The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 144: Survival in the last days


During the night he stayed in this weird base, Lu Shijin didn't sleep well.

It's not that he is seriously suspicious, but that in the end times like this, people's hearts are unpredictable, and he doesn't believe that there will be any kind people who are selfless and self-sacrificing, such as this Mr. Gu.

It sounds like he is full of benevolence and morality, but no matter how you look at it, Lu Shijin thinks it is hypocrisy.

Fortunately, the night passed without incident. At daybreak, Lu Shijin woke up Xiang Ting and urged him to leave. Staying in this base for a second longer may be more dangerous.

The two packed up and were about to leave the room to meet other people. Lu Shijin suddenly heard the sound of a small animal scratching the door. When he opened the door, there was a chubby orange cat squatting at the door, squatting with green cat eyes. with him.

"Where did the cat come from?" Lu Shijin felt strange.

Big Fat Orange raised his paws to stroke his beard, and the tail behind his buttocks swayed leisurely. Seeing that Lu Shijin came out and didn't run away, he was not afraid of strangers at all, as if he knew Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin also somehow felt a little familiar with this cat, especially the corner of the cat's mouth was still grinning, as if it was imitating a human's smile.

"This cat usually eats well at first glance. It's so fat, whose pet should it be? How did you find me here?" Lu Shijin joked half-truthfully, knelt down and patted Fat Ju's head, "Since you If you deliver it to your door by yourself, then don’t blame me for being cruel, and I don’t know if roasted cat meat is good or not.”

"Cat meat doesn't taste good! Meow!" Fat Ju scratched Lu Shijin's paw angrily. Lu Shijin was startled when he heard Fat Ju say something, and turned his head to call Xiang Ting, "Xiang Ting, come here! The cat has become a sperm!"

Fat Ju leisurely turned around, "You're the one who has become a genius meow! Stupid little Lu, you don't even know me now meow?"

Hearing this familiar tone, Lu Shijin suddenly thought of something, and asked suspiciously, "Are you Lin Dong?"

Fat Ju shook his huge cat head triumphantly, "Yes, my ability has evolved meow, now I can not only transform into a table and chair, but also an animal meow, meow meow meow Meow~"

Lu Shijin: "..." Lin Dong's obese figure gradually overlapped with this orange cat with the same fat body, and coupled with the orange cat's cute cry of "meow meow meow", it was really indescribable joy.

"Apart from becoming a cat, do you also change into other things?" Lu Shijin asked with interest, "For example, tigers, lions, elephants, dinosaurs and other beasts."

Fat Orange: "What are you thinking meow, my current ability seems to be able to transform small animals like puppies and cats meow, I can also change mice into sparrows, it will be easier to escape in the future hehe meow~"

Lu Shijin: "..." Sure enough, he still doesn't have much fighting power, but it's good to be able to become a sparrow and fly, but I don't know if such a fat sparrow can fly.

Xiang Ting walked over to take a look, "Since Lin Dong's abilities have evolved, Tang Qin and Su Ling's abilities should also have evolved. Let's meet them."

Lu Shijin had no objection, looked down at Lin Dong still in the form of an orange cat, and asked, "Are you going to change back?"

Fat Ju shook his head and said, "Why change back? I think it's too tiring to be a human, and it's more comfortable to be an animal. Do you know what my greatest wish is?"

Lu Shijin asked cooperatively: "What is it?"

"It means being a pet cat or a pet dog in the next life, carefree, doing two things all day long, eating and sleeping," Fat Orange sighed, "Of course, the premise is that if there is a next life, meow."

Lu Shijin deeply agreed, "This is also my wish."

"Pet cats and dogs are all going to be neutered, are you willing too?" Xiang Ting suddenly said something leisurely from the side.

That's right, I'm going to cut my balls, Lu Shijin and Fat Ju felt a tight crotch at the same time, and fell silent.

Forget it, let's be human, it's good to be human.

The two of them found the room of Tang Qin and Su Ling. After knocking on the door twice, Tang Qin and Su Ling came out of the room.

"Have your abilities evolved?" Xiang Ting asked straight to the point.

Tang Qin nodded, for some reason, his expression was a little stiff.

Xiang Ting smiled, "That's good. It seems that the crystal nucleus that Mr. Gu gave you is fine. It's getting late, and we should be on our way. Let's go to Mr. Gu and say goodbye."

"Wait! Xiang Ting!" Tang Qin stopped Xiang Ting without taking a step. After sinking, he slowly turned around to look at him, "Is there anything else?"

