The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 148: Survival in the last days


Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting reached the entrance of the basement in the dark. They also thought that Mr. Gu would definitely set up a mechanism at the entrance to prevent people from entering. As expected, they were blocked by a locked iron door.

An iron lock is hung on the iron door, and it cannot be opened without a key. If the lock is forcibly broken, too much movement will attract the attention of the guards.

"Can you pick the lock?" Lu Shijin asked Xiang Ting.

Xiang Ting: "... no."

Lu Shijin looked at him with a strange look: "Are you a physics student and can't pick a lock?"

Xiang Ting was puzzled, "Why do you need to know how to open a lock if you study physics?"

"Isn't there a saying that 'learn physics and chemistry well, and you won't be afraid to go all over the world'?" Xue Zha Lu said plausibly, "It can be seen that when it is really useful, mathematics, physics and chemistry are useless. Alas, today's college students can't even open a lock. No, I don’t know what to do after studying.”

Xiang Ting: "..." I feel offended.

Xiang Ting asked back, "Then you will?"

"Of course." Full of confidence, Lu Shijin pulled out an iron wire from nowhere, inserted it into the lock cylinder and stirred it for a while, and suddenly heard a "click", and he actually opened the lock. Lu Shijin looked at it proudly with raised eyebrows. Xiang Ting, "Are you convinced?"

What else can Xiang Ting say, just one word, "Submit."

Lu Shijin: "Just take it, go in, be careful, I'm afraid there will be traps inside."

The voice of 711 came out suddenly and coldly: "Have you heard the story of 'the fox pretends to be the tiger'?"

Lu Shijin grinned and said: "Oh, you are me, I am you, we are one, don't make such distinctions. When this task is over, I will credit you a great credit!"

711 sighed faintly: "When this mission is over, I don't know if we can meet again."

Lu Shijin heard that there was something in its words, and asked vigilantly, "What did you say?"

711 realized the gaffe, and immediately denied it: "No, it's nothing, you go in quickly, don't let anyone find out."

Although 711 refused to tell him clearly, Lu Shijin had a premonition in his heart.

This world is already his tenth mission. From what the convenience store said just now, could this be his last world

If everything is really coming to an end, can the "Lord God" in the mouth of the convenience store really fulfill one of his wishes as long as he completes the tasks in this world

When Lu Shijin thought of this possibility, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, is it finally over

He has been in another world for too long, traveled through ten worlds, and spent ten different lives in ten worlds, like ten long lifetimes, but he still has not forgotten the original intention when he first accepted the task —

He wants to go back, back to the real world, because there, he still has his greatest wish unfulfilled.

Traveling through ten times, although each world looks like the real world, Lu Shijin has never felt a sense of belonging here, even if he found true love here, his original intention has never changed.

There is always a voice in Lu Shijin's heart reminding him that everything is fake, and he should not indulge in nostalgia, including the man beside him, except for the real soul, everything else is also fake.

He could be Huo Lian, he could be Pei Yin, he could be Li Chong, he could be Zhou Xueyuan... Now he is Xiang Ting, but apart from the roles in these plays, who would he be

how does he look like? how old? What does he do

Lu Shijin didn't know anything about it, but what he knew was that what he loved was the soul of the man beside him, regardless of his various identities and appearances here.

So they want to go back to reality together, without pretending identities or masks, and get to know and love each other again with their true colors and sincerity.

It's not bad that his name is Lu Shijin, but he is him, not any character in the play. He hopes that what Xiang Ting loves is not the him he sees in his eyes now, but the real him.

"What are you thinking?" Xiang Ting saw that Lu Shijin was a little absent-minded and didn't know that he almost stepped on a hole in the ground when he was walking, so he couldn't help but remind him.

Lu Shijin came back to his senses, looked up at Xiang Ting for a while, and suddenly smiled, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about getting things here as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Xiang Ting didn't suspect anything else, and nodded, "Well, let's go in quickly."

"Wait a minute," Lu Shijin called him, and stretched out a hand towards him. The straight man looked at that hand and expressed his confusion, "What's wrong?"

