The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 156: Assassination of the Holy Son of Heaven


The trip this time went very smoothly, especially because Li Yalin had established his prestige in the holy residence before, so that the guards around the holy emperor trembled when they saw him, for fear that their captain would end up like Zhuo Ren.

You know, since Li Yalin chopped off his hands last time, Baoyan Zhuo not only lost his official position, but also became crazy. Now he has been sent to a mental hospital for treatment, and he is completely abolished.

This is a lesson learned from the past, so who else would dare to provoke Li Yalin

Regarding Li Yalin's words, these guards also obeyed. They would do whatever Li Yalin arranged. If they were told to go east, they would never dare to go west, and if they were asked to beat dogs, they would never chase chickens.

Li Yalin was very satisfied with the guard, but the result of this meeting was not satisfactory.

Just like Lian Nai said, Qi Wu Xuanzong, the ruler of the Osaka area, was an ambitious politician, and the content of the meeting and conversation with him was surprisingly devoid of nutrition.

All in all, Li Yalin was drowsy after listening to the dialogue between Xuanzong of Qi Wu and the Holy Son of Heaven, and in the end, the two sides failed to reach a consensus.

Obviously, Sheng Tianzi is a conservative, and her goal is also very clear, which is to let the people in the Tokyo area live a good life, and it is enough to live and work hard in peace and contentment.

But Qi Wu Xuanzong was different. This old fellow had great ambitions, and he was even thinking about how to start a war against other countries after defeating the gastritis.

What is in this old guy's head? Li Yalin really wanted to open his brain to find out.

What's more, this old guy actually set his mind on him.

When the meeting is coming to an end. Qi Wu Xuanzong very abruptly issued a solicitation to Li Yalin, saying that the Osaka area needs talents like Li Yalin, which made Sheng Tianzi feel nervous for a while.

You know, Li Yalin is now the patron saint of the Tokyo area. Because of his existence, the people in the Tokyo area can live with more peace of mind, and the law and order in the Tokyo area has also improved a lot.

But if Li Yalin is poached by the Osaka area, the blow to the Tokyo area will be unprecedentedly huge.

It's just that this kind of solicitation, is it possible for Li Yalin to agree

Qi Wu Xuanzong thought too much, and the Holy Son of Heaven also thought too much. In fact. Li Yalin does not belong to this world at all, and it is impossible to stay in this world for a long time, so how could he give up the Tokyo area and go to Osaka.

Most importantly, Li Yalin already had a premonition. I shouldn't stay in this world for too long. There are more and more loli in the thirty-ninth district. It is also time to prepare for the next step.

Therefore, Li Yalin categorically refused the solicitation, which made Qi Wu Xuanzong very angry. But if he is hot, he will be hot, Li Yalin doesn't take him seriously at all.

"Thank you, Mr. Yalin..."

"What's wrong? Why did you suddenly say thank you?"

After the meeting, in the car on the way home, Sheng Tianzi gave a sudden thank you, which made Li Yalin very confused.

But looking at Sheng Tianzi's expression, it is very sincere, what's wrong with her

"Thank you for staying in the Tokyo area, thank you for continuing to protect me, in fact, I also know that if Mr. Yalin, you go to the Osaka area..."

Sheng Tianzi’s thanks came from the heart. After all, compared with the Osaka area, the Tokyo area is far inferior in terms of economy and military, especially Qi Wu Xuanzong just said that if Li Yalin can go to the Osaka area to help him fight Jiangshan, then he can share the world with Li Yalin, this is definitely a great weight!

A person who can single-handedly kill a Scorpio deserves to be so recruited by Qi Wu Xuanzong!

But anyone who is a bit ambitious will probably be persuaded by Qi Wu Xuanzong. Compared with staying in the Tokyo area, Li Yalin will definitely get more if he goes to the Osaka area.

But even so, Li Yalin flatly refused and stayed in the fragile Tokyo area just to protect himself.

It is impossible to say that the Holy Son of Heaven was not moved, but because Li Yalin gave up too much for herself, she didn't know how she should repay Li Yalin.

In the end, all she could do was say thank you to Li Yalin.

"Didn't we agree that I will protect you and the Tokyo area. Since this is my oath, I will definitely do it." Li Yalin suddenly smiled when he saw the Sheng Tianzi who was already at a loss.

He lightly patted Sheng Tianzi on the head. Anyway, there was no one else in the car except the driver, and no one would say that Li Yalin was disrespectful.

Sheng Tianzi is a kind girl, she is willing to protect those cursed children, although as a ruler, her ambition is not enough at all, but Li Yalin also took a fancy to her for this.

As the same ruler, Li Yalin's thinking is actually very close to that of the Holy Son of Heaven. He does not want to see war, but hopes that the people under his rule can live and work in peace and contentment. This is the real foundation of governing the country.

