The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 131: Same scene with different results


It was impossible for Li Yalin to explain the restoration of the potion at this time. A commercial secret also completely blocked the mouths of the three people. After all, this is a secret of others. If Li Yalin didn't say it, they couldn't ask too much.

Even Lian Nai, who has the closest relationship with Li Yalin, cannot go against Li Yalin's wishes.

If he wanted to say something, he must have said it long ago, otherwise why would he hide it

Although they were very curious, the girls still did not open their mouths. The sky turned dark, and the weather began to turn cold after nightfall, which made people feel a little bit of coolness. In this case, the burning fire became the only warming thing.

But now is not the time to relax by the fire. According to Qianshou Natsushi, many policemen have already rushed to the nearby abandoned city. It is certain that Zhizi Yingyin is hiding in it!

"Let's go, Xiao Xiashi, will you come with us?" Li Yalin pondered for a moment, but he still couldn't stay any longer. Now we can't waste any time, we have to start!

But before leaving, Li Yalin sent an invitation to Qianshou Xiashi, otherwise she couldn't be left alone.

Qianshou Natsushi was not a starter of the fighting type, and it would be very dangerous for her to stay alone.

"I..." Qianshou Natsushi was about to speak when she heard a burst of electric current coming from her backpack, accompanied by a man's rough voice.

"Hey! Are you still alive? If you are alive, please call back!"

In the backpack is a small black radio walkie-talkie. As for the owner of that rough voice, needless to say, he is naturally the facilitator of Qianshou Xiashi, the general prison brother is very expensive.

"Mr. Supervisor, I'm glad you're all right."

Although Brother Jiangjian's tone was very unfriendly, and he was not good to Qianshou Natsushi, the initiator, but it can be seen that Qianshou Natsushi still cared about Brother Jiangjian very much. After all, they were partners together, and Qianshou Natsushi also Ben is a kind lolita.

"Of course I'm fine. It's a good thing on my side. We found that masked bastard!" In the intercom, Jiang Jianxionggui's tone was a little impatient, but more, it was a kind of excitement.

Masked jerk? Isn't that Zhizi Yingyin? Have they found the right owner

After hearing the words of the general prison brother expensive. Li Yalin was taken aback for a moment. Then came the surprise. But soon, his expression became heavy.

not good! If General Supervisor Gui really wants to attack Chi Ziying Yin, then he must be the one who is unlucky!

As Li Yalin expected. Jiang Jianxiong was on the walkie-talkie, excitedly explaining his plan. According to his account, the police had already gathered a lot of people, and they were discussing to attack Zhizi Yingyin together, and the credit would be shared equally.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the method of equal distribution, Brother Jian still urged Qianshou Natsushi to rush over if she was okay, and Qianshou Natsushi quickly agreed to this.

"Let's go immediately!"

Li Yalin didn't know well, and after the walkie-talkie ended, he immediately pulled everyone up and rushed to the location that Brother Gui, the general supervisor, said.

Now time is life, if you go late, those policemen will be dead!

"Mr. Yalin?"

Qianshou Xiashi looked at Li Yalin very puzzled. She didn't know why Li Yalin was in such a hurry. Could it be that he was so obsessed with completing the task

"The general prison is not Zhiziyingyin's opponent. Even if all the police are dispatched together, they will only be sent to death. It's not that I underestimate them, but that Zhiziyingyin is too strong."

While walking, Li Yalin frowned and explained that although he was a bit boastful, after all, he defeated Zhi Ziyingyin and his daughter alone.

But in fact, there is no falsehood in these words, Zhizi Yingyin is indeed very strong, he even said that he is already so strong that he is not a human being.

Hearing Li Yalin's words, Qianshou Natsushi's face suddenly revealed a look of anxiety, and the pace of his feet quickened, and the four of them rushed to the target location quickly.

Along the way, the four of them also encountered a lot of gastritis chasing them, but Li Yalin did not hide his strength at all. He directly pulled out his black cutter and started killing the gastritis frantically.

Those who stand in the way, kill them all!

It has to be said that Li Yalin's performance greatly shocked the three girls present. Although they knew that Li Yalin was very strong, no one thought that he would be so strong.

Regardless of whether it was the first-order, second-order or third-order gastritis, all of them could not survive a round under Li Yalin's hands!

It can be said that the four arrived at the scene as quickly as possible, but even so, they were still one step late, and the battle had already begun!

There were at least 20 policemen at the scene, but facing Zhi Ziyingyin's father and daughter, they were completely defeated. It was even said that several people had already fallen in a pool of blood, and it was unknown whether they were alive or not. die.

And just when the four of them arrived, a wrestling battle was going on on the battlefield. Brother Jiangui was waving the huge sword in his hand, and was slashing fiercely at Zhizi Yingyin's repulsive force field.

