The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 149: Survival in the last days


But no matter what, the ability surnamed Gu did not evolve, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

In the basement, the sun can't come in, Tang Qin and the others are locked up here, they can't use their abilities, they are no different from ordinary people.

Of course Lu Shijin can save them out, but after going out, he will face hundreds of other supernatural beings in the base. Attacked as a fugitive.

To capture the thief, you must first capture the king, and you have to find a way to control Mr. Gu in your hands.

It's a pity that the system has a restriction that it can't harm the characters in the plot, otherwise, 711 can casually deal with the surname Gu, so Lu Shijin doesn't have to worry about it.

"Brother Xiang, Brother Lu, what are we going to do now? If you are all arrested, then we are all doomed?" Tang Qin sank down on the ground with a mournful expression on his face, "Su Ling is still waiting for me... What to do? What to do? Who can save us now? It's over, everything is over... "

Lu Shijin couldn't feel sympathy for Tang Qin, and now he regrets it, what did he do

Although Tang Qin turned his back on Xiang Ting at that time, it was somewhat influenced by Mr. Gu's mind-reading skills, but if he hadn't doubted Xiang Ting early in the morning, no matter how clever the surname Gu was, he would not be able to separate them.

Mind-reading technique controls people's hearts. In the final analysis, the caster sees the desire, greed, and hatred in the mind of the caster, and uses them to induce the dark side of the heart, so as to achieve the effect of controlling people's hearts.

And people like the heartless Lin Dong and Xianyu who have no desires and ambitions are not easy to be controlled by mind reading skills.

So Tang Qin got to where he is today, it is entirely his own fault, and he is not worthy of pity at all.

Generally, there will always be one or two pig teammates next to a strong and witty protagonist. Lu Shijin is used to this setting, and he is too lazy to listen to Tang Qin's endless complaints, so he pulls Xiang Ting aside to discuss countermeasures.

The biggest trouble when dealing with Gu is that he can control people's hearts. He may control his mind before he gets close to him. Therefore, when he is in a mess and can't concentrate on using mind reading skills, he can surprise him and give him fatal blow.

"It's not daylight yet, and his mind-reading skills won't work. He will definitely come back to us when the sun rises." Lu Shijin calmly analyzed, "Before that, we have to think about his weaknesses that we can take advantage of." , as long as he can't use mind reading skills, we have a chance to kill him."

Xiang Ting took Lu Shijin's words seriously, but they only met Mr. Gu twice, so they didn't know his weakness.

Mr. Gu is insidious and cunning, and the city is quite deep. This kind of person is the most cautious and suspicious. I am afraid that even the people who are closest to him at ordinary times, he will not talk to him, let alone tell others his weaknesses.

The two looked at each other for a while, unable to figure out why, helpless.

Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, there was not much time left for them. The person surnamed Gu was about to come, but they hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet.

Lu Shijin took a deep breath and made a decisive decision: "Forget it, the soldiers are here to cover the water and soil, let's take one step at a time! When he comes later, I will find a way to divert his attention. You find an opportunity to go up and hold him, let him He let us out!"

With the matter at this point, there was no other way, Xiang Ting could only nod in agreement, but knew in his heart that the hope of success was very slim.

"Don't be discouraged," Lu Shijin showed a relaxed smile to Xiang Ting, patted his chest and said, "You have to believe in the strength of me, the king of talking, and wait to see me scold the dog surnamed Gu bloodyly, and smoke from the seven orifices." !"

A smile appeared on Xiang Ting's solemn face, "Okay, I'll wait to see your performance."

Anyway, I can't think of a way, it's better to face everything that will happen next calmly.

Since the person surnamed Gu wanted to use him and Xiang Ting, so their lives would not be in danger, Lu Shijin slowly calmed down, found an open space in the room and sat down, waiting for the person surnamed Gu to come to the door.

"Convenience store, when the surname Gu comes over, help me monitor his heartbeat and blood pressure." Lu Shijin secretly explained to 711.

711 is unknown, so: "Why?"

Lu Shijin briefly explained: "I need to know his weakness."

711 didn't ask any more questions, and simply agreed: "Okay, as long as it doesn't directly harm the character, I can help you."

Calculating the time, it was almost dawn. I thought that Mr. Gu would only rest near dawn and would not come to them soon. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, he heard the sound of the door opening outside.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at each other, stood up tacitly at the same time, and took two steps back.

