The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 140: Survival in the last days


The four-member team has become a six-member team. Although the combat effectiveness has not improved much, with the support of Lin Dong's full basement of food and daily necessities, the material has been greatly enriched.

As long as they are careful enough not to be discovered by humans, it is not a problem to reach the destination smoothly.

Xiang Ting just stunned the three supernatural beings who kidnapped Tang Qin and the others, and did not kill them directly, so they were worried that they would be caught up by the kidnapper's helpers, so they drove forward for a day without daring to stop until nightfall After the arrival, the time of human activities began again, and they found a hidden cave on a mountain to rectify and rest.

Although they had rice and flour, they didn't dare to cook at night because they were afraid that the fire or smoke would attract humans, so they just ate some canned instant food for dinner.

After dinner, Xiang Ting and the others held a small meeting as usual to arrange tomorrow's affairs, but this time, Lu Shijin and Lin Dong were more involved.

Du Jiang first said: "There is not much gasoline in the car, and tomorrow I have to go to a nearby town to find a way to get some gasoline before continuing on the road."

Except for those evil people who hunt and kill humans to obtain crystal nuclei, other people with special abilities will not enter the area where humans are active, even during the day, unless necessary, because although humans cannot come out during the day, they will also set up many traps waiting outside them.

Xiang Ting was silent for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you, and the others stand by."

Lu Shijin quickly said, "I'll be with you too."

Xiang Ting glanced at Lu Shijin, thinking of Lu Shijin's special physique, he was really not at ease putting him with other people.

Xiang Ting: "Okay, your ability is really convenient for finding things." There are good reasons, and no one else will be suspicious.

The principle of their team's actions is not to advance together and retreat together. One is that the target of the action together is too big, and it is easy to be targeted by others. Second, if they encounter danger, they will not be caught when they act separately. Others can find ways to rescue them. .

Tang Qin didn't want to do nothing and just idle, said: "When I went up the mountain just now, I seemed to see some herbs growing in the woods. Lingling and I will go pick some herbs tomorrow, in case we need them in the future."

Lin Dong was surprised: "Wow, Xiao Tang, do you still know herbs?"

Tang Qin said proudly: "Of course, my major in college is Chinese medicine."

Lin Dong was suddenly interested in the professional fields of several other people, so he first asked Du Jiang who was sitting closest to him: "Xiao Du, what do you study?"

Du Jiang: "I majored in finance."

Lin Dong smiled and said, "No wonder you are in charge of logistics. You must be good at calculating accounts. What about Reiko, what is your major?"

Su Ling leaned her head on Tang Qin's shoulder and said with a coquettish smile, "He and I are in the same class."

Lin Dong was fed a lot of rations, ignored the two people who showed affection, and asked Lu Shijin on the left: "Xiao Lu, what did you do before?"

Lu Shijin: "Programmer."

Su Ling giggled and said, "It's not like Brother Lu, I think you have quite a lot of hair."

Lu Shijin smiled helplessly: "Not all programmers lose their hair."

Finally, Lin Dong asked Xiang Ting: "Brother Xiang, what is your major?"

Lin Dong is actually much older than Xiang Ting, but he also followed Tang Qin and they called Xiang Ting "Brother Xiang". Who makes this world not look at age, but only at strength. After getting along all day and night, Lin Dong also agrees. Xiang Ting is the leader of them.

Xiang Ting: "Physics."

Lin Dong, a scumbag who had never passed junior high school physics, looked at Xiang Ting adoringly, and gave him a thumbs up: "Beautiful!" He suddenly had an idea, and asked, "From your physics point of view, what is the difference in our world?" Is there any chance of returning to the way it was before?"

Xiang Ting said without thinking, "Yes."

Lin Dong clapped his hands in surprise. Xiang Ting is not a person who likes to joke, so Lin Dong suddenly felt hopeful, "Really?!"

Xiang Ting: "Looking at the world from the perspective of quantum mechanics, everything is possible."

Lin Dong looked confused: "What?"

