The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 173: The Self-Defense Forces are destroyed!


In fact, a situation like Bushcui's is relatively rare among the cursed children. As for the reason why she had cat ears, it was also because of the gastroenteritis virus in her body.

When gastrenteroviruses combine with the human body, the viral factors will modify the human body, and at the same time, there is a very low probability of causing changes in the bones of the human body.

Among the loli that Li Yalin contracted with, there is no shortage of such existences. It is even said that he also has a swan factor loli with white wings.

But this is definitely the first time Li Yalin has seen a cat-eared loli, and she is so shy and cute, it's hard to control.

etc! What about Yujie control we agreed on

Well, now is not the time to complain about this.

When Buschui exposed the cat ears, it immediately aroused the interest of several cursed children. After all, it was the first time for them to see such a situation. The naughtiest Yanzhu even ran up to grab Cui's ears, Get spanked by Lian Nai.

However, after some playfulness, the relationship between the few lolis has improved slightly. The only pity is that Xia Shi is not very gregarious. After all, this little loli has too high an IQ and is too calm to play with other loli.

The last one who introduced himself was Li Yalin's combination. Everyone knew about him, but when they heard that Xia Shi had a dolphin factor, and his IQ was as high as 210, and he was especially good at making plans, everyone couldn't help but look at her more glance.

After all, on the battlefield, a qualified military adviser is very important.

As for Tina's self-introduction, it was even more shocking. You know, the strongest ranking among them should be the original one hundred and thirty-four of Zhi Ziyingyin's father and daughter, but who would have thought that this little girl with a confused face would have her ranking It turned out to be ninety-eight!

It's incredible!

You know, the top 1,000 police officers can be called superpowers, and the top 100 are simply myths and legends!

Anyway, no one who was present had seen the existence of the top 100. Today is an eye-opener.

Just to everyone's surprise. Tina looked a little shy, and gently took Li Yalin's hand, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Okay, everyone, don't read it. Let's take more rest now."

The more you are watched. Tina became more and more shy. In this regard, Li Yalin also hurriedly helped her out.

Although I don't know when the huge stone monument will collapse, but there are only three days before the estimated time, I still take advantage of the rest now to conserve energy. Otherwise, I don't know if I can come back when I go to the battlefield.

Although all preparations were made, after the start of the war, no one really cared about anyone else.

It is very difficult to kill a gastritis, at least for the general police team, it is definitely a very difficult thing. Although there are many masters in the police army, there is also no shortage of people with mediocre qualifications.

In this case, Li Yalin must allocate manpower and resources reasonably.

After everyone went back to rest, Li Yalin didn't go to sleep. Instead, he found my head teacher and began to discuss a battle plan with him.

Although there is already a rough plan, a detailed plan still needs to be drawn up. In addition, according to the various accidents that occurred during the war, more predictions are needed now to ensure that the accident can be properly handled.

This time, Li Yalin really put in a lot of effort. After all, any mistake will be paid in blood.

Arranging, arranging, commanding, making full preparations for the upcoming battle, but no one thought that when the huge stone tablet collapsed, the huge roar and the violent vibration from the ground still made everyone's heart beat faster For several minutes.

Finally... here

Although the distance is already very far, they can still feel the shock brought by the collapse of the giant stone tablet. They hold the weapon tightly in their hands, and the battle is finally about to begin!

"One day earlier than expected, the Self-Defense Forces have already started a war with gastrulation."

In the Flame of Return, in the temporary headquarters of the Civilian Police Corps, Li Yalin put down the phone in his hand, and at the same time heaved a long sigh.

He had just received a call from the commander-in-chief of the Self-Defense Forces. Although he had already fought Gastrea, this guy still ordered the Civilian Police Corps to stand by, as if he felt that the Self-Defense Forces were fully capable of resisting Gastrea.

In this regard, Li Yalin naturally agreed wholeheartedly. In fact, he was not prepared to help the Self-Defense Force at all.

That pompous commander-in-chief, he will pay for his stupidity.

But now is not the time to think about these things. It is only a matter of time before the Gastratus breaks through the defense line of the Self-Defense Forces. Instead of caring about these things, it is better to increase the morale of the policemen.

As for now, let us see how many catties the Self-Defense Forces have!

The third Kanto battle officially started!

The sound of artillery in the distance kept coming, and it seemed that the fighting was very intense. According to this trend, how long can the Self-Defense Forces last

It's really hard to say.

The huge stone monument is 1.618 kilometers high and 1 kilometer wide. It can be said to be a bit towering. Once it collapses, the impact will be unprecedentedly huge.

