The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 136: Survival in the last days


Lu Shijin's consciousness was awakened during the high-altitude landing.

He opened his eyes, and there was an endless plain beneath him. Villages were scattered on both sides of the river, and roads criss-crossed, connecting every household.

It seems that the picture is very harmonious, but if you look closely, you can find that everything is weird.

No crops were planted in the fields, weeds were overgrown, and there were no people or cars in front of the houses or on the roads. Except for the water in the river, the picture seemed to be still.

Lu Shijin didn't forget that he was still falling. Looking up, he saw a huge black parachute behind him, and the straps of the parachute were tied to his body.

It turned out that he had parachuted from the plane.

what's the situation

"The story background and plot introduction of this world are being transmitted..."

As the familiar voice sounded, a lot of information about this world flooded into Lu Shijin's mind.

This is a suspenseful adventure drama, the background is the end of the world.

How the end of the world came, it all started with the meteorite that hit the earth.

On a certain day a few months ago, a meteorite hit a certain wasteland in South America, smashing a huge crater on the surface.

It is not uncommon for a meteorite to hit the earth, and it is a meteorite that is not too big, and the place where it landed is not an area where residents gather, so the local government does not take it seriously.

The locals also deliberately went to see the crater and took pictures as souvenirs.

But within two days, something went wrong.

First of all, all the local radio signals disappeared, and all the electronic products became useless all of a sudden. Before the local government sent experts to find out the reason, this disaster has quickly spread to the whole world.

However, within a day, the earth's magnetic field has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only the information networks of all countries in the world are directly paralyzed, but everything related to the magnetic field either disappears or becomes a decoration.

Human life is closely related to the earth's magnetic field. There is no signal on the mobile phone, unable to communicate with the outside world, unable to access the Internet, and do not know what is going on outside. Even though the governments of various countries are trying their best to persuade the people to stay calm, panic is still spreading uncontrollably all over the world. spread across the range.

Experts detected the appearance of a large group of sunspots and announced that this was the cause of the disturbance of the magnetic field. They believed that the magnetic storm phenomenon was only temporary, and the magnetic field would recover when the sunspot activity stabilized.

However, the optimistic predictions of the experts were severely slapped in the face by successive visions happening in various places.

First, volcanoes erupted all over the world, and then the continental plate moved, and earthquakes occurred frequently around the world. Due to the lack of signal, the government was unable to issue earthquake warnings to the public in time, and countless people died in the earthquake.

Then the global climate suddenly became colder, crops and plants died in large numbers, and food shortages and hunger took away some human lives.

People gradually realized that the government could no longer give them asylum, so they began to loot in the streets to fight for food and resources, and countless people died in private fighting.

In the third month after the disappearance of the magnetic field, people finally realized that the end of the world is coming.

Earthquakes, famines, fights...these haven't really threatened the survival of human beings. It is the abnormal sunlight that really changes the pattern of the world.

Sunspots have been active all the time, and the light and heat emitted from the sun to the earth is no longer normal light and heat. Soon, some human beings will suffer from skin diseases after being exposed to sunlight.

This skin disease cannot be cured, and the fatality rate is very high. The patient will gradually fester and die, and the death is miserable.

Humans no longer go out during the day, humans have become nocturnal animals.

In the fourth month of the end of the world, people all over the world discovered that their bodies were abnormal.

Some people can fly, some people can become invisible, some people can read other people's thoughts... A person with supernatural powers appeared.

These supernatural beings are different from ordinary humans. They can walk normally in the sun and rely on sunlight to maintain their supernatural powers. Therefore, at night, their supernatural powers will disappear and become ordinary people.

People with supernatural powers appeared among human beings. They thought they would become saviors, but who would have thought that ordinary humans without supernatural powers would also undergo mutations.

Crystal nuclei grow in the brains of ordinary humans, which not only strengthens the human body but also prolongs the lifespan.

And these crystal nuclei are exactly what the supernatural beings need most, the energy source that can evolve their supernatural powers.

Most people are selfish animals. In the last days, no one knows what tomorrow will be like. As long as they can survive, they can do anything.

Relying on their own abilities, some supernatural beings began to hunt and kill humans with crystal nuclei in their brains, which aroused the confrontation between ordinary humans and supernatural beings.

Of course, human beings did not sit still and began to save themselves.

People with supernatural powers will lose their powers at night and become ordinary people, while humans can come and go normally at night, and the number of human beings is currently far greater than that of supernatural beings.

What distinguishes supernatural beings from human beings is the crystal nucleus that exists in the brain.

At night, human beings will organize in groups to search for supernatural beings everywhere. If someone is found to have no crystal nucleus in their brains, no matter whether the supernatural person has harmed humans before or not, they will be killed.

The world during the day is the hunting ground for the supernatural beings, and at night, it is the time for humans to fight back.

This war also made everyone understand that this is not the end of the world, but nature is forcing human beings to evolve themselves.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

There are some kind-hearted supernatural beings who don't want to kill humans, but they don't want to be killed by humans either.

In order to survive, they decided to unite together and set up a self-rescue organization to escape the pursuit of human beings.

