The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 138: Survival in the last days


Next to the girl, there was a thin and tall boy who seemed to be her boyfriend. He quickly stood in front of the girl and glared at Lu Shijin, "Where are you looking!"

Lu Shijin: "..."

The girl's reaction reminded everyone, including Lin Dong, that the way they looked at Lu Shijin became weird. Although they are all men, they don't want to be seen by the same sex.

Lu Shijin quickly explained: "My clairvoyant eyes don't exist all the time, I can only open them when I want to use them, and..." There are only one girl among the six people here. In order to prevent being beaten to death by others as a pervert, he felt that it was necessary to explain himself sexual orientation, looked at girls sincerely and said, "And I don't like women, so you don't have to worry."

When the girl heard this, she put down her chest protector with suspicion, "Are you gay?"

Lu Shijin nodded, the girl looked at Lu Shijin with a friendlier look, it turned out that they were "sisters".

Lu Shijin thought that his "perverted" image had been clarified, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw other boys looking at him with frightened and strange eyes, especially Lin Dong, who actually imitated the girl's action to protect his chest

Lu Shijin: "???" I seem to have such bad taste

Lin Dong smiled meanly, "Xiao Lu, if you don't look at girls, will you..."

"No!" Lu Shijin was afraid that he would say something that would pollute his ears, so he cut him off resolutely, "Even if I want to watch it, I'll just watch that kind of handsome guy who is so handsome."

Lin Dong was unconvinced, and retorted with his hips on his hips, "Xiao Lu, what you said hurt people, am I not handsome?"

Lu Shijin gave him a look of "you can experience it yourself", and Lin Dong was so angry that he yelled, "Then tell me, who among us men is the most handsome guy! Who can catch your eyes!"

Lu Shijin knew that Lin Dong was digging a hole for himself, but he couldn't help but glanced at Xiang Ting. Seeing Lu Shijin's eyes, the other two boys took a step back in unison, making a look of "I knew it" expression.

Although Xiang Ting had no expression on his face, Lu Shijin could read Xiang Ting's heart from his tight jawline.

He must have regarded me as a pervert. Lu Shijin resisted the urge to touch his forehead and slandered him. If he had known earlier, he would not have said that his ability was clairvoyance. Now he really couldn't wash himself out by jumping into the Yellow River!

Fortunately, Xiang Ting was calm and didn't say anything. They were all fleeing for their lives. After today, I don't know if there will be tomorrow. It's useless to worry about these.

"Anyway, thank you both for taking us in tonight," Xiang Ting reached out to Lu Shijin, "My name is Xiang Ting, and these three are my classmates."

Lu Shijin looked down at the slender hand with ten fingers. Although he lived a life of fleeing in hiding, Xiang Ting's nails were also trimmed cleanly. The skin on the back of his hand was fair, and the faint blue veins underneath could be seen, and the knuckles of his fingers were clearly defined. Inexplicably makes people feel very desire.

Lu Shijin was a little hesitant as to whether he should shake hands with Xiang Ting or not. He hadn't forgotten his special fucking physique.

It is said that once you have physical contact with a man, your legs will become weak and weak, and you will feel empty and watery.

He deliberately avoided physical contact with Lin Dong just now, so he hasn't tried it after passing through, and he doesn't know if those reactions are true.

Lu Shijin hesitated for a while, and made up his mind to hold Xiang Ting's hand. The moment he touched the man's hand, Lu Shijin felt an electric current conduct from Xiang Ting's hand to his own, flowing into his limbs and bones, causing an electric shock. Like a tingling sensation.

Not only are your legs weak, but you are also dizzy, your waist is weak, your face is hot and your heart is beating, and at the same time you feel that your underwear is wet? A longing surged up in his heart, longing to be penetrated, filled, and played hard by others, and the unsatisfied desire made him even more uncomfortable.

If he went on, he was afraid that he would hum unbearably, so he only shook hands with Xiang Ting Xuxu, and then hurriedly withdrew his hand.

Lu Shijin scolded himself severely in his heart, do you want to be so fucking coquettish!

But there is no way, this is not something you can control if you want to control it.

Lu Shijin tightened his legs, fearing that others would discover his secret, he lowered his head and introduced himself unnaturally, "Lu Shijin."

The light was too dim, Xiang Ting didn't notice Lu Shijin's abnormality, and naturally went to shake hands with Lin Dong, and Lin Dong also reported his name.

