The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 167: Lianna's admirer


When the crisis came, the senior officials of the Tokyo regional government were panic-stricken. No one knew what would happen to the Tokyo region after the collapse of the giant stone monument.

It is even said that many senior officials are secretly thinking about whether to abandon the Tokyo area and evacuate here before the giant stone monument collapses.

After all, the more power you have, the more afraid you will be of death, right

However, as the ruler of the Tokyo area, Sheng Tianzi has fully shown everyone what it means to be calm in times of crisis. Although she was indeed a little flustered at the beginning of hearing the news, at this moment, she is completely showing that The tolerance a leader should have.

Orders were issued in an orderly manner. Although the combat units were ready, no one could guarantee that the gastratus army could be kept out. It was necessary to prepare for the worst.

The Tokyo area has built defensive bunkers underground, which can accommodate 30% of the citizens in the Tokyo area. After all, Gastrea is only active above the ground, and has no interest in the underground.

In other words, once the Tokyo area is broken, 30% of the citizens can survive, and these 30% of the citizens are randomly selected by the supercomputer.

Logically speaking, when this happens, Sheng Tianzi should be the first to evacuate underground, but Sheng Tianzi said that she will live and die with the Tokyo area. If the Tokyo area is really destroyed, then she will follow buried together with the Tokyo area.

It seemed that the Son of Heaven had really made up his mind.

Of course, there is also a sense of trust in Li Yalin.

Last time. In the face of the Scorpio attack in the fifth stage in the Tokyo area, Li Yalin can defeat it and protect the Tokyo area. Then this time, he can become his own hero again, and stand in front of him to protect himself from the wind and rain.

At this very moment, Li Yalin, the hero in Sheng Tianzi's heart, was standing in the office of Tiantong Civil Security Company, looking at the couple of policemen that Liannai had recovered with a headache on his face.

There were three pairs of policemen in total, all of whom were male facilitators and initiators in their twenties, so there was nothing wrong with that. But the point is. Why do these three men always focus on Lian Nai

Li Yalin raised his eyebrows, what's going on

"I'm sorry, Yalingo... I let you down..."

Li Yalin was full of doubts, not knowing what the situation was, but Lian Nai was different. She knew exactly what happened to the three pairs she found.

"Who are these..." Li Yalin leaned over and whispered in Liannai's ear. After all, people are present. He couldn't say anything in front of them.

But just when Li Yalin approached Lian Nai's ear, this kind of friendly expression suddenly aroused strong dissatisfaction from the three young facilitators opposite.

Of course. Facing Li Yalin's words, they didn't want to say much, they just squeezed their noses and stared at each other, even if they had no eyesight, they could know what was going on with them.

"I also..."

Lian Nai's face flushed, she was really speechless.

Originally, Lian Nai thought that with Li Yalin's appeal, he should be able to recruit a good team of police officers, but unfortunately, the opposite happened.

Although Li Yalin's successful defeat of Scorpio caused an uproar in the industry, it does not mean that everyone will buy Li Yalin's account, nor does it mean that Li Yalin will have much appeal.

In addition, Li Yalin is young and lacks prestige, and Tiantong Company has recently taken away a lot of big business. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in his heart.

To sum up, if I don't dump you, what can you do to me

Lian Nai, who was bumping into walls everywhere, was very helpless, but since Brother Yaling had ordered her, she couldn't mess things up, and in the end, she had no choice but to find these three.

Speaking of these three, they are almost Lian Nai's admirers.

Although her personality is not very popular, Liannai has a cute face, she can compete with Mu, so it is not incomprehensible for someone to admire her.

Especially as colleagues, there is more common language.

For these three, Lian Nai had no interest at all, but Nai He didn't want to disappoint Li Yalin, so she finally found them.

It turned out to be like this.

After hearing Lian Nai's explanation, Li Yalin nodded in understanding. It seems that Lian Nai's charm is not small.

"I am very glad that you can join our team, and please give me your advice from today on."

Although he came for Lian Nai, it was also a help after all. Li Yalin naturally wanted to greet him with a smile, but just as he finished speaking, someone on the opposite side suddenly spoke.

"You don't need to be so polite. I'm just here for Miss Liannai. As for you, the captain, I haven't admitted it yet!"

The young man who spoke wore a pair of brown sunglasses, dyed blond hair, earrings, fingerless gloves, and a black leather jacket. Where did this guy come from

Although compared to those grotesque looks of the policeman, this guy doesn't look that exaggerated, but Li Yalin still expressed some disapproval of this little gangster's look.