The story begins here.

The hero of this play is Xiang Ting, a powerful supernatural being. Before the disaster, he was just a senior student about to graduate.

Xiang Ting and his classmates hid in school for several months. One day, Xiang Ting suddenly discovered that he had a supernatural power. His supernatural power was thunder and lightning. In the era of global water and electricity cutoffs, Xiang Ting's supernatural power is a treasure.

After he knew that he was a supernatural person, he didn't say anything, because he observed the classmates around him, not all of them had supernatural powers.

Soon, the news that the crystal nucleus evolved in the human brain can help the supernatural being evolve supernatural powers spread like wildfire.

Xiang Ting understands a truth that people who are not of my race must have a different mind. He expected that humans and people with supernatural abilities will confront each other sooner or later, so he secretly left the school before humans hunted and killed people with supernatural abilities.

He left with him, and three of his classmates, all of them were supernatural beings. The four-person team planned to avoid the human roundup and meet with the superhuman self-rescue organization.

And Lu Shijin's character is also a person with supernatural powers, but his supernatural powers are quite special.

"Come out of the convenience store, I'll kill you!" After accepting his role introduction, Lu Shijin was so angry that he wanted to blow himself up into a firework in mid-air.

711 is innocent: "What's the matter?"

Lu Shijin cursed: "My character is a supernatural power? What the hell kind of supernatural power is this? It's better to be an ordinary person!"

711 said boldly: "There is no way, the setting is like this, this is a story about saving the world with papapa!"

The original owner was a programmer. Before the disaster, he worked overtime in the company to write code until late at night. He had just finished writing and was about to send it to the leader, but the network signal was dead.

Without a signal, he couldn't go to work. The original owner stayed at home for four months and found changes in his body.

Having not seen the sun all year round, the originally fair skin became whiter and more delicate, and his appearance became more beautiful.

Moreover, he found that his five senses had become sharper. His myopia, which was more than 800 degrees, was no longer nearsighted. He could still see objects one thousand meters away in the dark, and his sense of hearing and smell became more sensitive.

Forget about these, what makes him really unbearable is the sense of touch. A little touch from the outside world will make his body extremely sensitive. This situation is especially serious when he meets a man. Full.

Moreover, the original owner found that he also had a thirst for blood, food and the feeling of not being able to make him full, just like a vampire.

The original owner didn't know what happened to his body, but Lu Shijin, who had already watched the plot, did.

The physique of the original owner is different among the supernatural beings. They don't need to rely on crystal nuclei to evolve, they only need to exercise in bed with another supernatural person, and they can evolve themselves by absorbing the energy of that supernatural person. The blood of the dead sustains their strength.

The supernatural beings used by them will not pay in vain, and their specially constructed bodies can also help the supernatural beings evolve.

At the beginning, the supernatural beings didn't know that someone of the same kind had evolved this kind of physique, and they all thought that only the crystal nucleus could allow them to evolve.

After someone found out, people with supernatural abilities like Lu Shijin immediately became very popular. After all, people with supernatural abilities were once ordinary people. If they had no choice, who would want to kill people

However, there are very few supernatural beings with Lu Shijin's physique. Unscrupulous supernatural beings began to hunt down supernatural beings like Lu Shijin, and after using them themselves, they sold them on the black market.

Lu Shijin, who came across to hear the bad news, was very sad, as if he had returned to the time when he was used as a furnace in the last world.

And the ending of his role is also very sad. On the way to escape, he met the hero Xiang Ting, coveted Xiang Ting's powerful abilities, and tried every means to seduce Xiang Ting and his double cultivation, oh no, to evolve with him.

But the original owner, who works with computers all day long, is an otaku with no personality. Xiang Ting doesn't like him, but he has to accept the original owner due to the pressure of the end of the world.

In the end, Xiang Ting was accidentally captured by the evil party among the supernatural beings. The original owner sold himself to the black market and exchanged 10,000 crystal nuclei to save Xiang Ting. The original owner's use value ended here.

That's why Lu Shijin is so talented. In the end of the world, it's fine if he doesn't have the ability of seconds and seconds, but he actually gave him a body that would flow when he touched it.

Is it possible that he will walk with his legs between his legs in the future? !

"Where is my husband?" Lu Shijin didn't forget to find a partner.

711: "Misfortunes and blessings depend on it. Congratulations to your host. In this world, your husband is Xiang Ting! However, because he is the protagonist, in order to prevent the protagonist from changing the plot, he will not have the memory of the tasker, and will only think of himself as the protagonist." It's a character in the story."

Hey, it seems that you don't need to walk with your legs between your legs

Lu Shijin asked again: "What system is bound?"

711: "Salvation system."

Lu Shijin has a headache for Xiang Ting: "Although in general stories, the male lead saves the world in the end, isn't it a bit difficult to save this apocalypse? Natural disasters, man-made disasters, and irreconcilable conflicts between humans and supernatural beings." Contradictions, just think about it."

711: "So you have to help Xiang Ting become the strongest."

Lu Shijin suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Does this system have a name? I rely on papapa to save the world?"