The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 150: Survival in the last days


"Aren't you friends?" The girl locked up with Tang Qin asked softly behind them, "Aren't you here to save him? Why did he want to kill you?"

Lu Shijin glanced back at the girl's face, and sneered silently, "Friend? In this era when human lives are like worthless things, friends are so worthless. Compared with their own interests, other people's lives are nothing. "

As long as they're dead, what happens in the basement remains a secret forever.

After Tang Qin went out and returned to Su Ling's side, he could act as if nothing had happened and be his good boyfriend as usual.

No one would know how his abilities evolved in such a despicable way.

As long as they died, all the guilt and guilt in Tang Qin's heart, as well as the fact that he owed Xiang Ting another life-saving grace, would disappear.

After going out, he can be his strong man as he wished, and no longer have to live under Xiang Ting's shadow.

At the moment of life and death, Tang Qin can make such a decisive choice in such a short period of time. I am afraid that his concern for Xiang Ting is no longer a day or two.

Know people, know face, but not heart.

"You are different from him, right?" The girl hugged herself, looked up at Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting, her thin body trembling slightly.

Lu Shijin said coldly: "Of course it's different, I only regret that I didn't discover the true face of this person earlier and saved a white-eyed wolf."

Xiang Ting lowered his head, his jaw line was tense, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He was even more stupid, so stupid that he was betrayed once and didn't have a long memory. He even went to save Tang Qin just now because of his soft heart.

If Tang Qin hadn't been rescued first, maybe Tang Qin wouldn't have had the chance to be a monster, and they wouldn't have been forced into a desperate situation.

The place is sealed everywhere, and the only way of life has been blocked by zombies outside the door. Could it be that this time, the sky is really going to kill them

No, Lu Shijin can't die, he is all caused by himself, Xiang Ting raised his eyes, looked at Lu Shijin in pain, with self-blame in his eyes.

Secretly made up his mind, even if it cost him his life, he still had to save him!

"Just now I thought you were on the same side as him, that's why I was so scared," the girl lowered her arms and bowed to the two, "Thank you for saving me, thank you."

Lu Shijin smiled wryly: "It's not like I saved you, but now you're trapped here with us. We're all in the same boat now, so don't thank us."

"No, thank you, thank you for letting me out of the cage, you don't understand," the girl glanced at the iron cage where she was once locked, and remembered the torture she had suffered in it. Because of her extreme resentment, her lips They were all trembling slightly, "Even if I die in the hands of zombies, I don't want to stay in this cage for another second!"

Girls hate iron cages so much, Lu Shijin couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Lu Shijin asked hesitantly: "Sister, do you hate the cage, or Tang Qin?"

When the girl heard the name "Tang Qin", hatred burst out clearly in her eyes, a kind of hatred that can only be relieved by tearing it into pieces.

"Of course it's him!" The girl's voice suddenly became sharp, her face was flushed with excitement, tears welled up in her eyes, and she choked up, "He brought people here to bring me here! My boyfriend and I are on the run I met them on the road, and after they knew that I had a special physique, they arrested me. No matter how much I begged them, they were unwilling to let me go, and even hurt my boyfriend! How much do you think he loves me? Is he a girlfriend? No, no, that Mr. Gu didn't force him at all. After he knew that my physique can help him evolve superpowers, every time...every time he forced a woman to fuck me while he was conscious !"

"He's a beast! Beast!" The girl covered her face and cried bitterly after she finished speaking, "I don't know what happened to my boyfriend outside alone, he will definitely find a way to save me, I'm really afraid that he will be in danger..."

After hearing this, Lu Shijin despised Tang Qin even more.

Originally thought that he was coerced and controlled by the surname Gu, and he couldn't help himself, but he didn't expect that he was willing to help the evildoers.

"Don't cry now, crying won't solve the problem." Lu Shijin was annoyed by the girl's crying, and interrupted her to ask, "How far have you and Tang Qin's abilities evolved?"

The girl sobbed and frowned and thought for a while, recalling those dark memories, her body couldn't help but tremble with fear and anger.

The girl's voice broke, "Should, should... It's already, third, third level."

"What about you?" Lu Shijin asked, "You should be more than the third level, right?"

Having a boyfriend means that there is a sex life. Before the girl was caught by Tang Qin, her abilities should have evolved quite high.