"Oh? Then how can I get your approval?" Li Yalin asked calmly. At this time, it was only the blond young man who took the lead. As for the two young men behind, they opened their mouths. , After all, no more words came out.

It seems that Li Yalin's title as the patron saint of the Tokyo area is not useless at all, and this blond young man is probably super reckless, otherwise it would be impossible to collide with Li Yalin so hastily.

"If you want to command me, you must defeat me!"

If you don't die, you won't die. It seems that this blond young man doesn't understand this truth at all. Even though standing in front of him is the legendary hero who defeated the stage five gastritis and saved the Tokyo area, but he still sees it with his own eyes. He was trying very hard to provoke Li Yalin for the idea that what he heard was false.

"Okay, then I will do as you wish."

Li Yalin sighed, and he understood what this guy meant, it was nothing more than dissatisfaction with himself and wanting to challenge himself.

But why? Could it be that he wants to express himself in front of Lian Nai? If this is your idea, please allow me to mourn for you.

Li Yalin would naturally not refuse to send him to the door to seek abuse.

He knew very well in his heart that these guys didn't really want to form a team with him. If they didn't provide some shock in advance, how would they lead this team in the future

Since there is an early bird, it is also in Li Yalin's mind.

"Hmph! Don't think that you are very good if you beat the fifth stage. My brother and I will not lose to you!" Just after Li Yalin agreed to fight the blond youth, Lori, who was standing next to the blond youth, raised his eyebrows. The initiator also made a grimace at Li Yalin unconvinced.

elder brother? Is this pair of policemen a brother and sister combination

Li Yalin was stunned for a moment, the same blond hair and somewhat similar face shape, could it be that they are brothers and sisters? Such a combination is quite rare.

"Okay, then let me see how powerful you are." Li Yalin smiled slightly, and when he saw this loli for the first time, he had already confirmed it.

Blonde Tsundere! It must be Tsundere Lolita, right! Although you only said one sentence, your attributes have been completely exposed!

"Yalingo... are you okay?"

Hearing that Li Yalin was going to fight the blond-haired young brother and sister, Lian Nai's face suddenly revealed a look of worry.

For Li Yalin, she was very confident, and she didn't discuss it when she slapped the opponent.

But is it really okay to start a war so soon? What if something goes wrong? What should I do if the few I finally found were scared away

"Relax, I have a sense of proportion." Li Yalin smiled and touched Liannai's head. In such a close-to-competition battle, he would of course know how to show mercy.

But the moment he put his hand on Lian Nai's head, several scorching gazes almost pierced Li Yalin.

It can be seen that the blond young man on the opposite side has ignited raging anger, just like Li Yalin robbed his wife.

The anger is so big, it seems that I have to calm down the fire for you.

I went downstairs to find an open space, and the two sides suddenly became deadlocked. At the same time, the actions of the few people also attracted many pedestrians around to watch.

What happened? Are you going to fight

"Then let me introduce myself, I am Katagiri Yuki with IP ranking 1850."

"The same ip rank is 1850, and the spider-type Yumi Katagiri!"

Ignoring the pedestrians, the two people on the opposite side directly reported their names and IP rankings, and when the ranking level was announced, it immediately aroused exclamations from the surroundings.

The top 2,000 police officers in the ip ranking are all masters of the best. I really didn't expect to see them here.

Do you want to introduce yourself... Forget it, let's just talk.

"Li Yalin, who ranks 300 in ip, please give me more advice."

ip rank 300

After hearing their ranking, the pedestrians around all gasped, but why does this ranking feel so familiar

Li Yalin? Rank three hundred? This... isn't this the patron saint who saved the Tokyo area? Why is he here

Although they didn't realize it at first, everyone soon recognized Li Yalin's identity. Although Li Yalin has kept a low profile recently, it doesn't mean people will forget him.

Lord Patronus, what are you doing here? Is it to fight the opponent

Although ranking 1850 can indeed be called a master, if you really want to fight with Lord Patronus, wouldn't it be death

Before the battle even started, the conclusion had already begun to fall to one side, and occasionally, one or two voices of "Come on, Lord Patronus!" and "Come on, Lord Yalin!" could be heard in solidarity.

Can this battle still be fought

The Katagiri brothers and sisters were depressed. (… )