The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 170: When the sky falls, I will carry it!


"No! I don't agree! This is disobeying the military order! Once the Self-Defense Forces send out a signal for help, it is impossible for us to support the past in time!"

As soon as Li Yalin's order came out, someone naturally stood up to oppose it, and this person who opposed it was the deputy head of the police corps, my hall leader who was replaced by Li Yalin.

The battle is about to start, and the commanders will naturally be there in advance. Li Yalin's team is ten people, and my hall leader is also leading his men.

It can be seen that the position of the head of the head of my hall was robbed, which caused strong dissatisfaction on the other side. At least Li Yalin saw a lot of resentment in his eyes.

However, my hall leader is a person who gives people a sense of dignity. Although he has lost the position of head, he is different from the resentment of his subordinates, and instead looks like a businessman.

He was the first to speak out after hearing Li Yalin's order. After all, this order was really outrageous.

The civilian police corps is a support force, so it is natural to show support at the first time. Now that they are evacuated to the flames of return, what is the difference between giving up the self-defense force

"My deputy head, please don't get excited, I naturally have my own intentions for this arrangement."

Looking at the bald old man exuding the aura of a warrior in front of him, Li Yalin naturally wanted to comfort him. After all, he wanted to command the police force well, and he needed more help from this person. If he got stuck, it would be of no benefit to anyone.

"Okay, I want to hear, Captain Li, what's your opinion."

Although Li Yalin put on a smiley face, my head teacher still sat down on the chair angrily. Waiting for Li Yalin to give him an explanation.

But what about this explanation? Li Yalin had to think about it carefully.

"My deputy head, what do you think our chances of winning this battle are?" After pondering for a moment, Li Yalin suddenly asked my head, who was stunned.

What are the odds

My hall head was looking at Li Yalin, and he didn't speak for a while, but at the end, he sighed.

"It's not bad to have a 30% chance of winning."

What my head teacher is saying is the truth, and he doesn't mean to be perfunctory to Li Yalin at all. If he said that the morale of the police force is like a rainbow, it would be no problem to fight gastritis. It was impossible for Li Yalin to say anything.

But there are no outsiders here. The people standing were all cronies of both sides, so my head teacher didn't say anything more to comfort himself.

And at this very moment, my head teacher has some plans in mind.

That's right, Li Yalin is trying to test my hall leader. But why isn't my head teacher trying to test Li Yalin

If. A young boy like Li Yalin became the head of the regiment. My head teacher will definitely not be convinced, but the crux of the problem is that this brat once killed Scorpio. He is the hero who saved the Tokyo area.

Then my head teacher started to be tempted.

Just like what he said, the chance of winning this war is less than 30%, which is optimistic. Thinking about it, although it is roughly estimated that there are more than 2,000 gastritis outside, who knows that after these 2,000 gastritis , Will there be more Gastrea appearing again!

In this case, if Li Yalin can do better than him and save the Tokyo area again, then why doesn't he want to be the head of the regiment

It's just that he didn't tell his subordinates these words.

Right now, my head is testing Li Yalin to see what he can do to place the troops in the flames of return. Who gave him such courage!

Abandoning the Self-Defense Forces, this is not a joke!

"What you said is absolutely correct. There is a 30% chance of winning, and we must work together. If not, the chance of winning is zero."

Li Yalin nodded his head at what my headmaster said, but my headmaster didn't understand what he said.

What do you mean by that

"I really want to win this battle and drive all the gastratus out of the monument, but unfortunately, those idiots in the Self-Defense Force don't think highly of our police at all. You have seen the previous battle plan , Once the Self-Defense Forces lose, can we catch up in time?"

"this… "

Finally, my hall master understood what Li Yalin meant, and he understood what he meant, but it was impossible for him to admit it.

He is just a policeman. Although his ip ranking is higher than Li Yalin's, he doesn't dare to question the orders from above like Li Yalin. All he can do is obey.

Because of this, Li Yalin's question made him speechless, because what Li Yalin said was indeed true.

Even if they were stationed in the same place, the Self-Defense Forces really sent a call for help. By the time they rushed over, the day lily must have been cold. Coupled with the exhaustion of physical strength, it would only take an instant to become a gastroenteric meal.