Lu Shijin said as a matter of course: "Hold hands."

Xiang Ting, who has grown up so big, has never held anyone's hand except for his companion children when playing games in kindergarten. After hearing Lu Shijin's sudden request, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Men and men hold hands. It's a bit awkward to think about it.

"Will you be okay if I touch you?" Xiang Ting asked softly.

Lu Shijin's face was a little hot, and he said falteringly: "Actually... in the past few days, through your... that kind of electrotherapy method, it seems to have improved a lot, and it won't be sore and weak when you touch it again."

Xiang Ting twitched the corners of his mouth in relief. Seeing his ambiguous smile, Lu Shijin couldn't hold back his face, and shook his hands, "Are you holding me or not?"

"Uh..." Xiang Ting hesitated for a moment and did not extend his hand. Lu Shijin became impatient, took a step forward and took his hand and held it tightly.

"What's the matter, are you still shy?" Lu Shijin said in an unhappy tone, "Does holding my hand make you feel uncomfortable?"

"No," Xiang Ting resolutely denied, fearing that Lu Shijin would not believe it, he emphasized it again, "Really not."

Not only is it not uncomfortable, but it is very comfortable, extremely comfortable.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, the palms of the two people are touching, the warmth of the palms is transmitted to each other, and it has been ironed into the heart, the heart is like being surrounded by a ball of cotton candy, soft, warm, and slightly sweet.

Xiang Ting once expressed disdain for the couples in school who had to walk hand in hand. He thought it was naive and exaggerated, but when things happened to him, he realized that holding hands is such a beautiful thing .

"Let's just believe you," Lu Shijin shook the hands they held together, "If we hold each other like this, we won't get lost. Even in the dark, I can know that you are by my side."

Xiang Ting squeezed Lu Shijin's hand slightly, and said in a low voice, "I will always be by your side."

Lu Shi chuckled with satisfaction, "Okay, let's go."

The two headed into the basement. There was a long passage in front of them, and the end was invisible at a glance. Fortunately, there were dim lights on both sides of the passage, so that they would not be blinded and unable to see clearly.

They didn't know what was at the end of the passage, and the two felt uneasy, and the faint green lights on both sides were somewhat permeating, making the atmosphere extraordinarily eerie.

Damn, it's like shooting a horror movie. Fortunately, this is a post-apocalyptic dungeon, with only zombies and no ghosts.

Bah, bah, crow's mouth, Lu Shijin scolded himself in his heart not to be poisonous, if he really met a zombie before, he would not be able to cry, and the zombies are scary, okay

Finally, they were about to reach the end of the passage, and there was another horizontal passage at the end. The two hesitated, not knowing whether to go left or right.

Xiang Ting: "Do you want to separate?"

Lu Shijin grasped his hand tightly, shook his head twice, "No!"

Xiang Ting looked at him as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and asked jokingly, "Are you afraid?"

"Of course I'm not afraid!" Lu Shijin said sternly, "I haven't figured out what's going on here, how can we separate? What if one person is in danger? We must advance together and retreat together!"

Xiang Ting knew it well and didn't expose him, so he smiled helplessly: "Then where do you want to go?"

Lu Shijin pointed casually and pointed to the left, "Go here to have a look first, if you don't find anything, come back and go to the right."

So the two turned left and walked in. After walking for about three to five minutes, they knocked down another iron door. Lu Shijin re-installed the iron wire to unlock the lock. In fact, he asked 711 to help him destroy the lock cylinder and opened the iron door. Door.

The moment the iron door was opened, the situation inside the iron door was clearly visible. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were both surprised when they saw the situation inside.

This is a closed room with three huge iron cages, and two people, male and female, are imprisoned in each iron cage.

These people were lying unconscious in the cage. Lu Shijin took out a flashlight and took pictures of their faces one by one. In one of the iron cages, there was actually Tang Qin!

No wonder Su Ling said that Tang Qin was sent out by the surname Gu to do a mission, but he never came back. It turned out that he was locked in the basement!