Tang Qin's expression was unnatural, and so was Su Ling who was standing next to him, her eyes were red and her eyelids were swollen.

After hesitating for a while, Tang Qin held Su Ling's hand, took a deep breath, and said, "It's like this, Lingzi and I decided to stay and not go."

The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward, the four of them stood like this, no one spoke first, even Fat Ju, who was squatting at Lu Shijin's feet, had a serious expression on the cat's face, and forgot to wag its tail.

In fact, Tang Qin made the decision to stay, and Lu Shijin was not surprised.

Doubt is like a seed. Once it is planted in people's hearts, it can quickly take root and germinate with a little provocation, and spread faster and faster.

Tang Qin and Su Ling have begun to mistrust Xiang Ting, and this base seems to be very safe. Staying here will not be as difficult as before. With such a good boss surnamed Gu, they want to stay here. The idea is also very normal.

Xiang Ting said lightly: "You want to stay, of course I respect your decision, but how much do you know about this place? What if it's a trap?"

Tang Qin gritted his teeth and said, "Xiang Ting, you don't need to sound preachy. For so long, we believe in you, so we do what you say, but we also have our own judgment, we are not yours. Subordinate, you are not our leader either."

"I never regarded you as my subordinates. As I said, we are a team," Xiang Ting said blankly, "I am just temporarily taking on the role of team leader. If you want, you can take it."

Tang Qin snorted coldly: "Team? Do you think you are working on a project in a university? I don't care about being a team leader. It's just that Reiko and I don't want to put our lives in other people's hands anymore. We want to make decisions by ourselves, so Xiang Ting, let's stop here, so we can get together and break up."

"Brother Xiang, Tang Qin's words are a bit aggressive, so don't take it to your heart." Su Ling choked up, pulled Tang Qin back, and she stood in front of her and said, "You brought us all the way here, we are all very happy." Thank you, it's just that I don't want to live this life of fear anymore, so we decided to stay last night. We have already inquired with the people here, and it is possible to take in aliens here, as long as they work with them every day to complete the task , you can live comfortably, and you can also get crystal nuclei, we all think this place is very good, Brother Xiang, if you want to, stay with us? Everyone can take care of us."

Xiang Ting glanced at Lu Shijin, then turned to look at Su Ling and said coldly, "I won't stay. The reason we came out was to find a self-help organization. My goal will not change."

"Did you hear that? I told you earlier that you can't convince him," Tang Qin sneered, and pulled Su Ling back. "He is such an arbitrary and self-willed person."

Lu Shijin sneered like Tang Qin, and said sarcastically: "Tang Qin, you talk what you say, don't be cynical and sarcastic, Xiang Ting doesn't owe you anything, but he has saved you time and time again, don't you know?" It's fine to repay your kindness, and it's fine to betray your promise and want to stay, but why do you accuse Xiang Ting as if you are sorry for him?"

Tang Qin became furious, "It's none of your business!" He glanced back and forth between Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin, and mocked disdainfully, "Oh, I see, you two are on good terms, right? I said it's your concubine's Didn't it pierce your heart?"

"Bastard!" Lu Shijin was furious. He raised his fist and wanted to smash Tang Qin's face, but Xiang Ting didn't give him a chance. He shot one step faster than him, and summoned a thunderbolt that shocked Tang Qin back several steps. .

"You fucking dare to do it!" Tang Qin was furious, and rushed forward to fight back, but was held back by Su Ling. Tang Qin blushed with anger, and shouted at Su Ling, "Why are you pulling me? He has supernatural powers I have it too, I'm afraid he won't succeed?!"

Su Ling cried: "Stop beating, you all should stop talking a few words, Brother Xiang, I'm sorry, what Tang Qin said just now was out of anger, not intentional, I apologize to you on his behalf."

Xiang Ting said with a cold face: "Whether it's intentional or not, what you say is just splashed water. You say it all, and it's useless to apologize afterwards. Tang Qin, Su Ling, it seems that our fate is here. I won't stop you if you stay, everyone will cherish each other in the future."

"Oh, why are you so good, you got into a quarrel, meow."

"Who's talking!" Su Ling heard a strange voice that didn't belong to the four of them. She looked around and found that the voice came from the mouth of an orange cat brought by Lu Shijin. She was terrified, "How can cats talk about people?" talk?!"

Fat Ju lowered his cat's eyes, "It's me, Lin Dong, I have evolved supernaturally and can become a small animal, but unfortunately I just became more useful, and we are about to break up."

"Lin Dong?" Tang Qin rolled his eyes when he heard the orange cat calling himself Lin Dong, and quickly said, "Brother Dong, do you want to stay with us?"

