The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 147: Survival in the last days


Lin Dong turned into Du Jiang's glasses, directing Du Jiang to drive the others back to the base, while Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting followed them and drove all the way back.

Although it is a bit risky to do so, it can catch someone surnamed Gu by surprise.

The two groups of people hurried and hurried, and finally Lin Dong and Du Jiang returned to the base before the sun went down the next day.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were afraid of attracting the attention of the guards, so they parked the car far away, then walked to the base and lay in ambush outside, waiting for news from Lin Dong.

I didn't see Du Jiang's figure appearing at the gate of the base until the moon was in the middle of the sky, but there was a rule in the base that it was forbidden to go out at night, and the guards would not let him go out.

Du Jiang argued with the guard for a while, but the guard still refused to let him go. Du Jiang became angry and raised his voice to mock the guard: "Isn't he just a janitor? What's the big deal? I'm holding a chicken feather as an arrow. I'm doing things for Mr. Gu." Yes, you have delayed my business, you can wait for Mr. Gu to settle accounts with you later!"

No matter how much Du Jiang tried to talk, the guards remained unmoved and performed their duties faithfully. Du Jiang saw that there was no hope of going out. Cursing, he turned and left.

As soon as Du Jiang left, Lu Shijin, who was ambushing in the dark, also left, motioning Xiang Ting to follow him.

"Go, find Lin Dong."

Xiang Ting asked puzzledly, "Where can I find it?"

"Didn't you hear what Du Jiang said just now?" Lu Shijin asked with a smile.

Xiang Ting was still puzzled: "I heard that, so what?"

Lu Shijin: "When he spoke, he spoke loudly on purpose, obviously for us to hear, and he emphasized the tone of the word 'behind', so I guess, he should be signaling us to go around and look for him at the back."

Xiang Ting suddenly realized, and had to admire Lu Shijin's wit, "I see."

Lu Shijin urged: "Let's go, hurry up, I'm afraid Du Jiang will be suspected."

The two moved cautiously and walked around the back of the base without making a sound. Of course there were guards behind, but they were not as strict as the front. The two guards guarding the gate even took a nap in boredom.

Although it was far away, Lu Shijin, who had excellent eyesight, found Du Jiang in the fence at a glance. Standing in a hidden spot, he cautiously moved towards Du Jiang's position while avoiding the searchlights that swept over him.

After finding Du Jiang, the three of them stood across the fence. Lu Shijin lowered his voice and asked, "How is it? Did you see the one named Gu?"

Du Jiang, whose consciousness was manipulated by Lin Dong, said: "After we came back, several of us went to Mr. Gu to report and told him that our actions had been discovered by you, and Xiang Ting beat us back, but Mr. Gu didn't say anything. How to deal with you next step."

"No?" Lu Shijin was slightly surprised, looked at Xiang Ting, and said in disbelief, "Could he just let us go so easily?"

Du Jiang said: "I don't know exactly what he was thinking, but I think he seemed to have more important matters to deal with urgently, so he sent us away without saying a few words."

"What's more important?" Lu Shijin frowned vigilantly and thought about it. The person surnamed Gu definitely doesn't look like a person who can't achieve his goal and gives up easily. Could it be that he has other tricks to deal with them? What could it be

Lu Shijin: "Brother Dong, I have to trouble you to find out again, what is the surname Gu busy with?"

"OK, then you wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." Lin Dong readily agreed, anyway, in the eyes of others, only Du Jiang could be seen, and there was no danger to him, so Lin Dong became more courageous.

Lin Dong manipulated Du Jiang to walk quietly to the place where Mr. Gu lived. However, the place surnamed Gu lived was usually forbidden to approach. There were more guards than the gate of the base, and there were patrol dogs patrolling back and forth.

Before Lin Dong touched the wall, the patrol dog with keen hearing heard his footsteps and barked in his direction. The guards immediately rushed over to investigate the situation when they noticed the abnormality of the patrol dog, scaring Lin Dong into manipulating the situation. Du Jiang turned around and left.

However, the footsteps chasing him were getting closer and closer, and Lin Dong ran into a blind corner in a panic. He had nowhere to go, and finally saw that he couldn't hide. He was about to go out to face the guards, but suddenly a woman sounded outside. speaking voice.

