The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else

Chapter 167: Ultimate challenge


"There is one last day," Lu Shijin said in a low voice, "the game is over. Have you thought about what you will do after you go back if you win?"

Rong Zhi said bluntly: "Think about it, many times."

"I think you are also unwilling to die so silently." Lu Shijin smiled knowingly, looked at him sideways, and asked suddenly, "Boss Pei, in the real world, you have someone you like ?"

Lu Shijin's "Boss Pei" made Rong Zhi stunned for a moment, his stern face loosened for a moment, as if he had fallen into a certain memory.

"No," Rong Zhi came back to deny it, and said flatly, "I used to be busy with work, so I didn't have time to like someone."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and smiled, expressing that he expected it.

Rong Zhi looked at him with dark eyes, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly, "What about you? Do you have someone you like?"

Lu Shijin shook his head, "I'm gay."

Rong Zhi's eyes darkened.

Lu Shijin shrugged: "But I dare not come out. My parents have been people's teachers all their lives, and their thinking is stubborn and conservative. They must not accept that their son likes men, so they don't like anyone."

Rong Zhi frowned, "Really?" His tone sounded inexplicably regretful.

Lu Shijin carelessly twitched the corners of his mouth: "But after going through this time, I understand that people only live once in this life, so why bother so much, the most important thing is to be happy, so—"

"So what?" Rong Zhi asked.

Lu Shijin's eyes moved down naturally along the man's face, and he lowered his head and said softly: "So if I can go back smoothly this time, if I meet the right one, I won't have so many worries anymore, and I don't want to leave a mark on my life. Pity."

Rong Zhi stretched out the toe of his shoe towards Lu Shijin, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and patted Lu Shijin's shoulder, "We will go back, we will definitely."

Lu Shijin lowered his head and did not raise it, asking himself in his heart: Will it? Really

But why, the closer he got to the truth, the more he panicked

It was not only Lu Shijin who was panicking, but other players were equally nervous.

The most nervous person is Mrs. Feng, because if according to the law of the last round of murder, all the co-conspirators will die, and the next person who will die is likely to be her!

She hopes to find someone to spend the night with her, but life is at stake, and everyone chooses to protect themselves wisely, and is unwilling to be implicated by a prey who is likely to be targeted by the murderer. No one is willing to help this poor woman, indifferently Leaving Room 202, I was going to go to the crime scene on the third floor to continue searching for evidence.

Surrounded by despair and fear, Mrs. Feng felt that the outside world was full of dangers and dared not go out. After the people left, she immediately locked the door and pulled the sofa behind the door to block the door.

She still felt that it was not safe enough, so she took a fruit knife and got into the quilt of the bed, cursing everyone in a low voice, while tremblingly waiting to meet the unknown fate...

Finally, when the crime scene was opened, the others rushed to Mr. Lu's bedroom on the third floor to search for clues.

Lu Shijin followed everyone in and took a look. Except for a pool of dark red blood stains on the bedding on the bed, everything in the room had not been moved as it was, including the glass of red wine he personally poured for the old man last night. It was also neatly placed on the coffee table, not missing at all. It seems that after he left, the old man didn't drink.

Although Lu Shijin was sure that he would not be the murderer, he didn't say anything. The others were rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the room to find clues like bandits entering a village.

Opening the drawer, there was a thick stack of documents inside. Lu Shijin picked up the documents and flipped through them at random. They were all reports about the company, and there was nothing special about them.

When he was about to close the drawer, Lu Shijin noticed that something seemed to be pressed under the document. Before anyone came to the study, Lu Shijin quickly pulled out the paper, looked down, and found that it was a photo.

It showed a woman and two young boys no older than four.

The color of the photo is slightly yellowish, and the corners are also a little wrinkled. It should be taken out by people to look at it from time to time. There are a few small words in the lower right corner of the photo, "Taken in City H in 1995".

