The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 175: Come out! Really red-eyed black dragon!


Is there no suspense in this battle

Before the start of the war, all the senior officials in the Holy House were pessimistic. After all, the Self-Defense Forces with the most advanced weapons had failed, and even ended up being wiped out. What role could the mere police play

Procrastinating? How long can it be delayed

Only Sheng Tianzi clasped her hands in front of her chest, praying silently in her heart, hoping that Li Yalin could bring her a miracle.

But now, a miracle really happened!

That's right, a miracle did happen. Under the leadership of Li Yalin, the Civil Police Corps is counterattacking the Gastratus Corps with an absolute advantage!

This is beyond everyone's expectations!

Looking at the screen in front of them, all the senior officials were extremely nervous. Since there is a chance of winning, please win this battle!


According to the current trend, there is indeed no problem in wanting to win, but there is a prerequisite for that, that is, there will be no more accidents.

Before winning, everything is unknown, even if you do have the upper hand now, you must not relax!

Li Yalin knew this well, and he had to go steadily and steadily, but the more troublesome thing was that at this time, the mentality of the policemen had gradually begun to become complacent.

With the continuous reduction of gastritis, the police force also began to show a tendency to encircle, but just when everyone thought that the victory was a foregone conclusion, an accident happened suddenly.

"Not good! Mr. Yalin, there are flying gastratus appearing!"

Xia Shi's urgent voice suddenly came from the wireless earphones. As an intelligent starter with weak combat power, she has been at the back of the battle since the beginning of the battle. Provide effective command for combat.

But now, the unmanned reconnaissance plane not far away has discovered that the situation is not good. There are about 50 flying gastrula appearing, and the speed is extremely fast, and they can reach the battlefield immediately.

"Not good! The sniper troop give me the top!"

Dealing with Gastrea in the air. This is a rather troublesome matter. If the gastroenterate of the low stage is fine, but if it is a high stage, it will be really troublesome.

There is no effective means, Li Yalin can only rely on the sniper troops to shoot, but his order has just been issued. But it was already too late.


With a scream, the two facilitators were caught in the air, and were torn to pieces in a few moments. This scene greatly shocked the police on the battlefield. The pressure brought by this kind of opponent who can fly is too great up.

"Collect the formation! Don't panic!"

Li Yalin gave orders loudly, but it was a pity. Faced with such a great pressure, and the gastritis on the ground also fought back vigorously, the screams suddenly sounded one after another.

It won't work like this anymore!

Although the sniper troops had already started to shoot at the sky, the results were not good. Only three of the more than 50 gastratus were captured.

"Leader Li, we must find a way to kill the gastritis in the sky!" My hall leader was chopping off the gastratus around him with a single knife. Immediately afterwards, he rushed to Li Yalin's side in a hurry, his face was full of anxiety.

He was right, if this continues, I'm afraid he will be overthrown by gastrulation.

It's the most annoying thing to fight back at the end of the game!

"I seeā€¦ "

Li Yalin pondered for a while. In fact, he had no good way to deal with the gastritis in the sky. After all, he didn't know any long-range skills. If he shot with a gun, the effect might not be as good as Tina.

what to do

While killing the enemy. Li Yalin kept thinking in his heart, if it is like the current situation...


Sudden! Li Yalin remembered that he still had a hole card that was useless, and now he had no way out. If this is the case, then let me show you your strength!

"Now... my turn! Come out! What a red-eyed black dragon!"

All right. Li Yalin admitted that he was a bit of a second grader, but with the card in his hand, if he didn't shout out such lines, he always felt uncomfortable.

But when he opened his mouth like this, it attracted surprised eyes from around, your turn? What's your turn? Really red-eyed black dragon? What is that

Just when everyone was puzzled, the next scene suddenly made everyone dumbfounded

Li Yalin stretched out his hand and took out an orange card, and then a blue magic circle appeared at Li Yalin's feet, and at the same time, a blood-red magic circle appeared in front of Li Yalin as if reflecting each other.


It was as if an earth-shattering roar reached everyone's ears, and the scene that followed shocked everyone's nerves.

What's this

From the blood-red magic circle, a huge figure gradually emerged, with a pitch-black body, huge wings, and eyes shining with scarlet light.

Is this... Gastrea

No! This is not a gastritis! It's a dragon! This is the legendary western dragon!