The girl didn't hide anything: "Yes, I'm already in the fourth rank."

A person with supernatural powers like Lu Shijin, in addition to his special physique, will also be accompanied by another supernatural ability. Lu Shijin has keen five senses, so I don't know what this girl's accompanying supernatural ability will be.

Lu Shijin asked, "Do you have any other abilities?"

The girl nodded and admitted: "Yes, I can reverse the space."

Lu Shijin was very interested, "What is torsion space?"

The girl explained while making gestures: "For example, we are now locked in the basement of this house. I can change the structure of this house by reversing the space."

"How to change the law?" When it comes to physics, Xiang Ting is also interested and asked.

Girl: "I can swap any two spaces in this house, the first floor and the second floor, the basement and the first floor."

Xiang Ting pondered for a while, then blinked at Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin understood his eyes, it was just four words - this is unscientific!

You can reverse the space at will, such a BUG ability, it is simply invincible in the later stage!

They are also supernatural beings with special physiques, so why is his accompanying supernatural power so useless? !

It's not fair!

Lu Shijin felt that he couldn't understand, and asked: "This ability of yours is the best way to escape, so how did you get caught by them?"

"Because they caught me at night, and my powers had already disappeared by then. And when they caught me, my powers were only at the third level, and the range of space that can be reversed is very small." The girl looked up. Looking at the dark ceiling, "It's the fourth level now, and I don't know how far it will go. Unfortunately, there is no sunlight here, so my abilities can't be used."

This is really a problem, without sunlight, the supernatural powers have become a decoration, otherwise the girl can save them out alone.

"There is one more question, which may offend you," Lu Shijin smiled friendly, and said in a gentle tone, "But I hope you don't mind, I have no malicious intentions, because I am also a special ability user with the same physique as you, I want to know, how long will it take to upgrade from the third level to the fourth level?"

In fact, it is to ask the girl how many times to do it in total.

Calculated according to the time when the supernatural being appeared, it has been almost five or six months. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting have been promoted to the third level in less than ten times, while the girl has only been promoted to the fourth level after so long. How difficult is it to advance to the fourth level.

Every time the ability passes the third level, the power will be a qualitative leap, so it will be much more difficult to upgrade.

Xiang Ting was afraid of the girl's embarrassment, so he turned his head away from looking at her, but his ears were pricked up, holding his breath and waiting for the girl's answer.

After all, she is a girl, so she still feels embarrassed to be asked this kind of question, but the girl knows that Lu Shijin is not malicious, and she doesn't blame him. She lowered her head and thought for a while, then murmured: "It took about three months to get promoted to the fourth level."

I didn't say how many times, only the time, but three months is enough to prove how difficult it is to upgrade from the third to the fourth.

Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes. Even if they "worked overtime" every day, it would take two months at the earliest to advance to the fourth rank, and the fourth rank to the fifth rank, and the fifth rank to the sixth rank... It will only take longer than once.

It seems that even with this kind of physique, you can't quickly raise your ability to the highest level, you still have to work hard.

Lu Shijin smiled and said to the girl, "Okay, I understand, thank you."

The girl looked at them and asked curiously, "How about you, how far are you?"

Lu Shijin spread his hands, "I'm a late acquaintance, and I just reached the third level."

With a clear expression, the girl raised her chin and nodded, and said "oh" to express her understanding.

This "oh", made Xiang Ting wonder for a while whether he was too lazy to upgrade his abilities, and secretly made up his mind that if he could save the day this time, he must work hard to "practice" in the future and not lag behind others .

Afterwards, no one spoke again, and the room fell into silence for a while. Therefore, the sound of the zombies who were blocked by the iron gate screaming and knocking on the door was particularly harsh.

The girl squatted down and sat on the ground, holding her knees, and said pessimistically: "Are we all going to die here? Will someone come to save us? My boyfriend must be trying to save me, but he doesn't know that I Where, woo woo woo..."

Of course Lu Shijin wouldn't sit still, he wanted to go out very easily, the worst would be to let 711 blow up the house above.

The problem is that if the golden finger is too wide, it will arouse suspicion from others, and may trouble 711 again to find the legendary main god to repair the plot, and it depends on whether Jiale is willing to help.

But apart from this method, there is no other way to save themselves now, and it is impossible to expect someone to come down from the sky to save them, so Lu Shijin decided to rely on 711 to solve the crisis.