Next, other people introduced themselves one after another. The only girl in the team was Su Ling. The boy who stood in front of her just now was indeed her boyfriend. His name was Tang Qin. There was also a boy wearing glasses named Du Jiang.

The four-person team was a little tired after a day of driving. After getting to know each other, they found some cardboard and spread it on the floor, and sat down on the floor to rest.

Lin Dong enthusiastically brought them food, and everyone was really hungry, so they didn't refuse. After thanking them, they brought them over and devoured them.

Xiang Ting and the others fled all the way from the north. They didn't dare to go to the bustling towns where humans gathered. They could only hide in a remote place with few people.

If it was said that there was still some defensiveness towards Lu Shijin and Lin Dong just now, after a full meal, the team has completely let go of their guard.

Sometimes making friends is as simple as that, but it's just a meal.

Lin Dong hid alone at home and hadn't talked to so many people for a long time. He temporarily put his social phobia behind him, and his desire to communicate with others couldn't be stopped.

Su Ling and her boyfriend Tang Qin were chatting too, and with Lin Dong, the three chatted passionately, and within a short while they became acquainted like old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

"Wow, you really have the foresight to stock up so many things." Su Ling said to Lin Dong in admiration.

Lin Dong: "I like to study the theory of the end times. I think the end will come one day, but I didn't expect it to come so suddenly."

Tang Qin: "Then what do you do when you finish eating all the food?"

Lin Dong shrugged indifferently: "Wait for death."

Tang Qin rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you go find the organization with us? There are many people and strength. When we join the organization, we won't be afraid of being surrounded by humans. It's better than sitting here and waiting to die."

"Forget it, I'm lazy." Lin Dong smiled and pointed to Lu Shijin, "But you can take my brother with you on the road, and he will also go to your organization."

Su Ling looked at Lu Shijin and asked curiously, "Did you not have teammates before?"

Of course, Lu Shijin couldn't admit that he was abandoned by his teammates because he was useless, "Yes, but I got separated."

Su Ling didn't speak, and looked towards Ting. After all, Xiang Ting was the one who made the decision among the four of them. Whether to accept Lu Shijin to go on the road with them or not, she still had to look at Xiang Ting.

Xiang Ting was sitting in the corner, with one leg straight and the other bent, and one hand resting on the bent leg. He looked casual and lazy, but his powerful aura could not be ignored.

Lu Shijin looked wet again. How could this man be so handsome even when he was sitting

"You only have the ability of clairvoyance?" Xiang Ting's eyebrows were hidden in the shadows, but he was asking Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin understands that Xiang Ting is offering him an olive branch, ready to accept him.

Generally speaking, when people with supernatural abilities confess their abilities to each other, it means that they have established trust.

Lu Shijin: "No, my hearing is pretty good too, and I can hear far away."

Tang Qin jokingly said, "Clairvoyance and wind ears!"

"I can create thunder and lightning." Xiang Ting said happily, and the other three members of the team saw that the boss had declared himself to be a family member, and they also shared their abilities.

Su Ling: "I can summon water"

Tang Qin likes to joke as always: "I am the opposite of her, playing with fire, I don't know why we are a couple, why do we become incompatible in the end, haha!"

Du Jiang, who had been silent for a long time, finally said, "I have the space to carry me."

"Pocket space? What is that?" Lin Dong was curious.

Du Jiang: "It's like a storage room, but you can put things in it and take it with you."

Lin Dong's eyes widened and he was amazed: "Wow, then you are Doraemon? Si Guoyi!"

Du Jiang: "..."

Su Ling asked Lin Dong: "Brother Dong, what is your power?"

Lin Dong rubbed the back of his head, "My supernatural ability is that I can transform."

Tang Qin became excited when he heard the transformation, "Superman?"

Lin Dong shook his head foolishly.

Tang Qin: "Iron Man!"

Lin Dong chuckled.

Tang Qin: "It's not like the Hulk, is it?"

"Neither." Lin Dong stood up and walked to the open space, transformed himself into a four-legged chair and stood there.

Except for Lu Shijin, everyone was silent: "..." What's the use of this

Seeing that no one was cheering, Lin Dong changed back into his original body in embarrassment, sat back in his original position awkwardly, and laughed at himself: "Look, it's a very useless ability that can neither be hit nor carried, so I can only send it away when I go out. Head, let’s not drag you down anymore.”

Tang Qin came to his senses, moved over and patted Lin Dong on the shoulder, "Brother Dong, don't say that, of course your ability is useful, at least you can use it to save your life!"

Su Ling agreed and said yes, saving Lin Dong a little bit of face.