Lu Shijin turned over the photo, and wrote a line of words with a pen on the blank back.

"I have a good time with my child, don't read, and don't come to me."

What does it mean

Who are the women and children in the photo? Who was this photo sent to

A bunch of mysteries hadn't been solved yet, and a new one came up, and Lu Shijin felt overwhelmed.

Suddenly hearing footsteps coming from the door of the study, Lu Shijin hastily folded the photo and hid it in his pocket. Seeing Lu Zhongze coming in, he asked nonchalantly, "Did you find any clues?"

"No," Lu Zhongze wandered around in the study, "What about you? Have you found any clues?"

"No, I just came in not long ago." Lu Shijin said.

Lu Zhongze looked at him suspiciously: "I'd like to remind you kindly, it's this time, and it's no good for you to hide the clues. If you find something, it's better to say it."

Lu Shijin pretended to be confused, and asked with a smile, "Why?"

Lu Zhongze walked to his side, lowered his voice and said, "The situation is so clear now, why do you still ask? The murderer is among you, the nanny and the illegitimate child. You have to prove that you are not the murderer! Of course, I believe You are not, but others don't believe it."

"You believe I'm not, then who do you think is?" Lu Shijin asked deliberately.

Lu Zhongze glanced up, obviously trying to say something, "I know you know the illegitimate son, but do you really believe him? In the last round, you said that neither you nor he voted, so who is the voter for Mr. Feng?" Voted for? Nanny? But it seems that the nanny has the least motive to kill, so I think there is a high probability that one of you lied, what do you think?"

"You're right," Lu Shijin followed suit, patted the cuff of his suit and smiled, "But guesses are just guesses, and evidence is needed for everything. If there is no conclusive evidence, you can't cast the murderer just by guessing, right? This is the last chance." ,To take advantage of."

"It seems that you still want to protect him." Lu Zhongze stopped pretending to be a good person, tearing off his hypocritical mask, and said sarcastically, "The brotherhood is really deep and touching, then I will wait and see, if I finally find evidence Prove that one of you is the murderer, and when the time comes, will the other choose to die together, or is he eager to betray his friend to survive hahaha!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention. When Lu Shijin heard the words "brotherly love" coming out of Lu Zhongze's mouth, his heart skipped a beat for no reason, as if he was about to grasp some key clue, but he couldn't think of it for a while. Come out so it is.

Lu Shijin didn't want to listen to Lu Zhongze's nonsense anymore, so he walked out of the study. Rong Zhi, who was searching for evidence outside, saw him come out of the study, walked over and asked in a low voice, "Did you find anything?"

When Lu Shijin saw Rong Zhi, his mind suddenly cleared up, he knew what was going on!

The photos in the study will definitely not appear there for no reason, it must be an important clue.

And the woman and child in the photo must have a great relationship with Mr. Lu. It is very likely that Mr. Lu's death has something hidden behind it!

Although Lu Shijin doesn't know the woman in the photo, the two children are likely to be on the boat now, among them!

The photo was taken in 1995, almost 25 years ago, so these two children should be around 30 years old by now.

Among the ten people on board, there were six men. After excluding Mr. Li, Li's nephew, and Mr. Feng who were not of the same age, there were only three people left: him, Lu Zhongze and Rong Zhi.

And Lu Zhongze is Mr. Lu's nephew, he was introduced by the character as an only son, without brothers and sisters, no matter how romantic the old man is, it is impossible for him to have anything to do with his sister-in-law, right? So Lu Zhongze can also rule it out.

Then the rest is Rong Zhi and him... Could it be

Lu Shijin looked at Rong Zhi with complicated eyes, hesitant to speak, how should he explain to Rong Zhi that they are actually "brothers" who had been separated for many years

This is too ridiculous!

"I didn't find anything. I was a little anxious, so I went back to my room to go to the toilet." Lu Shijin was still not sure about this relationship, and wanted to find other clues, so he slipped out of the room by urinating.

