The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 156: Ultimate challenge


Rong Zhi: [This game has more than one murderer.]

Lu Shijin: [I know. Moreover, the players may not know whether they are the real murderer themselves, so they must first find out their own motives and methods of killing.]

Rongzhi: [Yes. Don't expose what we know for a while, play by ear.]

Lu Shijin: [Okay.]

When Rong Zhi said that, Lu Shijin now understood the reason why he pretended not to know him outside.

If other players find out that they know each other, they will definitely become the target of everyone's fire and be thrown out first.

Although there is already a grouping behavior among the players, this alliance is not stable, and the relationship between Rong Zhi and Lu Shijin, which they have known before, is too much of a threat to them.

The phone didn't vibrate anymore, I thought the conversation with Rong Zhi was over, but the screen suddenly lit up again.

Rong Zhi: [Which room are you in?]

Lu Shijin: [204]

Rong Zhi: [I'm next door to you.]

Lu Shijin was about to ask which neighbor it was, when suddenly there were a few knocks on the wall beside the bed.

After hearing this, Lu Shijin got up and knocked on the wall in response.

After getting a response, there was no movement over there, and the room fell completely silent.

Lu Shijin lay down again, and after knowing that the rooms of the two were connected together, he inexplicably felt a sense of peace of mind, and his nervous mood relaxed a lot.

Rong Zhi is Pei Wen, he is no longer alone, he has a partner who can fight side by side, in this game, his chances of winning can be said to be great.

As soon as he relaxes, he will feel sleepy. Even in the copy of the game, his body still needs to sleep and eat.

So Lu Shijin fell asleep in a daze, and after an unknown amount of time, suddenly there was a loud noise from upstairs, which woke up Lu Shijin, who was not sleeping well.

Lu Shijin's consciousness instantly became clear, and he raised his ears vigilantly to listen to the movement upstairs. It seemed that something fell to the ground, but he quickly returned to silence.

Lu Shijin picked up his phone and took a look. It was almost one o'clock in the morning. It was so late. Mr. Lu should have rested long ago. Who is in Mr. Lu's room? What happened inside

Lu Shijin got up from the bed and wanted to open the door to check the situation, but the door seemed to be locked from the outside, no matter how hard he turned the doorknob, he couldn't open it.

It seems that without APP's permission, he cannot leave this room.

Lu Shijin's drowsiness was completely gone. It was like knowing that something bad was going to happen, but he was powerless to stop it. He could only quietly wait for the fate to come.

What are the other players doing at this moment

Are they also waiting for dawn with their eyes open

Lu Shijin thought for a while, picked up his phone, and sent Rong Zhi a message.

Now besides Rong Zhi, he can't find anyone else to talk to, and fortunately there is Rong Zhi, otherwise this suffocating silence would drive people crazy.

Lu Shijin: [Are you asleep?]

I thought that Rong Zhi would not reply to the message soon, but I didn't expect Rong Zhi to reply in the next second.

Rong Zhi: [Not yet.]

Lu Shijin: [Did you hear the voice upstairs?]

Rong Zhi: [What voice?]

Well, he didn't hear it, only Lu Shijin who was directly below Mr. Lu's room heard it.

Since he decided to trust Rong Zhi, Lu Shijin did not hesitate to share clues with him, and told Rong Zhi about the strange voice he heard just now.

Rong Zhi: [What time did you hear the voice?]

Lu Shijin: [It's less than 1 o'clock in the morning.]

Rong Zhi: [Remember this point in time, this is a useful clue.]

Lu Shijin: [um...]

Both of them tacitly did not ask each other, and there was a subtle tacit understanding about each other's clues and murderous intentions.

Because it is not the last moment, since you choose to trust each other, choosing not to ask anything at this time is the best trust in the other party, otherwise, the more you ask, even if the other party answers, the doubts and suspicions in your heart will slowly grow.

After traveling through so many worlds, Lu Shijin already has a thorough understanding of human nature. Human nature is the most vulnerable thing, so sometimes he has to pretend to be a little confused.

Lu Shijin: [This is your last mission?]

Rong Zhi: [Yes. The same to you?]

Lu Shijin: [Yes. ] After thinking about it, he sent another message: [If the task is completed, what is your wish?]

Rong Zhi: [Back to the real world.]

This wish is the same as his.

Lu Shijin was not surprised either, because he had investigated Rong Zhi's suicide by jumping off a building and discovered some unknown inside stories. Unfortunately, before he could dig deeper into the truth, he was accidentally involved in a car accident.

Rong Zhi: [What about you?]

Lu Shijin: [Same as you. By the way, I know you didn't commit suicide.]

Rong Zhi: [Oh?]

Lu Shijin: [I don't believe you are the kind of person who is greedy for profit.]

Rong Zhi: [Why?]

