The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 106: Welcome to the doomsday world


When Li Yalin saw the system task given this time, he was suffocating all kinds of complaints in his heart but couldn't say it out. What is it all about

From a serious point of view, it is a good idea to form the Knights of the Demon King. At least Li Yalin has had a headache recently, which is the low combat effectiveness of the blood alliance city.

If he can abduct a group of powerful knights who can loyally assist him, it is naturally what he would like to see the most.

But the crux of the problem is, what about the friendly reminder? Why do you have to carry a ghostly and pure heart when completing this task? What is the deep meaning behind this sentence

This is what Li Yalin has been unable to figure out, and what he has always wanted to complain about.

The system will not give such a prompt full of slots for no reason, there must be something weird in it!

Looking at the system tasks in front of him, Li Yalin thought over and over again, but still couldn't find any clues.

Forget it, who cares, in order to allow myself to grow better, I can't refuse this task at all!

However, before accepting the task, Li Yalin still needs to inform Kamal and Chessia that he will be going out for a while. This is a trial given to him by His Majesty the former Demon King.

Although the two girls were a little strange, if it was the mother's will, they would naturally not say anything.

Judging from this task, Li Yalin does not necessarily have to travel across the world to complete it, after all, he is just recruiting his subordinates.

But after receiving the task, Li Yalin had a hunch that this task would definitely not be that simple.

The last two missions, one was to the SAO world, the other was to the arms world, all of them were the two-dimensional world in his cognition, but now they all became reality.

So this time, will I go to another two-dimensional world? To be honest, Li Yalin is really looking forward to it.

Facts proved that Li Yalin's guess was correct. Just after he said goodbye to the two girls and started the mission, a black hole expanded under his feet, and Li Yalin fell headfirst into the black hole again.

After Li Yalin woke up from the coma, he opened his eyes and saw the broken ceiling directly in front of him.

What is this place

Li Yalin sat up abruptly, but he was surprised to find that the environment around him was really palpitating.

Horror, this is the first feeling this room brings to people. The original white walls have been covered with black stains and dark red blood. The floor and ceiling are full of cracks, as if they could crack at any time.

I seem to... come to an incredible world!

Faced with such a bad environment, Li Yalin subconsciously manifested his dual swords from the props bar. Although he didn't know where this place was, one thing was certain, it was very dangerous!

Cautiously came to the window, and with the movement of his eyes, what Li Yalin saw was a desolate and dilapidated scenery.

This is a modern building, but it seems to be devastated due to the damage of war or disaster.

Continuing to look into the distance, something even stranger came into Li Yalin's eyes.

The tall black cube buildings are lined up as a whole, and when viewed from left to right, it feels as if they are surrounded by this building.

This scene... why do I always feel like I have seen it somewhere

Li Yalin thought carefully, but at this moment, the system sent another reminder.

Friendly reminder from the system: Welcome to the doomsday world. As a doomsday benefit, the system will prepare a suitable identity for His Majesty the Demon King who has just got rid of his rookie status. Please check it carefully.


Li Yalin froze for a moment. This was the first time the system had prepared an identity for him, but what does this checking mean

But the next moment, Li Yalin knew.

pain! A very severe headache that almost made Li Yalin's head explode in pain.

This feeling of pain came so suddenly that Li Yalin was completely unprepared, and it was simply cheating.

Fortunately, it came and went quickly, and the headache didn't last long, and Li Yalin recovered.

And it wasn't until this time that he finally realized that this is not a prepared identity, it is simply a memory implant!

After experiencing a severe headache, Li Yalin inexplicably had some more memories in his mind. Although there were not many, it was enough for him to understand the world.

This is indeed a doomsday world! And it's the doomsday world of the future!

The time Li Yalin lives in now should be 2031 A.D., but just ten years ago, this originally peaceful world suddenly encountered an unprecedented catastrophe.

It wasn't the imminent landslide and tsunami, nor the outbreak of the biochemical crisis that filled the ground with zombies. The root cause of the almost destruction of mankind turned out to be a kind of viral parasite called gastrulation virus.

The existence of this kind of viral parasites is very strange. They live in the body of humans or animals, infect them, modify the DNA sequence of the carrier, and finally turn them into a very terrifying existence, that is, a gastritis!

Gastreas have terrifying powers. Not only are they super-survivable, they are also highly adaptable and restorative. The most important thing is that these gastritis are the enemy of human beings!

Gastreas will attack immediately after seeing humans and use humans as food.

Under normal circumstances, there are two kinds of endings for human beings after encountering a gastritis, becoming minced meat, or being injected with a virus by a gastritis, and transformed into a new gastropathy.

You know, the infection ability of this gastroentera is terrible!

With more and more gastrulations, the war between humans and gastrulations broke out.

In the face of these mindless enemies, it stands to reason that human beings should not fail.

But on the contrary, the situation was the opposite. In the first war with gastrulation, human beings completely fell into a disadvantage and suffered complete defeat. Human beings were defeated by gastrulation in an instant. The population also dropped by 90% after the defeat.

Fortunately, after the defeat, humans discovered a weapon to restrain the gastrulation, a metal element called holmium.

This metal can effectively suppress the regeneration system of gastrulation, and can emit a weak magnetic field, weakening the activity of gastrulation virus.

In this way, humans used holmium metal to make huge defensive walls and combined them to resist the invasion of gastrulation.

These huge holmium metal defensive walls are collectively called megaliths.

Surrounded by the monolith, human beings have gained the right to continue to survive, but things are far from that simple.

The war between humans and gastritis is far from over.

Li Yalin's location at this time is the Tokyo area, one of the five remaining areas in Japan after the war. As for why he appeared in such a place, Li Yalin knows a thing or two in his heart.

Isn't this the plot of the pitch-black bullet? Are you trying to kill the system? To bring Lao Tzu into such a dangerous world

At this moment, Li Yalin, who understood the situation at this time, really wanted to pull out the system and beat him up!

Although he was going to work hard, he wouldn't play so big all of a sudden and just throw him into this dangerous world where he could die at any time, right

Li Yalin didn't watch too much of The Black Bullet, it was just the first few episodes, and before he finished watching the latter ones, he was transported to another world to become the devil king.

But even so, the plot of the first few episodes revealed a lot to Li Yalin.

With his current strength, although he can kill ordinary gastratus, if he really encounters a boss, he will probably die!

Just kidding, that kind of terrifying existence is no longer something humans can defeat!

Sorry, I encountered some troubles today, and the update is late~ I also thank Mo Jingsiyun for the 10,000 reward~ Sahua~~