Lu Shijin couldn't help but burst out laughing, Xiang Ting was obviously teasing Lin Dong, and Lin Dong foolishly believed it.

The others realized that their usually serious boss was joking, and after being a little surprised, they also laughed, and the atmosphere became much more cheerful.

Lin Dong realized that he was being tricked, so he pushed Lu Shijin pretending to be dissatisfied, "Xiao Lu, you are still laughing, are you with them or with me?"

Lu Shijin couldn't stand people touching him the most, Lin Dong didn't even push him with any strength, and Lu Shijin fell on Xiang Ting "too weak".

Xiang Ting subconsciously put his arms around Lu Shijin's shoulders, and wrapped him in his arms. He raised his cold eyes to look at Lin Dong, with displeasure and warning in his eyes.

After that push, Lin Dong was also stunned, he didn't exert any strength, why did Lu Shijin collapse

And the way Xiang Ting looked at him, as if he had done something heinous.

It was just a joke, Xiang Ting's reaction was too strange, right

Seeing this scene, the others stopped laughing. Based on what they knew about Xiang Ting, Xiang Ting was definitely not a nosy person.

Lin Dong and Lu Shijin were joking around, and logically speaking, it didn't hinder Xiang Ting's business, but Xiang Ting protected Lu Shijin in his arms like an old hen protecting its cubs, as if Lu Shijin could melt with a touch.

Moreover, they could vaguely see a little bit from this posture-possessive

Everyone keenly smelled a kind of basic love in the air.

Crazy, the world must be crazy, is this still the straight guy

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while. Lu Shijin was afraid that if it was too late, everyone would find out about his "adultery" with Xiang Ting.

Hurriedly got up from Xiang Ting, and sat down obediently in his seat, "I didn't sit firmly just now, and fell on you, I'm sorry."

Xiang Ting didn't look at Lu Shijin, and said flatly, "It's okay."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, this is their cold and heartless Brother Xiang, the light must have been too dark just now, they misread it!

"Go to sleep, I'll keep watch tonight." Xiang Ting stood up and patted his pants, ready to leave the cave.

Except for the girl Su Ling, Xiang Ting and the others fled all the way here. Every night, three boys took turns to watch the night, so as to guard against danger.

But now that Lu Shijin and Lin Dong have been added to the team, the number of boys has increased to five, and the task of keeping watch at night has become a little easier.

Lu Shijin suggested: "It's too tiring for one person to watch all night, why don't the five of us come here in turn, one in the middle of the night and the other in the second half of the night?"

Everyone had no objections, Lu Shijin looked at Xiang Ting and said, "Then I'll come in the middle of the night, remember to wake me up when you come back."

Xiang Ting nodded and went out. The others lay down on the blanketed floor to rest, and the dark cave fell into silence for a while.

Too many things happened during the day, and everyone was exhausted. After lying down, they didn't have a sleep meeting, and soon fell into a deep sleep. The only sound in the empty cave was the sound of breathing one after another.

Lu Shijin has always been a light sleeper, but tonight he also fell into a deep sleep. In the middle of the night, Xiang Ting came back to change the guard, and only woke him up by patting Lu Shijin twice.

Lu Shijin slept so deeply that he forgot where he was when he woke up, and only remembered what happened when he saw Xiang Ting's face.

Lu Shijin got up lightly, and said in a low voice, "You're back, let me go."

He got up too fast, he couldn't stand still and almost fell back again. Xiang Ting helped him, but when Lu Shijin was touched by him, his body became softer. Thanks to Xiang Ting's quick eyes and hands, he quickly embraced him , to avoid making a bigger noise and waking up others.

"Thank you." Lu Shijin left Xiang Ting's embrace and stood firm. His eyes adjusted to the darkness for a while, and he walked towards the entrance of the cave. Unexpectedly, Xiang Ting came out after him.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else to explain?" Lu Shijin asked strangely.

Xiang Ting said "um", and walked in front of Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin thought that Xiang Ting was about to say something important, so he hurriedly followed.

