The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 158: Ultimate challenge


Back in his room, Lu Shijin took out his mobile phone and studied it carefully. There was a social bar in the lower right corner of the APP. When he clicked on it, there was only Rongzhi's avatar lying in it. He searched everywhere, but there was really no option to add other friends.

How did Rong Zhi add him? It's really weird.

Lu Shijin thought for a while, and tentatively sent a message to Rongzhi.

Lu Shijin: [How did you add me as a friend?]

Rong Zhi quickly replied with [?]come over.

Lu Shijin: [I just wanted to add other people as friends, but their mobile phones don't seem to have the function of adding friends, so I want to ask you what's going on.]

Rong Zhi: [Can't other people add friends? I'm not sure, let me have a look.]

Lu Shijin held his mobile phone and waited for Rongzhi's reply. He didn't believe that Rongzhi had the ability to tamper with the mobile phone under the supervision of the APP, so Rongzhi was able to add him as a friend, it must be the APP's tacit approval. within the rules of the game.

The question is, why does this game allow Rong Zhi to contact him in private? Other people's phones don't have this feature.

This is simply blatantly helping to cheat.

The phone vibrated, bringing Lu Shijin back to his thoughts.

Rong Zhi: [I checked, I can indeed add friends, but I can't add others, only you.]

Lu Shijin: [... why?]

Rong Zhi: [BUG?]

Lu Shijin: [Do you think such a big bug may not be fixed due to the rogue nature of this broken app?]

Rong Zhi: [I think, since it allows us to contact, it must have its intentions, if it comes, let it be, instead of being suspicious, it is better to accept it calmly.]

Lu Shijin thinks about it too, everyone is now in the fog, and there is no other better way than following the instructions issued by the APP.

Rong Zhi: [By the way, did the discussion result in anything?]

Lu Shijin was about to share some clues he had just obtained in the living room with Rongzhi, when the APP page suddenly jumped, and an instruction was issued.

"It's lunch time now, please go to the banquet hall on the first floor."

Heh, I didn't expect that breaking the APP is quite human, and it will remind them to eat lunch.

Lu Shijin only had time to hastily send an individual vote to Rongzhi, then opened the door and walked out.

As soon as the door was opened, Rong Zhi next door and Lu Zhongze who was across the aisle both came out. Lu Shijin only hesitated for half a second, then naturally smiled at Lu Zhongze, stood in front of the door without moving, as if Wait for Lu Zhongze to come over and walk together.

Rong Zhi walked past Lu Shijin without looking sideways, as if the two didn't know each other at all, and went straight downstairs.

Lu Shijin waited for Lu Zhongze to come to his side, walked forward with him, and asked him casually: "Do you think we are really called to eat?"

Lu Zhongze's lips curled slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes, "I'm afraid it's a Hongmen banquet, not everyone can come back after going."

Everyone arrived at the banquet hall one after another, and sat down in their original positions.

The main seat that originally belonged to Mr. Lu was empty at the moment, but there were still plates, knives and forks in front of the seat. I don't know who it was for, and it looked a little panicked.

The captain finally walked into the banquet hall, stood in front of the dining table, looked at everyone with a serious face, and said: "After thinking about it all morning, everyone must have some guesses about the real culprit. Next, we will vote by secret ballot. Write down the name of the person you think is the murderer and give it to me, the person with the most votes, we will torture him."

After the captain finished speaking, the sound of mobile phones vibrating one after another was heard on the dining table, and everyone picked up their mobile phones at the same time. Sure enough, the APP interface has become a voting page.

However, there is no option for voting, only a small input box, and you have to type the name of the suspect in it to submit.

Everyone raised their heads, you looked at me, and I looked at you, with complex expressions on their faces.

Voting in front of other people is too fucking exciting.

Everyone observed each other's expressions, hoping to get a clue from the changes in each other's expressions. However, a countdown reminder soon appeared on the APP. If the answer is not submitted before the end of the countdown, it will be regarded as abstention.

Then everyone lowered their heads and continued to fiddle with their mobile phones. Even if not everyone wanted to vote, they still had to put on a show to cause some psychological oppression for others.

"The voting is over," the captain said blankly. "I will tell you the results of the voting later. Please enjoy your lunch first."

The waiters brought the lunch one by one, such as caviar salad, creamy mushroom soup, French baked snails, black truffle and black pepper steak... A series of classic French dishes were served in front of everyone.

But before the results were announced, everyone seemed to be in no mood to enjoy the food, and the knives and forks were absently scratching the plate.

It's like hanging a knife behind your neck, and you don't know when it will fall. The waiting process is especially painful.

"Look, these people are nervous," Lu Zhongze turned his head towards Lu Shijin, and whispered with a smile, "Shall we make a bet, who will be the first to be out?"

Lu Shijin didn't answer but instead asked, "Who do you think it will be?"

Lu Zhongze raised his eyes and looked at the position of Mr. Li's family of three. At this time, Li's nephew also raised his head, accidentally met Lu Zhongze's gaze, and immediately moved away.

Lu Zhongze smiled, "Sometimes a triangle is not necessarily the most stable structure, especially for people's hearts."

Lu Shijin cut a piece of steak and chewed it slowly in his mouth, "Do you think it will be one of the three of them?"

Lu Zhongze smiled without saying a word, and looked at him: "What about you?"

Lu Shijin glanced at Lu Zhongze's right hand side. After a while, Miss Gao changed into a different white dress from the morning, and elegantly sipped the fine wine with a wine glass.

Lu Shijin pondered for a moment, then deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Miss Gao."

Lu Zhongze raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Lu Shijin shrugged his shoulders, "Women are jealous of women who are prettier than themselves. Mrs. Li and Mrs. Feng are obviously hostile to Miss Gao, and they may join forces to cast Miss Gao out."

