The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 171: Gentlemen, fight together with me!


busy! Really busy!

The distribution of materials, the deployment of strategies, and the deployment of personnel really made Li Yalin very busy. He didn't expect that the transfer of a thousand people to the battlefield would make him so busy.

There is no way, although I have the help of my hall leader, Li Yalin, as the head of the regiment, has to do everything by himself, otherwise he will not know the details, and it will be troublesome if something happens.

In addition, Li Yalin and my hall leader have combined together, although it is good to set up a defense line in the flames of return, the terrain along the way cannot be wasted.

Discuss with Sima Weizhi, and let her get a large number of landmines and bombs, and bury them on the main road leading to the Flames of Return.

Once the Self-Defense Forces are destroyed, they will inevitably go through the flames of return, and only through here can they go to the Tokyo area, so on this section of the road, you can delay as long as you can.

In addition, in order to ensure safety, Li Yalin also ordered to set up more bunkers. All police teams must follow the arrangement and set up tactics according to the situation at the time. Not only to delay time, but also to kill the enemy.

Trap, this is the best way to deal with Gastrea, although high-level Gastrea do have intelligence, those low-level Gastrea are just beasts with instinct.

At this time, don't talk about manpower and material resources, as long as they can be used, they will be used!

And during this period, a small episode happened.

At that time, Sima Weizhi was allocating supplies to Li Yalin, but unexpectedly, the Self-Defense Forces ran over and intervened, on the grounds that everyone is responsible for protecting their home and country. They want to snatch Sima Heavy Industry's weapons and ammunition and supply them to the Self-Defense Forces.

Sima Weizhi couldn't do anything about it. After all, he was a self-defense force, and he robbed them all, so what else could he do

But when Li Yalin heard about this, he became angry. Nima robbed Lao Tzu? Do you want to live

In Li Yalin's view, Sima Weizhi's things belonged to him, and if the Self-Defense Forces dared to rob Sima Heavy Industry's things, it was the same as robbing his things!

As soon as the fire hit upwards like this, Li Yalin immediately took Sima Weizhi to the headquarters of the Self-Defense Forces. even say. Facing the supreme commander of the Self-Defense Forces, Li Yalin showed his sword.

"I'll just put the words here. You can spit out as much as you eat, and you can't miss a single bullet. Otherwise, don't blame this giant stone tablet for not collapsing. I'll level up your Self-Defense Forces first! "

With a flash of sword light, the heart of the supreme commander of the self-defense force suddenly burst, because of his identity. Naturally, I saw the scene of Li Yalin fighting Scorpio. Wearing the majestic black armor on his body, it was like a god descending from the earth.

The scene at that time shocked him badly. If Li Yalin transformed himself into such a circle in the headquarters, no one would really be able to keep him.

It was even said that even his life could not be saved.

In addition, the fact that the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces raided Sima Heavy Industries this time was not an order from the Holy Son of Heaven, it was entirely his own initiative.

You know, this is a society ruled by law. Even during the war, you can't rob other people's things by force, right? How is that different from a robber

Even if the Self-Defense Force left an IOU before leaving, but people disagree? If the matter becomes serious and the Holy Son of Heaven finds out and exposes it to the public, he, the supreme commander, will definitely not be able to afford it.

At this moment, I really can't give it if I want to, otherwise I will offend the killing god on the opposite side, so will I still have a good life

In terms of strategic deployment, the supreme commander can ignore Li Yalin, but if this matter is not handled properly, then he will really suffer.

In this way, Sima Heavy Industry's removed weapons and equipment were sent back intact, and it was even said that when they were counted afterwards, there were a lot more.

Even if that bullshit commander is savvy, otherwise, there would be no need for gastritis at all, and Li Yalin would really want to go on a killing spree!

The supplies were snatched back, and Li Yalin was the cheap one. Of course, this was to save the business in the Tokyo area, so it was natural to do business.

As soon as Li Yalin issued an excuse for how many weapons and equipment he had taken, he would go directly to the Holy Son of Heaven to reimburse him. Anyway, if he could win this battle, he would not be too exaggerated to pay anything.

Otherwise, next time something happens, who would dare to work for you.

With Li Yalin's guarantee, Sima Weizhi was also very happy. He originally thought that he must have lost a lot this time, but who would have thought that he would even make a small profit in a turnaround.

Of course, Li Yalin also told Sima Weizhi not to kill the Holy Son of Heaven too much after the war, after all, it would be embarrassing to have him in the middle.