But before he could call 711, he suddenly heard a rustling sound from a place on the ceiling above his head, as if something was scratching the floor.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting followed the sound, and stood under the ceiling where the sound came from, and stared up, trying to see what was going on above.

After a while, a lot of brick chips began to fall from the ceiling, and finally a small piece of concrete fell down, and a hole the size of an eye was cut in the ceiling.

Lu Shijin felt strange, stood under the small hole, and looked up probingly, but there was really a black and white eyeball on the top, facing the small hole, looking down at them.

Damn, it's so scary! Peeping Tom!

Lu Shijin quickly took a step back to avoid the prying eyes from above.

The hole is too small, and the angle of looking down from above is limited. I turned my eyes around but couldn't find anyone, so I turned my mouth to the hole and whispered:

"Brother Xiang? Xiao Lu? Are you guys down there?"

Lu Shijin thought it was Tang Qin who came back to see if they were dead, and was about to find something to plug the hole, when he heard the man above talking, he was stunned for a moment.

Wait, this familiar voice? Is it Lin Dong? !

Lu Shijin slapped his forehead, that's right, how could he forget Lin Dong? Outside, they have Lin Dong as a helper!

What a way!

"Brother Dong?" Lu Shijin was overwhelmed with surprise, walked back to the small hole and waved up, "We are here!"

Lin Dong: "Damn it, I finally found the right place! Damn, digging this hole almost exhausted me to death!"

Lu Shijin: "How did you know to come here to find us? Brother Dong, you've become smarter! Sure enough, you are the most reliable!"

"Of course, I'm just lazy but not stupid," Lin Dong said quickly, "I see you guys haven't shown up all this time, just guarding outside to inquire about the situation. Who would have thought that I would see Tang Qin and his surname Gu The guy from the basement came up from the basement, but he didn't see you two. Guessing that you were arrested, I slipped in like a mouse. I wanted to go directly to the basement to find you, good guy, it's full of zombies, so I just I can find a way from above, and it took me a lot of effort to dig out this small hole, how are you doing? Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Shijin: "The zombies are locked outside. We are not in danger for the time being, but no one else can get in, nor can we get out. Brother Dong, can you think of a way to make the hole bigger? Let's go from above?"

"I can't help it, brother. I don't have any tools at hand. Just this small hole is about to use up all my strength," Lin Dong said, "And I feel that the surname Gu is coming back soon. Big, easy to attract people.”

What Lin Dong said made sense. He was alone with limited abilities. It was not easy to find them, and he could no longer be forced to do things beyond his ability.

What else can be done to solve their plight

Lu Shijin walked back and forth in the basement anxiously, unable to think of a clue.

Xiang Ting stared at the small hole for a while, then suddenly asked, "Brother Dong, are there any windows up there?"

Lin Dong: "Yes."

Xiang Ting: "Can the sun shine in?"

Lin Dong said after a while: "Yes! What do you think?"

Xiang Ting looked at the girl and waved to her, "Come here."

The girl pointed at herself and asked uncertainly, "Me?"

Xiang Ting nodded, and then said to Lin Dong above, "You become a mirror, and through refraction, the outside light shines in and the sun shines into the hole in the ground. As long as the sun can shine in, we can go out."

Lin Dong was very puzzled: "Why?"

After hearing Xiang Ting's words, Lu Shijin thought for a while and immediately understood his plan.

As long as there is sunshine, the girl can show her supernatural powers, turn the space around, and they can go out!

Lu Shijin shouted anxiously: "Brother Dong, time is urgent, don't ask why, just do what Xiang Ting said!"

Lin Dong left the cave entrance and ran to the window to find an angle to set the mirror.

After finding a way to save his life, Lu Shijin's heart sank, and he patted Xiang Ting's shoulder happily, "Yes! You can figure this out! A genius in physics!"

"It's just the simplest knowledge of light refraction, even elementary school students can do it, so it's not a genius." Xiang Ting's brows stretched a little, and he smiled, "So, if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you won't be afraid to travel all over the world. Makes sense."

Lu Shijin nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, everything you say is right!"

Fortunately, the hole was not too far from the window. Lin Dong searched for the angle for a while, and finally aligned the refraction path of the light with the hole.

A beam of sunlight shone straight down from the hole in the ceiling. It was not very bright, but Lu Shijin felt that he had never been so looking forward to the arrival of the light.