The two walked forward for a while, and stopped when they were far away from the cave.

Lu Shijin stopped and asked him, "What do you want to tell me?"

The dense forest overhead covered the moonlight shining down, the forest was dark, and Xiang Ting's expression was also hidden in the deep night.

Xiang Ting: "Talk about your special physique."

Lu Shijin didn't expect him to talk about this with himself, so he couldn't help feeling strange, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Ting: "Isn't there any way to improve the problem that you can fall down at the touch of a touch?"

Lu Shijin thought for a while, "It seems not."

It is precisely because the original owner has not found a way to improve his physique, so he is eager to find a strong support to protect himself.

In the original plot, the original owner fell in love with Xiang Ting, but he didn't know that Xiang Ting was a straight man, and he didn't know how to use his own advantages to attract men.

In the end, after using some means to get Xiang Ting, the "straight man" Xiang Ting resented him. Although Xiang Ting had to sleep with the original owner in order to evolve his abilities, the original owner did not get any love from Xiang Ting until his death.

In the original plot, Xiang Ting never cared about the physical condition of the original owner. He didn't care who the original owner touched or touched.

So Xiang Ting took a good night's sleep and came out to chat with Lu Shijin about this, which made Lu Shijin a little confused.

"But you can't do it all the time," Xiang Ting said in a low voice, "What if you encounter an enemy? You have no chance to resist in close combat, so you can only capture it with your hands."

Lu Shijin: "I understand the truth, but this is beyond my control. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It gives me a way to evolve without relying on crystal nuclei, and at the same time gives me a weakness that others will fall when touched. "

Xiang Ting: "Have you tried to find a way, what if there is a way to reduce your sensitivity to others touching your body?"

"Will there be?" Lu Shijin asked suspiciously, "Why do you care so much about my physique?"

"We are teammates now. As the team leader, I have the responsibility to care about my teammates." Xiang Ting's tone was calm, and it sounded like a normal communication between teammates, without ups and downs.

"You asked me out just to say this?" Lu Shijin found a tree and leaned against it, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Xiang Ting was silent for a moment, then said, "Maybe."

Lu Shijin's tone rose: "What is it possible?"

Xiang Ting: "'Maybe' means that I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know if it will work."

Lu Shijin couldn't help being interested, and stood up straight against the tree trunk, "Don't be tricky, what can you do, tell me!"

"Perhaps, do you know what hypnosis is?" Xiang Ting lowered his eyes, and the shade of the trees above his head cast a shadow on his head, making the man's eyes deeper, "Hypnotize your body and give you a certain kind of hypnosis." Command, so that your body can only respond after hearing or feeling that command in the future. In this way, it may be helpful to improve your physique."

Of course Lu Shijin knows that hypnosis has this effect, but does it apply to his body that is soft and watery when touched

And it sounds very difficult.

"You know how to hypnotize?" Lu Shijin sized up the man, but Xiang Ting denied it decisively, "No."

Lu Shijin: "...then you tell me this?"

Xiang Ting said quietly: "I'm just suggesting, maybe you can give it a try."

Lu Shijin: "... I heard that if the hypnosis method is wrong, the person being hypnotized will probably be immersed in the dream world forever, and will never be able to wake up again, so don't try blindly."

"But with your current body, life will be very difficult in the future. Since there is a way to improve it, why don't you try it? If it were me, I would try it even if there was only a one-in-a-thousand chance, because, There is no worse situation than now." Xiang Ting's voice could be lowered, which sounded very demagogic.

Lu Shijin: "..."

Why did this sound like a hole was dug for him to jump into

I look so easy to cheat

What kind of riddle did Xiang Ting play

Lu Shijin was confused.

"Even if I want to try, who can I ask to hypnotize me?" Lu Shijin asked dumbfounded.

"Me." Xiang Ting took a step forward.

Lu Shijin's eyes widened: "Don't you know? You can't hypnotize me? Are you sure you're not trying to kill me?"

"It takes one time to evolve from the first level to the second level, and several times to evolve to the third level." Xiang Ting suddenly changed the subject.

