The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 16: Hidden skills that cannot be learned are not good skills


In Urbas East Block, it doesn’t take too much time to get here from the central square, but when Li Yalin arrived at the exit, he found that there was nothing unusual here, and the mouse Argo, who asked him for help, didn’t see anything. her figure.

What's the matter

Li Yalin was a little puzzled. Just as he was about to take out the communication crystal and send a message to Argo to inquire, several figures quickly appeared in Li Yalin's eyes.

Although the speed of the other party was very fast, Li Yalin could quickly see that the female player in the front wearing a brown cloak, with three beards painted on each side of her cheeks, and short curly golden brown hair was Argo the mouse!

Did she bring someone with her? No! Those two people behind her were chasing her!

Li Yalin knew that Argo was a lone player, a lone intelligence businessman, and it was rare to form a team with others, not to mention the two behind her were holding swords and looking murderous.

This is definitely not good intentions!

Was it in trouble? Only then did I think of asking myself to help, it seems that this time I can blackmail her, who made her always blackmail herself.

"Hey, I haven't seen Argo for a long time, why are you so depressed all of a sudden?"

Thinking of this, Li Yalin naturally greeted him with a smile on his face. As for the two players behind Argo, Li Yalin really didn't pay attention.

Now that he can even kill the first floor boss solo, is he still afraid of two players

And at the moment Li Yalin appeared, he saw Argo's body speeding up suddenly, throwing off the two people behind him in an instant, and hiding behind Li Yalin like a kitten.

Although she has the nickname of a mouse, she really looks more like a cat.

"Who are you?" Seeing that Argo found a backer, the two people who were chasing Argo also stopped, and one of them immediately shouted at Li Yalin.

It is also? What's up with this old warrior mantra

Looking at this man's attire again, under the chain mail on his upper body is a gray linen armor, wearing a square cloth turban and a pirate mask of the same color on his head, and holding a long-handled machete. The styling is as weird as it needs to be.

"What do these two guys do?" Li Yalin ignored the weird guy, but turned to ask Argo behind him.

"Irrational! How dare you ignore us!"

Before Argo could answer Li Yalin's question, the two guys on the opposite side immediately became angry, so angry because they were ignored? You two have really big tempers.

"Be careful, they are Feng Mo's people." Just when the two people on the opposite side got angry, Argo also revealed the information of the two, Feng Mo? ninja? But the outfits of these two people don't match the ninja, right

"That's right! We are Kotaro and Sasuke from the guild "Fuma Ninja Army"! "

"It is also!"

Fuck? Fuma ninja army? I haven't heard of it, and what are the names of these two guys

Fuma Kotaro? Are you from the Wind Demon? Why go here for a ride if you don't protect your daimyo

And what about Sasuke? Your Naruto told you to go home for dinner, hey!

After hearing the self-introductions of the two, Li Yalin first complained about the name of the guild, and then expressed his helplessness about the names of the two. There are too many complaints.

"Fuma Ninja Army? Apart from "Rebirth", are there other player guilds now? "

Although he kept complaining in his heart, Li Yalin still resisted not to speak, and just continued to ask Argo. After all, it has only been more than a month since the players entered the game. I have never heard of any other guilds being established.

"The so-called guild is nothing but their self-proclaimed one. After all, during the beta test..." Argo didn't finish his sentence, but Li Yalin also understood what was going on. It seems that this so-called "Fuma Ninja Army" guild should be Although the faction composed of beta testers has not met the conditions for establishing a guild, it has begun to call itself a guild.

After all, closed beta players still occupy more resources than public beta players.

"But why are they chasing you? Did you owe them money or did you publish their information?" Although he knew what was going on with the Fuma Ninja Army, Li Yalin still didn't understand Argo's pursuit.

You know, Kotaro and Sasuke on the opposite side are basically chasing and killing Argo. This is quite rare in the SAO world, at least at this stage.

"No, it's just that I have the information they want, but I refuse to sell it to them. These despicable guys just want to snatch it!" Argo snorted softly, coupled with her delicate nasal voice, it is very cute It looked like Li Yalin was thinking about whether to take this cat home to raise.

"Oh? What information?"

Although Argo Mengmeng's appearance is very cute, but now is not the time to think about these things, not to mention that Li Yalin immediately became interested when he heard the information. The information that can make people hunt down must be of great value.

"Information about a hidden skill!" In an instant, Argo's expression became very mysterious, but when Li Yalin heard about the hidden skill, Li Yalin curled his lips and lost all interest.

As for skills, he had tried them a long time ago. Except for life skills, he couldn't use any other skills, including those so-called hidden skills.

In other words, the hidden skills that Argo talked about were useless to Li Yalin, and the hidden skills that could not be learned, could they be called good skills

"Is that so, are these two guys coming to hunt you down? You are really miserable." Li Yalin looked uninterested, and then looked at the two so-called 'ninjas' opposite.

"Stop making sarcastic remarks, and help me get rid of these two guys!" Argo said urgently, why did she feel that the matter of asking Li Yalin to help was pending

"It's fine to help you out, but what are you going to pay me for?"

At this time, Li Yalin didn't forget his plan to blackmail him. After all, he was slaughtered several times by Argo before, so what if he didn't earn it back

"I can tell you the information about this hidden skill. As for whether you want to learn it or not, it's up to you." Argo said without hesitation, desperately unwilling to sell this information to the "Fuma Ninja Army", But he didn't hesitate to give this skill to himself. What was Argo the mouse thinking

"Sorry, I'm not interested in this information." Although he was puzzled, Li Yalin didn't show it. He just shrugged his shoulders and made a very indifferent expression.

"Not interested?" Argo was stunned, that's a hidden skill! But as long as you are a game player, it is impossible for you not to be interested in hidden skills, right? But Li Yalin just refused? What was he thinking about

"You two... don't ignore the two of us!"

"That's right, hand over the information quickly!"

Li Yalin and Argo's back-and-forth conversations, on the contrary, ignored Kotaro and Sasuke on the opposite side. The two seemed very annoyed by this, and each drew out their weapons. If one dared to ignore me, I would cut it down did you mean.

"You bastard... If you don't want this hidden skill, it's a big deal if you want information in the future, I can give you one for free!"

Seeing that Kotaro and Sasuke were going to steal the guy, Argo became anxious. Since you don't want hidden skills, then I can give you the information for free, right

"Five." Li Yalin remained calm, but suddenly multiplied one piece of free information five times.

"Two! No more!"


"Three! I've already spent all my money!"


"Okay, okay, I'm convinced, five for five! I'll give you five free information, you help me get rid of these two guys!"

"Okay, no problem!"

This time the confrontation ended with Argo's complete defeat, and Argo had already pouted his little mouth to his nose.

There is no way, who let Li Yalin completely take the initiative this time, what to do, Li Yalin has the final say.

Although I was very annoyed that Li Yalin didn't take in the oil and salt, but in this case, what else could Argo do besides compromise