Lu Shijin could almost imagine it, Rongzhi raised his eyebrows in doubt, and replied: [At first it was intuition. Later, I investigated your company and found that the president of your group is very problematic. Did you offend him? Being framed by him?]

Rong Zhi: [Have you investigated me?]

Lu Shijin: [Yes, I don't think you are someone who would commit suicide.]

Rong Zhi didn't know what was wrong, and he replied after a while, asking Lu Shijin: [How did you get here?]

Lu Shijin: [car accident, accident.]

Rong Zhi: [I'm afraid it's not an accident.]

Hearing what he said, Lu Shijin's heart sank: [? ? ?]

Rong Zhi: [You investigated my matter and violated the interests of some people, so you should have been retaliated against.]

Lu Shijin thought about it again, yes, why didn't he suspect that the car accident was not an accident

His boss had repeatedly ordered him to stop investigating Rongzhi's suicide, but he didn't listen. In the end, his boss told him that if he continued to investigate, he would bear the consequences!

Is the car accident the consequence? Was his death not an accident, but deliberate murder? !

Lu Shi's back felt cold from now on, and the hand holding the phone trembled a little, so that's why! I see!

Rong Zhi: [I'm sorry, you were troubled by me.]

Lu Shijin took a deep breath and calmed down for a while, then replied to Rongzhi: [Don't say that, it's none of your business. To dig out the truth and let the world know the truth is the bounden duty of journalists. From the moment I stepped into this line, I was ready.]

Rong Zhi: [So we have to go back together.]

Lu Shijin was inexplicably encouraged. He and Rong Zhi now not only have a common goal, but also a common enemy, and the alliance between them has become stronger.

Lu Shijin: [Well, let's go back together!]

Chatting and chatting, unknowingly, a white belly appeared at the junction of the sea level and the sky outside the window, which was a harbinger of the rising sun.

It's dawn, and the game is finally about to start.

Lu Shi didn't sleep much all night. In order to refresh himself, he took a shower first, changed his clothes, and then quietly waited for the APP to issue instructions.

It wasn't until the sky was bright, it was almost eight o'clock in the morning, that the phone vibrated.

"The steward went to wake Mr. Lu up in the morning. He knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from the room. After the steward opened the door and went in, he found Mr. Lu dead on the bed with a knife stuck in his chest. The captain had already sent someone to seal off the scene. The incident has been reported, and the police will arrive in three days at the earliest. The captain judged that the murderer should be among the ten of you, and now, please gather at the banquet hall on the first floor."

As a former script killing veteran player, Lu Shijin understands that this is for them to do an alibi.

Lu Shijin tried to twist the handle on the door, but this time he opened the door easily and walked out.

The ones who left the room at the same time as him were Rongzhi from room 203 next door, and the resident of room 205, Mr. Lu's mistress, Ms. Gao.

Ms. Gao changed into a bright red dress with wrapping hips. The skirt was very short, reaching just above her knees, showing off her hot figure undisguisedly. When she came out, she saw Lu Shijin and Rongzhi without saying hello. Just like a proud peacock, he walked straight past them.

Miss Gao left, taking away a gust of fragrance, Lu Shijin smelled it carefully, it was the same woody perfume smell he smelled yesterday.

Lu Shijin and Rong Zhi looked at each other, but quickly moved away, pretending not to know each other tacitly, and walked downstairs one after the other.

The rest of the people had already arrived downstairs, and everyone still sat in the same seats as at the dinner party yesterday, except that the person sitting in Mr. Lu's seat became the captain of the ship, and the steward stood beside him.

"Everyone," said the captain, a dignified man in his fifties, looking at everyone present with a serious expression, "At eight o'clock in the morning, the steward went to wake Mr. Lu up, only to find Mr. Lu dead in the In his room, Mr. Lu had a knife stuck in his chest, but whether that knife was the cause of his death, because there was no way to conduct an autopsy on Mr. Lu's body, and the result is still unknown. Preliminary judgment, Mr. Lu The time of his death was between one and two in the morning. We are already on our way back, and the police will send people over to investigate as soon as possible, but it will take three days at the earliest. And I think the real culprit lies with you people Among them, and it is very likely that they will continue to commit crimes, so please cooperate with my investigation to find the murderer as soon as possible and prevent the tragedy from happening again. Now, please tell me what you did last night."

After the captain finished speaking, he swept across the faces of ten people one by one, and asked in a deep voice, "Who will start with first?"

If you hit the first bird with a gun, it is easy to become the target of public criticism if you are too sharp. Everyone understands this truth, so everyone was silent for a while, and no one wanted to be the first to speak.

Suddenly, Lu Shijin heard a contemptuous laugh from the side, and when he turned his head, it turned out that it was Miss Gao who was sneering.