"Brother Watchman, it's me."

The woman's voice sounded familiar, Lin Dong focused on identifying it, and recognized Su Ling's voice? Why is she here

The guard seemed to know Su Ling. Hearing that it was her, he stopped in his tracks without doubting, "Why is it you again? Didn't I tell you that you can't approach his residence without Mr. Gu's order?"

Su Ling said aggrievedly: "I want to find my boyfriend. I haven't seen him for two days. He was arranged by Mr. Gu to do a mission. I just want to ask Mr. Gu where my boyfriend is. As a girlfriend, I always have the right to know, right?"

The guard: "It's useless for you to tell us about it. Anyway, no one can come in or out of here without Mr. Gu's order. You should go quickly. Since you just came here and don't know the rules, I won't arrest you this time." You are gone, let's go! Don't interfere with our patrol!"

"Thank you, brother guard," Su Ling said pitifully, "Then if you know the whereabouts of my boyfriend, can you tell me?"

The guard probably saw that it was not easy for a weak girl like Su Ling, so he readily agreed: "Okay, I will help you pay attention, don't wander around in the base so late, if you go, you shouldn't go place, if you get arrested again, let’s go.”

Lin Dong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the footsteps outside gradually fading away. Fortunately, Su Ling helped him to save him. He was really lucky.

After confirming that there was no movement outside, he tiptoed out of the alley, and before he showed his head, he was startled by a face that suddenly appeared around the corner!

Lin Dong was still in shock, so he quickly asked Du Jiang to cover his mouth to avoid screaming, and then led the guard over. After a closer look, it was Su Ling again, and his beating heart calmed down a little.

"Scared me to death! Why are you!"

Lin Dong is just Du Jiang's pair of glasses now, so in Su Ling's eyes, of course only Du Jiang's face can be seen.

"I still want to ask you!" Su Ling was also surprised and suspicious, "I saw a person being chased by guards from a distance just now, and I felt that the figure looked a bit like you, but I wasn't sure, but I didn't expect it was really you ? Aren't you dead?"

It turned out that Su Ling had discovered him a long time ago, no wonder she helped him cover up.

Lin Dong thought about Su Ling saying that Tang Qin was sent out by the surname Gu to do a mission for two days and Su Ling had been staying in the base all the time. Perhaps Su Ling would know some secrets about the surname Gu.

"I'm actually not dead." Lin Dong didn't want to reveal his identity, so he didn't say who he was, but said through Du Jiang's mouth, "I hid in my storage space to escape the catastrophe the day I met the zombies." , When I wanted to go back to find you, I was brought here by Mr. Gu's people and forced me to join them. Su Ling, where are the others?"

Su Ling believed Du Jiang's explanation, without any doubt, she lowered her head, looking a little sad.

"After thinking that you were dead, the five of us left, but we also encountered zombies chasing and killing us on the way, and we ran into this place by mistake while fleeing. In the end, Tang Qin and I chose to come down, and Brother Xiang, Brother Lu and Brother Dong left. .”

"That's it," Du Jiang asked, "Then why did you say that Tang Qin was missing?"

Without seeing Tang Qin, Su Ling stayed alone in the base for two days, not knowing anyone and finding no one to talk to, her spirit was on the verge of collapse, and she finally met a familiar person , I couldn't bear it anymore, sobbing softly.

"They asked Tang Qin to go out with them to do missions, but it's been two days and he hasn't come back yet, and he didn't tell me where Tang Qin went. I'm worried... I'm worried... He's being controlled by Mr. Gu..."

"Don't cry yet," Du Jiang patted Su Ling on the shoulder to comfort her, "Tang Qin should be fine. Su Ling, I don't think this Mr. Gu is a good person, forcing us to join this base to help him do things, control Our personal freedom, we have to find a way to get out of here and find brother Xiang and the others."

Su Ling cried: "Yeah, I have long felt that Mr. Gu is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but Tang Qin didn't know what was wrong at that time. He was determined to stay here, and I couldn't help it. He, no one else knows where he is now, what should I do if I stay here alone?"