But why does the surname Gu want to close Tang Qin? Who is that woman with Tang Qinguan

"Tang Qin? Why is he here?" Xiang Ting was a little surprised when he saw his former teammate. He tried to open the cage to rescue Tang Qin, but was stopped by Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin said calmly: "Don't be in a hurry to save them, it's inconvenient to take so many people out, and the surname Gu will be alerted if they disappear, so it's not too late to save them after you figure out what his purpose is for arresting them .”

Xiang Ting felt that what Lu Shijin said made sense, so he stopped, squatted down outside the cage, and tried to call Tang Qin's name twice, but Tang Qin didn't respond. Because of the medicine, I fell into a coma.

He couldn't wake up, and naturally he couldn't figure out the purpose of arresting people surnamed Gu, so Lu Shijin suddenly found himself in trouble.

"What is the surname Gu trying to do by arresting these people?" Lu Shijin frowned, staring at the cages and muttering to himself, "Why are there exactly two people locked in one cage? Is there any particularity to this?"

Just knowing how many people surnamed Gu has arrested is not enough to convict him, and judging from the importance Mr. Gu attaches to these people, it is definitely not just as simple as arresting people and locking them up.

So knowing what is the use of him arresting these people is the key to the matter.

This time it was due to the right time and place that they could sneak into Mr. Gu's basement so smoothly, but it is impossible to use the same move twice. If they can't find clues this time, it will be difficult to sneak into the base again.

Lu Shijin suddenly remembered that there is another end to the basement. There are no clues here, and there may be discoveries there.

"Let's go." Time was running out, Lu Shijin immediately pulled Xiang Ting up and walked out, "Go to the other side and have a look."

But before they reached the door, the iron door suddenly closed with a "bang". Xiang Ting immediately went to pull the door, but the door was locked from the outside, and it couldn't be opened no matter how hard he pulled it!

"Not good!" Lu Shijin had a bad premonition in his heart, looked at Xiang Ting and shouted, "We've been discovered!"

"You two are really capable. I actually underestimated you for being able to let you in here." A sullen voice sounded from outside the door, and said with a sneer, "I intended to let you go, but who knows what heaven will do? If there is a way, if you don’t go, you will have to break in if there is no way to hell, but this is fine, I am worried that there are too few supernatural beings with your physique to find them, so if you send them to your door, don’t blame me for being rude gone."

Who else would this voice be if it wasn't Mr. Gu

Lu Shijin was startled for a while, so they had been discovered a long time ago? Is the person surnamed Gu deliberately inviting you into the urn? waiting for them

Wait, what did the surname Gu say just now

"A supernatural person with your physique"!

He knows the surname Gu!

Lu Shijin's brain was spinning at high speed, and when he looked back at the three iron cages, a terrible thought came out of his heart, making him shudder.

"Xiang Ting, I get it, I get it..." Lu Shijin turned pale, and grabbed Xiang Ting's arm and said, "When the surname Gu used mind reading skills on you, he must have discovered our secret, so he will Do everything possible to force us to stay! And these people," he paused, looking at these people locked up one by one in the cage, a nausea rose in his throat, "these people should have the same physique as me. Capable people, the surname Gu probably wants to use them to create high-level supernatural beings to help him do things!"

Hearing Lu Shijin's reasoning, Xiang Ting's expression turned ugly, and he blamed himself: "It's it's because of me, I shouldn't let him read his mind..."

Lu Shijin was afraid that he would get into trouble, so he supported his shoulder and shook him, "I don't blame you, you also blocked it for me. Whether he reads me or you, this secret will be exposed."

Mr. Gu has been outside listening to them talking inside, and when Lu Shijin finished speaking, he laughed, "You are not too stupid, you figured out what I want to do so quickly. Speaking of which, I really want to thank you for letting me I found out that there is still a way to upgrade abilities without relying on crystal nuclei. This is really an unexpected joy hahaha! As long as I hold all the ability users with this physique in my hands, then I will soon I can become the master of this world! Don't worry, as long as you obey me obediently, I will definitely not treat you badly hahaha!"