"Actually, in my opinion, the combat effectiveness of the Self-Defense Forces is not worth mentioning at all. If we want to deal with Gastrea and protect the Tokyo area, we still have to rely on the strength of our civilian police, but the crux of the problem is that we cannot be blind, let alone fight with ourselves The guards go to die together, if we all die, then the Tokyo area will really be over!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yalin spoke loudly, and my head teacher trembled as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

That's right, if the police can't do it, then the Tokyo area is really doomed!

"My deputy head, you are an old policeman, so you naturally know how much advantage the flame of return has for us policemen. I hope that the two of us can cooperate sincerely and repel the invading enemy together."

At this moment, Li Yalin's expression was very sincere, and at the same time it sounded the alarm for my teacher.

That's right, only victory is real at this time. If you give up your advantage for the sake of order, it is tantamount to death in vain.

And it’s all right to die, the most important thing is that if you die, then the residents in the Tokyo area will not be able to live!

"But the Ministry of Defense..."

Although I really thought about it in my heart, my head teacher still had scruples in his heart. After all, this is disobedience.

"If something goes wrong, I will take care of it! The sky will fall and I will take care of it! My deputy head, how do you feel?"

My hall head is worried, but Li Yalin doesn't have so many scruples. After this battle is over, I will go back to my hometown and get married... Oh no, I will return to Blood League City. Whoever you want to blame, whoever you want to blame, anyway, no one cares don't care about me.

But my head teacher just didn't know what Li Yalin was thinking, he just suddenly realized that his awareness was far from that of the young man in front of him.

Am I being a little too wimpy

Looking at Li Yalin with a face full of righteousness, such a thought suddenly popped up in my head, am I really old? Not as decisive as a young man

Ashamed, really ashamed!

My hall leader is secretly ashamed, feeling that he is completely inferior to the young people in front of him, no wonder he will be favored by Lord Sheng Tianzi, compared to himself, he is more suitable to be the head of the regiment!

"I understand Captain Li. I was thinking too much. I completely agree with your order, but if something happens afterwards, please let me bear it with you."

Suddenly, my head was standing up, he was deeply moved by Li Yalin's words, such young people are the future pillars of the Tokyo area, and the responsibility of protecting the Tokyo area in the future will also be handed over to such young talents OK.

So, let yourself make a little contribution to the Tokyo area while your old bones are still moving!

"My deputy head!"

"Captain Li!"

The two hands were tightly held together, and all the disharmony caused by the position dispute disappeared. My head teacher has officially become Li Yalin's major help, which has brought great benefits to him in leading the police force. Huge benefit.

"Then Captain Li, let's discuss specific combat matters."

"Okay, my deputy head of the church has rich experience, and I just want to ask you for advice."

"It's easy to talk, let's talk about the strategic deployment first."

To be honest, my church leader is indeed an experienced policeman, and the orderly deployment of the battle is simply amazing.

Although Li Yalin is not familiar with this aspect, but he has a flexible mind, he quickly understood the meaning of my teacher, and quickly absorbed my teacher's experience and knowledge from the conversation.

Later, he was even able to draw inferences from one instance and fill in some loopholes of my hall master, which made my hall master sigh.

It is a blessing for the Tokyo area to have such young people guarding it.

Even afterwards, my head teacher was telling my son that it would be a good thing to spend more time with Li Yalin, and to learn more from Li Yalin.

This time, Li Yalin completely fooled him.

Back in the tent, Li Yalin smiled triumphantly. I didn't expect my head teacher to be so easy to fool, and a few words of righteousness can get it done, but at least I didn't waste my painstaking efforts.

After a conversation, the senior officers of the police corps were united, which was regarded as a happy event, but Li Yalin wanted to control the police corps, but it was not that simple.

The above is done, but there is still the bottom. Among the policemen, there are many self-esteemed people, just like the Katagiri brothers and sisters. Aren't they a good example.

So, Li Yalin still has a headache next.

As the time for the collapse of the giant stone tablet is getting closer, more and more police groups have gathered in the Flame of Return. Seeing this, some weapon shop owners and hotel owners who sensed business opportunities also ran to the Flame of Return to start a business. Business.

Rather than saying that this place is about to start a war, it would be better to say that they came here to visit the temple fair, and there was no atmosphere of war at all.

And this time Li Yalin was an eye-opener. With the increase of the police team, he seemed to have come to a huge cosplay venue, a hodgepodge, a hodgepodge. Does it feel so unreliable