"Don't worry, I will rescue you," Du Jiang said, "But Su Ling, have you noticed anything strange in the base these two days?"

"Strange thing?" Su Ling stopped crying, frowned and thought for a while, "Yes, yes. When I was eating, I heard someone next to me talk about something, saying that Mr. Gu caught a lot of things in the past two days. The evil supernatural beings came back and locked them in the basement of the small building where he lived, does that count?"

Lin Dong remembered that when Mr. Gu sent them away, he looked back. Mr. Gu seemed to be going to his basement, so the important thing must be about the so-called "evil supernatural beings" he captured.

"Forget it, of course it does!" Lin Dong was overjoyed, and hurried back to find Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting, and said to Su Ling, "Su Ling, go back, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to help you find out about Tang Qin."

Su Ling nodded, "Okay, thank you Du Jiang, it's great that you are alive."

Lin Dong thought to himself, poor girl, you still don't know anything. If you knew what the person in front of you has done, you probably wouldn't think so.

After Su Ling left, Lin Dong asked Du Jiang to rush to the back of the base as quickly as possible. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were still waiting for him. Lin Dong repeated the news Su Ling told him to Lu Shijin, and asked: " There must be secrets in the basement surnamed Gu, there is no 'evil supernatural being' at all, and what kind of conspiracy is he planning? What are we going to do next? Do we want to care about it?"

Lu Shijin pondered for a while, then looked at Xiang Ting, "What do you think?"

Xiang Ting: "We have to rescue Su Ling and Tang Qin."

"Don't you blame them for abandoning you?" Lu Shijin asked with a smile.

Xiang Ting said flatly: "Tang Qin should be controlled by Mr. Gu, and Su Ling is even more innocent. They are not as sinful as Du Jiang. At least we got to know each other once, and we should save them based on emotion and reason."

"What you want is to save Tang Qin and Su Ling, but what I want is," Lu Shijin looked up at the huge base in the darkness, like a giant beast crawling on the ground, and the people inside were just For the food of the giant beast, Lu Shijin curled his lower lip coldly, and continued, "Save everyone in the base."

Lin Dong: "...Xiao Lu, we can't protect ourselves, so let's not meddle in other people's business, and leave as soon as we save someone. You don't know the people in this base, and they are not related to you, so you care about them What are you doing?"

"Don't you understand?" Lu Shijin ignored Lin Dong, looked at Xiang Ting, and said, "Fleeing in a blind way, avoiding hunting is not the way, the way to survive in the end times, two, one is to become stronger, The second is to unite more supernatural beings. Find some self-rescue organization, the journey is far away, let alone what dangers we may encounter, even if we get there, who can guarantee that they will protect us forever?"

"You mean," Xiang Ting's eyes sharpened, "It's better to rely on others than ourselves. Let's build an organization by ourselves, right?"

"Yes, but you don't need to build it yourself," Lu Shijin raised his finger forward, "Isn't there a ready-made one here?"

Lin Dong understood what Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting meant, and was very surprised, "You two are ambitious enough, are you planning to usurp the throne?"

"Seeking to usurp the throne is not the way to do it," Xiang Ting's serious expression showed a rare slack smile. He stared into Lu Jin's eyes and said, "We should be considered—"

The two spoke in unison, and said word by word: "For, Heaven, Xing, Dao!"

Lin Dong noticed the tacit understanding between the two, and felt that he had been forcibly stuffed with dog food.

Oh my god, he's obviously not gay, why does he feel sour when he sees these two gay friends showing affection

Ahhh, this world is so unfriendly to single dogs! Full of malice!

"Why do you act on behalf of the heavens? Let me tell you first, I won't do hard work." Lin Dong asked coolly.

Lu Shijin looked up at the sky, deliberately teasing Lin Dong, "The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people on the night..."

Lin Dong was shocked, and his tone changed nervously, "What? Kill someone? I dare not kill someone! I dare not even kill a chicken!"

Lu Shijin jokingly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I won't let you kill people, will you set fire to it?"

Setting fire sounds easier than killing people. Lin Dong weighed it and asked hesitantly, "How?"