The iron door opened, and Mr. Gu walked in alone without his men.

It must be that what he did is disgraceful, and it is still in the experimental stage, the less people know, the safer it is for him.

And he is also very confident in his mind reading skills, and he is not worried that he will not be able to deal with Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin alone.

"You're finally here," Lu Shijin said preemptively, "Let me wait."

Mr. Gu turned on the light, and with the same gentle and polite look, he said with a smile, "It seems that I kept you waiting for a long time, but it doesn't matter, I will make you feel happy soon."

"Oh, really?" Lu Shijin snorted coldly, "How do you want me to be happy?"

"Aren't you also the kind of person with a special physique?" Mr. Gu smiled ambiguously, "How to be happy, do you have to explain it clearly?"

Tang Qin, who was staying in the iron cage, heard it and pointed at Lu Shijin in surprise, "What? Brother Lu, are you too?" He turned his head and looked at Xiang Ting again. "Brother Xiang, your ability evolved because of this! I'm such a stupid pig!"

"Can't you play other tricks?" Lu Shijin sneered, "My surname is Gu, are you a psychopath, do you like watching adult sports so much? Why don't you do it yourself? Don't you want to evolve your own abilities? ?”

Mr. Gu didn't care about Lu Shijin's ridicule, pointed to the three pairs of people in the cage, and said with a smile: "I don't need to evolve in this way, it's barbaric and uncivilized. Don't you think they are like my pets?" Is it the same? I let them estrus, let them mate, and let them be used by me, hahaha, this is what advanced creatures should do."

Lu Shijin's words were sharper, cursing: "Things that are inferior to animals are also worthy of being called high-level creatures, which is extremely ridiculous."

The smile on Mr. Gu's face has not changed, and according to the real-time monitoring of 711, after being scolded by Lu Shijin, his heart rate and blood pressure have not changed, as if he is a person who has no temper at all.

Lu Shijin thought angrily, it's not that he has no temper, but that he is too thick-skinned and shameless!

It seems that trying to provoke the surname Gu through verbal insults will not work, and he must be stimulated from another angle.

Mr. Gu walked to the side of the cage, knocked on the cage, awakened the two people inside, and looked at Lu Shijin with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment, I can do something even worse than a beast, are you interested in knowing?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Sensing that the surname Gu was going to attack Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting stepped forward to stand in front of Lu Shijin, and asked in a deep voice.

Mr. Gu chuckled: "Hey, do you want a hero to save the beauty? You two are a couple, right?"

Lu Shijin: "So what?"

"If it's a couple..." Mr. Gu stared at them maliciously, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and said with a sinister smile, "Tell me, if I put you in a cage and let you Wouldn't it be exciting and interesting to have sex with other people in front of you? Hmm?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Fuck, this is really a pervert!

711 suddenly called the police: "His blood pressure has risen!"

Can it not be raised? Of course, the person surnamed Gu finds it exciting to come up with such a disgusting method, so it's strange not to raise it.

Is there something wrong with this person? I can't do it myself, but I like to watch other people do it

what is this? Bad taste

"That's it?" Lu Shijin sneered disdainfully, "I thought you could come up with a more sinister trick. It's a pity, you overestimated the relationship between me and him, and we have known each other for less than half a month, and it is not enough To the point of being loyal to the other party, I let you down."

"Really? Why don't I really believe it? I want to see if you will be angry if this Mr. Xiang next to you has sex with someone else." Mr. Gu suddenly turned his head and stared into Xiang Ting's eyes, coldly Say, "Come here."

And Xiang Ting followed like a demon. Under Mr. Gu's gaze, his brain lost his ability to think, and he unconsciously followed his instructions, walking towards him step by step. Lu Shijin couldn't hold back, so he shouted anxiously Xiang Ting's name.

"Save your energy, you can't wake him up, he will only listen to my orders now." Mr. Gu continued to stare at Xiang Ting while sneering, "Don't you care? Then what do I ask him to do?" It shouldn't matter. I'm going to let him into the cage now, in front of you, to fuck someone else, hehe... "

"How dare you!" Seeing that Xiang Ting had entered the cage, Lu Shijin was so anxious that he rushed towards Mr. Gu, raised his fist and swung it, but Mr. Gu grabbed his wrist easily.