"A bunch of cowards, you don't dare to say it, so let's start with me." Miss Gao stretched out her hand with bright red nail polish and brushed her hair, and said casually, "After dinner last night, I will go back The room was rested. At about ten o'clock in the evening, the housekeeper came to me and said that Mr. Lu wanted to see me, so I went there. After chatting with Mr. Lu for about a quarter of an hour, I went downstairs and went back to my room to sleep. Stayed until this morning."

Captain: "Can anyone prove that you stayed in your room all night?"

"Mr. Captain, what do you mean?" Miss Gao squinted at the captain, raised her red lips and chuckled, "I live alone, so of course no one can prove it for me. Do you think that last night Is there anyone else in my room?"

The captain was indifferent to Miss Gao's teasing: "That is to say, no one can prove that you didn't leave the room after meeting Mr. Lu last night, right?"

Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Li saw that the captain did not buy Miss Gao's account, they both sneered to express their sarcasm. Miss Gao felt embarrassed and rolled her eyes at the two of them respectively, and nodded bitterly.

The captain flipped through the information at hand, "I heard you were a nurse before?"

Miss Gao: "Yes."

The captain asked: "Can you tell me how you and Mr. Lu met?"

Ms. Gao said casually: "Mr. Lu fell ill once and stayed in the VIP ward of our hospital. I took care of him, that's all."

It turned out that the doctor-patient relationship turned into a lover, and Ms. Gao was only in her late thirties. At Mr. Lu's age, she was more than enough to be his father. Ms. Gao was willing to be Mr. Lu's mistress, not for money but for something else.

As a result, Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Li looked at Miss Gao with even more contempt.

Although the current "Miss Gao" is just like them, just a player, not the real Miss Gao, but sometimes a woman is hostile to another woman, it's just so unreasonable.

"Who's next?" asked the captain.

Lu Zhongze next to Miss Gao raised his hand, "Me. I went to see my uncle at about a quarter past eight and chatted with him about some personal matters. I came down ten minutes later. Then I went to the deck outside to smoke. I smoked a cigarette, looked at the night view and felt the sea breeze, and I went back to my room to sleep at about nine o'clock, and I stayed there until this morning, and no one could prove to me that I never left the room."

The captain asked: "During this time on deck, who can prove it to you?"

Lu Zhongze pointed to Mr. Li who was opposite, "My uncle, he also comes out to smoke, right, uncle?"

Mr. Li glanced at Lu Zhongze, lowered his eyes, and said "hmm" expressionlessly.

The captain's face turned to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, what did you do last night?"

Mr. Li coughed and said: "After dinner last night, I went back to the room with my wife to rest. At about eight o'clock, my wife said that I wanted to go to a beautician for a beauty treatment, so I went with her and waited for her." During the beauty treatment time, I felt bored, so I went to hang out outside the cabin, just like what Lu Zhongze said just now, at nine o’clock, my wife finished the beauty treatment, and I went back to the room with her to rest, until this morning, I and My wife can prove to each other that neither of us left the room from nine o'clock last night until we were called out this morning."

"You two are husband and wife. If you prove each other, can you believe what you say? Who knows if you are covering each other." Miss Gao asked abruptly.

Mrs. Li gave her a gouged look, and said with a smirk: "Miss, you can talk nonsense when you open your mouth. I said we have never gone out. If you think we are lying, then may I ask you?" Is there any proof?"

Ms. Gao smiled: "Evidence, I'll find it later."

Lu Shijin was watching the excitement from the sidelines. It was just the beginning, and the two women were tearing each other apart. Sure enough, wherever there are women, there is gunpowder.

The captain didn't have time to pay attention to their arguing, and turned to Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng and his wife: "Please tell me where you went last night."

Mrs. Feng said: "After dinner last night, we also went back to the room first. Later, at about nine o'clock, my father called me over. We chatted for a while and then I went back to my room. I checked the time carefully. , It was about half past nine at that time, and my husband and I took a rest afterwards, and didn't leave the room until this morning when we heard that something happened to our father."

The captain asked Mr. Feng: "Did Mr. Li go out between 9:00 and 9:30 last night?"

Mr. Feng shook his head: "I'm seasick, so I've been resting in my room and never went out."

Then the captain asked other people. Rong Zhi was the first person everyone knew to see Mr. Lu after dinner, and then Lu Shijin. They both said that they returned to the room after seeing Mr. Lu and never went out again. .

Li's nephew and the nanny both said that after returning to their respective rooms after dinner, they never went out again.

According to the timeline drawn out from everyone's confessions, Rong Zhi and Mr. Lu went back to the room together. Mr. Li, who accompanied Mrs. Li out for a beauty treatment, was knocked down on the deck. The two left the deck together at nine o'clock and went back to their rooms. Mrs. Feng went to see Mr. Lu at nine o'clock and left at half past nine; Mr. Lu, leave at a quarter past ten.

And the only ones who neither saw Mr. Lu nor left his room last night were Nephew Li, Mr. Feng and the nanny.