Lu Shijin didn't follow Xiang Ting's train of thought, and his face was blank: "???"

Xiang Ting stretched out one hand to rest on the tree trunk, and propped it on the side of Lu Shijin's head. The hormonal aura of the man surrounded Lu Shijin overwhelmingly. fall.

"I don't know what dangers I will encounter on the road ahead. What if the situation like today happens again, and what if I encounter someone with a higher level of ability than us? Not every time I will be as lucky as this time. So I think, perhaps, we should seize the time to evolve the ability to better protect ourselves and our teammates, are you right?"

As expected of being the leader of the team, he speaks in the same way.

Generally, leaders are best at hiding their true purpose in these empty words, and first make people dizzy and confused, so as to coax people to willingly work for him.

Lu Shijin would not be so stupid to be tricked by him.

So clearing away the fog to see the essence, what Xiang Ting said just now can be summed up in five words without any redundancy.

"Want to have a haircut?"

Lu Shijin looked at Xiang Ting and raised his eyebrows. As expected of you, even the excuses to lie are so fresh and refined.

Clearly, she seemed to dislike him in the morning, but in the evening, she took the initiative to invite him to fight in the field.

Alas, this is the man.

"I heard from Su Ling that you are a straight man." Lu Shijin put his arms between his and Xiang Ting's chests, and said with a smile, "It can be said that it is a matter of expediency and helplessness during the day. You are not in danger, can you bear the last man?"

The straight man didn't change his face, "I'm just thinking in the long run, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and plan for a rainy day."

"It's amazing to know how to use idioms?" Lu Shijin stretched out a finger and flicked Xiang Ting's chest, and gave a light snort, "Straight man? I think he's fake straight?"

Xiang Ting held Lu Shijin's finger with the other hand, and the familiar electric shock immediately ran across Lu Shijin's body along his finger, making him immediately forget what he was about to say.

This sensitive body is really in the way.

Xiang Ting asked, "When I touch you, is it any different from other people touching you?"

The man's big palm followed his fingers upwards, from the back of his hand to his arm, and then from his arm to Lu Shijin's fragile neck, his fingernails caressed Lu Shijin's fragile Adam's apple inadvertently.

Heiye Xiangting obviously couldn't have the ability to create lightning, but Lu Shijin just felt that the place where the man hadn't passed by, there was a wave of electric current rushing around, reaching the nerve endings of the cerebral cortex, and Lu Shijin almost couldn't help but want to groan. sound impulse.

"Yes..." Lu Shijin bit his lower lip hard, holding back his shame, and said in a very low voice, "When you touched me, it seemed like there was electricity."

"There's electricity?" Xiang Ting didn't expect Lu Shijin to say that. He tried to use his ability to summon lightning, but failed. Therefore, the electricity that Lu Shijin said should not be caused by his ability.

Xiang Ting's eyes darkened, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, interestingly.

"I thought of a way," Xiang Ting's hand rested on Lu Shijin's neck without further movement, "Since you feel different when I touch you and others touch you, you can increase the touch between us. , to deepen your body's memory of me, and let your body only respond to me, so that it may be able to reduce the influence of others on you."

Lu Shijin was about to be stunned, temporarily lost his ability to think, and followed the man's inducement and murmured, "Is this really possible?"

Xiang Ting said calmly, "Is it possible? You'll know if you try it."


The result of the trial was that Lu Shijin was pressed against the tree trunk by a man and had an in-depth exchange.

He never expected that a wise man like him would sometimes be tricked successfully.

In the end, Lu Shijin was numb by the electricity, and his body's reaction was gradually not as great as it was at the beginning.

Lu Shijin thought drowsily, does it seem to be useful

"From now on, you can only react if I touch you, you know?" Xiang Ting seemed to be suppressing his emotions, although he was trying to hide it, but his tone of voice became a little weird, "Otherwise you will be punished... Here, the water doesn't come's going to hurt you...'