Su Ling: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed early, and go on the road early when the sun rises tomorrow."

Everyone lay down on the laid floor to rest, and the basement returned to silence.

The night of human activities came, and the outside became a Shura field for supernatural beings, but fortunately, no one searched Lin Dong's home, allowing them to spend a peaceful night.

Early the next morning, although the sunlight in the basement couldn't come in, the six people woke up early due to the unique induction of the sun by the supernatural being.

After breakfast, Xiang Ting and the others were ready to go on the road. Lin Dong lived alone in the house for several months. He had just made a few friends and had to endure the parting. A lot of food for them to take on the road to eat.

Tang Qin hooked Lin Dong's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, Brother Dong, we will come to pick you up when we find the organization and it is safe."

Lin Dong was pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

Tang Qin patted his chest: "Of course it's true, just pour these cans of braised pork, you are my brother Tang Qin killed! I will never forget you!"

Tang Qin's reassurance lightened the sadness in the atmosphere a little. After everyone got ready, they went up from the basement to the first floor.

Seeing that they didn't seem to have any means of transportation, Lu Shijin couldn't help being curious: "Did you come here all the way with your legs? Don't you have any means of transportation?"

Su Ling: "Of course not, we have a car."

Lin Dong: "Where is the car? Outside? Are you afraid of being discovered?"

Su Ling smiled mysteriously, and pointed to Du Jiang, "Oh, don't worry, we are not so stupid to leave the car outside. The car is here."

"Damn, how big is that thing of yours, can it even hold a car?" Lin Dong suddenly felt incredible, staring at Du Jiang's stomach, suddenly had an idea, "Can you hold people in that space? Don’t you take me away in your pocket too?”

Du Jiang smiled helplessly: "It can only hold things but not people. There is no oxygen in it. I'm afraid you will suffocate to death."

Lin Dong curled his lips, feeling that it was a pity.

Du Jiang said: "You wait here first, I will go outside to collect some things and explore the way."

Everyone agreed that in the division of labor in their team, Du Jiang took on the role of logistics because he had a portable space.

Although Lin Dong had already given them a lot of food to take away, the food was far from enough to support them on the next journey, and there would always be time to finish eating.

It is difficult to get a human gathering place, of course, you have to "search" it before you go on the road.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Xiang Ting asked.

Du Jiang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled: "No need, it's daytime, I can go alone, it's not good if there are too many people, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Du Jiang is a prudent person, Xiang Ting has always been very reassuring to him, nodded and said: "Be careful and come back early."

Du Jiang went out, and the others stayed at Lin Dong's house to wait for him.

Lin Dong wished for the small team to stay for a while longer, so he dragged Tang Qin to call him a brother, and asked him to tell him the story of their adventures along the way.

Tang Qin also likes to show off, and he told Lin Dong what happened along the way, which made Lin Dong stunned.

Su Ling borrowed the bathroom of Lin Dong's house, presumably she went upstairs to wash up. Her special ability is water. Girls inevitably like to be clean.

Xiang Ting stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out the window with a serious expression.

Lu Shijin quietly observed Xiang Ting from one side, his profile was sharp and angular, his facial features were deep and charming, coupled with his innate leadership temperament, he felt sullen and flirtatious from a distance.

Lu Shijin recalled the feeling of electric shock when he shook hands with Xiang Ting last night. It was night, and Xiang Ting must have not used his power, so the electric current should be his own reaction.

It's just a handshake, and I almost can't close my legs. Thinking that there will be more contact in the future, Lu Shijin starts to worry.

He was afraid that Xiang Ting would regard him as a sex maniac or something.

"What's wrong, how long has Du Jiang been gone?" Xiang Ting turned around suddenly, with a stern face, interrupting Tang Qin and Lin Dong who were speaking.

Tang Qin blinked, swallowed to moisten his dry throat due to talking too much, "It seems that it will take more than an hour?"

Xiang Ting said seriously: "He has never been out for so long."

Tang Qin: "Are you worried that something will happen to him? No way, it's daytime now, everyone is sleeping, what can happen? Maybe it's a delay in finding something? If you're worried, I'll go out and look for him, just right, I've been bored for the past two days, go out for a walk."

After Tang Qin finished speaking, Su Ling just finished washing, bouncing down the stairs, put her arms around Tang Qin's arm and said coquettishly, "Where are you going? I'll go too!"

They are a young couple, the four of them usually act together, and the two of them spend very little time alone, and even a kiss has to be sneaky and adulterous.

