The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 142: Can you let me have a baby for you?


"Thank you very much, Mr. Yalin. If it weren't for your help, the Tokyo area would really be extinct."

Just when Li Yalin was surprised, the Son of Heaven spoke first, and at the same time bowed sincerely to Li Yalin, which made Li Yalin very uncomfortable.

"Don't be like this, didn't we agree before that I will help you solve the troubles caused by Zhizi Yingyin, and you help me solve my difficulties. This is a fair deal between us."

I always feel that when I came back this time, Sheng Tianzi’s attitude towards himself has changed a lot. Although he was polite before, but now, from the eyes of Sheng Tianzi, what Li Yalin sees is a kind of respect, even... awe !

What's the situation? Could it be that he killed a Scorpio and captured the Holy Son of Heaven

Li Yalin is not stupid, Sheng Tianzi will bring himself to her bedroom, it is obvious that he has a good impression of him, otherwise, why would she bring a man who has only met a few times into her boudoir

Just because he felt something was wrong, Li Yalin immediately separated the relationship between the two, although he admitted that Sheng Tianzi is very beautiful, and as a woman, he is very attractive.

But Li Yalin just didn't want to have any relationship with the Holy Son of Heaven!

The reason is very simple. The identity of the Holy Son of Heaven is very special. Li Yalin's purpose in coming to this world is only to form the Lolita Knights. If he gets mixed up with the Holy Son of Heaven, things will become troublesome.

Just one area in Tokyo will make people feel overwhelmed, not to mention there are four other areas in Japan, and if you look at the whole world...

Forget it, forget it, my own affairs haven't been settled yet, so why pick on other people's troubles

"No... Our deal is just to reclaim the legacy of the Seven Stars, but Mr. Yalin, you defeated all the Scorpios, which has far exceeded the reward I paid."

Sheng Tianzi is very smart. From Li Yalin's words, she has faintly heard the meaning of alienation, and also understands that Li Yalin does not want to have anything to do with her.

But if she backed down just because of this, wouldn't all her previous determination be in vain!

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Yalin frowned at Sheng Tianzi's words, he was a little confused, what exactly was Sheng Tianzi saying

"I have no idea… "

To Li Yalin's surprise, facing his question, Sheng Tianzi suddenly shook his head in confusion.

she does not know? I don't know what it means

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Yalin, can I ask you a question?" Just as Li Yalin was wondering, Sheng Tianzi suddenly spoke again.

"Tell me." Li Yalin nodded. What does the Holy Son of Heaven want to ask

"Mr. Yalin, are you... a god?" Very carefully, after hesitating several times, the Holy Son of Heaven said what he wanted to say.


Fortunately, Li Yalin didn't drink water, otherwise, he would definitely spit out now, what's the situation with the gods? Why is this question asked by the Holy Son of Heaven so nonsensical

"Yes, Mr. Yalin, are you the god who came to save us?" Li Yalin almost vomited, but at this time, the Holy Son of Heaven was very serious, as if he was taking this issue very seriously.

What is this woman thinking

Li Yalin was very puzzled when he didn't answer Sheng Tianzi's question, and it didn't look like he was joking when he asked himself such a weird question all of a sudden.

If you answered yes, what would be the result? What if you say no

Li Yalin didn't know, but he didn't mind giving it a try.

"What would you do if I said that I am not a god but a demon king?" The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Li Yalin suddenly had an interesting thought.

If it wasn't a god but a demon king, what kind of expression would the Holy Son of Heaven show

"The devil?"

Sure enough, just as Li Yalin imagined, the Holy Son of Heaven was stunned.

"That's right, it's the Demon King!"

Li Yalin gave a very contrived and sinister smile, but his smile didn't scare the Holy Son of Heaven at all.

"If it's the Demon's fine even if it's the Demon King!"

"What do you mean?"

Suddenly, I saw Sheng Tianzi's expression firm, as if he had made up his mind. This sudden change made Li Yalin take two steps back.

Why does this Holy Son of Heaven feel something is wrong? What is she trying to express

"Do you know Mr. Yalin, this is a doomsday world, even I don't know when I will die in the chaos of war..."

Seeing Li Yalin's retreat, the Holy Son of Heaven did not approach. Instead, after taking a deep breath, he spoke softly at a slow speed.

"My body is capable of giving birth, and now many people are urging me to give birth to an heir this morning, an heir who can lead the Tokyo area."

"this… "

To be honest, Li Yalin had vaguely sensed what the Holy Son wanted to say when the Holy Son said this, but he hesitated even more because he understood.