He is a little dizzy now. If he and Rong Zhi are "brothers", how can it be explained that one of them is Mr. Lu's adopted son, and the other is Mr. Lu's illegitimate son

The old man has no reason to recognize only one of his two sons.

Could it be... Half father? In this way, it can be explained.

Lu Shijin recalled that he hadn't deciphered his motive for killing so far, could it be related to this clue

It's a pity that the old man is dead, so I can't take the photo and ask him what is the relationship between the people above and him... Wait!

Lu Shijin had a flash of light in his mind, besides the old man, there was another person who might know the inside story!

housekeeper! The butler has been with the old man for decades, and the old man trusts him very much, so the butler should know everything about the old man!

Damn it, how could such an important NPC be forgotten

Lu Shijin was about to take the photo to the housekeeper to ask about the situation, when suddenly the phone in his pocket vibrated.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone's mobile phone received a notification at the same time, which was the result of Mr. Lu's autopsy.

"After examination, the time of Mr. Lu's death was between one and two o'clock in the morning on the 2nd. The cause of death was that the heart vein was severed by a sharp instrument and he died of hemorrhage. At the same time, on the corpse, the forensic doctor detected allergic symptoms and Components of the anesthetic were detected in the blood."

It's exactly the same as what the convenience store told him before.

Lu Shijin's heart clenched tightly. He seemed to be getting closer and closer to the truth, and he was about to touch the veil covering the truth.

But the closer he got to the truth, the more he was afraid, fearing that the truth would be something he couldn't bear.

He took a deep breath, forget it, no matter what the truth is, let's figure it out first, there is no reason to go this far and shrink back.

He was about to go downstairs, when he suddenly heard a sound of "噗味噗味" from the corner next to him. Following the sound, Xu Chen hid in the corner with his waist down, showing half of his head, and mysteriously beckoned at Lu Shijin wave.

Xu Chen: "Come here."

Lu Shijin walked over, "Why are you here?"

Xu Chen rolled his eyes: "I'm not worried about you. Have you found any clues?"

Lu Shijin frowned, looking preoccupied, "I found it, but I don't have a clue yet."

"What's the matter? Are you not happy to find the clue?" Xu Chen asked strangely when he saw his depressed look.

Lu Shijin stared at him blankly, "Convenience store, tell me, what should I do if Rong Zhi is the murderer?"

"Huh?" Xu Chen's eyes widened in surprise, his voice suddenly raised his voice, and he realized that he was afraid of being discovered, so he quickly covered his mouth and lowered his voice before speaking, "Isn't it?! Such unlucky luck? He is the murderer? Are you sure?"

"Not sure yet, I'm just asking you, if so," Lu Shijin looked at Xu Chen with a look of expectation in his eyes, "Is there anything you can do?"

Xu Chen raised his hand and wiped his sweat: "... what can I do about it, I'm just an ordinary person here, and I can't change anything."

The light in Lu Shijin's eyes dimmed a little, and he sighed, "I see."

Xu Chen has been with Lu Shijin as a system for so long, and this is the first time he saw such a sad look on Lu Shijin's face as if the sky was about to fall: "Don't be discouraged, you just said everything, you are still not sure, then Look for clues, what if you guess wrong?"

"Well," Lu Shijin managed to pull himself together and wiped his face, "Do you know where the housekeeper is?"

Xu Chen patted his chest, "You are asking the right person, I know, come with me!"

Xu Chen took Lu Shijin to the first floor, where the rooms of all the servants and the ship's staff are located.

After finding the room where the housekeeper lived, Lu Shijin knocked on the door, but no one answered, the housekeeper should not be in the room.

If he is not in the room, where would he go as an NPC

Lu Shijin decided to stay outside the housekeeper's room until he came back.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, Lu Shijin took out the photos and discussed with Xu Chen while waiting, now there is no one else to discuss except the convenience store he believes in.