After listening to everyone's alibi, the captain did not get any effective information that could help him determine who the murderer was.

"I want to remind you again that the murderer is among you. If you don't catch him, he may attack the next person. Therefore, please ensure the authenticity of the information you provide me, otherwise it will not be conducive to the progress of the case." Detect it, do you understand?"

In short, only a murderer can tell a lie.

Lu Shijin laughed secretly in his heart. Nine out of ten people present thought that he was the murderer. No one could tell which sentence was true and which was false.

Lu Shijin pondered secretly. From the confessions of all the people so far, we can know that after ten quarters, no one has ever looked for Mr. Lu, but what happened to the abnormal noise he heard in Mr. Lu's room at one o'clock in the morning? Woolen cloth

There are still many mysteries waiting to be solved.

The captain sorted out the documents for recording the statement, stood up and announced: "Okay, everyone, I already know what happened last night, now please go back to your room and don't walk around on the boat. If there is anything else that needs your cooperation, I'll invite you over again."

Everyone looked at each other, hoping to find clues from other people's faces as the basis for judging the murderer, but none of the players who could enter the final mission was a fuel-efficient lamp. Everyone was quite calm and could not find any flaws.

People left the banquet hall one by one, and when they returned to their rooms, their mobile phones vibrated, and it was the APP that issued new instructions.

Lu Shijin picked it up and took a look. It was written on the screen: "The first round of voting to identify the murderer is about to begin. The player who gets the most votes, regardless of whether he is the real murderer or not, will lose the game. Each player has a vote in his hand and can choose to vote , you can also choose to abstain. If the real culprit is found in this round of voting, the player who voted correctly wins, and the rest of the game loses. Participation prohibited."

That is to say, you can choose to vote or not to vote. If you don’t vote, the murderer will be found by other players. Those who don’t vote and those who vote wrong will lose the game. If you choose to vote, you will be punished with a bye round if you vote wrong. If so, even if the murderer is determined in the next round, there will be no voting.

So every round of voting has to be very cautious. You may lose if you vote wrong, or you may lose if you don’t vote.

The information obtained in the first round is very limited, and no one can judge who lied and what they did. Therefore, in fact, the safest way is to abstain from voting in the first round.

Of course, there will definitely be people who will take a gamble and blindly guess a murderer. It is good if the vote is correct, but if the vote is wrong, it will have no effect on him except that he cannot vote in the second round. .

Lu Shijin was hesitating whether he should vote or not, when he received a message from Rongzhi on his mobile phone.

Rong Zhi: [Don't vote for the first round.]

In fact, Lu Shijin also thought this way, the first round of voting was too risky, and the APP will definitely release more clues to help find the real culprit, so there is really no need to rush to cast the first vote.

Lu Shijin: [Understood.]

Just after returning to the past, the APP issued another command.

"The living room area on the first floor is now open. Players can go to the living room for clue sorting and discussion. Only three players can discuss together at a time."

Lu Shijin is a little confused, what kind of game is this? Encourage them to stick together

Not ten players participated in the discussion together, but three at a time. In fact, even if the discussion came out, the information obtained was very limited, not to mention giving the real culprit a chance to put smoke bombs inside and disturb the audiovisual.

Such discussions are actually meaningless and will only make things more confusing.

This kind of unnecessary discussion, no one should foolishly participate in it, maybe it will make people think that they are the real murderer. After all, only the real murderer will be anxious to know what information they have.

Just as Lu Shijin wanted to send a message to Rong Zhi to say not to participate in the discussion, Rong Zhi's message was sent over by him one step ahead.

Rong Zhi: [You go, if necessary, you can pour dirty water on me.]

Lu Shijin was very puzzled: [? ? ? Why?]

Brother, you are already very suspicious, okay

Rong Zhi: [One is to make people believe that we are not in the same group, and the other is that at present, I am the most suspicious, but the more I emphasize this point, the more people will suspect that the answer is not so simple. Instead, it will transfer away, so you have to go.]

Lu Shijin blinked at the phone, what Rong Zhi said seemed to make sense.

If someone is uneasy and well-intentioned, thinking of fighting to the death and breaking the net, and directly voted for Rongzhi, wouldn't it be a disaster.

That's right, he needs to step out at this time, and help his teammates divert their attention by making all kinds of noises!

Lu Shijin agreed to Rong Zhi. Since he decided to go to the living room to participate in the discussion, he had to hurry up. After all, there were only three places, so it would be bad if someone else got in first.

Lu Shijin hurriedly tidied up, opened the door and went downstairs, when he passed by Rong Zhi's room, he suddenly felt something, and before leaving, he sent another message to Rong Zhi, asking him: [By the way, who do you think the murderer will be?]

Rongzhi's reply is simple: [I don't believe in intuition, I only believe in evidence.]