The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 164: Genetic medicines


After the visit of the ruler of the Osaka area, the Tokyo area ushered in a short period of dullness, and Li Yalin also took advantage of this time to make a lot of preparations for his completion of the task.

After all, the main purpose of my coming to this world is to complete the task. Although I have the Book of Lolita Summoning in my hand, there is still no way to form the Knights of the Demon King.

Shall we try to sign a contract with Xia Shi and Tina first

After thinking about it, Li Yalin began to have this idea.

Although there are more and more loli in the thirty-ninth district, and most of them have a good impression of Li Yalin, most of these loli are grateful to this man who can bring them a stable life and delicious food.

But even so, Li Yalin couldn't sign a contract with these lolitas rashly. In his opinion, the time was not yet ripe, so he should choose acquaintances first, and let Xia Shi and Tina sign a contract with him.

Um! That's it!

When signing the contract for the first time, Li Yalin seemed a little apprehensive, and he searched his brains a lot, finally came up with his lines, and finally found two lolis, and explained the matter to them in detail.

Of course, Li Yalin did not say that he is the devil from another world, but only said that he has a magical prop in his hand, and if he signs a contract with this prop, he can enter a magical world.

At the beginning, both Xia Shi and Tina thought that Li Yalin was joking, after all, such unscientific things were like deceiving children.

But then, after seeing Li Yalin's serious expression, and sincerely hoped that they could sign a contract with this prop and become his help, the two lolis became serious.

"Is this what Mr. Yalin wants?" Xia Shi only thought for a moment before asking Li Yalin.

"Yes, although it would be dangerous to follow me, I still hope that we can always be together from now on." Li Yalin nodded, this is what he was thinking at this moment.

If Xia Shi and Tina sign a contract with the Loli Summoning Book. It's like staying with Li Yalin all the time, even if Li Yalin leaves this world.

As long as Li Yalin goes, as long as Li Yalin is in danger, he can summon Xia Shi and Tina in the book at any time. Help him fight together.

Although in this way, it seemed that Xia Shi and Tina were invisibly shackled, but Li Yalin really hoped that the two of them could stay by his side.

"Mr. Yalin is too polite. Ever since she was with Mr. Yalin, the former Tina Sprunt has died. Now standing in front of Mr. Yalin is entirely for Mr. Yalin And the living new Tina."

Before Xia Shi could continue to speak, Tina on the side made her statement first, although she was still a little half asleep and a little confused at the beginning. But at this moment, she was completely awake, and at the same time, there was a resolute expression on her face.

Although she didn't quite understand what signing the contract meant, what Tina knew was that she had bid farewell to her past self. Just because of the man in front of me, if that's the case, why is there any hesitation


It has to be said that Li Yalin was very moved by Tina's words, especially in Li Yalin's view, he did not do anything for Tina.

In fact, since Li Yalin met Tina, he just took her to play together. Enjoying the delicious food together just made her smile. Li Yalin felt that he didn't do many things, they were all ordinary things.

But it was these ordinary things that moved Tina incomparably.

"That's right, Mr. Yalin brought us a new life. If this is Mr. Yalin's wish, we will all agree."

At this time, Xia Shi also expressed her attitude. Her thoughts were the same as Tina's, although compared to Tina. Xia Shi is already considered lucky, but at the same time, she also gained more happiness from Li Yalin.

"That's good! Let's sign the contract now!"

Both lolis expressed their views like this, what else could Li Yalin do besides being moved? If that's the case, let's start signing the contract!

Without hesitation, Li Yalin directly took out his Loli Summoning Book, opened the pages, and a golden light immediately shrouded the three of them.

The contract... done!

The process of signing the contract is very simple. As long as the contractor has no conflicts in his heart, he can successfully sign the contract with him. After the contract is successful, some changes have begun to appear on the pages of the book of Lolita's summoning.

On the originally blank page, a picture gradually emerged, and on the picture, it was the figures of Xia Shi and Tina.

In addition, Li Yalin actually found something worth complaining about on the first page of the book.

