lin Junchen the ins and outs of Zhou Xueyuan and Mu Cang's two personalities awakening in Lin Junchen at the same time.

After hearing this, Lin Junchen's eyes showed disbelief.

He thought that there was only one Zhou Xueyuan occupying half of his body, but he didn't expect that there was a big devil hiding in his body

"Brother, is this true?"

Knowing the truth, Lin Junchen's face was gloomy, and he asked Lu Shijin with the last hope, expecting to hear Lu Shijin tell himself that everything was just a joke with him.

Lu Shijin didn't answer, but used his fox head to hug Lin Junchen's hand, comforting him silently.

Lin Junchen stared forward blankly, not knowing where to focus. Lu Shijin knew that this kind of truth must be difficult for him to accept, so he didn't make any noise to disturb him, giving him time to adapt.

"Brother, it must be difficult for you to be caught between the three of us, right?" Lin Junchen suddenly said, patted Lu Shijin's head, and hugged the fox in his arms.

Lu Shijin's heart was a little sore. At this time, Lin Junchen could still consider his embarrassment. Compared with the other two bastards, it was really a judgment call.

Only the innocent and kind junior brother, after learning the truth, the first thing he thought of was not to kill each other, but to comfort him.

Feeling hot in Lu Shijin's heart, he raised his forelegs and hugged Lin Junchen, and moved his head into Lin Junchen's chest, "It's fine, don't worry about me."

"Brother, who made you into what you are now?" Lin Junchen asked suddenly.

Lu Shijin finally found someone to confide his grievances to, and eagerly accused Mu Cang of his evil deeds with Lin Junchen.

The little fox wheezed in his bright black nose, and said angrily: "It's Mu Cang! He's too good to lie to me by pretending to be you, little junior brother. I was careless and fell into his ways. It's extremely hateful!"

Lin Junchen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he rubbed the little fox's ears quietly, comforting him: "Brother calm down, don't worry, I will avenge you."

Lu Shijin: "... huh?" Although Mu Cang was indeed too much, well, it can't be said that revenge is so serious, right? Could the younger brother be wrong

"This is my body, no one can take it away." Lin Junchen finished speaking in a deep voice, then looked down at the little fox in his arms, and there was one more sentence he didn't finish—including you.