The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 160: Ultimate challenge


Nephew Li? died

Who did it? !

Lu Shijin and Rong Zhi hurried to Nephew Li's room. Nephew Li lived on the first floor. When the two of them got there, a cordon had been set up outside Nephew Li's room. Dead spiders the size of a pinky fingernail can be seen everywhere.

Others came earlier and saw Li's nephew's body. Li's nephew was lying on his back on his bed, his eyes were wide open and protruding outwards, his mouth grew big, as if he had seen some frightening scene, and his body was covered with spiders. Some spiders even crawled into his nose, ears, and mouth. The picture is extremely horrifying!

The three women, Mrs. Feng, Miss Gao, and the nanny were so frightened that their faces paled immediately, and they turned to find the trash can and vomited profusely. The expressions of the other men were not much better.

Mrs. Li also came down from upstairs, but she didn't come over. She just stood far outside the corridor and looked in, with a sneer on her face, and her mouth moved silently. Judging from the shape of her mouth, she was saying "" Deserve" two words.

"Where do so many spiders come from?" Lu Shijin asked Lu Zhongze who was next to him.

Lu Zhongze frowned and shook his head, "I don't know, the captain is already investigating, but there is no result yet."

Lu Shijin asked again: "How do people die?"

Lu Zhongze shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "Who knows, there is no forensic doctor on board, and the body cannot be examined, but the sailor who found the body said that no murder weapon was found at the scene, and there was no wound caused by a sharp weapon on the body. As for whether it was bitten to death by a spider, it is not clear knew."

"It's not spiders," Rong Zhi said suddenly, "these spiders are all non-poisonous."

Lu Zhongze glanced at Rong Zhi, "Since it is non-toxic, why did the murderer get so many spiders?"

Rong Zhi put it succinctly: "Create panic."

"Yes, the father and son of the Li family plan to kill Mr. Lu with a poisonous spider," Lu Shijin said. Claiming one's life can not only hide one's identity, but also cause panic."

Lu Zhongze had lingering fears in his heart, "In such a short period of time, he made a murder plan without anyone noticing it. This person is too scary."

Another person died. Although ten people have ruled out the possibility that two people were the murderers, the suspicion of the case has increased.

Who would kill nephew Li

Could it be the same person who killed Mr. Lu

If the murderer is the same person, then why did he kill Mr. Lu and nephew Li after he killed him

If it wasn't the same person, it would be even more terrifying. Among them, there were at least two murderers hidden, and the lives of others would be threatened at any time.

Everyone's face was very serious, with suspicions in their hearts, and they looked at the rest of the people with full alertness.

If there were still people who believed in the so-called "alliance" before, now, after what happened to the Li family and his son, they all understand that this kind of alliance without foundation is actually vulnerable.

The only person you can trust is yourself.

Lu Shijin involuntarily glanced at Rongzhi, clenched his fists slightly, and asked himself in his heart—

Can I really trust him

"Good news everyone," the captain suddenly appeared and brought everyone's attention together, "There is a forensic doctor on a nearby cruise ship who can support us. He can arrive on the ship tomorrow morning, and tomorrow afternoon at the latest, we will know Mr. Lu's condition." cause of death."

It is indeed good news. It was also because the cause of Mr. Lu's death was not known before, so the person who did it would not be sure if he was the murderer, and Li's nephew was eager to bite Mr. Li to clear the suspicion.

If the cause of death is known, players who know that they are not the murderer can unite to find the murderer.

However, the result will not be known until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, and there is another round of voting in the morning, that is to say, one of the eight people has to be voted out.

This is still the case that the murderer will not attack other people again.

The captain clapped his hands, "Everyone has been busy all day. Although the real culprit was not found in the end, I believe that the truth is not far away. The ship has prepared a sumptuous dinner for everyone. Please go to the banquet hall to eat , and rest well."

With so many things happening on this day, who is still in the mood to have dinner, but because he doesn't want to separate himself from the big team, it looks too special.