Lu Shijin: "I observed here last time. There is a warehouse in the northwest corner of the base, where they store food. Go there and set fire there, and then leave."

"Burn food?" Lin Dong disagreed, "There is not enough to eat, and you still set fire to it, it's too wasteful!"

Lu Shijin: "This will cause them to be in chaos. If you are reluctant to burn food, you can also burn gasoline, but you can't avoid the explosion."

Lin Dong: "...then it's better to burn food. Although I'm just a pair of glasses now, I have to think about my own safety."

Lin Dong returned to the base and waited for the opportunity to set fire. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were planning to sneak into the base to find out what secrets were hidden in the basement when the base was in chaos.

Although it is dark now and Xiang Ting cannot use his abilities, Lu Shijin still has the golden finger of 711. As long as he leans over and let 711 scan it, he will know what is in the basement.

And there is only a chance to get close to Mr. Gu's heavily guarded residence at night. During the day, the base is full of people with supernatural abilities. It is even more difficult to sneak in and hide from everyone's sight.

After waiting outside for a while, Lin Dong did not disappoint them. He soon saw flames rising into the sky in the northwest corner and thick smoke rising. Immediately, the alarm sounded in the base. When they heard that the grain warehouse was on fire, everyone got up from their beds to rush As they went to fight the fire, the base instantly became chaotic.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting sneaked into the base while the guards were unprepared.

Mr. Gu's residence and the burning place are in opposite directions, so the two of them walked there without meeting anyone.

After evolving into a third-order supernatural being, Lu Shijin's five senses became more acute, and he could easily bypass all obstacles even in the dark night when he couldn't see his fingers.

When they were taken to the small two-story building that day, Lu Shijin saw the guard at the door from a distance.

Everyone else went to fight the fire, but the number of guards surnamed Gu here is not small at all, and the intensity of patrolling is not slack.

There is a grid on the fence and you cannot climb it. Even if you climb it, you will be spotted by patrol dogs.

So how to lure these guards away and successfully enter the small building

At this time, of course, it was 711's turn to appear, and Lu Shijin secretly ordered 711: "Convenience store, use an explosive card to lure these people away."

711 cleverly threw an explosion card not far away. Hearing the sound of the explosion, the guard took the patrol dog over to check the situation. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting saw the opportunity for them to leave the post, and quickly and successfully entered the fence.

Next, it's time to find the basement.

Lu Shijin was looking for the location of the basement, Xiang Ting suddenly asked: "What happened to the explosion just now?"

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied calmly: "I don't know, maybe God is also helping us."

They were at a loss as to how to lure the guards away, and then there was an explosion. Did God really help

It's not that Xiang Ting doesn't believe that such a coincidence will happen, but he feels that some facts that have happened to Lu Shijin in the past few days are weird.

First, Du Jiang was tortured. Whatever Lu Shijin asked, Du Jiang would answer honestly.

Then, he was able to control Du Jiang's mind and let Du Jiang follow Lin Dong's command.

Is this using a power? But why had he never heard of such a power before

But since Lu Shijin didn't want to tell him the truth, Xiang Ting didn't ask again.

He believed that Lu Shijin would not harm him, and also believed that if Lu Shijin didn't want to say it, there must be a reason why he couldn't say it.

Xiang Ting's life creed has always been like this, since he has chosen to trust, then never doubt it.

"Found it!" Lu Shijin shouted excitedly, pulling Xiang Ting's thoughts back, and he asked, "What?"

Lu Shijin: "The location of the basement! Let me scan it."

711 finished scanning and told Lu Shijin the result: "There are seven people inside."

Lu Shijin: "So many? What does the old fox want to hide so many people inside?"

711: "Then you have to ask him."

"There are seven people in the basement, but I don't know what they are doing," Lu Shijin whispered to Xiang Ting, asking for his opinion, "Do you want to go in?"

Xiang Ting nodded: "Of course, but now is not the time. The chaos outside will definitely arouse Mr. Gu's vigilance. This place is full of his people. If we are discovered, we will not be able to leave."

Lu Shijin: "Then what do you mean?"

Xiang Ting pondered for a while, and said, "Wait. Wait a little later, around two or three o'clock in the morning. That's when people's spirits are most likely to relax. Let's find a chance to go in."