Brother Gui Zai relentlessly added force, and the giant sword collided fiercely with the repulsive force field. This scene was very similar to the scene where Li Yalin fought Zhi Ziying Yin in the meeting room of the Ministry of Defense two days ago.

But unfortunately, the same scene, the result is completely different.

Brother Jiangui tried his best, but even so, he still couldn't break through the small bluish-white film.

Although he is extremely powerful, a supporting role is still a supporting role after all, never try to take away the role of the leading role!

"It's a pity, not everyone can break open my imaginary device." Brother Jiang Gui's temples had already burst into veins, but opposite him, Zhi Ziyingyin was still able to talk and laugh.

Not only that, Zhizi Yingyin started to fight back!

Stretching out his left hand, a bluish-white energy bomb gradually formed, and as the corners of General Jianxionggui's eyes widened, that energy bomb also hit his chest!

With a bang, Jiang Jianxionggui's chest exploded instantly, leaving only a bloody hole.

"Mr. Supervisor! No!"

This scene happened so fast that even Li Yalin, who was far away, couldn't save her in time.

Seeing this scene, Qianshou Natsushi also let out a cry of grief, and then his body shook, and he almost passed out.

No matter how bad Jiang Jianxionggui is, even if his brain is full of muscles, he is still Qianshou Natsushi's partner, and now he is watching his partner die in front of his eyes, how does this make Qianshou Natsushi Can accept!

Fortunately, Li Yalin's hand was ill, so he directly hugged Qianshou Natsushi in his arms to prevent her from falling to the ground, but at this moment, he could feel Qianshou Natsushi's body trembling. She is very sad now, and she is also very angry !

To be honest, Li Yalin's feelings about this situation are quite complicated. Originally, Qianshou Xiashi was the initiator of Brother Jiangui, and it would be quite troublesome to lure her over, but now Brother Jiangui is dead. Then everything will fall into place.

Next, it is not difficult for Li Yalin to become the facilitator of the Qianshou Xiashi instead of Jiang Jianxionggui, which is really gratifying.

In this regard, Li Yalin can wish you the best of luck on your journey to brother Gui, the general supervisor.

But seeing such a sad Qianshou Xia Shi, Li Yalin was not feeling well. After all, this was indeed a big blow to Xia Shi's little lolita. (hao) Da (duo) snatched Qianshou Natsushi, instead of making people feel as if he took advantage of the situation like now.

Generally speaking, all of this is Zhi Ziyingyin's fault! If it wasn't for him, Brother Gui, the general prisoner, would not have died here.

"you you… "


Just when Li Yalin was holding the sad Lolita in his arms, and his mind was full of thoughts, the brother Gui, who was standing in front of Zhizi Yingyin, suddenly spoke.

He raised his hand tremblingly, and pointed to Zhizi Yingyin's mask, the two words you were full of resentment and resignation.

This thing is not dead yet

Li Yalin's eyes widened. Does this guy have Xiaoqiang blood? Is the big hole in your chest a display? Is this impossible to die because of the invincible buff

"Mr. Supervisor?"

Hearing Brother Jiangui's words, Qianshou Xiashi's body trembled suddenly, and the little face that was originally buried in Li Yalin's arms also came out at this moment.

Could Mr. Jiang be saved

Qianshou Xiashi knew that Mr. Yalin had a magical potion, and he had experienced it himself just now. If it was that kind of potion, could it save the life of Mr. Jiang Jian

At this moment, Qianshou Xiashi pinned all his hopes on Li Yalin, but Li Yalin's expression became a little embarrassed.

Ask him to save Brother Gui, the general prisoner? To be honest, he was unwilling out of a hundred out of a thousand, but in front of little loli Qianshou Natsushi, he had to pretend to be righteous, otherwise he would give little loli the impression of being stingy and stingy, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Luckily for you!

Li Yalin curled his lips in displeasure, since he arrived, brother Guigui, the general supervisor, would probably die.

But just when Li Yalin curled his lips, the accident happened again!

"Not dead yet? Your life is really big, so chop off your head and see if you can still speak!"

I don't know where it came out from, anyway, it was just such a dazed time, and Hiruko Hinay was already standing in front of the general prison brother Gui with two knives in his hand.

And at the next moment when she smiled evilly, the two knives crossed into a cross shape, and with a push forward, a bloody head shot up into the sky. At this moment, no matter how tenacious Jian Xionggui's vitality is, I'm afraid it will survive. It can't be done.

This plot...does it need such twists and turns? If you want to kill, kill quickly, okay? Killing is not dead, and then killing or something, do you want to play with heartbeat like this? (… )

ps: The status is really bad, let's try hard to see if we can code out the third update t_t