"It makes sense," Lu Zhongze held up his wine glass and saluted Lu Shijin, "Then wait for the result and see who guesses right."

The answer didn't make them wait too long, before the meal was finished, the captain returned to the banquet hall from outside.

"Everyone, I have counted the voting results. The suspect with the most votes may not necessarily be the real culprit, but please cooperate with our investigation," the captain opened an envelope and read, "A total of ten people participated in the voting. Five people voted, five people abstained, and a total of two people got the votes, among them, the one who got two votes was—"

The captain dragged his voice and sold the pass. Lu Shijin was already surprised to hear that half of the people in the first round voted, but when he heard from the captain that the person who got two votes was Lu Zhongze, he was even more shocked. endlessly.

Actually two people voted for Lu Zhongze

But Lu Zhongze seems to have no obvious motive at the moment, and he is not the most suspected person. Why did he get two votes

Those who voted for these two votes either had evidence that the murderer pointed to Lu Zhongze, or Lu Zhongze's existence posed a threat to them.

It seems that Lu Zhongze is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface.

"There is another one who got three votes, he is—" The captain glanced at everyone, and wherever the captain's eyes moved, there was a tense atmosphere, and finally he set his sights on the person sitting next to his right hand Mr. Li, "Unfortunately, Mr. Li, you got three votes. Now please follow me to the interrogation room to participate in the interrogation."

Mr. Li's face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice, "Interrogation room? No! I won't go! I'm not a murderer!" He stood up and pointed at the others excitedly, "Who? Who voted for me?!" He seemed to have thought of something, and looked down at Mrs. Li, who was closest to him, with a ferocious expression, "Is that you?!"

"It's not me!" Mrs. Li held her chest and shook her head in denial, "It's definitely not me!"

"That's you?" Mr. Li glared at Li's nephew, and Li's nephew quickly shook his head to deny it, so Mr. Li pointed at Lu Zhongze on the opposite side, and shouted, "It's still you! Which one of you wants to kill me!"

The captain didn't give Mr. Li a chance to get mad, he beckoned two tall sailors, and took Mr. Li out.

Captain: "Everyone, we will interrogate Mr. Li, and the results of the interrogation will be announced to you later. If you finish your lunch, you can go back to your room to rest, or you can have entertainment on board. Currently, the areas on the first and second floors are open. But access is prohibited on the third floor."

This is the beginning of gradually opening up the common area for them to come and find clues, and the game continues.

First of all, Lu Shijin himself did not vote. If Rong Zhi listened to him and did not vote, it means that almost half of the remaining eight people voted for Mr. Li, which is not a small proportion.

If Mr. Li was the real murderer, then the game should be over, but the game is not over yet, which means that the real murderer has not been found yet, and poor Mr. Li has become a scapegoat.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but speculate, whose interests did Mr. Li affect in order to be collectively targeted like this

As soon as they heard that they could go to search for evidence, the rest couldn't sit still and got up and left the banquet hall one after another.

Seeing Rong Zhi leave, Lu Shijin walked out naturally after a while, followed Rong Zhi far away, saw him enter the bathroom, Lu Shijin lingered outside for a while, made sure there was no one around, then went in, and locked it behind him The door to the bathroom.

"Did you vote?" As soon as we met, Lu Shijin asked Rongzhi straight to the point.

Rong Zhi shook his head: "No, didn't you tell me not to vote?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes: "That is to say, apart from the two of us, among the other eight people, two voted for Lu Zhongze, and three voted for Mr. Li. There must be something wrong with them..."

"What exactly did you discuss in the reception room?" Rong Zhi asked.

Lu Shijin raised his eyes to look at Rong Zhi, and told him exactly what Lu Zhongze and Li's nephew said in the living room.

Rong Zhi was silent for a few seconds after listening, and said in a deep voice, "It's obvious that Lu Zhongze and Mr. Li's family are biting each other. As for the reason, only they know."

"But the game is not over yet, Mr. Li is not the real murderer," Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, "Could the murderer be Lu Zhongze?"

Rong Zhi: "It's possible, but I can't be sure. The good news is that in the next round of voting, the five people who voted incorrectly will not be able to participate. We are relatively safer."

Lu Shijin pulled his lips: "Safe? Then we have to clean ourselves to be safe."

Feeling the phone vibrate suddenly, Rong Zhi took out the phone and turned it on to read the news. Seeing this, Lu Shijin's heart suddenly moved, and he walked to Rong Zhi's side silently, pretending to read it with him naturally.

Rong Zhi's expression was calm, but he had no intention of covering up, which gave Lu Shijin a reassurance.

"After interrogation, Mr. Li was not the real culprit who killed Mr. Lu." Rong Zhi stared at the words displayed on the APP and read, "According to Mr. Li, he was discovered by Mr. Lu because he misappropriated the company's public funds because of his investment failure. Mr. Lu asked him to fix the loophole within a month, otherwise Mr. Li would leave the company. That's why Mr. Li wanted to kill Mr. Lu, but he didn't do it directly. Unfortunately, during the interrogation, Mr. Li suddenly He died of a heart attack after rescue efforts failed, and there is no time to explain more information in the future. The room 201 where Mr. Li lives is now open, and everyone can go to search for evidence. Please note that the real culprit is still hiding among you, and it is very likely that he will kill again. Please be careful."

"Heart disease?" Lu Shijin couldn't believe it. Just now Mr. Li was sitting with them and eating together. He was a living person, "Did you just die like this?"

Rong Zhi put away the phone, looked at the mirror in front of him, buttoned the top button of the neckline, and said calmly: "This game will officially start now."