The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 130: Gastrea ruled area


When Sheng Tianzi left, she had a weird expression, and all the guards around her also had weird expressions.

As the guards of the Holy Son of Heaven, when had they ever been threatened in this way, but the target was Li Yalin, so they couldn't refute it.

He is someone who doesn't even care about the Holy Son of Heaven and the Tendo Kikunojo, would he care about you, a little guard? If they are disobedient, it is not impossible for the whole family to be killed.

For the sake of my whole family, it's better not to mess with this murderous god as much as possible.

The guards around Sheng Tianzi were not Tiantong Juzhicheng's subordinates. In fact, even if Li Yalin didn't say anything, Sheng Tianzi would order them afterwards not to allow them to spread the news of today's conversation.

And the threat of Li Yalin's mouth sounded the alarm in their hearts. These days, the fist is the last word. If you are strong, no one will dare to offend you.

After Sheng Tianzi left, Tiantong Private Security Company also entered a state of preparation. The current goal is to hunt down Zhizi Yingyin and his daughter with all their strength, bring the two criminals to justice, and recover Qixing's inheritance, so as to avoid the original stage five. Gut animals are called out.

But just as Li Yalin took Liannai and Yanzhu into action, a bad news also reached his ears.

The hunt for Zhizi Yingyin's father and daughter has already begun. In addition to Li Yalin and the other three, other police groups have also joined the search sequence.

Isn't this a joke! With the strength of Zhiziyingyin's father and daughter, ordinary policemen would go up to deliver food. What did the Holy Son of Heaven think? She obviously agreed, why did she send more people

To be honest, Li Yalin really wanted to call Sheng Tianzi to question her, but unfortunately, he didn't have anyone's phone number at all, and he couldn't even contact her now.

Forget it, I just hope that I can arrive at the destination ahead of schedule and find Zhizi Yingyin and his daughter first, if that doesn't work, it will only be your fate.

Boarding the transport helicopter with Liannai and Yanzhu, Li Yalin and his team started to go to the unexplored area where the gastratus gathered. According to the information, it seems that Zhi Ziyingyin and his daughter are currently hiding near the Boso Peninsula in the former Chiba County. This former tourist attraction in the Keihin area has now become a ruin and has become an amusement park for gastrulation.

This is the world outside the giant stone monument. The jungle is densely covered, just like the tropical rainforest near the equator, but there is no noise in the jungle here, but a death-like silence.

"It's... really scary here."

After getting off the helicopter, both Lian Nai and Yan Ju couldn't help shivering, not because of the cold, but because of the fear instinctively emanating from their bodies.

It was the first time for the two girls to leave the Tokyo area so far. After losing the protection of the giant stone monument, danger could come at any time.

Subconsciously, Lian Nai took out her pistol and prepared to fight. After all, this is an area ruled by gastrulations, and gastrulations may rush out at any time.

"Don't be so nervous, there are no gastritis around here."

In contrast, Li Yalin's reaction at this time was unusually calm. After patting Lian Nai's shoulder lightly, he started to walk in a leisurely manner.

Why is Brother Yalin not nervous at all? This is an area ruled by Gastrea, why does Yalingo walk as if he is visiting his own back garden

Lian Nai was very puzzled, but how could she know that Li Yalin had been fighting gastritis in this environment for as long as a month. If he is not used to it, it would be a strange thing.

Humans are always a creature of habit. When Li Yalin returned to the Tokyo area, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Now Li Yalin feels very good, he can feel if there is any danger around him without looking. As for Zhizi Yingyin, don't even think about running away today!

The plan from Sheng Tianzi was to search the entire area with crowd tactics and force Zhizi Yingyin's father and daughter to appear, but Li Yalin was not interested in searching the dense forest. After all, anyone with a little brain would not stay here. It's a pitiful place where birds don't shit.

Zhizi Yingyin must have fled to a nearby city!

Although it is already a ruined city, the environment is at least much better than here. If Li Yalin were Zhizi Yingyin, he would do the same.

But the road to the city is not easy.

The dense forest is overgrown with bushes, and the original smooth road has long since disappeared, replaced by potholed ground and surrounded by plants.

In this regard, Yanzhu complained a lot. Her new clothes were all scratched. Although Li Yalin had worked hard to clear the way, the effect was still not good.

What's more, after walking for a certain distance, the gastritis gradually began to appear. If it was a single gastritis, it was okay, but if a large number of gastritis gathered, the three of them had to take a detour.