Under Xiang Ting's training, Lu Shijin is actually not so sensitive to the touch of outsiders. Although Mr. Gu held one of his hands, he still has the strength to throw another punch, but he just raised the other Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he pretended to be limp and fell to the ground.

Mr. Gu already knew that Lu Shijin, a person with a special physique, couldn't bear the weakness of being touched by others. He didn't suspect fraud. He thought he had controlled Lu Shijin, so he couldn't help laughing complacently, "You are overestimating your abilities! You just rely on your own strength!" Want to spoil my good deeds!"

Lu Shijin pretended to be weak while cursing: "Old pervert! Old bastard! Are you fucking mentally ill? Like to see other people wearing cuckolds?"

"Yeah, you're right, I just like to see other people wearing cuckolds, how interesting is that?" Mr. Gu pinched Lu Shijin's chin, and said to him condescendingly, "Your boyfriend fucked another man, he's dirty, Will you still like him? Will you still accept him? Oh, I was too worried, someone will come to you soon, you two love each other, don’t dislike anyone.”

Lu Shijin was about to throw up when he heard it, and he gritted his teeth and tried his best to restrain himself, so he didn't punch Gu in the face.

Lu Shijin turned his head and didn't want to look towards Ting, but Mr. Gu pinched his chin and forced him to look towards Ting.

When turning his face away, from the corner of Lu Shijin's eyes, he accidentally caught Tang Qin who was huddled in the cage, silent like a cicada.

I couldn't help but speculate that the reason why the surname Gu chose Tang Qin as the experimental subject was also because he had a girlfriend

"You like watching other people's NTR so much, have you been greened before? That's why you retaliated against the society?" Lu Shijin said tentatively, "Tell me how you were greened. You should be greened pretty hard, right? This time? It caused you to have a physical aversion to sex? Do you hate being a couple? Are you actually jealous of us? Because no one loves you and no one treats you sincerely, right?"

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he quickly asked 711: "Convenience store, has his heartbeat increased? Has his blood pressure increased?"

711 immediately reported: "It's a rise, but it's not obvious."

Strange, could it be that he guessed wrong? Didn't get to the point yet

"Sincere? What is that? I don't care about it at all." Mr. Gu snorted mockingly, "Isn't your so-called sincerity being manipulated by me? What is true love? In my opinion, it is worthless not worth!"

He is really a hard-hearted, indifferent person.

Lu Shijin thought about it again, who would look down on feelings and don't believe in love

Either he has been hurt by love and despairs of feelings, or - he can't have love at all!

Lu Shijin's mind suddenly flashed, and his eyes couldn't help moving to Gu's crotch.

Thinking about this person's perverted methods again, why is it so similar to the kind of old eunuch who takes pleasure in torturing girls in the novels he has read before? !

Yes, it must be so! Here's your chance!

Lu Shijin also imitated Mr. Gu's expression and laughed, "Of course you don't care about sincerity, because you can't get it at all!"

"What did you say?" Mr. Gu's expression sank, and the smile that had never changed at the corner of his mouth also faded.

"I said, no one in this world will love you, no one will give you their sincerity," Lu Shijin smiled happily, "I finally understand why you know that there is a shortcut to evolve supernatural powers, but you don't use it. Isn’t your thing bad? You’re not a real man, are you? Hahaha!”

Lu Shijin watched his expression carefully while laughing, and sure enough, the surname Gu couldn't laugh anymore, not only that, but his face was extremely ugly, obviously he was stepped on by Lu Shijin's words.

711 was overjoyed and reminded: "Host! His heartbeat has accelerated rapidly, and his blood pressure has also increased!"

Lu Shijin sneered: "Very well, it seems that I was wrong, the person surnamed Gu is indeed incompetent! I guess he has been depressed for a long time, that's why he is so perverted."

Finding the point that made Mr. Gu flustered, Lu Shijin continued to taunt: "No wonder you like to watch people NTR, you are jealous that others are loved, but you don't? How do you feel when you watch others do it?"

"Shut up!" Mr. Gu was furious, he let go of the hand that clamped Lu Shijin's chin, got up angrily, and kicked Lu Shijin to the ground.

Lu Shijin took that kick abruptly and didn't resist. He knew that he wanted to provoke Gu and crack his mind-reading skills, success or failure depends on it!

