The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 133: Husband is a lemonade


Although he was very excited about the high-altitude game, Lu Shijin suddenly remembered that he and Fang Xiran hadn't completely reconciled.

The reason why he agreed to Fang Xiran to go back with him was also because he was worried about Fang Xiran's health, and he hadn't completely forgiven Fang Xiran yet.

No matter how pitiful Fang Xiran said about himself and how well-reasoned he was, he must not let go easily this time, and he must learn the lesson so that he will not dare to do it again in the future.

"Get lost." Lu Shijin pushed Fang Xiran away expressionlessly, "Don't push yourself too hard, I'm not ready to forgive you yet."

"Not forgiven yet?" Fang Xiran sat back, aggrieved, "What do you want me to do after I'm like this? Do you have any compassion?"

"Sorry, no." Lu Shijin said coldly, "I am willing to help you deal with your stepmother, and I am willing to forgive you for your bad attitude towards me before are two different things, don't confuse them."

Fang Xiran asked quietly: "Then what exactly do you want to forgive me?"

Lu Shijin raised his chin and thought for a while, "It depends on your performance, we will wait until you satisfy me."

Fang Xiran turned his head and looked sadly at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window. Now he finally understands what Zhao Ze said about the crematorium, which can torture the dead.

Just regret, a hundred thousand regrets.

The plane passed through the clouds and landed at the airport an hour and a half later.

Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin returned to Fang's house at night.

The Fang family knew the news that the two were coming back in advance, so Xu Meiru ordered the servant to prepare a bigger dinner.

She learned from Fang Zhuoer that Lu Shijin and Fang Xiran had a conflict, and this was an opportunity she could use.

When it was time for dinner, Fang Chen also came back.

After eating, the family sat at the dining table and started chatting. Fang Xiran suddenly announced that he had recovered his memory, which surprised everyone except Lu Shijin.

Especially Xu Meiru's complexion was as pale as paper because of a guilty conscience.

However, Fang Chen's attention was focused on the eldest son, and he didn't notice his wife's slight expression. He asked overjoyedly, "When did you recover? Do you really remember it?"

Fang Xiran: "Just this time when I went to City H, I suddenly remembered everything from the past."

"That's great bro," Fang Zhuoer clapped his hands, raised the wine glass on the table and smiled at Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin, "I'm so happy to see you and sister-in-law coming back together. Today is really a double blessing."

However, both Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin sat still, making Fang Zhuoer feel like a hot-headed man with a shaved head, so he put down his wine glass in embarrassment.

what happened? Everyone came back together, isn't it reconciled

Fang Chen didn't know about the quarrel between Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin before, and didn't understand their charades, so he asked suspiciously, "What double happiness is coming? What other happiness?"

Fang Zhuoer laughed dryly: "Isn't it a happy event for our family to reunite?"

"Well said!" Fang Chen looked at Lu Shijin happily, "Now you and Xiran went to City H, and Xiran recovered his memory. You are really the lucky star of our family!"

"You're being serious. It's Xiran who has a lot of blessings. In fact, I can't help you." Lu Shijin forced a smile to let others see the lonely expression on his face.

Fang Chen comforted him: "Don't say that, I've noticed your care for Xiran, don't worry..."

Fang Xiran interrupted Fang Chen quietly: "Father, after I recovered my memory, I remembered something."

Fang Chen shifted his attention: "What's the matter?"

Fang Xiran pretended to glance in Xu Meiru's direction casually, and said slowly: "I don't think the car accident was an accident, but someone wanted to harm me."

"Someone wants to kill you? Who wants to kill you?" Fang Chen's expression immediately became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Who dares to kill my son Fang Chen?!"

Fang Zhuoer was also surprised, and interrupted to ask: "But didn't the police investigate before, saying that the driver was driving tired, was it an accident?"

