The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 169: The third Kanto battle


"You are very good, I hope you can become my teammates."

Facing the frustrated Pian Tong brothers and sisters, Li Yalin said such words with a sincere expression, which was definitely from the heart, at least in the eyes of others.

In fact, this is also true. As a combination of police officers ranked 1,850, it is not easy for Katagiri brothers and sisters to have this strength. In battle, they should also be able to display considerable combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, they chose the wrong opponent today.

"You are very strong, starting today, I will accept your command!"

Until then, Katagiri Yushu got up from the ground, wiped the nosebleed from his lips, and finally made a decision.

By the way, is this product shaking M? Do you have to be abused before you are willing to be honest and obedient

Well, Li Yalin will not complain about this kind of thing. Fortunately, there are three more police teams this time, plus Liannai and Yanzhu, so that a small team around Li Yalin appeared.

Li Yalin is very satisfied. Although the role of the few around him will not be great, there is no problem with the strong momentum. Now that the police force is under his own management, there are more things to do next.

It is the first time for Li Yalin to be the head of the regiment, and Li Yalin must be unfamiliar with a lot of places. This will be done with the help of Mu Geng and Weizhi, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle it all by himself.

However, when Li Yalin was busy with work, the symptoms of albinism after the erosion of the giant stone monument became more and more serious. Although the government repeatedly concealed it, it still failed to hide the past.

Due to being uncontrollable, the media finally reported the situation about the megalithic monument, which naturally caused a great chaos in the Tokyo area.

Now the residents feel at a loss, and they are asking the government to give an answer. For this megalithic incident, how should we deal with it.

Once the monolith collapsed, how to deal with it

At this point, there are still four days before the collapse of the giant stone monument.

"Mr. Yalin, can we really resist Aldebaran's attack..."

In the Holy Residence in the first district, Li Yalin was in a private meeting with the Holy Son of Heaven.

At this time, the Holy Son of Heaven has completely removed the mask of the ruler, and the calmness and calmness shown outside have completely disappeared, leaving only anxiety and uneasiness.

There is no way, the time for the collapse of the megalithic monument is getting closer and closer, but we can get it. But it was not good news. According to the analysis of the supercomputer, it was very difficult to resist the gastrulation that flooded into the Tokyo area at that moment only with the combat power of the Tokyo area.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me, no matter what. I will protect the Tokyo area and protect you."

Sheng Tianzi's insecurity was written all over his face, and Li Yalin had no other choice but to comfort him.

In fact, Li Yalin was also uncertain. After all, there were so many gastratus, it was very difficult to fight against them, before the war started. No one has a perfect grasp.

Li Yalin can only say that he will do his best to win this war, protect everything, and to better complete the task.


That's right, it's a mission. It should be said that this is really a long-lost mission.

Since entering this world, the system has not issued many tasks to itself, and the reward of the main task is actually the book of loli summoning.

Li Yalin is actually quite puzzled about this, if his lolicon soul is not burning. Don't you get the reward for completing the task

Well, I guess the main reason for this system to let me come to this world is to let me contract loli, otherwise, I would find a lot of ordinary people. Can that be called the Knights of the Demon King

I always feel that this is the system's full of malice. Could it be that you want to lure me into Lolita's paradise because you are jealous that I am a concubine

evil! So evil! Fortunately, I can control it, not only did not become a lolicon, but even pushed down a Yujie!

Tucao system, I have seen through your malice a long time ago! Don't try to block my way as a royal sister! I…

Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's take a look at the task first.

Side task: The third Kanto battle

Task content: win the third Kanto battle, resist the attack of the Aldebaran army, kill Aldebaran, and protect the safety of the Tokyo area.

Mission reward: Open the space channel, and you can enter and exit the world at will after the mission is over.

Friendly reminder: Although you have to win this war whether you are given this task or not, but considering your entanglement and unwillingness to leave, I will give you a small bonus, why don't you thank me soon

I always feel like... Tucao loses!

After reading this mission, Li Yalin already wanted to complain in various ways. Although what the system said was true, no matter whether he issued this mission to himself or not, this battle was inevitable. Traveling to and from this world is really a great benefit.

But just because of that cheating friendly reminder, did Li Yalin feel all kinds of upset! Thank you also, I thank your whole family, okay

System prompt: I am the only one in my family, there is no difference between thanking me and thanking my whole family.

Li Yalin said that it is really difficult for him to get along with this system.

Making a promise to Sheng Tianzi also made Sheng Tianzi feel safe. The reason why she came to Li Yalin this time was not mainly to hear such a sound of comfort.