Swallowing hard, Li Yalin's expression also became solemn. Although he made a sound, he did not interrupt the Holy Son of Heaven.

What she wants to do, we have to wait for her to fully say it.

"Actually, according to my heart, what I really want is a crystallization of love, not mechanical production to leave good genes, but considering the current situation in the Tokyo area, Mr. can make me Have a baby for you?"


After the Son of Heaven finished speaking, the room fell into silence for a while. Li Yalin did not speak, and the Son of Heaven was waiting for Li Yalin to speak, but the crux of the problem was, what should be said now

You know, now there is a super beautiful Bai Fumei standing in front of Li Yalin, begging to give him a child. Faced with this request, do you agree, agree, or agree

This delicacy is already in hand, there is no reason to reject it, right

Normally speaking, follow the wishes of the Holy Son of Heaven, step forward and hold her in his arms without saying a word, caress her delicate and soft skin, taste her sweet and delicious cherry lips, and feel the supreme love between men and women Happiness is the most correct choice.

But at this moment, Li Yalin kept silent.

This constant silence even made Sheng Tianzi a little flustered.

Did you say it too abruptly? Is Mr. Yalin unwilling

At this moment, Sheng Tianzi had some regrets in her heart. She regretted that she was too impulsive. After seeing Li Yalin's heroic appearance against Scorpio, she came up with the idea of combining with Li Yalin and giving birth to the next generation.

Not just for the Tokyo area, but also for my little heartbeat.

But now, what should I do if I am rejected

Sheng Tianzi didn't know, she had mustered up all her courage just now, and it was impossible for her to say anything.

After a while, Li Yalin made a sudden move.

Li Yalin raised his leg and took two steps in the direction of Sheng Tianzi, standing in front of Sheng Tianzi, less than half a meter away from her.

"Just because of this, do you want to give birth to me?" Li Yalin asked in a calm tone. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and stroked the silver hair of the Holy Son of Heaven.

"Yes, it is… "

Sheng Tianzi rarely had such close contact with men. Although he had just made up his mind, the moment Li Yalin's fingers touched her hair, Sheng Tianzi still couldn't help shaking his body.

"Have you made up your mind?" Seeing the trembling of the Son of Heaven, Li Yalin didn't let her go, instead he leaned forward and narrowed the distance between the two of them even more.

"Yes... yes..." Have you made up your mind? At this moment, Sheng Tianzi didn't know at all, she could only close her eyes tightly and nod her head at a loss.

But at this time, Li Yalin already understood.

"Okay, don't force yourself anymore. Although this is a doomsday world, as long as you don't want to die, I can let you live well, understand? Although I am not a god, I will let a demon king come to protect me. In the Tokyo area, it should be a good choice, right?"

Just in the heart of Sheng Tianzi, he was so nervous that he thought that Li Yalin would have a further intimate relationship with him, and even said that maybe today, in the next second, he would hand over his virginity that he had treasured since birth. .

But what Sheng Tianzi never expected was that just when she thought everything in her imagination was about to happen, Li Yalin changed the subject and took a step back at the same time, making her completely unresponsive.

"Yarin... sir?"

What did he say just now? Although he is His Majesty the Demon King, can he still protect the Tokyo area? That is to say, is Mr. Yalin going to become the patron saint of the Tokyo area

At this moment, the Son of Heaven almost thought that he had heard it wrong. If it was Mr. Yalin, if he was there, then the Tokyo area would never be extinct!

You know, Mr. Yalin personally killed the man of Scorpio!

"You should have heard what I said clearly. As you said, you have the right to pursue your love crystallization and have a love that belongs to you, instead of forcing yourself to give birth to you like this. my child."

"I can swear to you, as long as I am here, the Tokyo area will never be extinct, and you will never die. Let us protect the Tokyo area together and survive better in this doomsday. What do you think? Sample?"

Li Yalin smiled slightly, although he didn't really want to get involved, but until now, he was still in the quagmire.

Guarding the Tokyo area seems to be troublesome, but the girl in front of him made him unconsciously make this commitment!

"Mr. Yalin!"

It has to be said that Li Yalin's words moved Sheng Tianzi, and she threw herself into Li Yalin's arms regardless of her appearance!

Crying, the Holy Son of Heaven cried, as the ruler of a region, the Holy Son of Heaven who was required to be strong since childhood, she burst into tears!

She has been depressed for too long.

Please pat Sheng Tianzi on the back, Li Yalin also sighed, but what he didn't expect was that just as he was comforting Sheng Tianzi, a hazy figure gradually appeared in Sheng Tianzi's heart.

If it's Mr. Yalin, I don't mind giving birth to a child for you!