Tang Qin desperately wanted someone to stand on the united front with him, to prove that he was right, and that he was no worse than Xiang Ting.

He thinks that among them, Lin Dong plays best with him, and after getting along these days, he knows that Lin Dong is also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. There is food, drink and safety here, and Lin Dong has no reason not to stay. .

As long as Lin Dong said he was willing to stay, it meant that Xiang Ting would completely lose his support. Just thinking about it, Tang Qin felt extremely happy.

"Me?" The orange cat smacked the cat's mouth, "Let's forget it."

Tang Qin was puzzled: "Why?"

Orange cat: "You two are a couple, why am I left alone, as a light bulb?"

Tang Qin pointed at Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin: " you think they are not a couple?"

"It's different," Orange Cat said plausibly, "They are both men, and I'm not Ji. Even if they show affection, I don't know how to make lemons. Besides, Xiao Lu and I met first, logically speaking. You have to go with him, you should have a beginning and an end in life, well, you can stay at ease, I wish you all the best in the future, meow."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

The words "beginning and ending" were like a slap on Tang Qin's face, and he felt a burning pain on his face.

Feeling ashamed and annoyed, Tang Qin dragged Su Ling away angrily.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting took Fat Orange to find Mr. Gu to say goodbye. Mr. Gu politely said a few words to persuade them to stay, but seeing that they were determined to go, he didn't say anything more, and even gave them some food to take with them on the way. eat.

Xiang Ting drove Lu Shijin and Lin Dong out of the base. The moment the car drove away from the gate of the base, the haze accumulated in Lu Shijin's heart disappeared immediately, and he finally felt relaxed. He didn't want to stay for a moment.

He sat on the co-pilot and glanced in the mirror on the right. He planned to say goodbye to the base that was getting farther and farther behind him, but he didn't expect to see a familiar figure flashing past the gate of the base from afar.

But when he rubbed his eyes and looked over to confirm who it was, the figure disappeared again.

Was he dazzled just now

that figure? Why does it look so much like the dead Du Jiang

Xiang Ting, who was driving, noticed that Lu Shijin lowered his head and was distracted, his face was a little dignified, and asked with concern: "What are you thinking?"

Lu Shijin came back to his senses, and said casually: "No, it's nothing, I'm still thinking about the base. I think the things inside are not as simple as they seem on the surface. How can anyone be so nice to a few strangers for no reason? Is it really okay for Tang Qin and Su Ling to stay inside?"

Xiang Ting's eyebrows and eyes were very indifferent, "They insisted on staying. No matter what happens in the future, it is their own choice."

"You can take it easy," Lu Shijin joked with a chuckle, "After all, you have been a teammate for such a long time, so don't you really worry at all?"

Xiang Ting glanced at him, "I'm not a saint. I thought I didn't feel sorry for them, but they didn't believe me. If you agree, you will gather, if you don't agree, you will separate, it's that simple."

"That's right, if you agree, you will get together, if you don't agree, you will separate," Lu Shijin put his hand on Xiang Ting's shoulder lightly, "Don't feel sad for those who are not worth it, and I will accompany you, I will accompany you all the way go down."

"Hey! And me, meow!" Fat Ju, who had been napping on the back seat, yelled dissatisfiedly, "Did you forget about me, meow?"

Lu Shijin turned his head and looked at Fat Ju, and said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that, Brother Dong, you and Tang Qin usually have a good relationship, so I thought you would choose to stay with them."

Fat Ju stretched his waist, and said lazily: "If you play well, you have a good time. In the face of big right and wrong, your brother Dong can still tell meow. We are a team, we can either stay together or go together, that Although the base is safe, there are food and drink, but I always feel like a prison inside, I don't like to live a life of being controlled, I want to be free outside, meow."

Lu Shijin gave a thumbs up, "Brother Dong Gao Yi! But Brother Dong, let me discuss something with you."

Fat Ju said: "Say."

Lu Shijin: "Can you stop meowing when you talk? You are a fat man, why do I sound so awkward? If you turned into a dog, wouldn't you still be barking?"

Fat Ju was furious, and showed his sharp cat claws at Lu Shijin: "Master is happy, meow, I want you to take care of meow! Do you want to learn the power of meow meow boxing!"

Lu Shijin looked terrified, clasped his fists and begged for mercy: "Don't dare, you can meow as you like! You can do whatever you want!"

Xiang Ting listened to them making jokes one by one, and the gloom in his heart caused by being betrayed by his teammates was slightly relieved.