The dust and bleached fragments of the megalithic stele turned into a cloud of smoke with the wind, forming thick clouds that completely covered the sky in the Tokyo area.

Shock wave and falling dust, although they have been notified long ago, after seeing it with their own eyes, they are still completely different from what they imagined.

It's like the end of the world is coming.

Everyone quietly stared in front of their eyes, watching everything that happened in front of them, no one would speak, and everyone's hearts tensed up.

Will the SDF win

In fact, everyone is praying in their hearts, if the Self-Defense Force wins, then they will not have to participate in such a dangerous war, and they can go home and enjoy a good life with peace of mind.

Is this kind of thing really possible

With complicated feelings in mind, I don't know how long it has passed, gradually. The artillery fire in the distance stopped. So far, Li Yalin has not received any news from the Self-Defense Forces.

"Call the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!"

Li Yalin gave an order. Although it is reasonable to say that the police corps are not qualified to use unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, but based on Li Yalin's relationship with the Holy Son of Heaven, this is not a matter of one sentence.

After all, this is a battle related to the survival of the Tokyo region!

Soon, the footage captured by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was transmitted to the temporary headquarters, and also to the meeting room of the Holy House, presenting everything on the battlefield in front of everyone.

But at the moment after everyone saw the picture. Everyone was stunned.

The burning ground was full of bloody corpses. The bright red blood even stained the ground red, and what you can see when you look around, besides a large number of gastrulations, are gastrulations.

What about the Self-Defense Forces

Although it has long been prepared for the destruction of the Self-Defense Forces. But saw this scene. Li Yalin couldn't help but clenched his fists. It's so sad, I can't bear to watch it anymore.

The Self-Defense Forces... are really screwed.

7,000 people, the self-defense force participated in the battle with 7,000 people. But in the face of 2,000 Gastrea, it seemed so vulnerable.

Completely destroyed!

At this time, the Holy Son of Heaven had already slumped on the chair, and all the high-ranking officials were all absent-minded.

As the largest military force in the Tokyo area, the Self-Defense Force was wiped out in minutes? Could it be that the Tokyo area is really doomed

Although the Flame of Return still has a civilian police corps stationed there, the number of police is only about 1,000. The 7,000-strong Self-Defense Force has lost. Those police who have never experienced formal training and can only go wild, Could it have won that many Gastreas

No! it's out of the question!

Is it really impossible

Li Yalin smiled bitterly, and didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong, but the matter has come to this point, and there is no room for regret anymore!

"My deputy head, prepare our plan!"

"Okay, I'll go down and get ready!"

Li Yalin was also sitting on the chair of the temporary headquarters as he was giving orders to my headmaster. Whether this plan can be successful or not depends on this time!

Soon, the police learned the news of the destruction of the Self-Defense Forces. This news also greatly shook the confidence of the police. Facing such a powerful Aldebaran Army, the hope of winning was slim.

At this moment, Li Yalin was very lucky that there were no deserters.

Everyone's morale must be boosted!

Li Yalin secretly decided that the first plan will be launched immediately, and the traps placed on the road this time will finally be effective.

With the cooperation of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky, Li Yalin is also paying close attention to the movements of the gastritis. He saw that after the group wiped out the self-defense force, these gastrulations only took a short rest. Immediately move on.

It's just that this time the gastrulation army has grown stronger again.

Although the 7,000-member Self-Defense Force defeated some of the Gastrea, nearly one-third of the members of the Self-Defense Force were also infected and turned into Gastrea.

In other words, in this battle with the Self-Defense Forces, not only did the Aldebaran Corps not reduce its personnel, but it became even stronger!

What a fuck!

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin couldn't help but swear, but this is the truth, which makes people helpless.

"Fire flares!"

Relying on the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft alone is not enough. The vision is blurred at the moment, and flares must be released into the sky to make it easier to fight the gastritis. At this time, the gastrulation troops have arrived at the trap area set by Li Yalin.

"The target has arrived at the combat area, and the plan can be activated at any time." Lian Nai's voice came from the headquarters, but Li Yalin was unmoved.

"continue waiting!"


Li Yalin is waiting for the opportunity, a very good opportunity, although it is impossible to wipe out the Gastrea, but at least it can inflict heavy damage on the Gastrea!

"The vanguard of Gastrea is about to leave the trap area!"

"Very good! Now! Execute the battle plan!"

"Yes! Execute the battle plan!"

Accompanied by the violent explosion, the earth shook again. Although it was a little worse than the collapse of the giant stone tablet, it was not too inferior. Is this Li Yalin's trap