Fang Xiran: "I was driving on a two-way road with a speed limit of 80, and the driver who caused the accident hit me at a speed of at least 100 yards per hour, and there were other cars beside me at the time, but he seemed to have premeditated It's like hitting me, I can't avoid him even if I turn the steering wheel. And when there is a car accident, shouldn't the first reaction of a normal person be to step on the brakes? Instead, he presses the accelerator to accelerate, don't you think it's weird?"

While Fang Xiran was speaking, Xu Meiru kept her head down. Although she looked calm on the surface, her hands on her lap tightly clenched the tablecloth, and her well-manicured nails dug deep into the flesh to keep her calm down.

She was really afraid that Fang Xiran would point the finger at her in the next second.

"Do you have anyone to suspect?" Fang Chen asked Fang Xiran.

Xu Meiru straightened her back all of a sudden, biting her back molars tightly, all the blood on her face was gone.

Fang Xiran caught a glimpse of Xu Meiru's expression from the corner of his eye, sneered slightly, shook his head and said, "Not yet, but if someone really ordered it, the key is to pry the driver's mouth open."

Fang Chen pondered for a while, his expression sullen and stern, "It's not that I never thought that someone deliberately caused this car accident, but the place where the car accident happened was not monitored, and no witnesses were found, and you were still unconscious, so I just No evidence can be found. Hearing what you said now, there is indeed a lot of doubt. I will send someone to investigate this matter carefully. Anyone who wants to touch my son, Fang Chen, I will definitely make him pay the price. "

Fang Zhuoer, who didn't know the truth, patted the table and echoed: "That's right! The murderer behind the scenes must pay the price! It's horrible, this is murder!"

The table that Fang Zhuoer patted made Xu Meiru terrified. She couldn't help but glared at her son bitterly. She wanted to get rid of Fang Xiran only to pave the way for Fang Zhuoer, but her son helped Fang Xiran deal with her

Xu Meiru was angry and impatient, raising such a son who had no plans, why did she go to such lengths to plan!

After chatting, everyone left the dining table one after another. Fang Zhuoer returned to his room and was about to take a bath when he heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door, it turned out to be Xu Meiru.

Fang Zhuoer: "Mom, do you need me?"

"Well," Xu Meiru closed the door with her backhand, "Go in and talk."

"But I have to take a shower. Is there anything we can't talk about later?" Fang Zhuoer lifted the hem of his clothes and fanned the wind. "I'm sweating after dinner. It's so hot."

Seeing her son's heartless appearance, Xu Meiru got angry, slapped her son and said angrily, "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Fang Zhuoer lay down on the sofa and Ge You said, "Ask."

Xu Meiru: "Did your brother and sister-in-law have a conflict before?"

"Yeah," Fang Zhuoer looked at her inexplicably, "Didn't I tell you before?"

"Then did they reconcile when they came back this time?" Xu Meiru asked.

Fang Zhuoer lifted his chin and recalled the scene at the dinner table just now. Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin had no interaction at the dinner table just now, and he toasted them, but they didn't drink. It was obvious that they were still in a cold war.

Fang Zhuoer shook his head, "It's hard to say, probably not."

Xu Meiru: "Does your eldest brother treat your sister-in-law well?"

"I don't think it's good enough," Fang Zhuoer said honestly, spreading his hands, "When my elder brother lost his memory, he was always suspicious and had a weird temper. He actually suspected that my sister-in-law liked me? Mom, do you think it's funny?"

Xu Meiru made up her mind, and squeezed out a smile on her face, "Yeah, it's really funny. All right, you can take a shower, I'm leaving."

"Ah? Gone?" Fang Zhuoer sat up, "Is this what you want to ask me?"

Xu Meiru rolled her eyes at her son, "Otherwise, what else do you think? As the hostess of this family, it's only natural for me to care about the emotional issues of family members?"

Fang Zhuoer: "Okay, okay, who told you to be my mother, you can say whatever you want."

