The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 174: The leader is mighty!


Long-range directional cluster mines, or ROC bombs for short, are another weapon used by Sima Heavy Industries to fight against intestinal animals on a large scale. It was originally still in the experimental stage, but Li Yalin first used it to requisition because of difficulties in the Tokyo area.

There is no way, to deal with so many Gastrea, using conventional bombs will not be effective, not to mention the invasion of Gastrea this time cannot be deduced by common sense.

During the second Kanto battle, the reason why the Self-Defense Forces won all was mainly due to the weapons made of holmium metal, coupled with the chaotic attack of the gastrulation, which led to the final victory.

But this time, the Self-Defense Forces thought too much.

Originally, the Supreme Commander of the Self-Defense Force believed that the gastritis would continue to attack without any purpose as before, and there was no need to consider so many tactics. Direct artillery bombardment would prevent them from approaching the Tokyo area.

But unfortunately, he was very wrong. Under the leadership of Aldebaran, the gastritis began to attack in groups. Even though the artillery in front wiped out the first round of attack, the second round of original The intestinal animals will step on the corpses of their companions and continue to move forward.

Due to the very fast forward speed and the closeness of the front line, the Self-Defense Forces soon suffered a devastating blow.

No way, gastritis will not be scruples about their companions, but the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces will. How can the soldiers resist the tide-like attack of Gastrea

Soon, the front troops were wiped out. Many soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces were even infected into new gastritis, and under the command of Aldebaran, they continued to attack forward.

In this way, the destruction of the Self-Defense Forces is reasonable.

However, Li Yalin didn't know about the battle situation. He just thought more than the supreme commander of the Self-Defense Force. After all, he had never experienced the second Kanto battle, and he would not develop that kind of complacency.

There is only one thing Li Yalin thinks about, and that is how to kill Gastrea better and faster, so long-range directional cluster mines are the best choice.

Judging from the screen sent back by the unmanned reconnaissance plane, Li Yalin has already discovered the strangeness of the gastrulation army. Organized and regular. It really doesn't seem like an action that a creature without intelligence can do. Could it be that there is a commander behind these gastritis

Li Yalin has not been in contact with gastritis for a long time, and he thinks wildly, assuming that there is really a commander behind it. Who would it be


first timing. Li Yalin thought of the name. Although it is true that low-stage gastroenterates have no intelligence, what about Aldebaran at stage four

If Aldebaran is killed, is it possible for the Gastrea troops to attack in such an organized way

An idea formed in Li Yalin's mind. But if you really want to implement it, I'm afraid it's still a little difficult.

No matter, let's detonate the bomb first!

When the Gastrea Legion stepped into the detonation range of the bomb, Li Yalin did not rush to detonate it, but waited for the other party's large troops to fall into the trap, and then gave them another shot.

Obviously, the effect of the ROC bomb is outstanding, accompanied by a burst of shaking. When the unmanned reconnaissance plane went to investigate again, it was found that the gastrulation troops in the middle of the explosion were already blown to pieces.

Just one explosion killed at least one-third of the Gastrea!

Well done!

For this result, Li Yalin secretly clenched his fists. This cluster landmine is specially made to fight against intestinal animals. After the mine is detonated, it will also trigger a chain explosion, but the most important thing is the scattered holmium metal bombs after the explosion.

You must know that holmium metal is the absolute natural enemy of gastrulation. When the holmium metal bullets are scattered and blasted out, the killing effect is amazing.

"Ready to fight!"

"oh oh!!"

Immediately after the bomb exploded, the results of the battle spread throughout the entire police force, and morale was high for a while. Li Yalin just issued an order, which immediately attracted cheers from the crowd.

Now that the gastrulation troops have been blown up, what is there to be afraid of!

You know, the Gastrea troops have just arrived at the first line of defense of the Civil Police Corps, and there are more lines of defense waiting for them!

"The sniper troops are starting to attack! Try to pick the right target to shoot!"

After the first line of defense, there is the second line of defense composed of sniper troops organized by Li Yalin, and this line of defense is still led by Tina herself, the purpose is to kill the remaining gastritis captured from the explosion.

Although the gastritis suffered major damage, they still charged forward without hesitation, which also brought convenience to the sniper troops. Using the guerrilla tactics personally taught by Li Yalin, they cooperated with each other while fighting and retreating, and they actually killed nearly a hundred primitive guts. It is nothing short of a miracle that the animals were killed and no one was killed!

