The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 14: Kobold Lord Irufon


Kobold Lord Irufang, the strongest boss in the labyrinth area on the first floor of SAO, is more than two meters tall and has a fiery red body. He holds a huge battle ax in his left hand and a small round shield in his right hand. There is also a huge machete stuck in his waist.

When facing the Kobold Lord Irufon, it should be noted that the fallen kobold sentries around him need to be cleared before launching a fatal attack on the Kobold Lord Irufon.

However, when the kobold lord Irufang's health drops to a certain level, those fallen kobold sentries will be refreshed again, and this will be repeated four times until the kobold lord Irufang's blood drops to red, and then the single One-on-one boss battles.

At that time, the kobold lord Yilufang will enter a state of rage, throw away his battle ax and buckler, and draw out his scimitar to fight. As for how to defeat him, it will depend on the player's own efforts.

The above information is from the hands of former internal beta players, and describes the detailed information about the first floor BOSS.

When Li Yalin got this information back then, he couldn't help sighing twice. Fortunately, he didn't fight the boss, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to come back.

But now, with new skills, Li Yalin himself has become stronger, and finally gathering this information is almost equivalent to foolproof.

Because of this, Li Yalin was so confident in single-handedly brushing the boss, passing the first floor, at this very moment!

Ready to go, enter the room!

Once again at the door of this cuboid room with a width of about 20 meters and a length of nearly 100 meters, Li Yalin took a long and deep breath... Kill!

In an instant, Li Yalin entered the fighting state, and without the slightest hesitation, he rushed straight to the boss that had been refreshed on the opposite side.

And at the moment when Li Yalin launched the charge, the kobold lord Yilufang also let out a roar, and three fallen kobold sentries came out and rushed towards Li Yalin on the opposite side.

Raging hurricane!

Li Yalin was holding two swords, and a white sword light flashed where the sword pointed. The three fallen kobold sentinels couldn't break through the turbulent hurricane at all. up.

Harvesting three followers in an instant boosted Li Yalin's confidence, but it seemed that the kobold lord Yilufang was very angry.

There was another roar, the sound waves were almost condensed into substance, shaking Li Yalin's eardrums to buzz, it was like a lion's roar.

But it’s useless to bark loudly. Have you never heard of a dog that can bite and can’t bark? What's the use of just knowing how to roar

In front of the kobold lord Yilufang, Li Yalin swung his two swords continuously. He had already used his speed to the extreme. up to its speed.

If this is the case, there is no suspense in the battle at all.

The more Li Yalin puts his confidence into it, the more confident he becomes, and he is sure to win!

But just when Li Yalin was full of confidence, a sharp pain behind him shocked him instantly, bad! Was attacked!

Following the severe pain, Li Yalin's body was also pushed away by the inertia after the attack, and he staggered for several steps before standing still. When he reacted, he found that the equipment on his body had been scratched, and he felt blood on his back. It's coming out!

Although he has the support of fighting consciousness, Li Yalin still has a secret in his heart. Bleeding is the last thing he wants to see. If he wants to recover from his injuries in an instant, he must rely on recovery crystals. no.

Waste of crystals is still second. The crux of the problem is that blood loss will paralyze his senses, slow down his speed, and even seriously affect the next battle.

If Li Yalin, who had just come to this world, suffered such serious injuries and endured such pain, he might not be able to bear it long ago. Fear and severe pain would bring about a chain reaction and completely destroy him.

But after two months of tempering, Li Yalin has completed his transformation. Although he cannot be said to be a qualified fighter, under such tremendous pressure, he still cheered up and quickly took out the Restore the crystal, allowing the wounds on the body to heal quickly in a short time.

While recovering from his injuries, Li Yalin was also checking the situation on the battlefield. It turned out that the one who had sneaked up on him just now turned out to be a fallen kobold sentry that had just been refreshed. refreshed again.

Big mistake, this is simply a fatal mistake! I am really lucky to be able to save my life.

While sighing in his heart, the fallen kobold sentry on the opposite side rushed towards Li Yalin again.

Speaking of which, fortunately, these are monsters on the first floor, and their attack patterns are very monotonous. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Li Yalin to kill them by himself.

Another turbulent hurricane, Li Yalin cleared the kobold sentinels, and continued to fight the kobold lord Yilufang, but this time Li Yalin learned to be smart, and no longer sent all the output to the BOSS, but left some leeway , and began to grind blood with the kobold lord Ilufang.

Obviously, Li Yalin's strategy worked. When the third batch of fallen kobold sentries were refreshed, Li Yalin quickly broke away from the battle with the kobold lord Yilufang, killed the kobold sentries, and started again and again.

Under Li Yalin's powerful attack, the kobold lord Yilufang was finally beaten. Although there was no indication of blood volume on his body, when he threw away the battle ax and round shield in his hand, Li Yalin I knew that the kobold lord Ilufang was about to start the final outbreak.

Pulling out the huge scimitar about one and a half meters long on his back, the kobold lord Yilufang launched a crazy attack on Li Yalin. It was different from the clumsiness when he was holding the battle ax and the round shield just now. At this time, the kobold lord Yilufang Its speed increased a lot in an instant, and every attack seemed so crazy. Li Yalin exhausted his whole body's strength to finally dodge its attack.

It's going to be bad.

Li Yalin gritted his teeth. The speed of the kobold lord Yilufang was even faster than expected. If he continued to be singled out by it, he might lose!

Do you want to try that trick

After fighting for so long, Li Yalin's physical strength has been consumed a lot, and it would be very unfavorable for him to dodge like this, so Li Yalin wondered if he wanted to take a gamble.

I don't want the child to be unable to catch the wolf, so I will fight this time!

Li Yalin couldn't tolerate any more hesitation, just as he was dodging the next attack from the kobold lord Yilufang, Li Yalin made up his mind and used his long-reserved trick!


Raging hurricane!


Raging hurricane!


This trick is a reserved trick that Li Yalin has studied for a long time. Although it is only a combination of Shunpo and the turbulent hurricane, the effect is completely different.

In the first Shunpo, Li Yalin rushed directly from the right side of the kobold lord Yilufang to its back, followed by a turbulent hurricane, and delivered all the damage to the kobold lord Yilufang.

Just as the kobold lord Yilufang turned around, Li Yalin once again avoided its sight with Shunpo, and finally came a turbulent hurricane to end it, directly beheading the kobold lord Yilufang on the spot!

Although it seemed that it took a lot of time, in fact, Li Yalin's combo did not take more than ten seconds!

With the fastest speed and the strongest strength, facing the kobold lord Yilufang who could only be killed by a team of at least dozens of people, Li Yalin completed the single kill alone, completing the greatest feat in the history of SAO!

But for Li Yalin, the devil king from another world, his legendary journey has just begun.

Asking for collection and asking for tickets~~T_T