Lu Shijin made sense after thinking about it, so he dragged Xiang Ting to hide in a remote corner, waiting for an opportunity.

The fire light in the northwest corner disappeared, presumably the fire had been extinguished, and the guards outside found that the explosion was just a false alarm, and returned to stand guard at the door. Of course, they would not have thought that someone had slipped into the wall.

After about half an hour, a figure came out from the entrance of the basement, and Lu Shijin immediately recognized that tall figure from the back as Mr. Gu himself.

Mr. Gu entered the basement by himself and left by himself, so who were the other six people in the basement? Why did he lock them up

Lu Shijin was full of curiosity about this.

Mr. Gu left the basement and returned to the small building on the second floor. The room on the left side of the second floor should be his bedroom. Lu Shijin watched him enter the bedroom, turned on the light in the room, and then sat down by the window. A dark shadow appeared.

Mr. Gu has been sitting in front of the desk, as if he was dealing with something. Lu Shijin stared at it, and gradually became sleepy. His upper eyelids and lower eyelids were fighting, and he was so sleepy that he could hardly open his eyes.

"Why isn't he going to bed yet?" Lu Shijin patted his forehead and picked up his ears to keep himself awake, but he still yawned uncontrollably, "It's so late, he doesn't Are you sleepy?"

Xiang Ting saw that he was slapping himself in the face and picking up his ears. He felt it was funny, rubbed his forehead, and said softly: "If you are sleepy, you can rely on me to sleep for a while, and I will just keep an eye on it. "

Lu Shijin shook his head, "How can we do that? What if we both fall asleep? Opportunities don't come every day. If you miss one hit, it will be difficult to do it again."

Xiang Ting knew that Lu Shijin's heart was attached to it, so he didn't force it, "Then let's chat for a while and divert our attention, so we won't be so sleepy."

"Okay, what are we talking about?" Lu Shijin raised his head and looked at him and asked.

Xiang Ting: "Do you have any wish?"

Lu Shijin: "Yes, I hope for world peace."

"Your wish is too great. I'm afraid it won't come true for a while. Let's put it another way." Xiang Ting chuckled, "What do you want to do in the future?"

"In the future?" Lu Shijin blinked his eyes and thought for a while, then said quietly, "I want to find someone to live a stable life with, and I don't want to live in no fixed place anymore, wandering about, after all, I still need a harbor where I can stop and rest. If you wander for too long, you will feel tired."

Xiang Ting brushed aside a lock of hair on his forehead, and asked softly, "So, where will be your harbor?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, and suddenly pulled Xiang Ting's hand around his shoulders, and with a big smile on his lips, he said with certainty, "This is it!"

Infected by his smile, Xiang Ting couldn't help laughing, his heart was soft, he hugged Lu Shijin tightly, kissed his forehead, and whispered: "Well, this is here, I will always be open to you."

The two cuddled each other, whispering, telling each other, and occasionally kissing each other.

At this moment, Lu Shijin's wish seemed to have come true, world peace, as if there was only a corner of the two of them left in the world, only the two of them, no worries, no conspiracy, everything was so beautiful and quiet.

Lu Shijin looked at the sky far away and said with emotion: "I don't know when these days will end, I really want to go back to the past."

Xiang Ting: "Soon."

Lu Shijin looked at him with a smile: "Do you know which past I'm talking about?"

"No matter which past or future," Xiang Ting said in a low voice, giving a sense of conviction, "I will accompany you."

"That's what you said," Lu Shijin restrained his smile and said seriously, "You must always be with me."

Xiang Ting nodded slowly and solemnly, and made a promise.

The moon was setting in the west, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning before the lights in the bedroom on the second floor were turned off, and Gu finally went to rest.

As soon as he saw the lights off, Lu Shijin immediately sat up from Xiang Ting's arms, yawned, rubbed his eyes, and complained: "The old fox stayed up so late, he will die suddenly sooner or later!"

Xiang Ting has always been very energetic, his eyes are still shining, and he patted: "Let's go, let's go to the basement."

It's time to uncover the secrets hidden inside.