The next journey was smooth, and for several days, there was no danger of zombies or evil people with supernatural powers.

On the third night after leaving the base, the three stopped to camp in a secluded wood to rest.

The south is where supernatural beings gather, so the further south you go, the smaller the scope of human activities. After driving all the way, no place where humans gather is found, which means that their destination is getting closer.

Lin Dong is still a fat orange, as long as he doesn't want to become a human, even at night, he will always maintain his changing form.

Taking a cat on the road is much easier than taking a person alone. For example, a lot of space can be saved in the car to store supplies, and there is no need to bother finding a place for the cat to sleep at night.

Moreover, Lin Dong seemed to be tired of being an animal, and he fell in love with the feeling of being an animal, so he was not happy about turning him back into a human.

Of course, Lu Shijin reasonably suspected that this lazy cat didn't want to become a human just because he wanted to be lazy and didn't want to work.

As night fell, Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting slept in the tent, while Lin Dong slept in a small nest that Lu Shijin built for him out of cardboard boxes.

Cats have keen hearing, and they sleep alertly, and even a little trouble can't be hidden from their ears.

Suddenly, Fat Ju was awakened by a rustling sound in the distance. He moved his sensitive ears and heard very light footsteps. His round cat eyes immediately turned into copper bells, staring at the distant place. In the darkness, his back arched unconsciously because of tension, ready to go.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and even the sound of the soles of the shoes trampling down the weeds could be clearly heard. Finally, Fat Ju couldn't hold back, and a shrill and loud cat meow rang out in the night, immediately calling Xiang Ting and Xiang Ting who were immersed in sleep Lu Shijin woke up with a start.

Lu Shijin woke up, and immediately heard the breathing sound of a third person, subconsciously picked up the gun hidden under the pillow, and shouted: "Who!"

Xiang Ting asked Lu Shijin in a low voice, "How many people are here?"

Lu Shijin only heard the breathing of one person, and said firmly, "One."

Just one, that's nothing to be afraid of.

Xiang Ting also took a gun in his hand, and got out of the tent with a flashlight. When the flashlight was turned on, a beam of bright light shone in the direction Fat Orange was staring at, and warned in a deep voice: "Who is sneaking there, come out! Or shoot!"

"Don't shoot! It's me!"

A familiar-sounding male voice sounded, and then, a man's figure was illuminated by the light of the flashlight. Xiang Ting moved the light of the flashlight upwards, and after clearly illuminating the man's face, he lost his voice and said, "Du Jiang? How could it be you?" !"

Lu Shijin also got out of the tent and was a little surprised when he saw that it was indeed Du Jiang, but he calmed down soon.

Since Du Jiang is indeed still alive, it seems that when he left the base in the morning, the figure he saw was rightly Du Jiang.

Lu Shijin was full of doubts. When he saved Xiang Ting and wanted to go to Du Jiang that day, 711 did not scan Du Jiang's life signs. How did he disappear out of thin air from the building besieged by zombies

Furthermore, since he didn't die, why didn't he come back to gather the big troops

In addition, why did Du Jiang appear in Mr. Gu's base? Followed them here again now

What secret is Du Jiang hiding? Is he an enemy or a friend now? What is his purpose here

"You're not dead?" Xiang Ting glanced sideways at Lu Shijin. At the beginning, it was Lu Shijin who said with certainty that Du Jiang was dead, but now that Du Jiang appeared in front of him well, Xiang Ting was also full of doubts.

Did Lu Shijin lie to him, or Du Jiang faked his death

However, Xiang Ting only wavered for a while, and soon he strengthened his mind and followed the guidance of his heart. He chose to believe in this person who had gone through so much and was still standing beside him.

"Yes, I'm not dead. Xiang Ting, I finally found you." Du Jiang took two steps forward, trying to get closer to them, but Xiang Ting didn't put down the gun pointed at him, and said seriously, " Please stop and don't come here, explain where you have been these few days?"

While the two were talking, Lu Shijin quietly turned his head and made a "shh" gesture to Fat Ju, signaling Lin Dong not to speak, so as not to let Du Jiang find out that he is actually a human secret.

Lin Dong can now turn into a small animal, and it is much more convenient to do some things than humans.

Du Jiang said: "We were besieged by zombies that day. I really had no choice but to hide in my portable space to escape. When I came out to find you, I couldn't find you."

Lu Shijin: "Isn't there no air in your portable space, so you can't hide people?"

Du Jiang: "I put an oxygen cylinder inside, which can last for a while."