Lu Shijin pretended to be weak and weak, got up from the ground staggeringly, looked at Mr. Gu's frantic face, and continued to say cruelly: "Are you envious? Do you think you are a waste? Even So what if you dominate the world? You will always be alone in this world, because who would like a eunuch? Hahaha!"

The word "eunuch" completely irritated Mr. Gu, making him so angry that he lost all reason. He just wanted to cover Lu Shijin's mouth and choke his neck so that he could never speak again!

Mr. Gu walked towards Lu Shijin with a livid face. He thought that Lu Shijin had a special physique and had no ability to resist him at all, so he planned to kill him directly, and did not use mind reading skills on Lu Shijin.

He wanted to see Lu Shijin's expression of pain from the bottom of his heart under his torment, and his life would be worse than death, so that he could relieve the hatred in his heart.

Lu Shijin was forced to step back again and again, pretending to be terrified and shouting: "You, you, don't come here!"

With a sinister smile on the corner of Mr. Gu's mouth, he moved his knuckles and took out a small knife from his pocket, "You are very smart, but I don't like smart people the most. I thought you would be useful, so I wanted to keep you." One life, but now it seems that there is no need. If you are so good at talking, I will cut off your tongue first, and see how you talk in the future. Oh, by the way, don’t you look down on people like me? Then I will wait I'll make you just like me!"

Fuck, it really is a pervert among perverts!

There was a faint cold light on Xiaodaodao, Lu Shijin swallowed pretending to be afraid, raised his head and looked over Mr. Gu's shoulder, and noticed that Xiang Ting's eyes in the cage had rolled, as if he was about to regain consciousness, and he was secretly happy.

Seeing that Mr. Gu's knife was only a few centimeters away from him, Lu Shijin tripped over him in a panic when he pretended to retreat.

When he was about to fall down, he supported his body with both hands, and swept towards Mr. Gu's feet with a sweeping leg. Mr. Gu was unprepared, and was hit by Lu Shijin, his feet were sprained, and his center of gravity was out of balance. Fell straight to the sky and fell backwards!

Lu Shijin immediately stood up and rushed forward, snatched the small knife from Mr. Gu's hand, shouted Xiang Ting's name loudly, and quickly slashed Mr. Gu's eyes with the knife!

I don't know whether it was Lu Shijin's call or Mr. Gu's screams, which woke Xiang Ting up. Xiang Ting's consciousness broke away from the control of mind reading. Seeing Lu Shijin and Mr. Gu fighting together, he hurried out of the cage to help Lu Shijin .

Lu Shijin scratched Mr. Gu's eyes. He can no longer use mind reading skills to control others. Without mind reading skills, how could he be the opponent of Xiang Ting, who is strong and strong? and subdued him.

Lu Shijin got up from the ground, patted the ashes on his hands, rubbed his chest that hurt from being kicked by Mr. Gu just now, and kicked him hard to vent his anger, "Damn, if you dare to kick your father, you want to die!"

Hearing that Lu Shijin was kicked, Xiang Ting grabbed his hand and asked nervously, "How is it? Are you not injured?"

"No," Lu Shijin waved his hand, "I'm not pretending to be weak, how can I make him relax his vigilance. Well, if I can get rid of this old pervert, it's not in vain for me to suffer from this kick. Leave him alone, he's gone. Eyes are trash, save the others first."

Seeing that Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting defeated Mr. Gu, Tang Qin was overjoyed, stretched out his hand to the cage and shouted impatiently: "Brother Xiang, save me first! Save me!"

Tang Qin was in the cage on the far right. Xiang Ting was the closest to the cage on the far left, but when he heard him call for help, he hesitated for a moment. He went to the outside of the cage where Tang Qin was, found an iron rod, and smashed open the top of the cage. Tang Qin was rescued from the lock.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Xiang!" Tang Qin got out of the cage, bowed to Ting and thanked him again and again, looking very grateful, Xiang Ting patted him on the shoulder and said calmly, "It's okay, we are teammates, we should save you Yes, I will save others, and you will also rescue the girl who was imprisoned with you."

Tang Qin looked back at the frightened girl who was curled up in the corner, and frowned, obviously hesitating.