However, Mrs. Feng and Ms. Gao must have been frightened by those spiders, and their faces were not very good from the beginning. They directly refused to eat, and went back to the room to rest on the pretext of feeling unwell.

The rest of the people walked into the banquet hall full of thoughts. They ate Chinese food tonight. All the delicacies looked delicious, but it seemed that everyone had no appetite. The men seldom moved their chopsticks and were all drinking.

Among these people, Mrs. Li is the calmest. It stands to reason that she lost two "allies" and she should be the least calm, but she ignores the others as if nothing happened. , with a calm expression to pick up vegetables for dinner.

"Ah! There are spiders!" The nanny sitting next to Rong Zhi suddenly screamed, threw away the chopsticks, kicked down the seat behind her, stood up, pointed at the dish in front of her and shouted in horror, "Spider!"

"Where are there spiders?!" The voice of Mr. Feng on the opposite side was trembling, his back was pressed tightly against the back of the chair, his expression looked more frightened than the nanny, and he was about to vomit.

Rong Zhi looked at the dish that the nanny pointed to. It was a stir-fried dish with peppercorns and some chopped green onion. It looked like bugs, and the nanny mistook it for a spider.

"It's not a spider, it's just pepper." Rong Zhi took a plate to hold the dish, and said flatly, "It's all right."

Mr. Feng's pale face softened, and he muttered to himself: "It's fine if it's not a spider, it's fine if it's not."

After recovering, he seemed to feel a little embarrassed by his reaction just now, put down his chopsticks and said "I'm full", got up and left the banquet hall first.

The nanny looked like a spider in everything now, so she was naturally not in the mood to stay any longer, and left behind Mr. Feng.

In the huge banquet hall, there were only four people left: Lu Shijin, Rong Zhi, Lu Zhongze and Mrs. Li.

Lu Zhongze suddenly lost his temper, threw his chopsticks on the table, and cursed in a low voice: "This broken game, you really know how to play people, you don't want us to complete the task, just say it, do you need to be so tricky?" ? Seeing us killing each other, don't you think it's really fun? Fuck!"

"Why are you losing your temper now? You're already in the game. What else can you do besides doing what the game says?" Lu Shijin said coolly.

Lu Zhongze sneered: "I can't help it, but I'm in a hurry, no one should think about it!"

Except for Mr. Li who was voted out at noon, don't forget that Lu Zhongze still has two votes. There will be another round of voting tomorrow before Mr. Lu's cause of death is announced. It is only natural for Lu Zhongze to be impatient now.

Lu Shijin and Rong Zhi raised their eyes to meet each other, and silently agreed.

Lu Zhongze will not have two votes for no reason, and his story must not be as simple as he said that he wanted to grab the inheritance.

There are five people who can vote in the next round of voting, and Lu Shijin and Rong Zhi accounted for two votes, which can be said to have a huge influence. If they vote for the same person, then that person has a high probability of "death".

The more anxious people are, the easier it is to show their feet. Lu Shijin is waiting to see if Lu Zhongze will mess up his feet next.

Mrs. Li, who was sitting on the farthest side, said abruptly, "If you are innocent, why are you rushing to bite others? They are both thousand-year-old foxes, so there is no need to act Liaozhai in front of anyone."

"Oh, I knew it was you who voted for me!" Lu Zhongze raised his eyebrows and pointed at Mrs. Li, "Last night, I accidentally found out that Mr. Li was not standing on the deck. You are afraid that I will shake his conspiracy!" You voted for me because you came out, right? You will pour dirty water on others!"

"Yes," Mrs. Li generously admitted, looking at Lu Zhongze with a half-smile, "but where are you going with your innocence? You found out about their conspiracy, but who did you tell? Don't you just want to win?" What's more, only you know what you have done, and you are not wronged if you are casted, and it is still uncertain who the real culprit is."

"What do you mean by that? What? You want to incite others to vote for me now?" Lu Zhongze's face changed drastically, and he looked nervously at Lu Shijin and Rongzhi who were silently eating melons, "Don't believe her words , she is sowing discord, how could I be the murderer!"