It's just that Li Yalin and Sheng Tianzi are both facing the same crisis, and they are both internal and external troubles. Perhaps it is because of this that Li Yalin feels a sense of sympathy and makes him determined to help Sheng Tianzi.

"Well!" Li Yalin's words made Sheng Tianzi feel a warm current rushing out of his heart. No one could give her that kind of safe feeling.

I don't want to lose this feeling no matter what, Mr. Yalin, please stay by my side all the time!

Sheng Tianzi closed his eyes, wanting to feel the heat from Li Yalin's palm carefully.

But before Sheng Tianzi could appreciate the warm feeling, Li Yalin's hand on her head suddenly exerted force, and directly pressed her on the car seat.

"Be careful! There are sniper attacks!"


Sheng Tianzi was startled, but at this time, Li Yalin had already entered the fighting state.

That's right, there was indeed a sniper attack. Although he was talking with Sheng Tianzi, Li Yalin's vigilance has never let go. He even said that when he was caressing Sheng Tianzi, his eyes never left the car window.

But just now, Li Yalin's spirit tightened, and his intuition told him that there was danger! Then, seeing a flash of fire on the top of a building outside the car window, Li Yalin subconsciously pushed Sheng Tianzi down.

Someone really wanted to assassinate the Holy Son of Heaven!

Although he is dedicated to protecting the safety of Sheng Tianzi, Li Yalin does not think that anyone dares to attack Sheng Tianzi in the Tokyo area. After all, this is the territory of Sheng Tianzi. Naturally, nothing major will happen.

But in line with the idea that it is always right to be careful, Li Yalin has always been vigilant, but unexpectedly, he was actually attacked!

Long-range sniper! The range is at least one kilometer away! If it weren't for Li Yalin's extremely fast reaction, this shot would definitely blow the head of the emperor!

You know, this car is a special bulletproof vehicle, can it break bulletproof glass, is it an anti-material sniper rifle? Damn it, I didn't expect to have such a hand!

The vehicle was attacked, and the driver slammed the steering wheel subconsciously, slid the body sideways and braked suddenly, trying to avoid bullets.

But I don't know if the driver was too nervous. When the car was skidding, it hit the traffic light beside the road. Due to the inertia, the whole car almost fell over.

Pit father ah! Does this driver have no brains

A huge shock came, and Li Yalin's forehead was immediately covered with black lines. At this time, you don't speed up to escape from the sniper range, and you still park in the middle of the road, are you planning to make us a target

But the car stopped, and Li Yalin had no choice but to open the car door from the side to protect Sheng Tianzi from the car.

Just then, the second bullet hit!

The distance was too far, and the bullet must have arrived before the gunshot. In this case, Li Yalin's keen sixth sense sensed that the crisis was coming, and it was very thrilling. Before the bullet hit, he took Sheng Tianzi and left the place.

The bullet missed!


After flashing the second bullet with Shengtianzi, the convoy behind had already caught up. At this time, Liannai, Yanzhu and Xia Shi also rushed over.

"Find a good concealment! Leave us alone!"

In the face of sniping, it doesn't work if there are many people, especially now, it is still a sharpshooter who can hit every shot. Even if Lian Nai and the others come up, it is completely useless.

Under such circumstances, Li Yalin could only protect the Son of Heaven under his body, looked around with his eyes, then picked up the Son of Heaven and ran towards a dead corner.

not good! The third round is here!

Just as Li Yalin was running, the feeling of danger struck again. This time, Li Yalin had his back facing the bullet. If nothing happened, he would definitely be hit by the bullet.

But is it possible to be hit so easily


The next moment, Li Yalin's body suddenly turned into a phantom, and almost instantly, it jumped ten meters away.

With a bang, the bullet hit the ground, and then, Li Yalin had already hid in a blind spot with the Holy Son in his arms, completely avoiding the sight of the sniper.

"Are you okay?" After hiding, Li Yalin put down the Holy Son of Heaven in his arms. At this time, the Holy Son of Heaven was tightly grasping his skirt, not daring to do anything at all.

Regarding this, Li Yalin also patted Sheng Tianzi on the back to show comfort, but at the same time, he did not forget to ask with concern.

"Um… "

Under Li Yalin's protection, the Holy Son of Heaven is of course fine. The reason why he is so nervous now is just because of fear.

In the face of death, anyone would feel afraid, and the Holy Son of Heaven was naturally the same.

But this time, she has Li Yalin's protection, so she will not be afraid of any danger, just because Li Yalin is by her side!

But at this moment, Li Yalin frowned slightly.

The course of action is kept secret, and the entourage is also personally selected by Li Yalin, but even so, there will be an assassination incident. What link went wrong? Or in other words, traitors have already appeared beside the Holy Son of Heaven? (… )