The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 138: A demon god that emerged from the darkness


The targets of Li Yalin and Zhizi Yingyin, needless to say, are the eight sickle-shaped tentacles of Scorpio. This is a more troublesome ability of Scorpio. It is these tentacles that have successfully intercepted the missiles and planes of the Self-Defense Force many times. The tentacle is done, even if the bomb is delivered, it will be difficult to penetrate its weakness.

After all, these eight tentacles can be said to be the most flexible weapon of Scorpio.

Scorpio has a huge body. Although the body is stronger than expected, but fortunately, its speed is relatively not fast enough, which is why Li Yalin can make up his mind to fight it.

What he is best at now is speed flow. If he can continue to run at high speed, I believe that Scorpio will not be able to touch a single hair of himself.

However, those eight tentacles were really troublesome.

It rushed all the way to the shoulder of Scorpio, and before it could stand firm, two tentacles rushed towards Li Yalin and Zhiziyingyin.

Imaginary device!

Zhiziyingyin stood in front of it at the first time and opened up the repulsive field, but the power of the tentacles was far greater than expected. The repulsive field had just been opened, and it was directly crushed.

"Be careful! Don't confront Scorpio directly!"

After Li Yalin finished speaking, he ran straight towards the tentacles of the Scorpio. Zhi Ziyingyin was speechless watching this scene.

The self with the strongest shield is just a frontal defense, where is the frontal one? On the contrary, you are the one who is really facing the truth now!

Li Yalin's figure flashed and he came directly in front of the two tentacles, but then he stopped suddenly, his figure paused slightly, and at the same time he crossed his swords and held them at his waist.

What is this for

No one knew why Li Yalin made such a posture, but at the next moment, a white air gushed out from Li Yalin's body. Is this a big move

The appearance of Li Yalin made him the target of Scorpio in an instant, and he had just broken the two tentacles in the repulsive field. At this time, it was flying towards Li Yalin rapidly.

Going to hit!

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed, seeing that the two tentacles were about to hit Li Yalin, if nothing unexpected happened. It is to directly penetrate Li Yalin's body.

But why? Why didn't Li Yalin respond

Just when everyone was surprised, the corners of Li Yalin's mouth raised slightly, waiting for this moment!

Cross dance ready!

Cross flash!

In an instant, Li Yalin's body seemed to be blurred, and accompanied by a phantom, he rushed forward. When everyone stared at the screen curiously, they found that the moment Li Yalin's body sprinted, the tentacles of Scorpio were actually attacked!

This is impossible!

I saw that the two huge tentacles that could intercept missiles and cut off the plane with ease were covered with scars at this time. Although it couldn't be cut off, it was extremely incredible!

How on earth is this done? Everyone didn't see anything clearly, what was going on

Could it be that Li Yalin can do things that even missiles can't do with only two long swords. Cut the tentacles of Scorpio like this

"Cut! No success!"

Although Li Yalin's results were astonishing and stunned, but for this result, Li Yalin curled his lips in displeasure.

Originally, his idea was to cut off those two tentacles directly!


Although it is stage five, the IQ of Scorpio is not very high, after the two tentacles were injured. What it did next was not to evade, but to continue to separate two tentacles, plus the original two, and headed straight towards Li Yalin.


It's a pity that no matter how many tentacles you use, it's impossible to touch me!

The pride of the sword is on!

Cross dance ready!

Cross flash!

Cross double flash!

Break it for me!

Cross flash and cross double flash. This can be said to be one of Li Yalin's trump card skills. Compared with the more restrictive skills he learned later, these two skills are more practical for Li Yalin.

The main function of these two skills is to counterattack passively. As long as you turn on the cross dance step, you can use the skills before the enemy attacks you. Then no matter what the enemy is, there is no way to attack him.

As long as Li Yalin has enough physical strength, these two skills can be used indefinitely, which is why these two skills have become Li Yalin's trump card.

Especially after adding the heroic spirit of the sword, the power of the skill has been improved to a higher level, the front rushes forward, and then the body turns into a phantom, and the sword energy gushes out, but any enemy that is aimed at Li Yalin will be attacked.

Even a Scorpio can't stand such a combo!

And no matter how Scorpio attacks, it just can't hit Li Yalin, which is also Li Yalin's strongest advantage at this stage!

"This is impossible!"

When everyone saw that the eight tentacles of Scorpio were dispatched together, just to attack Li Yalin, but unfortunately, these eight tentacles were powerless, and they couldn't hurt Li Yalin at all.

It is even said that the eight tentacles have become scarred under Li Yalin's incredible counterattack!

