The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 128: Holy Son visits


After killing two people, Li Yalin didn't feel any sense of guilt at this time. Yes, because what he killed were not human beings, they could no longer be called human beings!

And the rescued loli was also sent to the thirty-ninth district by Li Yalin afterwards, allowing her to live with the lolis in the thirty-ninth district.

In the recent period, because of Li Yalin's help, there are more and more lolis in the thirty-ninth district, because there has been a rumor among the cursed children.

A kind-hearted policeman is working hard to help the cursed children. As long as he goes to the thirty-ninth district and finds the legendary gathering place, he can get delicious food and comfortable quilts.

You don’t have to worry about not being able to eat enough, and you don’t need to sleep in a building that may collapse at any time. The thirty-ninth district is the land of hope for cursed children, and it is also a paradise for cursed children!

Because of this rumor, Li Yalin's pressure has started to increase recently. Originally, there were only a dozen or twenty loli, and it was no problem to take care of them.

But now, there are new lolitas added every day, and the number is getting more and more exaggerated.

So far, the number of cursed children has almost exceeded 200, and the sewers are already overcrowded. If this continues, I'm afraid there will be no room for them.

what to do

This is the most troublesome thing for Li Yalin nowadays. Is it possible to rebuild a home for the children in the outer area

This is not a simple problem, food and clothing are easy to talk about, but the Tokyo area is really troublesome.

In the final analysis, the cursed children have no human rights and are even more excluded. If this situation can be resolved, Li Yalin will not have to worry so much.

Is it possible to have a showdown now

Want to use your Loli Summoning Book as the home of these cursed children

But the time is not yet ripe, is it really okay to do so


But just when Li Yalin was struggling, troubles arose again, because the target gastratus had been found!

After receiving Mugeng's call, Li Yalin immediately set off for the 32nd district where the gastratus is located. Along with him were his partners from the Tiantong Civil Security Company—Liannai and Yanzhu!

Due to the urgency of the situation, Liannai and Yanzhu also dispatched together under Mugeng's order. Although Li Yalin felt that there was no need to dispatch so many people to deal with a gastritis, but at Mugeng's insistence, he could only nod in agreement.

Regarding this commission, although Liannai and Yanzhu did not attend the meeting, they also heard about the process afterwards, and when she learned that Hiruko Yingyin was actually a soldier of the new human creation plan, her face suddenly revealed Gave a weird look.

Although Li Yalin didn't ask, he also knew something. If the original plot hadn't changed, then Lian Nai, she should also be a member of that new human creation plan!

It's just that Liannai didn't take the initiative to talk about these things, so he didn't go to the bottom of it. After all, this is his personal privacy, and it's not easy for him to say anything. If it's time to talk, Liannai will take the initiative to explain everything.

According to Li Yalin's idea, they acted very fast this time, and they should be able to eliminate the gastritis before Zhizi Yingyin's father and daughter, and recover the inheritance of Seven Stars, but unfortunately, his idea was completely wrong.

When he, Liannai and Yanzhu rushed to the 32nd district, after some searching, they only found the corpse of the gastrula, and the legacy of the seven stars on the gastrula had already disappeared without a trace!

It turned out to be preempted!

Both Liannai and Yanzhu stomped their feet angrily, but Li Yalin's expression gradually became serious.

This is not good news. Looking at the sharp cutting surface on the gastrula carcass, Li Yalin knew that this was most likely the method of Hiruko Hina. If this is the case, the Tokyo area will be in danger!

Li Yalin immediately contacted Mu Geng and asked her to report the loss of Qixing's legacy to the Son of Heaven, and then continued to take Liannai and Yanzhu to conduct a more detailed search of the thirty-second district.

Unfortunately, nothing was found in the end.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Yalin, we didn't follow your advice, which caused things to get out of hand..."

In the end, Li Yalin returned to Tiantong Civil Security Company without gaining anything, but what he didn't expect was that such a small company would welcome the visit of the Holy Son of Heaven.

What's more exaggerated is that the first thing Sheng Tianzi did after meeting him was to apologize to Li Yalin, which is not like what a ruler of a country would do.

But unfortunately, Sheng Tianzi apologized, and he sincerely apologized to Li Yalin in front of Mugeng, Liannai, Yanzhu and the guards behind her.

"It's useless to say these things now. Nine out of ten of Qixing's inheritance has already fallen into the hands of Zhiziyingyin's father and daughter. If you don't get that thing back quickly, Tokyo may really be doomed."

According to Shengtianzi's age, she should still be enjoying her high school life leisurely, but now, she has to go back and forth for the survival of the Tokyo area, which has to be said to be really hard.