As long as there is Li Yalin's comfort, it will make people feel extremely at ease, and it will also give her endless motivation.

At this time, the Holy Son of Heaven was leaning lightly on Li Yalin's chest, without saying a word, just feeling the warmth from Li Yalin's body and Li Yalin's heartbeat.

As long as that's it.

In fact, Li Yalin didn't expect it. Although there were only two of them alone, the Holy Son of Heaven dared to lean on him so boldly just as he finished speaking, which was completely beyond his expectation.

But then Li Yalin also thought of it. Although Sheng Tianzi is perfect, she is still a woman after all. Since she needs this sense of security, let me give it to her.

The third Kanto battle, it seems very interesting, let yourself win this battle beautifully!

Li Yalin clenched his fists and made a secret decision in his heart, but after he met with the top officer of the Tokyo Regional Self-Defense Force, he suddenly felt helpless.

Is there any more fighting in this battle? People are not in harmony, and you beat your brother-in-law!

I really don't know if the head of that shitty supreme officer is filled with Xiang, do your parents know that you are such an idiot

The reason why Li Yalin was so angry was mainly because the two had differences in strategic deployment.

The highest official of the Self-Defense Force stated that at this time the Self-Defense Force had already marched to the 32nd stone monument and was confronting the gastritis outside the stone monument. Once the stone monument collapsed, it would immediately launch a battle.

The civilian police force is used as support in the rear, acting as the role of the final battle, giving the Gastrea a final blow.

To put it bluntly, the Self-Defense Forces are the forwards, and the civilian police are the defenders. After the war, the forwards will definitely attack, and the defenders will be on standby. If the forwards directly win the battlefield, then there will be nothing wrong with the defenders.

The top officer must have taken this idea, otherwise it would be impossible to station the civilian police two kilometers away from the Self-Defense Forces camp.

Are you hiding from the plague god

Li Yalin's face darkened immediately upon hearing the location of the camp.

There is nothing wrong with using the civilian police force as a support force. After all, it is not a regular army. When it really starts a war, its efficiency should not be as good as that of the Self-Defense Forces.

But Nima doesn't need to put us so far away, right

Two kilometers, after you start the war, if you ask for help again, may we rush over to help in the first place

Even running at full speed would take ten minutes, right? Are you sure you can hold on for another ten minutes after asking for help? And when we run over, the physical exertion will definitely not be able to keep up!

Li Yalin was in a hurry at the time, and strongly pointed out the shortcomings of the plan, but his opinions were ignored at all.

good, very good, excellent!

Li Yalin knew that the Self-Defense Forces looked down on the police and always thought they had a high opinion of themselves. This time the gastrulation attack could be handled by themselves alone.

The reason why the civilian police force was stationed here was that they were not prepared to ask for help at all. They even said that in their eyes, the civilian police force was just passing by for soy sauce, and they never paid attention to the combat effectiveness of the civilian police force.

Now that it's all like this, what else can we do

Although I am a little sorry for the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Yalin is not prepared to save this kind of troops.

Don't you think you are awesome? Then go ahead, I won't play with you anyway.

After coming out of the Ministry of Defense, Li Yalin immediately issued an order to station the assembly camp of the civilian police forces in the 40th district of Huizhiyan. As for the Self-Defense Forces, they can do whatever they like, even if the regiment is destroyed. It's none of Li Yalin's business.

Flames of Return, this is the decisive battle site of the second Kanto battle. At that time, the Self-Defense Forces regrouped after experiencing the failure of the first Kanto battle. There was a fierce battle with the gastrulation here, and finally defeated the gastrulation, and Successfully confirmed the territorial scope of the Tokyo area and won a living place for the residents of the Tokyo area.

And this time, Li Yalin also chose the location of the decisive battle here.

The reason why Li Yalin made such a choice was mainly because of Liannai's opinion. There are many decayed buildings and natural weaknesses here, and there are many shelters that can be used as bunkers, and they can carry out street fighting that the police team is best at.

In contrast, the location chosen by the Self-Defense Forces for the civilian police force is too wide. If there is a battle there, the loss of the civilian police force may be unprecedented.

As for whether gastrula can pass through the defense line of the Self-Defense Forces and reach the flame of return, Li Yalin has no doubts at all.

If there is no support from the civilian police, the Self-Defense Force alone may be unable to resist. Li Yalin's doing so can be regarded as completely giving up the Self-Defense Force.

Since you insist on going your own way, you have to pay a price, although the price is really very high.

PS: I just received the power outage notice tomorrow, it seems that we have to refuel today!