In this way, all preparations are proceeding in an orderly manner, and the next step is to wait for the collapse of the giant stone tablet and the arrival of gastritis. In addition, Li Yalin also needs to mobilize before the battle.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Yalin, and my ip rank is 300. I am honored to be the commander of this battle, that is, the head of the civilian police corps. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

When the policemen were almost gathered, Li Yalin chose one night, taking advantage of the policemen's presence, to introduce himself for the first time.

This is a necessary process, in order to let everyone know him better, and to arouse the fighting spirit of the police.

In fact, even if Li Yalin didn't say anything, many policemen present knew him. What he did in the past few days was spread among the policemen.

What resisted the orders of the higher-ups, ignored the Self-Defense Forces, and moved the garrison to the position where the civilian police are best at fighting, and why broke into the Self-Defense Forces headquarters alone due to weapons and ammunition problems, and demanded things back in front of the supreme commander.

These rumors are known to almost everyone, and they have become a must-talk topic after dinner. For this daring regiment leader, everyone really wants to get to know him.

You know, the first time everyone knew about Li Yalin, they were almost on TV. Looking at the young photo on TV, many policemen felt that this was completely made up, and that the government's favoritism was not worth mentioning.

But who would have thought that after Li Yalin became the head of the regiment, he would cause such a few major events with great vigor and vitality, which shocked all the policemen.

You know, even my oldest senior teacher, my hall master, would not dare to confront others like this. Although the Japanese like to go up and down this kind of thing is what the Japanese like to fantasize about, most Japanese people dare not do it.

Only those who are truly ambitious and courageous can do this kind of thing.

Because of this, everyone was really looking forward to seeing Li Yalin, but they wanted to see who this young patron saint of the Tokyo area and the head of the police corps was.

To be honest, when Li Yalin first came to power, many people were disappointed.

Young, really too young, even younger than the photos shown on TV, can such a young leader really lead us to victory

But what everyone didn't expect was that just when Li Yalin coughed and spoke, a chilling aura suddenly emerged from his body, making people have to look him squarely and look up at him !

This guy... is really not an ordinary person!

At this moment, the same idea popped up in everyone's mind.

Although he still looks very young, this momentum is not something anyone can possess.

Standing next to Li Yalin, my head teacher is very imposing, but still not as good as Li Yalin. It is a kind of innate sense of majesty, which makes people feel admiration.

"Actually, to be honest, I didn't want to be the head of this group at first. I even said that I wanted to leave here. After all, I'm not from Tokyo, let alone Japanese. The Tokyo area has nothing to do with me."

Just when everyone was forced by Li Yalin's aura, suddenly, the pressure was relieved, and Li Yalin on the stage suddenly became ordinary, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

Especially what Li Yalin said made people feel that something was wrong.

It is no secret that Li Yalin is from the Celestial Dynasty, everyone knows it, and this is the reason why many people oppose Li Yalin as the head of the regiment.

But now, when everyone was looking at Li Yalin squarely, who would have thought that he would say such a thing again.

For a while, the policemen in the audience were talking about it, and even my head teacher who was standing beside Li Yalin couldn't help frowning. What exactly does this kid want to do

"Everyone be quiet, and listen to me." Seeing the audience started to discuss, Li Yalin on the stage also increased his voice, instantly quieting the venue, because the cold momentum returned!

"It is true that this is not my hometown, but in the end, I decided to stay and choose to fight Gastrea. Regardless of life or death, I will fight to the end!"

The venue was very quiet. Although more than a thousand people gathered, everyone was listening to Li Yalin's words, which made Li Yalin's words even louder.

"In the Tokyo area, I found my relatives, my lover, and everything I wanted to care for and love! Now that gastrulations are coming, they are about to destroy everything. People say that I should take up the sword in my hand to protect this place. Everything, or should we flee the Tokyo area like those policemen who ran away with their tails between their legs?"

"Guard! Guard! Guard!"

As Li Yalin's voice became louder, the atmosphere at the scene was also mobilized, because Li Yalin's words were so contagious.

That's right, it is precisely for this reason that they choose to stand up and fight Gastrea.

All of this is because they have people and things in their hearts that they want to protect!

Because of protection, so stay, because of protection, so we have to face it bravely!

"All the warriors here are warriors who dare to face their own hearts. In the face of gastrulation invasion, you are afraid, I am afraid, everyone is afraid, but it is precisely because we dare to face up to our inner fear that we can become more and more powerful. Strong isn't it?"

"Strong! Strong! Strong!"

"Then gentlemen, take up the sword in your hand and fight together with me!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"