Lu Shijin lowered his waist and hugged the tree trunk, trying to support his body, thinking with his only rationality, what is he doing? Are you hypnotizing me

No, it's not like, it's not hypnosis at all!

It's training, right

Xiang Ting asked Lu Shijin to turn over to face him. He noticed that his lower lip was bleeding from his own bite, and realized that his movements were a bit rough, so he deliberately slowed down his movements.

The blood beads on those lips are dark red in the night, like enchanted red apples, tempting to taste.

Xiang Ting really wanted to help Lu Shijin lick off the blood beads, but his Adam's apple rolled, and he still didn't ask for a kiss after all.

The two tossed until very late. Fortunately, no human beings came up the mountain that night, and they spent another safe and sound night.

Lu Shijin had to stay in the middle of the night, so Xiang Ting simply accompanied him, and the two returned to Shandong together when the sky was gray and just dawn.

Fortunately, the others were still asleep, and no one noticed what the two of them had done all night.

The two lay down on their respective positions, and waited for the sky to fully dawn and everyone woke up one after another before getting up pretending to wake up with everyone.

"Little Lu! It's been so hard for you to stay on guard for most of the night!" Lin Dong enthusiastically walked over and patted Lu Shijin on the shoulder, and Xiang Ting subconsciously looked towards Lu Shijin to observe Lu Shijin's reaction.

Maybe it was because he was too tired, but this time Lu Shijin's reaction to Lin Dong's touch was not so great. Although his legs were still a little weak, he didn't fall down as before.

Xiang Ting noticed the change in Lu Shijin. He was not dissatisfied with Lin Dong's touching Lu Shijin at first, but now his eyes softened a little.

Tang Qin thought that Lu Shijin would go out with Xiang Ting and the others to find gasoline later, so he thoughtfully said: "Brother Lu didn't sleep in the middle of the night, why don't you stay and rest, brother Xiang and I can go out."

Lu Shijin smiled and said: "It's okay, I slept in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter, I used to work overtime and stay up all night, and I often only slept for two or three hours a day. I'll go. I can't fight, but I'm still looking for things." The superpowers work."

Hearing his insistence, Tang Qin couldn't say anything more.

Su Ling brought pots and rice from Du Jiang, and used her powers to cook a pot of porridge for breakfast.

Everyone hadn't had a steaming breakfast for a long time, and the breakfast was so sweet that Lin Dong even wiped out the last bit of porridge and soup left at the bottom of the pot.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiang Ting, Lu Shijin, and Du Jiang were going to go down the mountain to find gasoline. The other three stayed on the mountain to dig herbs, and they could also pick up some firewood for heating later.

Du Jiang drove the two of them onto the provincial highway. According to his experience, he could meet towns after driving on the provincial highway for a while.

Now human beings have very strict control over resources such as gasoline, gas stations have long been closed, and they have hidden gasoline.

As for where it is hidden, it depends on Lu Shijin's "perspective eye" to find it.

Not long after, the car drove to a town. Judging from the buildings outside, this town should be a very prosperous town before the end of the world, and there should be a lot of resources in it.

They all count on Lu Shijin's clairvoyant eyes to find things, so naturally Lu Shijin can't let them down.

Lu Shijin went up to a tall building and stood on a high point overlooking the whole town. On the surface, he was looking with his eyes, but in fact he secretly ordered 711 to scan the whole town.

However, I never expected that before the gasoline was found, 711 discovered a strange situation.

"This is a dead city." 711 said.

Lu Shijin was surprised: "Dead city? No living people?"

711: "Yes, no matter whether it is a supernatural being or a human being, no one survives."

How is it possible, this small town is not small, and it doesn't look deserted, there are signs of human activities, there should be people living here, right

"What's that?!" Du Jiang was the first to discover the situation, his voice trembling with fear.

Lu Shijin looked intently at the place Du Jiang pointed out, and found that a group of "people" with strange walking postures were gathering from all directions towards the tall building where they were.

The movements of these people were all stiff and sluggish without exception, as if they were walking dead.

what's the situation? Zombies? ?