Although it is not necessarily impossible to kill, it will be a huge waste of time and energy, and it is not worthwhile at all.

Especially the three of them now are racing against time.

However, on the way forward, the three of them discovered that there was some faint light coming from a damaged building.

It took too long to move forward, and the sky has gradually begun to darken. Although the light is not very obvious, everyone can still see it!

This is a defensive bunker built during the Gastrea War. Although it has been abandoned and lost its defensive function, it is still no problem for sheltering from wind and rain.

Judging from the light, there are people in that bunker, could it be that Zhi Ziyingyin and his daughter are hiding there

Thinking of this, the three of Li Yalin looked at each other in surprise, did they find their target so quickly

He approached lightly, and when he approached the corner, he could already hear the sound of crackling firewood coming from inside the bunker.

Yanzhu and Liannai were still approaching cautiously, but after approaching the bunker, Li Yalin suddenly relaxed, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Alright Liannai and Yanzhu, it's not Zhizi Yingyin."


Li Yalin's sudden opening made both Liannai and Yanzhu stunned, and you didn't go in, how do you know it's not Zhi Ziyingyin's inside


Obviously, Li Yalin's words also alarmed the people in the bunker. Following the crisp questioning, a loli holding a long gun also appeared in front of the three of them.

"Who are you? The initiator?" Lian Nai raised her gun alertly, after all, she had never seen this person in front of her.

"Long time no see, Xiao Xiashi, how are you?" Just as Liannai and Yanzhu were guarding, Li Yalin suddenly greeted Lori who was opposite.

Allingo knew this initiator

No matter how slow Lian Nai's reaction was, she understood that the cold-looking initiator in front of her was actually an acquaintance of Brother Yaling

"Didn't we just meet yesterday?"

"It's been a long time, so why are you alone again?"

The conversation seemed familiar, but the lines of the two sides were exchanged, which seemed quite joyful.

However, Li Yalin was half-joking and half-serious. The environment here is very dangerous, and Qianshou Natsushi is not a fighter-type initiator. It is very dangerous to be here alone.

"Mr. Jiang Jian set off first, and I... following now is just a delay."

"You are hurt?"

It wasn't until this time that Li Yalin realized that Qianshou Natsushi's wrist was oozing blood. Although he had undergone a simple bandage, he still couldn't completely stop the blood.

No wonder she stays here.

Li Yalin hurriedly stepped forward, materialized a bottle of recovery potion from the item bar, and handed it to Qianshou Xiashi.

"Drink this quickly."

"What's this?"

Qianshou Xiashi looked at Li Yalin very strangely. There are a lot of weird potions in this world. Although he doesn't think Li Yalin is a bad person, this potion still looks very suspicious.

"The potion that can cure you, why talk so much nonsense, can I still lie to you?" Li Yalin's words seemed a little annoyed, but he still forced the potion into Qianshou Xiashi's hands.

The cursed child's body recovered very quickly. In fact, it seemed superfluous for Li Yalin to take out this bottle of potion. According to normal circumstances, Qianshou Natsushi's body will return to normal after a period of rest.

But Li Yalin still took out the recovery potion, he didn't care about wasting anything, he just didn't want Qianshou Xiashi to suffer more.

"I'm just asking." Facing the powerful Li Yalin, Qianshou Natsushi's voice seemed a little soft, but she still drank the recovery potion without hesitation.

In this regard, she trusts Li Yalin very much, otherwise, she would not drink anything strange in this environment.

After all, this is not the Tokyo area, as long as there is an accident, it will be dead!

After drinking a bottle of medicine, the recovery effect of the medicine and the cursed child's recovery ability against the sky will work at the same time, and then, a miraculous scene will appear!

Even though it was a horrible looking wound, it was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It took only a few seconds. Qianju Natsushi's wound recovered as before, as if he had never been injured before.

"This is impossible! I must be delusional!" Yanzhu wiped her eyes in disbelief, but finally found that Qianshou Natsushi's injury is still healed, it is simply unbelievable!

"Brother Yalin..." Not only Yanzhu, but even Liannai also stared out of his eyes. After all, this recovery speed is too exaggerated.

"Mr. Yalin, how did you do it?"

Qianshou Xiashi looked at Li Yalin in surprise. Although she believed in Li Yalin, she was shocked by the changes in her body.

"Well, business secrets!" (.)