Lu Shijin sneered: "Go ahead and live your spring and autumn dream! You are a hypocrite and a real villain. Sooner or later, everyone will know your true face!"

Mr. Gu didn't take Lu Shijin's ridicule to heart, and said lightly, "Am I dreaming, you will know the result soon, you two just stay here for me obediently! Hahahaha!"

His laughter gradually faded away, Lu Shijin guessed that he should have left the basement, and angrily kicked the iron door to vent his anger.

Originally, he was complacent about the smooth implementation of the plan, but he didn't expect that the surname Gu had already discovered that they had sneaked in, waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap, he was really pissed off!

"It's disgusting, how could such a person exist!" Lu Shijin became more and more angry when he thought about it, and slammed the iron door loudly, "I must expose his true colors!"

Xiang Ting pulled him back and patted his sore hands, "Calm down first, don't get dizzy with anger, we have to find a way to get out."

In fact, Lu Shijin couldn't be bothered if he wanted to go out. After all, he has the golden finger of 711.

But he didn't want to just let the surname Gu go. Mr. Gu already knew how to use a superhuman with his physique to create a high-level superhuman.

If it is not stopped, a supernatural being like him will sooner or later become a plaything among supernatural beings, even worse than prostitutes. They are just commodities, tools to be used by others, and the value of existence is to be forced to accept Do it with all kinds of people!

No, he can't just watch this kind of thing happen, he absolutely won't allow what happened to the original owner to happen to him again, or to people of the same type as him!

Lu Shijin thought about what he was going to do, but calmed down, and analyzed: "The supernatural power surnamed Gu is mind-reading, which can control people's hearts. There are still very few high-level supernatural beings. If he cultivates a few high-level supernatural powers first If you control them, then he is almost invincible in this world. It has been nearly six days since we left and we came back, and now I don’t know what level the ability surnamed Gu has evolved to. If it has reached the fifth level, things will become very difficult."

"And these people," Xiang Ting pointed to the six people lying in the iron cage, "how far have their abilities evolved? If they have been controlled by Mr. Gu, it will be a hindrance to us. Shall we…”

Xiang Ting didn't continue to say the rest, but Lu Shijin understood what he meant. Xiang Ting wanted to ask whether he should act first and get rid of these supernatural beings who might already be Gu's helpers.

But there was Tang Qin among these people, could Xiang Ting do it

Lu Shijin feels that Xiang Ting now is different from the Xiang Ting he just met. He has changed unconsciously. He is no longer indecisive, but has become decisive and has the quality of being a strong man. .

Only such a person can become the savior.

In troubled times, the heart of the Holy Father cannot affect the common people. Only by killing to stop killing and using violence to control violence can all turmoil be quelled.

Lu Shijin felt very relieved to see this change in Xiang Ting, but he didn't want to turn Xiang Ting into a ungrateful person, presumably in his heart, he was also unwilling to let Tang Qin die.

Lu Shijin: "It doesn't matter, even mind reading has a way to crack it. These people are innocent, and they were all taken advantage of by the surname Gu. Let's find a way to wake them up and ask about the situation."

Just now, I was afraid of scaring the snake, so I didn't rescue these comatose people, but now that they have been discovered, there is no need to worry so much, so Lu Shijin secretly asked 711 to lock Tang Qin and Tang Qin in the same cage first. man woman wake up.

Tang Qin and the woman woke up leisurely. The woman woke up before Tang Qin. As soon as she woke up, she crawled towards the corner of the cage in fear, huddled into a ball and shivered. When Tang Qin moved a little, she screamed in fear. She must have suffered a lot. caused by the stimulus.

"Don't be afraid. We are here to save you, not bad people. Can you tell us what Mr. Gu did to you?" Lu Shijin softly comforted the woman, and motioned Xiang Ting to wake Tang Qin up and let Tang Qin leave. Stay away from women, don't scare people, you will not get any results if you want to ask questions later.

The woman hugged her knees and buried her head in them. No matter what Lu Shijin said, she would just shake her head, and she was very resistant to strangers.

Forget it, I can't ask why from a woman, it seems that I can only ask Tang Qin.