Contractor Qianshou Natsushi—Position: None—Special Ability: Dolphin Factor—Comprehensive Combat Level: lv3.

Contractor Tina Sprundt—Position: None—Special Ability: Owl Factor—Comprehensive Combat Level: lv4

What is this stuff

Is it possible that after signing the contract, there can be another attribute introduction

Li Yalin's special ability and comprehensive combat level are completely understandable, but what is the situation of that position? Could it be possible to set them up as other positions? When this is a game

Just when Li Yalin was surprised, after a little bit of that position, there were actually more options! For example, head, deputy head, captain, etc., and in addition, Li Yalin even found a series of options such as job setting and team formation.

Fuck, this is really playing a game!

Well, Li Yalin understands.

This Lolita Summoning Book is fundamentally for the formation of the Devil's Knights, so that is to say, all the functions above are for the better formation of the Devil's Knights.

Then after the members join, Li Yalin can organize the team according to his own preferences. The higher the position he holds, the greater the power he will have, and he will also be able to get more benefits.

That's right, it's benefits!

At the beginning, Li Yalin thought that there was a space in the Loli Summoning Book. After contracting Lolita, he could summon it at any time.

But it's not that simple at all.

If it is said that it is something that can only be done by a divine tool, then the function that Li Yalin discovered next pushed this book to the height of a super divine tool in one fell swoop!

That's right! It is a super artifact!

Just like my own demon king cultivation system, this loli summoning book is also a small system of its own, but unlike the devil king cultivation system that can only issue tasks, this small system is actually still there. With the function of reward redemption after the task is completed.

Taking a closer look, there are quite a few products listed above, and the one that caught Li Yalin's eyes the most is the gene harmonizing potion!

Gene Harmonization Potion: A magical potion that can perfectly harmonize the genes in the body. When the cursed child uses it, the gastritis virus in the body will perfectly integrate with the body, thereby better increasing the combat effectiveness.

Obviously, this gene harmonizing potion is prepared for the cursed child. It is still a trivial matter to increase the combat effectiveness. What Li Yalin values most is the introduction of the fusion of the virus and the body.

You know, what is it that has been haunting the cursed children? Of course, it is the problem of gastrulation virus erosion!

Once the degree of virus erosion reaches a critical point, the cursed child will turn into a gastritis virus, which is what everyone is most afraid of.

If this is not the case, the cursed child does not necessarily mean that everyone shouts and beats him.

But with the gene harmonizing medicine, the situation is different.

The perfect fusion of the virus, that is to say, the cursed child will no longer become a gastritis, and will be able to exert a stronger strength. This kind of thing is simply amazing!

The only pity is that only those who have signed a contract with the book have the right to redeem the items from the Loli Summoning Book, and after the exchange, only those who have signed a contract with the book can use it. Even Li Yalin couldn't use it.

This is basically for internal employees only!

There is no other way, it seems that the use of genetic harmonizing medicine to save the cursed child will not work, so the only way is... to sign a contract with all the loli in the world

Could this great feat be accomplished by himself

The corners of his mouth froze for a while before Li Yalin finally recovered. Even so, this book of loli summoning does have many benefits. Thanks to using it myself, otherwise I haven't found so many good things.

Especially after signing the contract, both Xia Shi and Tina entered the world in the book for a swim, and after they came out, they immediately surrounded Li Yalin and began to chatter and describe it.

In the narration of the two Lolitas, the world in this book is simply a beautiful paradise. In the quiet and deserted small town, both Xia Shi and Tina have found their own home. In the house, the two lolis were a little reluctant to come out.

Compared to the world in that book, this place is simply hell! But because of Li Yalin's presence, the two loli came back from the book reluctantly.

What I said made Li Yalin a little bit moved.

really so beautiful

Through the descriptions of the two lolis, Li Yalin already has a general understanding of the world in the book. It is simply a fairy tale world in fantasy, and it is indeed the most suitable place for lolis to live in.

In this way, Li Yalin is also a little relieved. Since Xia Shi and Tina have succeeded, it should not be difficult to sign a contract with the loli in the thirty-ninth district.

Then, let's start to act!