It was a rare opportunity to be alone now, Tang Qin and Su Ling certainly didn't want to miss it.

Xiang Ting also understood what the two of them were thinking, and thinking that the two of them had a lot of fighting power and that they were going out to take care of them, he agreed.

"Find Du Jiang and come back right away."

Tang Qin stood at attention and saluted: "Yes Sir! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Xiang Ting was amused by his funny posture, and slightly raised the corners of his lips, "Be careful, go early and return early."

Tang Qin and Su Ling went out, and Lin Dong had no one to talk to, so he could only tell Lu Shijin his parting feelings.

While Lu Shijin was perfunctory to Lin Dong, he paid attention to Xiang Ting. Xiang Ting sat in front of the table with his fingers crossed on the table. He seemed a little uneasy, so his fingers kept moving unconsciously.

About an hour later, the sun had almost risen from the slanting east to the sky, but the three people who had not seen them came back, and Xiang Ting finally couldn't sit still.

"Where are you going?" Lu Shijin saw Xiang Ting open the door, and hurried to catch up.

Xiang Ting glanced back at him, "I'll go find them."

"I'll be with you." Lu Shijin said.

Xiang Ting lowered his eyes and thought for a while, Lu Shijin has clairvoyant eyes, it should be easier to find someone, so he said, "Okay, thank you."

Lu Shijin smiled: "We will be teammates from now on, no need to say thank you."

"Hey, you all went out? Then what should I do?" Lin Dong chased after him and asked.

Lu Shijin: "Why don't you go out with us?"

Lin Dong thought for a while, then waved his hand: "Forget it, in case of danger, my useless ability will only cause trouble for you, I'll take care of the house."

Lin Dong refused to go out, and Lu Shijin didn't force him, so he and Xiang Ting left Lin Dong's house to find the other three.

Walking outside, Lu Shijin was a little dazed looking at the roads extending in all directions, "Do you know which direction they went?"

Xiang Ting walked to a telegraph pole beside the road. There seemed to be a "T" drawn by someone with a stone on it, so he pointed to the west and said, "Tang Qin left a mark for me. It's in this direction."

The two followed the marks all the way to find the past, but after walking for more than half an hour, they did not find any trace of the three of them, and after seeing the "T" left by Tang Qin on the last tree, they did not find any other marks.

This is too weird, how can people disappear for no reason? Was it in danger or something happened

But now it is daytime, first rule out the possibility of encountering humans, then it may be encountering other supernatural beings, the two sides clashed, Tang Qin, Du Jiang, and Su Ling were no match for the opponent, and were captured by the opponent Living.

"Without the mark, should we continue to look for it?" Lu Shijin asked.

Xiang Ting thought for a while, "Let's go back."

Lu Shijin was surprised: "Go back?"

Xiang Ting said calmly: "If they encounter any danger that cannot be solved, the two of us alone may not be able to save them. It is not a rational act to give away heads one by one."

Lu Shijin: "Then just ignore them?"

"Of course. If they were detained, if the other party didn't kill them, they should come to me to negotiate terms. We'll just go back and wait. If they... have suffered an accident," Xiang Ting's eyes turned cold Come down, and said in a deep voice, "With our current strength, we can't avenge ourselves. If we rush to find the past, we will die in vain."

It's not that Xiang Ting is selfish and doesn't care about the danger of his companions, but that in this era, emotional matters can't solve the problem at all.

If you want to survive, you have to make choices.

Unruffled yet calm and wise, decisive in killing and attacking, with a natural air of a king, Lu Shijin's heart was bumping like a deer, and he looked at Xiang Ting obsessively, falling in love with love.

"Go back." Xiang Ting was still a little sad after losing the news of his three companions, and the man's heroic eyebrows and eyes gathered a layer of gloom.

Walking to a road opposite Lin Dong's house, the two were about to cross the road and knock on the door, but Lu Shijin keenly noticed something was wrong.

Although he couldn't see what was going on inside, he could hear the voices inside.

Lin Dong was alone at home, the room should be very quiet, but there were several voices at this time, but those voices did not belong to Tang Qin, Du Jiang and the others.

There are intruders!

"Don't go, there's a trap!" Lu Shijin quickly stopped Xiang Ting, an abandoned car was parked beside the road, Lu Shijin pulled Xiang Ting into the car to hide.

Xiang Ting was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Lu Shijin: "Someone is at Lin Dong's house, not ours."