This shows that Du Jiang actually had a way to escape at that time, but he watched him and Xiang Ting die without saying a word, only caring about his own escape, and he was a selfish person.

Fortunately, I wasn't stupid enough to go back and look for him. It wouldn't be worth dying for this kind of person.

Lu Shijin sneered: "No wonder, I didn't scan you, but you are smart enough to hide."

Du Jiang heard that Lu Shijin was mocking him, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I only thought of this method at the last moment..."

Xiang Ting experienced Tang Qin and Su Ling's betrayal, and he had long looked down on the friendship of his teammates, so he interrupted him coldly and asked, "Since you are not dead, why don't you come back to us?"

Du Jiang: "I wanted to find you too, but on the way back, I bumped into Mr. Gu's men again!"

Xiang Ting: "What is 'again'?"

Du Jiang said: "Do you still remember the group of supernatural beings who kidnapped us at Lin Dong's house at that time? They are actually Mr. Gu's men, the group of people from the base! After I met them, I was taken away by them. I went to the base and was detained, and was forced to join them. When I saw you entering the base that day, I wanted to recognize you, but I was afraid of arousing Mr. Gu’s suspicion, so I didn’t dare to act rashly.”

Lu Shijin: "Then how did you come out to find us?"

"Do you think that Mr. Gu really let you go?" Du Jiang said with a chuckle, "When you left the base, he sent people to follow you all the way, and I happened to be assigned to follow you this time." Task, tonight, I took advantage of the opportunity of my vigil when everyone else fell asleep, so I came to remind you that Mr. Gu has no intention of letting you go, you have to be careful."

"Here comes the problem," Lu Shijin turned the gun in his hand, "Why doesn't the surname Gu let us go? We haven't offended him."

Du Jiang said sadly: "Because he is a devil! An out-and-out executioner, a murderer! After I went to the base, I accidentally learned his secret. He uses mind reading to control others and let others replace him." He worked hard, those zombies were actually made by him, and there were no evil supernatural beings at all. On the surface, he made deals with humans, but secretly controlled supernatural beings to help him kill people to obtain crystal nuclei. He wanted to create a The strongest army of supernatural beings is here to help him dominate the world! Those people in the base have already been controlled by him, including Tang Qin and Su Ling. He also took a fancy to you and pretended to let you go, but for the sake of Let you believe that he is a good man, he sent people to follow you all the way, looking for opportunities to attack you, forcing you to go back to work for him, if you are still unwilling to turn back, those people will kill you. "

"Then why aren't you under his control?" Xiang Ting asked.

Du Jiang: "Because I, like you, did not absorb the crystal nucleus he gave. The crystal nucleus is insignificant to him, but it is a good way to buy people's hearts. Once the supernatural being has tried the benefits of supernatural evolution, he will A greedy heart that wants to have more and more crystal nuclei is born, Mr. Gu uses this method to control people's hearts."

It turned out to be like this, no wonder Tang Qin and Su Ling wanted to stay as soon as they evolved into second-order supernatural beings, but why did Lin Dong also absorb the crystal nucleus and he was not affected

When he thought of Lin Dong's personality that he didn't care if the sky fell, as long as there was a tall man, Lu Shijin understood the general idea.

Maybe the crystal nucleus can buy people's hearts, but it can't buy the heart of a salted fish.

Xiang Ting was silent for a while, and put away his gun. At present, what Du Jiang said sounds flawless, and he is still willing to believe Du Jiang.

"Du Jiang, thank you for coming to tell us this. Since you have escaped, come with us, and then find a way to get rid of Mr. Gu's people."

"We can't leave, Tang Qin and Su Ling are still in the base, we have to rescue them!" Du Jiang said solemnly, "If the surname Gu is not eliminated, more people will be killed in the future. We We have to find a way to get rid of him!"

Lu Shijin couldn't help laughing, what Du Jiang said was so righteous, if he didn't know, he thought he was the hero.

It's just that when these words are said from a person who only thinks about himself at the moment of life and death, why does it sound so ridiculous

Lu Shijin asked abruptly, "Du Jiang, can we trust you?"

Du Jiang felt offended and resentful: "We are teammates, how could I lie to you? I am helping you!"

Lu Shijin smiled, pretending to be like that, he really didn't cry when he saw the coffin.

It's a pity that he didn't meet the silly Baitian, but your Uncle Lu with his bright eyes and discerning eyes.

"Convenience store," Lu Shijin snapped his fingers, and silently called 711 in his heart, "Exchange for a 'truth card' for this grandson, I want to listen, some of what he said are true, some A few sentences are false."