"I found a photo in the drawer of Mr. Lu's study."

Xu Chen glanced, "Who is the person above?"

"I guess the child is me and Rong Zhi. If it's a woman, it should be the mother's role." Lu Shijin said succinctly.

Xu Chen: "How do you know?"

Lu Shijin: "Don't worry about how I know, I now think that the old man's death should not only be as simple as someone's murder for money, there may be other secrets, as long as we unravel this hidden secret, maybe we can solve the truth .”

Xu Chen put his arms around his chest and frowned, "This game is so complicated. Look, I didn't lie to you, did I? The ultimate challenge is not that easy."

"What I am worried about now is that if I ask the housekeeper, the housekeeper may not be willing to tell me the truth. After all, I am also one of the suspects." Lu Shijin said distressedly.

Xu Chen's eyes lit up, and he snapped his fingers, "It's simple, just give me the photo, and I'll help you ask if it's okay."

"You?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Why do you think he will tell you?"

"Because I'm a forensic doctor," Xu Chen clapped his hands. "I was invited by the captain to help investigate the case. Is it normal to ask relevant personnel for clues?"

It sounds reasonable, but I can't think of any other better way for the time being, so I can only let Xu Chen try it.

In order to prevent the butler from seeing him and arousing his suspicion, the two decided after discussion that Lu Shijin would hide first, and Xu Chen would chat with the butler alone.

But the strange thing is that the two of them waited outside the housekeeper's room for a full hour. The storm outside stopped, and the housekeeper hadn't returned yet.

The old man is dead, and the housekeeper has no one to serve. What does he have to do alone to go out for so long

Lu Shijin felt more and more that the butler, an NPC, was not simple.

After waiting for almost an hour and a half, they finally heard footsteps outside the corridor. They almost woke up when the two dozed off immediately. Lu Shijin quickly dodged to a corner to hide, and Xu Chen came forward to deal with the housekeeper.

"Doctor Xu, why are you here?" the housekeeper asked strangely.

Xu Chen: "This is Mr. Steward. The captain is concerned about the progress of Mr. Lu's death case. Let me ask you a few questions. Is it convenient for you?"

The butler said friendly: "Of course it's convenient, then come into my room and have a cup of tea and chat slowly."

Lu Shijin heard the sound of the door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps, and the door closed gently again. After making sure that there was no movement in the corridor, he leaned out from the corner.

The sound insulation effect of the room is very good, and the voice of the people inside is so low that they can't hear what is said inside at all outside the door, so Lu Shijin can only stare outside.

But Xu Chen has been in for so long and hasn't come out, which means that he still has something to talk to the housekeeper.

Lu Shijin was a little relieved.

He left the corridor and went to the balcony on the first floor. The storm outside the cabin had stopped, and the sky was as blue as washed by water, with a few wisps of clouds floating around.

It was already evening, and the night gradually diffused from the west, and the sea was calm, but Lu Shijin knew that the calm was just an appearance, and what was hidden under the sea level was the power that could destroy everything.

The phone suddenly vibrated again, Lu Shijin opened it to look, it was Rong Zhi who sent a message asking him where he went.

Lu Shijin: [I'm on the first floor, I have something to do, are you finished? What do you find?]

Rong Zhi: [Nothing special. The autopsy result said that Mr. Lu died with the fruit knife. However, everyone confessed the method of killing, but no one admitted that the knife was used.]

Lu Shijin: [If I were the murderer, of course I wouldn't admit it. By the way, how did Lu Zhongze and Miss Gao plan to kill people?]

Rong Zhi: [The words have been changed from what they said before. They admitted that they gave Mr. Lu Datura pollen, but they also did not admit that they killed people with knives.]

Lu Shijin sneered at the phone when he saw the message, and he knew that Lu Zhongze's grandson hadn't told the truth from the beginning.

He poisoned and changed the medicine for a while. If he hadn't confirmed that he was not the murderer now, I'm afraid he would never be able to tell his way of killing.