Mrs. Li got up and stood up, straightened the hem of the cheongsam she was wearing, and walked out with her chin lifted. When she reached the door, she suddenly turned around and looked at the others with a strange smile, and said faintly: "You believe in retribution." Is it? It’s not that if you don’t report it, the time has not yet come. If you do something wrong, you will always be knocked on the door by ghosts.”

"You crazy woman, you're just talking nonsense!" Lu Zhongze became furious and slapped the table angrily, "Actually, you are the murderer, right? Otherwise, you didn't participate in the plan of the father and son at all. Why are you fanning the flames here? Are you fighting for justice? Did you hit the wrong target?!"

Mrs. Li hooked her red lips, stopped talking to Lu Zhongze, stepped on her high heels, and left here gracefully.

Mrs. Li left, Lu Zhongze had no one to quarrel with, and sat down on the chair with a frustrated temper, muttering to himself: "Crazy woman, she wants to kill me..."

Lu Zhongze seemed to be in a very unstable state of mind, and it was a good time to get some words out of his mouth. However, with Rong Zhi present, Lu Zhongze might not talk more to Lu Shijin, so Rong Zhi winked at Lu Shijin and left the banquet hall first.

When Rongzhi left, Lu Zhongze really pulled Lu Shijin and started to chatter.

"Brother, you have to trust me. We agreed to form an alliance from the very beginning. You can't be led astray by that crazy woman, right? She wants me to die!"

Lu Shijin smiled, "I'm alone, even if I believe you, it's useless. If you are not the murderer, the truth will naturally come out when the autopsy results come out tomorrow."

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until then!" Lu Zhongze lowered his voice nervously, "I'm afraid someone will vote for me!"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

Lu Zhongze pursed his lips, "I can't say this yet, but I know, you didn't vote in the last round, right? I voted for Li, so I can't vote in the next round, but I'm willing to help you Find the real culprit, and provide you with all the clues I know. Let’s cooperate to find the murderer. So don’t rush to vote tomorrow. How about we vote for the real culprit together in the third round?”

Lu Shijin smiled resolutely, "But if I don't vote, other people will. What if other people vote for the murderer? Also, what if the murderer commits murder again?"

Lu Zhongze was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "You know Rongzhi, right?"

Lu Shijin's eyebrows twitched, and the smile froze at the corner of his mouth, "What?"

"Don't hide it from me, I've already seen it," Lu Zhongze looked at Lu Shijin deeply and said, "So you have two votes in your hand, as long as you don't vote for me, I will naturally have a solution for the remaining three people. "

Now that it has been discovered, it is meaningless to deny it.

Lu Shijin rubbed the center of his brows, and said nonchalantly, "I still can't trust you, what if you are the murderer?"

"I'm not, I can tell you for sure, I'm not," Lu Zhongze said in a low voice, "Because I'm just an accomplice, just like my nephew, so I can't be the murderer, but I can't tell you who the main culprit is, because I I am not sure if he is the real culprit, I am afraid that if he is exposed, my fate will be the same as that of my nephew. But I also know that my one-sided words cannot convince you, so I will prove my innocence with practical actions. "

Lu Shijin smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll wait and see." He twisted his neck and stood up, "It's getting late, I'm going back too."

"Are you looking for that illegitimate child? Do you really believe him?" Lu Zhongze stopped him, with a sinister smile on his lips, and said in a deep voice, "The most unbelievable thing in this game is the so-called 'one's own'. "

Regarding Lu Zhongze's warning, Lu Shijin just frowned, turned around and left the banquet hall without saying anything.

Perhaps it was because of too many things that happened today, Lu Shijin felt a little depressed, so he left the banquet hall and went to the deck to have a breeze.

Before he could stand on the deck for three minutes, the phone in Lu Shijin's pocket vibrated suddenly. Lu Shijin picked it up and saw that it was a message from Rongzhi.

Rong Zhi: [Come out yet? Come to my room?]

Lu Shijin inexplicably remembered what Lu Zhongze said just now, and couldn't help asking himself again.

Can I really trust him