Although the recovery ability of Scorpio is very fast, but the injury is added to the injury, if this continues, Li Yalin is not without a chance of victory!

But it is also because of this that everyone is so unbelievable. Is this... something that humans can do

Could it be that the Tokyo area is really saved? When everyone is powerless, is there really such a savior who saves everyone

At this moment, everyone pinned their hopes on Li Yalin.

It's just that what everyone doesn't know is that Li Yalin is under a lot of pressure now!

Using these two skills requires a lot of physical and mental strength. Without a high degree of concentration, it is impossible for Li Yalin to make accurate predictions and activate the skills at the moment the attack falls.

In other words, Li Yalin's battle like this can't last for too long. If the war of attrition continues, he will definitely be the one who is exhausted in the end.

Has the bomb come yet

Li Yalin was a little anxious. What kind of trouble is he going to do if the bombs haven't come yet

"Mr. Yalin, the bomb has been delivered, what should we do next?"

Just as Li Yalin was resisting the tentacles of Scorpio one after another, the voice of his nephew's shadow suddenly sounded, "Is the bomb coming?"

"Go get the bomb up!"

Li Yalin yelled, thinking that the bomb had finally arrived. It's time for the last fight!

Now Li Yalin is completely blocking the rhythm of all the tentacles, but Zhizi Yingyin is relaxed. Since Li Yalin asked him to get the bomb, he naturally acted immediately. He quickly jumped down from Scorpio's body, took the bomb, and returned the same way.

It's just that this is a waste of time.

But luckily, the three EP bombs arrived safely, and then it was time for the real battle!

"Zhizi Yingyin, you are responsible for installing the bomb, and I will be responsible for opening the hole!"

"Understood! I..."

Li Yalin spoke, and everything went according to plan. However, the scene that appeared next left Zhizi Yingyin completely stunned.

God... what did I see

"what is that?"

"My God! That's impossible!"

Not only Zhi Ziyingyin was stunned, but there was also a burst of exclamation in the meeting room, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes. They all thought they were hallucinating.

After all, the scene in front of him is beyond everyone's imagination!

If it is said that Li Yalin's battle just now was very miraculous, which surprised people. He almost did something that humans cannot do.

But at this moment, a miracle that is impossible for human beings has appeared on Li Yalin's body!

The black breath spread from Li Yalin's body, and quickly wrapped his body. The original clothes and skin disappeared, and his whole body turned into a black object!

But that's just the beginning!

As the black aura spread, Li Yalin's body also underwent earth-shaking changes. When he punched, the black aura in his hand spread. Immediately afterwards, a black, gleaming metal gauntlet with spikes appeared in front of everyone.

With a stomp, the black gas continued to spread. Then comes the leg armor with the same texture and style as the hand armor!

What is this...

As the black aura on Li Yalin's body disappeared, and his figure was completely exposed to everyone's eyes, everyone found that the original Li Yalin had disappeared, replaced by a warrior in black armor!

I have to say, this set of black armor is really handsome!

Although there are still black gas surrounding it repeatedly, the armor is still shining with the unique luster of metal, and this is not like reflection, but emanating directly from the armor.

A deep black light blinded everyone's titanium alloy dog eyes!

Without the slightest skin exposed, the entire armor seems to be one piece. It's hard to imagine how Li Yalin put this armor on his body.

By the way... is this really Li Yalin? Is he still human

The shock in people's hearts cannot be overstated. At this moment, Li Yalin is no longer a human being in everyone's mind, but a demon god who appeared from the darkness!


There are many gods in Japan, and the Japanese worship gods very much. This can be seen from the shrines all over Japan.

And Li Yalin's changes at the moment reminded many people, is this the coming of the gods to save the world

If it weren't for the gods, it would be impossible to achieve this kind of change, let alone fight against Scorpio!

There is no way, human beings cannot defeat gastroenteria, this pattern has been solidified in human thinking, the only possibility is that those cursed children, with their cursed bodies, may still be able to surpass human beings.

But the cursed power will not be recognized!

But Li Yalin was different. He was not cursed by the gastritis virus, but he still possessed such powerful power. If it wasn't a god, what else could it be


Today is our birthday~ Although I really don't want to admit it, we are really twenty-five years old! It's really scary to think that it's only one step away from thirty!

Thank you very much for your continuous support, and thank you for the blessings you have given us. We will continue to work hard~~

Today's situation is quite special, and friends will come to our house to help us celebrate in a while, so there are only two updates today, let's continue to add updates after tomorrow~