Looking into Lu Shijin's eyes, Xiang Ting thought of Lu Shijin's ability to see through eyes, and temporarily believed Lu Shijin's words, and asked, "Did you see it?"

Lu Shijin didn't want to explain too much, so he nodded casually.

Xiang Ting turned over, grabbed the edge of the car window and carefully looked out. "How many people are there? What are their backgrounds?"

Lu Shijin couldn't answer for a while, so he hurriedly called 711 to scan for him.

711 scanned quickly, and Lu Shijin told Xiang Ting the result: "There are three people on the first floor, all of whom are supernatural beings." After a pause, "There are also people in the basement, four people, it seems to be Tang Qin, Su Ling, Du Jiang, Lin Dong!"

"Alive?" Xiang Ting asked calmly.

Signs of life can be detected, of course it is a living person, Lu Shijin said: "Alive."

The four of them were locked in the basement, cut off from the sunlight, their powers disappeared, and they lost their ability to resist.

But I don't know the background of these three supernatural beings, and why they kidnapped Tang Qin and Lin Dong.

"It's good to be alive," Xiang Ting frowned a little, "3V2, it's not like we have no chance of winning."

Lu Shijin: "..." How should I tell Xiang Ting that it looks like they are 3V2, but in fact he is a waste of fighting five scum

"We... can't beat them." Lu Shijin pointed at himself and smiled forcedly, "I just need better eyesight and sharp ears, I can't fight."

Xiang Ting took a deep look at him with encouragement in his eyes, "Do you have any other specialties?"

Lu Shijin laughed dryly: "Does having long legs count? I'll run away and sneak away."

Xiang Ting: "..."

The disappointment in Xiang Ting's eyes deeply stimulated Lu Shijin.

Gan! Comrade Lu! How can you be so cowardly! Are you still that Lu Shijin who stretches across the world with one thigh? !

Are you really willing to be a dragging waste? !

Of course Lu Shijin was not reconciled, he suddenly remembered that the three supernatural beings in the room seemed to be first-order supernatural beings.

And as long as there is a second-level ability user, they can be easily defeated!

At present, most of the supernatural beings are escaping from the pursuit of human beings, and they haven't had time to classify the strength of supernatural powers.

The abilities obtained by each ability user are at the initial level. Take Xiang Ting's ability as an example. He is also a first-level ability user now, and his ability is only to create some electric sparks.

But at the second level, it's different, he can call out lightning to fight for himself, but the maintenance time is limited.

At the third level, the summoned lightning is more powerful and lasts longer, and at the ninth level and upwards, the ability is basically similar to that of "Thor"!

Every time the ability breaks through one level, the strength will double. A second-level ability user can easily kill five or six first-level ability users in seconds.

There are two ways to evolve supernatural powers, one is to absorb the crystal nucleus energy in the human brain, and the second, which no one knows so far, is to have sex with a supernatural being like Lu Shijin , the effect is more significant than absorbing crystal nuclei, as long as it is snapped once, it can immediately evolve into a second-order supernatural being!

In the current situation, there is only one way to help Xiang Ting evolve into a second-order ability user. There is no crystal nucleus, but there is still him!

When Lu Shijin thought about how to help Xiang Ting evolve, his whole body became hot, and the familiar soreness hit his whole body, making him restless.

I didn't feel it just now, but now I realize that the small compartment is full of male hormones from men. Lu Shijin just smelled the smell, and the back of his pants was wet a lot. It's terrible!

"I have a way to save your friend." Lu Shijin's voice was hoarse, and he pushed his legs together to prevent Xiang Ting from being frightened by opening his thighs.

Xiang Ting asked, "What way?"

The tyrannical and cool guy is like Lu nowadays, and he doesn't know how to invite Xiang Ting, who just met the next day, to participate in the "car shock" movement.

He tried his best to say tactfully: "First of all, you have to trust me, I'm not a pervert."

Xiang Ting looked puzzled: "?"

"Secondly," Lu Shijin stared into Xiang Ting's eyes, "You have to believe me, everything I say is true!"

Xiang Ting didn't know what kind of charades Lu Shijin was playing, but he was still in a hurry to save his companions, and was a little impatient with Lu Shijin's mystification.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Lu Shijin swallowed his saliva, put his hands on his knees, clenched his fists and released them, let go and clenched his fists again, after a while of mental construction, he slowly said: "If you want to save someone, then fuck me."

There was a crack in Xiang Ting's calm expression, "What did you say???"

He knows it! Xiang Ting would have such an expression! This must be treating him as a pervert!

Well, he is a pervert!