The head of the group said it just now. Could this be that red-eyed black dragon

Speaking of the shape of Gastrea, there are really all kinds of strange things. Look at the flying Gastrea in the sky. There are not only birds, but also pterosaur-like existences, but compared to The giant dragon that appeared in front of Li Yalin couldn't compare to those gastratus!

This strong sense of oppression and majesty is completely different from gastroenterology! This is definitely not a gastritis!

The policemen present had often dealt with Gastrea, and they knew what Gastrea was better than anyone else, but they were all stunned the moment the giant black dragon appeared.

No matter how well-informed he is, he has never seen this kind of creature. Could it be that this is really the legendary dragon

At this moment, there was a lot of exclamation in the Holy House. No one knew what Li Yalin had summoned, but at this moment, the face of the Holy Son of Heaven was full of confidence.

She has long regarded Li Yalin as a god in the sky. Since she is a god, it is reasonable to have a giant dragon as a pet.

It has to be said that Li Yalin is completely deified in the heart of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Although the appearance of this giant dragon has attracted many speculations, Li Yalin has no time to explain to everyone. He turned over and jumped onto the back of the real red-eyed black dragon. With a thought in his mind, the real red-eyed black dragon immediately waved its wings and flew with Li Yalin. up to the sky.

Captain... Flying on a giant dragon

They stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, and it was not until there was another scream that they could call everyone's minds back.

There is no room for distraction on the battlefield. Although Li Yalin's riding a dragon is shocking, but now he must focus on killing the enemy, otherwise, he will end up being killed.

I can't manage that much anymore!

Li Yalin in the sky watched the scuffle on the ground, gritted his teeth and ignored it, and instead controlled the red-eyed black dragon to attack the gastratus in the air.

The target is the Gastrea in the air. If you don't get this thing done, you won't be able to win this battle!

"Xia Shi, tell everyone to fight calmly, and leave the gastritis in the air to me."


After notifying Xia Shi through the radio headset, Li Yalin immediately entered the fighting state. Although it was his first time riding a dragon to fight in the air, because he and the real red-eyed black dragon had a similar heart, it was not a problem to be a little jerky.

After summoning the true red-eyed black dragon, Li Yalin discovered that it is not difficult to control it well. As long as there is a thought in his mind, the true red-eyed black dragon will act according to the order. If he controls it carefully, he can do it very well. Cooperate.

But now, facing the gastritis in the air, Li Yalin naturally wants to make a quick decision, driving the red-eyed black dragon to rush forward, the body of the dragon and the gastritis are staggered, and a sword is added, and a gastrula will fall ground.

It seems... quite simple.

Gastraria in the air have the most advantage because they can fight at high altitudes. Under normal circumstances, they can't be beaten at all, but they can use the convenience of the air to carry out harassment tactics.

But now, with an opponent who can also fly in the air, the gastrella is a tragedy.

In terms of speed, Gastrea is far from being comparable to the true red-eyed black dragon. In terms of strength, they are also completely defeated. Even if they are superior in number, they cannot be opponents.

The one-sided massacre just unfolded in the air.

"The leader is mighty! Long live the leader!"

From time to time, a gastritis will fall to the ground. Seeing this scene, the policemen naturally cheered again and again. After all, the gastrogut in the sky is the biggest threat to the police force now. Now that Li Yalin takes action, this battle will There is no more suspense.

As for whether Li Yalin is riding a giant dragon or a gastritis, no one thinks so much now, as long as he can win, it doesn't matter what he is and what, he can win.

Those who can become policemen must be different from ordinary people, at least they will not be pedantic people, otherwise, they would not be able to accept fighting with the cursed child.

Even if Li Yalin was really riding a gastritis, the policemen would only be thankful for that, at least this gastrella was on their side, right

It should be resolved now.

With the cheers from the ground, Li Yalin killed the gastritis in the air one after another. Seeing that there were only single-digit gastratus left, Li Yalin also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this battle was fought hard, at least it was able to win the victory. It took a considerable amount of time. After the battle was over, the Tokyo area would be completely safe after the megalithic monument was rebuilt.

As for Aldebaran, I will find a chance to kill it!

Just as Li Yalin was thinking this way, a flash of light suddenly crossed the sky, and Li Yalin could see clearly at this time, this flash... oh no, it should be said that it was an object shining with silver light, and it was moving towards him with an extremely Astonishing speed straight ahead!

not good!

Li Yalin shivered subconsciously, mentally controlled the red-eyed black dragon to make an emergency landing, but it was too late to move again, the silver object had already hit Li Yalin in front of him!