However, with the principle of fighting and retreating, the second line of defense can't last long. When it feels almost done, Li Yalin immediately ordered the sniper troops to withdraw and prepare for the offensive of the third line of defense.

In fact, Li Yalin was quite helpless. If there were more ROC bombs, there would be no need for the police force to take action, and just blow up those grandchildren. There is no way.

The third line of defense must rely on the artillery offensive from the rear. For the third line of defense, Li Yalin urgently mobilized a large number of mortars.

If possible, Li Yalin really wanted to command the self-propelled guns and tanks like the Self-Defense Forces, and shoot gastratus a few times, but unfortunately, the civilian police have no human rights, and it would take a lot of money to get these mortars. It took Li Yalin a lot of strength.

If the civilian police force can obtain the equipment of the Self-Defense Forces, then why is it so troublesome to defeat the gastrulation force! It's a pity that the Self-Defense Forces didn't live up to their expectations, underestimated the enemy and were careless. So many weapons and equipment were thrown on the battlefield, but it didn't help.

On the third line of defense, Li Yalin encountered the same troubles as the Self-Defense Forces. Although the mortar shells had never stopped, they couldn't stand up to the gastroenterologists. Fortunately, the battle line was very long. As a line of defense, the Gastrea has to pay a very high price.

Then the last line of defense is the final blockade formed by the police. Here, there is only one thing that needs to be done.

Fuck his mother with real knives and guns!

"Everyone, fight the enemy together with me! Gentlemen! Martial luck is prosperous!"

Pulling out his own black cutter, Li Yalin was the first to rush to the gastritis that attacked from a distance. As the leader of the regiment, he must take the lead. This is not the time to strategize and win thousands of miles away. He must be a role model for the police!


Facing the attacking Gastrea, Li Yalin's body was like a whirlwind, and he cut it off with a single knife, leaving no room for it.

Seeing that the head of the group is so brave, the policemen behind him also cheered for a while.

"The leader is mighty!"


The morale of the civilian police corps was greatly boosted, and they rushed to join the battle group. At the same time, everyone did not forget how Li Yalin told everyone before the war.

Use your best strengths to fight, and don't go head-to-head with gastritis. On the battlefield, you need to kill gastritis as many as possible while saving your life. After all, if you lose your life, you will lose everything.

In fact, what Li Yalin said should not have been told to everyone. What if everyone is afraid to save their lives on the battlefield

But what Li Yalin said was from the bottom of his heart. Since he came with the police corps, he hoped to bring everyone back. Although he knew that there would be casualties in war, Li Yalin was still worried.

Of course, having said that, no one dares to be lazy and afraid of fighting when it comes to the battlefield. After all, the Tokyo area is behind, and now there is no way to retreat, so they can only fight here!

Especially Li Yalin, he said just now that he should not fight recklessly, but now, he has already rushed into the gastrulation group, killing the Quartet with his own power!

"Our head is really..." Seeing Li Yalin's performance, the policemen were all amazed. Even my headmaster shook his head subconsciously, but then he also drew the sword in his hand.

"Warriors! Fight the enemy bravely with me!"

Let me have a fight with you too!

In an instant, the police corps and the gastratus collided together, and with the thunderous killing sound, a tragic battle kicked off.

Well, it's really not that tragic.

The number of gastritis that can rush here is not many, only a few hundred. I don't know what Aldebaran is thinking. It didn't attack with all its strength, but stayed behind. I downloaded a lot, and I don't know what I want to do.

Hundreds of Gastrea against thousands of policemen, although not that simple, but it also left room for the policemen to cooperate with each other.

Especially Li Yalin's side is also quite a lot of masters, headed by Li Yalin, Hiruko Yingyin, Satomi Renna, Shazawa Akima, and my hall leader are not ordinary people, killing gastritis, that is a top Two... no, one is worth ten.

Under the leadership of Li Yalin, the battle that was originally thought to have no chance of winning turned out to be a one-sided situation. This made the Holy Son of Heaven and other senior officials who were watching the battle in the Holy House completely dumbfounded.

"This... this is impossible!"

The supreme commander of the Self-Defense Forces is the one who can't believe his eyes the most. Obviously under his command, the Self-Defense Forces were completely wiped out. Now I don't know how many survivors there are, but why are these gastritis like this when they come to Li Yalin? Vulnerable

To say that the Self-Defense Forces are inferior to the Civilian Police Corps, he would not believe it, but the facts in front of him completely shattered his confidence!