Such a person is worthy of respect, but Li Yalin just can't raise any respect when facing the Holy Son of Heaven, not to mention that the trouble this time is also indirectly caused by the Holy Son of Heaven.

If the father and daughter Zhiziyingyin had been killed, there would not have been so many troubles at all!

"Mr. Yalin is right, but Zhizi Yingyin's father and daughter are indeed very strong, so..."

Seeing that Li Yalin got to the point all of a sudden, Sheng Tianzi also showed a hint of joy on his face. The main purpose of her visit this time was naturally to ask Li Yalin to do the job. Although he had promised to complete the task, but here Under such circumstances, who knows whether Li Yalin will work or not.

After all, the current situation is very critical, and maybe the fifth stage will be summoned in the next moment. If there is a hint of evasion, Li Yalin will probably board a plane to other countries now.

There are not many masters in the Tokyo area. Like the father and daughter who ranked 134th, they are simply invincible. To defeat them, Li Yalin's combat power is indispensable.

If not, Sheng Tianzi would not need to come to Tiantong Civil Security Company in person, nor would he need to beg Li Yalin in person.

"I know they are very strong, and this matter is very troublesome, but it has already happened. I think someone should stand up and take responsibility? By the way, I seem to remember that an assistant officer once vowed that the father of Zhi Ziying Women will never run away, once they run away, he will take full responsibility, I remember correctly, right?"

"this… "

Before Sheng Tianzi finished speaking, Li Yalin interrupted her directly, and spoke eloquently, making Sheng Tianzi speechless.

That's right, Tendo Kikunojo did say that he would take full responsibility for this matter, but now, how could the Holy Son really push Tendo Kikunojo out.

"Why? As the assistant officer of the Holy Son of Heaven, doesn't Tiantong Juzhicheng even have such a little responsibility?" Seeing the hesitation of the Shengtianzi, Li Yalin suddenly sneered, Tiantong Juzhicheng, if you don't pull out your fox tail, you Think I'll let it go

"No! Chrysanthemum Cheng Xianqing, he just..."

"Just what? I have heard that Lord Shengtian wants to establish a new bill to protect those cursed children, right? It's just that this bill was once opposed by Tendo Kikunojo, although it will be implemented in the end, but Right at this juncture, Zhiziyingyin's father and daughter appeared, and they were preparing to summon stage five gastratus to exterminate the Tokyo area, doesn't Lord Shengtian think this kind of thing is really a coincidence?"

"Mr. Yalin means... no! Impossible, Chrysanthemum Cheng Xianqing, he is absolutely impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible. As far as I know, Tendo Kikunojo hated the cursed child to an unbelievable degree, just because his wife died tragically at the hands of gastritis."

"Please don't say any more! Chrysanthemum Prime Minister... Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum..."

After some conversations, Li Yalin completely took the initiative and gained the upper hand. Although he was facing the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Yalin's aggressiveness had already made this girl who was not yet eighteen years old completely lost.

Li Yalin's words are well-founded, and the Holy Son of Heaven is not a fool, so he can naturally tell the truth from the false.

She has been planning to implement the "New Gastrea Law" recently, but she has encountered a lot of obstacles. Just when she broke through the obstacles, there is a mass extinction crisis in the Tokyo area.

It is conceivable that once the gastrulation of the fifth stage appears, it will inevitably cause a great panic in the Tokyo area, and the cursed children will further become the target of people's hatred. The method has been implemented!

All of this happened so coincidentally, could it be that Cheng Xianqing, Chrysanthemum really did it behind the scenes

From a rational point of view, this does make sense, but from an emotional point of view, the Holy Son of Heaven doesn't want to believe this fact!

For a long time, Tendo Kikunojo has always been the object of respect by the Holy Emperor. With his assistance, the Tokyo area has been stable until now, but suddenly the Holy Emperor discovered that the person he respected the most by his side turned out to be the big one who tried to destroy the Tokyo area. Boss, her world view will definitely collapse completely.

"Yalingo, will you..."

Li Yalin and Sheng Tianzi did not have a separate conversation. Mugeng, Liannai and Yanzhuke were all listening, and the three girls had different reactions to Li Yalin's words.

There was a trace of excitement and admiration in Mu Geng's eyes. Brother Yalin was so handsome, it was really awesome to be able to expose Tiantong Kikunojo's evil deeds in front of the Holy Emperor.

But Yanzhu didn't listen to this kind of thing at all, and she couldn't understand it either, so she could only yawn boredly aside.

Only Lian Nai, her expression was a little worried, not only for Tiantong Ju Zhicheng, but also for the Holy Son of Heaven. After all, the facts Li Yalin said were indeed too challenging for people's nerves. If this continues, the Holy Son of Heaven may be killed It's broken.