But he knew that Lu Zhongze would not be the murderer, he was just a shit-stirring character in the game, greedy for life and afraid of death, and acted according to wind.

After being stunned for a while, he didn't reply to the message, and the phone vibrated twice again.

Rong Zhi: [You haven't finished your work yet?]

Lu Shijin: [What's wrong? Is there a problem?]

Rong Zhi: [It's getting dark, it's more dangerous outside.]

Lu Shijin couldn't help smiling at the phone, and Rong Zhi's tone of voice sounded like a parent urging a child who went out to play to go home before dark.

Lu Shijin thought of teasing him.

Lu Shijin: [It's dangerous outside, so where is it safe? Are you in your room?]

Rong Zhi: [If you are afraid of being alone, I can share my room with you.]

Lu Shijin typed with a smile: [Okay, then wait for me, I'll be right back.]

Rong Zhi: [Yes.]

Lu Shijin: [However, you are not afraid that I am the murderer, did you lure a wolf into the house?]

It took a while for Rongzhi to reply: [Then I can only admit it.]

Lu Shijin: [Recognize what?]

Rong Zhi: [Your acting skills are so good, I can only admit it.]

After Xu Chen asked the housekeeper, when he came out of the housekeeper's room to find Lu Shijin, what he saw was Lu Shijin holding his mobile phone and smiling happily.

"Who are you chatting with? You smile like a sunflower." Xu Chen appeared from behind Lu Shijin and asked coolly.

Lu Shijin put away his phone, his face returned to seriousness, "If you want to care, sunflowers grow on your face."

"Oh, don't mind me, then I'm leaving."

Xu Chen made a gesture to leave, but Lu Shijin quickly pulled him back, and said with a smile, "Oh, what a convenience store, I'm joking, tell me quickly, what did the housekeeper tell you?"

Xu Chen: "He didn't say who the person in the photo is, but he just told me a story about the old man when he was young..."

About 30 years ago, Mr. Lu's father was seriously ill and asked Mr. Lu, who was studying abroad at that time, to come back to inherit the family business.

After Mr. Lu came back, under the arrangement of his father, he married another wealthy family, but he didn't actually love his wife. He devoted all his energy to his career and often traveled around the world.

One time when we were doing business abroad, the foreign gangsters wanted to be unfavorable to Mr. Lu. Fortunately, a man saved Mr. Lu. To express his gratitude, Mr. Lu promised that men would come to him if they had any difficulties in the future.

Not long after, the man was arrested for economic crimes and sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The man asked his lawyer to find Mr. Lu and asked him to help take care of his pregnant wife until he was released from prison. Of course, Mr. Lu obliged.

The man's wife is a gentle and beautiful woman who is also knowledgeable and sensible. She and Mr. Lu once studied in the same school, so they naturally have a lot in common.

Gradually, in the process of taking care of the man's wife, Mr. Lu fell in love with the wife of his savior, just like many storylines in novels. Mr. gave birth to a child.

But the paper couldn't hold fire, and Mr. Lu's original partner found out about the last two people. When the original partner came to the door, the woman felt ashamed, so she took the child and left Mr. Lu to live in other cities, and did not let her Mr. Lu came to find her.

A few years later, Mr. Lu suddenly knew that the woman had died of an illness. He rushed to the city where the woman lived to take care of the two children, but the two children had already entered the orphanage. Among them, Mr. Lu's own child had just been taken care of by someone. After being adopted, Mr. Lu could only take back the remaining adopted son who he claimed to be the adopted son, but he has not stopped looking for his own flesh and blood...

"You guessed it right," Xu Chen finished telling the story, and looked at Lu Shijin sympathetically, "You two are really half brothers, hey, what a trick of God."

Although Lu Shijin had already had a premonition in his heart, he still felt regretful.

It seemed that the two of them were alone tonight, and his plan to do something fell through.