The girl stood under the hole, the sun shone on her body, she closed her eyes, and felt the energy gradually gathering in her body to use the supernatural power.

Seeing that the iron gate was about to fail under the impact of the zombies outside, and whether he could escape, all hope was placed on the girl alone, Lu Shijin waited for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Is it all right? "

The girl opened her eyes, "Okay!"

Then, she stretched out her hands and began to draw circles counterclockwise. The picture in front of her was visibly reversed with the naked eye. Lu Shijin suddenly felt a sense of top-heavy weightlessness. Thanks to his sharp eyesight and hands, he quickly supported Xiang Ting next to him, so he didn't fall down.

When the sense of weightlessness disappears, the picture returns to normal, but because there are walls all around, I can't feel whether there is any change in the space, but the sound of zombies knocking on the door can't be heard outside the iron gate.

"Did it work?" Lu Shijin asked the girl suspiciously.

The girl was not too sure, "Shouldn't it?"

"Successful." Xiang Ting was decisive, pointing to the hole in the ceiling, "The sunlight has become stronger, and you can see the blue sky."

Lu Shijin looked in the direction of Xiang Ting's finger, overjoyed, "It's really done, it's great! Then let's leave quickly!"

The girl swapped the top floor with the basement, and Lu Shijin and the others are now on the second floor, but the basement has no stairs leading to the first floor. Open the iron door, and there is air directly outside. If you want to go back to the ground, you have to jump directly, or You have to be able to fly.

The girl suggested: "How about I change the second floor to the first floor?"

Just as Lu Shijin was about to agree, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a group of people not far away, approaching them aggressively, and the leader was Tang Qin!

What made him even more unexpected was that Du Jiang was also in the team.

That's right, the puppet card has expired, and Du Jiang has regained consciousness, so he naturally came to seek revenge from them.

It seems that I really don't want to miss the old love, and want to kill them all.

Tang Qin went downstairs and was shocked to see the entire basement appear on the second floor.

Originally, he thought that Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting would surely die if they were surrounded by zombies. He came here just to make sure they were dead, but he didn't expect that they could escape.

Tang Qin met Xiang Ting's indifferent eyes, took a step back guiltily, and looked away at Xiang Ting who had been betrayed by him without confidence.

At that time, Tang Qin was chasing Mr. Gu out, and the surnamed Gu was desperate, so he proposed to make a deal with Tang Qin. He was willing to give Tang Qin all the crystal nuclei he had accumulated, as long as Tang Qin let him live, and told Tang Qin , The zombies are closed on the right side of the basement. As long as the zombies are released, both Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting will die here, and no one will know their secrets again.

Mr. Gu claimed that his eyes were injured and he could no longer use his abilities, so as long as Tang Qin would listen to him, he would support Tang Qin as the new owner of the base and share the glory and wealth with him.

In front of the benefits, Tang Qin's heart was moved. He thought that Xiang Ting had seen the worst side of him. If Xiang Ting was allowed to live, he would never be able to hold his head up in front of Xiang Ting again. It's not clear for the rest of my life, and I will always owe Xiang Ting.

But as long as Xiang Ting dies, all these can be written off, so Xiang Ting must die!

But now Xiang Ting is not only alive, but also alive and well. Once he is let out of here, everyone will know that Tang Qin is an ungrateful and despicable villain!

No, he absolutely wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. Tang Qin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, deciding not to let the two of them come down the stairs alive!

"These people are the murderers who hurt Mr. Gu! They are also the evil supernatural beings who spread the zombie virus! Mr. Gu ordered them to be executed on the spot!" Tang Qin pointed at Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting on the second floor and shouted, "Kill them!" They! Kill one person and reward two hundred crystal nuclei!"

Du Jiang stood aside, pretending to help Tang Qin with a strong voice: "That's right! Kill them! Avenge Mr. Gu!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Hearing the reward of two hundred crystal cores, the supernatural beings brought by Tang Qin couldn't hold back for a long time, and they used their supernatural powers to attack Xiaolou.

Hearing the movement outside, Lin Dong turned into a little sparrow and flew up. Standing on Lu Shijin's shoulder, he chirped and asked, "Xiao Lu, what's the situation? Didn't you come to rescue Tang Qin? Why did he turn against us?" gone?"