"Son," Xu Meiru suddenly turned serious, and asked Fang Zhuoer seriously, "If mom makes a serious mistake, will you forgive mom?"

"It depends on how serious the mistake is. If your mistake is murder and arson, even if I forgive you, the law can't forgive you." Fang Zhuoer didn't think deeply, and said carelessly, "But who If you are my mother, even if you make a mistake, at worst, I will pay your mother's debts, and I will take the blame for you."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xu Meiru couldn't help her eyes burning when she heard that her son was still protecting her, and her heart was filled with regret. She was afraid that Fang Zhuoer would become suspicious when she saw her tears, so she turned around quickly, "I'm leaving, you Go to bed early and play less games, it’s not good for your eyes.”

"I got it, I got it, you have to talk eight times a day!" Fang Zhuoer followed Xu Meiru and sent her out.

Coming out of Fang Zhuoer's room, Xu Mei made up her mind.

Fang Xiran has already recovered her memory, so she might have already suspected her.

No, she can't sit still and wait for things to be revealed. She must not let others know what she did, and she must not let Fang Zhuoer know that his mother is actually a murderer!

She absolutely does not allow her son, whom she regards as a treasure, to be stained in any way.

So Fang Xiran, he had to!

While thinking about countermeasures, Xu Meiru walked towards the elevator to go downstairs, turned a corner, but inadvertently saw Lu Shijin standing at the French window of the living room on the second floor and looking out the window.

Xu Meiru thought that the opportunity had come, she turned her footsteps, walked towards Lu Shijin, and asked kindly, "Shijin, why are you standing here alone?"

Lu Shijin turned around, nodded and said hello, "Good evening ma'am, I just took a look at the scenery, are you here to find Zall?"

"That's right," Xu Meiru smiled friendly, "I heard from him earlier that you seem to have had some conflicts with Xiran, how is it, are you reconciled?"

Lu Shijin smiled wryly and shook his head, "The knot that has formed in my heart for a long time cannot be untied in a short while."

Xu Meiru said empathetically: "Did Xiran make things difficult for you? He had lost his memory before, which caused him to have a bad temper, but fortunately, he has recovered his memory now. One day, he will find out that you are good. And you are about to Don't think about it too much when you're married."

Lu Shijin lowered his head and sighed; "This marriage should not be possible."

Xu Meiru pretended to be surprised: "Why do you say that?"

Lu Shijin glanced at her, pursed his lower lip as if he was about to speak.

Xu Meiru encouraged him with a smile, "Although I am Xiran's stepmother, I always love him as my own son. If you marry him, I will treat you as my own son. If you believe me, what's the matter?" You can talk to me, maybe I can enlighten you."

"Ma'am, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that this matter is really hard to tell." Lu Shijin took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, "But in this family, besides you, I really don't know who to tell... "

Xu Meiru thought that Lu Shijin was going to tell her the big secret about Fang Xiran, so she was so excited, "Good boy, tell me, I will definitely keep it a secret for you."

Lu Shijin stared at Xu Meiru for a while, then leaned in front of her, lowered his head and whispered mysteriously, "Xi Ran... was injured in a car accident, so... he can't behave humanly."

Xu Meiru opened her eyes wide in surprise, and raised her volume unconsciously: "What?" Realizing that her voice was too loud, she lowered her voice again, "Really? How could it hurt there?"

Lu Shijin sighed again, "It's true, we've tried it, and he can't do it. So maybe this is also the reason why his personality has changed drastically. After all, he has lost his masculinity."

Xu Meiru frowned and thought for a while, then thought about it, and patted Lu Shijin's arm with a smile, "It's okay, child, now that technology is so advanced, there is hope of curing any disease, Western medicine can't do it, let's go to Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine can't do it, and For folk remedies, I will help you pay attention to the experts who treat this disease, and they will definitely be able to cure Xiran's disease!"

Lu Shijin showed a grateful smile: "Then I will trouble you, thank you."