Tang Qin had already sat up. Unlike the woman's fierce reaction, his expression was a little dull, as if he had been hit hard.

Lu Shijin was afraid that Tang Qin would also go mad due to the stimulation, so he whispered softly next to Tang Qin: "Tang Qin, are you okay? It's us, Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting."

Xiang Ting also said, "Tang Qin, how are you?"

Perhaps because he heard Xiang Ting's familiar voice, the dazed Tang Qin finally reacted, and slowly raised his head to look towards Ting. After recognizing that it was really Xiang Ting, his frozen expression finally changed.

"Brother Xiang!" Tang Qin crawled towards Ting on all hands and feet, grasping the railing of the iron cage, and said excitedly, "Brother Xiang, why did you come in too?"

Xiang Ting said succinctly: "After we left, we found that Mr. Gu had sent people to follow us and wanted to do harm, so we just came back to see what he was trying to do, and then we went all the way to find out here. What about you, why are you Will he be locked up here?"

"He wants to kill you?" Tang Qin shook his head and laughed at himself, "I'm so stupid, I'm so fucking stupid! I actually believe that he is a good man! Brother Xiang, you are right, I should go with you, Mr. Gu is a devil , He is a complete devil! Not two days after you left, he let the people in the base go around arresting people, and suddenly tricked me here one day, and then let me, let me... "

It was hard for Tang Qin to speak, but both Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting knew what he wanted to say.

"He's arresting people with special physiques who can help people with supernatural abilities upgrade their abilities, right?" Lu Shijin asked.

Tang Qin was surprised: "How do you know?"

Lu Shijin: "You don't need to worry about how I know, you just answer yes or no."

Tang Qin lowered his eyes and nodded stiffly, "Yes."

Lu Shijin: "How many people like this did he find?"

Tang Qin: "The three are all here."

Lu Shijin: "Are you sure?"

Tang Qin: "I'm sure, because I went to arrest them together. In the end, Mr. Gu left these three people behind, and me... and the other two supernatural beings."

Lu Shijin guessed that the person surnamed Gu should have selected young and strong supernatural powers like Tang Qin to train them. This is only the first batch of three people. Or, he can completely control an army of high-level supernatural beings to serve him!

How terrible that would be!

"Tang Qin, has your ability... been upgraded?" Lu Shijin tried to be as tactful as possible without asking too bluntly.

If Tang Qin's abilities were upgraded, it would prove... that he should have had sex with the woman in the corner, and more than once.

If this is the case, Tang Qin has betrayed Su Ling...

Tang Qin buried his head in his palm in pain, and whimpered in his throat. It was self-evident what the answer was.

"Brother Xiang! Brother Lu!" Tang Qin suddenly knelt down towards Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting, and said excitedly, "I beg you, don't tell Su Ling about this, I beg you, she can't accept it, she It will collapse! It's my fault, it's all my fault, how can I be so stupid, don't trust my teammates to trust a stranger of unknown origin! I really deserve to die!"

Seeing Tang Qin's painful look, Lu Shijin thought of Su Ling who was worried about her lover outside, felt a little sympathetic to the couple, and sighed, "It's not all your fault, you were controlled by him, It's also involuntary. Tang Qin, the most urgent thing is to deal with Mr. Gu, let me ask you, do you know how far Mr. Gu's abilities have evolved?"

Tang Qin said in a daze, "I don't know..."

"Didn't he..." Lu Shijin paused, "The one with the supernatural beings he captured?"

Tang Qin shook his head: "No, he will only drug us to force us to evolve abilities, but he has never tried it himself... So his ability level should not have changed."

This is strange, logically speaking, shouldn't the person surnamed Gu catch these supernatural beings with special physiques first in a hurry to upgrade his supernatural powers and make himself stronger

Why does he only cultivate others, but not evolve his own abilities

Could it be that he is a conservative person who cannot accept having sex with strangers

is it possible? Lu Shijin immediately denied this idea.

How can a person like him who is greedy for profit have any sense of shame if he can't do anything in order to evolve his abilities.

Things became confusing again.