Lu Shijin sneered, "It's nothing, it's just saving the white-eyed wolf." He looked at Xiang Ting and joked, "It turns out that your vision for picking teammates needs to be improved. Look at the few people around you before, they are all a bunch of stuff, Let me ask you, if Tang Qin and Du Jiang kowtow to you now to admit their mistakes, will you forgive them?"

Xiang Ting no longer bothered to look at the distraught Tang Qin, and said calmly: "I never thought of forgiving them. All along, I have been giving myself a chance to prove to myself whether people's hearts can be trusted, but obviously the result Prove me wrong, some people's hearts are blacker than ink, dirtier than sewers, and they are not worth my test."

"Oh, it's good that you understand," Lu Shijin pointed at Tang Qin and Du Jiang, with a stern tone, "These dirty-hearted people are only worthy of humane destruction, and are not worthy of forgiveness at all." He turned his head and said to the girl with a smile, "Sister, can you replace those zombies blocking the basement passage?"

As soon as the girl saw Tang Qin, her eyes burned, her teeth itched with hatred, and her originally weak temper became firm, and she said coldly: "Of course, this bastard, I will never let him go!"

Someone with supernatural powers rushed to the first floor, and was about to attack Lu Shijin and the others on the second floor. The girl immediately used her supernatural power to swap the basement passage with the first floor.

At the same time, Xiang Ting drew a lightning strike towards the iron gate that trapped the zombies. The iron gate fell, and swarms of zombies rushed out like locusts crossing the border. They bit and grabbed everyone they saw, and some rushed ahead. The supernatural being was caught off guard by the group of zombies, and was instantly bitten into pieces!

The group of zombies killed the few people first, then staggered and continued to rush towards the large army behind.

These zombies are the elite raised by Mr. Gu. They move much faster than ordinary zombies and are more aggressive. When they smell the smell of living people, they are extremely violent.

Those who came with Tang Qin were all first- and second-level supernatural power users. Their supernatural powers were still very low-level, and they could not cause devastating damage to the zombies. The number of them was small. Where could they be the opponents of the zombies? They died one after another quickly .

The zombie virus attacks quickly, and it will not take long to die after being bitten by a zombie, and then the zombie virus will spread throughout the body, turning them into corpses, and after the corpses, they will stand up again and become one of the members of the zombie army, looking for next prey.

"Tang Qin! Help me! Help me!"

Du Jiang's ability is just the most useless storage space, he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself except to escape.

When he saw the zombies coming out, he had already reacted as quickly as possible and fled outside the yard, but two or three zombies still caught up with him, so he had to ask for help from Tang Qin, the only person he knew in a hurry.

Tang Qin stood at the back, and whenever zombies approached, he would use his ability to burn the zombies with fire to drive them away. Although the zombies had no thinking ability, they also felt that Tang Qin was a dangerous person, so they did not dare to approach he.

When Tang Qin heard Du Jiang's plea for help, he only watched Du Jiang in a panic as he was being chased by zombies, but he didn't intend to help.

In the end, Du Jiang, who was desperately running for his life, was accidentally caught on the back by a zombie that was chasing him. Although he didn't die immediately, he was already infected with the zombie virus, and it was only a matter of time before he turned into a corpse.

"Tang Qin! Save me! Please save me!"

Du Jiang stretched out a hand towards Tang Qin with a painful expression. His instinct to survive made Du Jiang unwilling to die like this, and longed for someone to save him.

But the zombie virus attacked very quickly and there was no cure. Du Jiang's face had already become as gray as a zombie, and his movements became stiff. The black and ferocious blood vessels are about to completely turn into zombies!

Tang Qin watched blankly, and when Du Jiang wobbled closer to him, he summoned a ball of fire and smashed it at Du Jiang and the zombies behind him, driving them away.

Du Jiang hadn't completely turned into a corpse yet, and he still had the consciousness to feel the pain of being burned by the fire. He fell to the ground screaming and writhing in pain. The shrill voice could be heard even by Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting upstairs.

But soon, Du Jiang could no longer bark. The corpse poison broke out, and he had completely turned into a zombie without feeling. He got up from the ground and followed the other zombies to chase the remaining living people by instinct.

It's just that when passing by Tang Qin, Du Jiang's eye sockets with only the whites of his eyes rolled imperceptibly, bursting out with strong hatred...