But it was Xiang Ting's order, and his life had to be saved by Xiang Ting. Tang Qin hesitated for a moment, and went into the cage and forcibly pulled the girl out.

Over there, Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were smashing the locks on the other two cages to save people. They didn't notice that Mr. Gu struggled to stand up behind him, and walked out of the room gropingly.

But Tang Qin saw it. He subconsciously opened his mouth to remind Xiang Ting, but suddenly a thought popped up in his mind, and he held back the words. When Mr. Gu had gone far, he pretended to be surprised when he found out He yelled loudly, "Brother Xiang! The one surnamed Gu is gone, he ran away!"

Lu Shijin looked back and saw that the old pervert had disappeared. He secretly said something bad, thinking that he was blind and there was no threat, but he was still able to run. How careless he was!

Lu Shijin shouted: "Hurry up and chase him back! Don't let him call you a helper!"

"I'll go!" Tang Qin took the initiative to ask for Ying, and chased out the door with big strides.

The other two people in the cage were still unconscious, and Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting managed to wake them up.

These people didn't know what happened, they were still in a daze, Lu Shijin didn't have time to explain to them in detail, he just said that he was here to save them and told them to go with him quickly.

The rescue was delayed for about three to five minutes. When Lu Shijin was about to leave, he somehow felt that something was wrong.

Seeing him stop, Xiang Ting asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Lu Shijin glanced at everyone's faces one by one, and finally knew what was wrong.

"How long has Tang Qin been chasing Gu?" Lu Shijin asked Xiang Ting with a frown, and then said to himself, "Does it take so long to chase a blind man?"

After being reminded by Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting also noticed something strange, and his face couldn't help changing slightly. Could it be that Tang Qin was in some trouble

"Can you go?" The people behind saw them standing still, and urged impatiently, "If you don't go, I'll go, I don't want to stay in this damn place anymore!"

The few people rescued by Lu Shijin and the others hurriedly walked outside the basement, pushing and pushing, but before they reached the corner, someone suddenly noticed the abnormality in front of the corridor and shouted: "Look! Then What is it!"

Everyone looked up and saw that the passage ahead had been blocked by a mass of "people" who were staggering towards them.

All of them bared their teeth and claws, their movements were stiff, and their throats let out a low growl like a beast. In the air, the smell of blood and carrion was mixed. These are not people, but zombies!

"Zombie! Run away!" The few people who were yelling to leave just now were scared out of their wits, turned around and ran back, but the zombies smelled the smell of living people, like hungry wolves seeing meat. The movement suddenly accelerated, rushing over like a tide!

Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting, and the girl who was in the same cage with Tang Qin walked last, so it was the fastest to return to the room.

They didn't close the door in a hurry, they wanted to wait for those people to come in before closing the door, but who would have thought that the zombies moved too fast, the poor people were only a few steps away from the safe iron gate, but they were thrown down by the zombies behind them , instantly became the meat in the mouth of the zombies!

There were screams one after another. Seeing that these people were hopeless, Lu Shijin resolutely closed the iron door and locked it, keeping the zombies out.

The zombies smelled the breath of living people behind the iron gate, and slammed on the door frantically outside. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at the iron gate worriedly, worrying that the gate would not be able to hold it sooner or later.

Lu Shijin said bitterly: "It must be that the surname Gu released the zombies. If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't be soft-hearted. I should kill him directly!" He thought of something again, and paused, "No, no, if He is the one who let the zombies out, he is blind, and he will surely die, unless he wants to die with us... But Tang Qin went after him, there is no reason why he can't catch up with a blind man... "

Xiang Ting guessed what Lu Shijin was going to say, and suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes were full of hostility, "Do you suspect that it was Tang Qin's hands and feet?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and quickly figured out the cause and effect, "I understand, the zombies kept at the other end of the basement should be kept by Mr. Gu. Tang Qin should know, so he deliberately released those zombies for the purpose of Want us all to die here. As for why—”

Lu Shijin pretended not to say anything, looked at Xiang Ting, forcing him to face the reality of being betrayed by his "teammate" again, Xiang Ting was expressionless, and continued his words: "As long as we all die, what happens here No one will know anything about it.”

Lu Shijin sneered coldly, it was really a good show between a farmer and a snake.

Sometimes, a so-called "friend" is more terrifying than an enemy, because you never know when he will stab you in the back unexpectedly.