The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2: True Demon King Cultivation System


Unexpectedly, this time Li Yalin understood the other party's words, and at this time he also felt that there seemed to be a lot of things in his mind, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember what it was.

etc! What did this girl say just now? His Majesty the Demon King? Where is the devil

Looking back and forth from left to right, Li Yalin found that there was no one else kneeling besides him. Could it be that the devil she was talking about was himself

If this is the case, then the joke is big.

"That..." Li Yalin opened his mouth to ask, but just after uttering two words, he suddenly realized that this is not the Chinese he is familiar with, but it is a bit like the language that the girl spoke just now. Why does this have its own translation

Huh? Li Yalin's expression was very strange, what's going on

"Please don't panic, Your Majesty the Demon King. You have just accepted the inheritance, and it is normal that you are not used to it." Maybe seeing Li Yalin's panic, the girl opposite immediately stood up and explained to Li Yalin very solemnly.

"Inheritance? What do you mean? And the Lord Demon King you mentioned, don't you just mean me?" Li Yalin stretched out his finger stiffly and pointed to his nose. If this is a joke, please tell me immediately.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Demon King, from today onwards, you will be the thirty-second Demon King of our True Demon Kingdom!" The girl's answer made Li Yalin a little desperate. The inexplicable package was inexplicably arrested, and now it has become inexplicably Devil

Li Yalin very much hoped that this was a dream, but it was a pity that he was lying in the luxurious mansion belonging to the devil. After sleeping and waking up, he opened his eyes several times, only to find that he was facing the same ceiling.

This is not a dream, but a reality that can no longer be cheated!

Fortunately, Li Yalin quickly accepted this reality, but at this moment, human survival instinct burst out, he can't stay here, he wants to go home!

Since you can come here, you can definitely go back! Demon king or something, whoever likes to be the one should go, anyway, I have no interest in it!

Li Yalin is a man of action, as long as he thinks of something, he will do it immediately, not to mention that it is a major matter related to his life.

It's just that his action, before it even started, was completely over.

Camel, that flaxen-colored ponytail girl from before, was actually guarding the door of Li Yalin's room. As soon as Li Yalin opened the door, he could see Camel half-kneeling in front of him, waiting for orders.

What the hell is going on! Rather than waiting for orders, this is clearly monitoring!

No, I have to think of a way, collect the necessary information, and find my way home!

"That... Kamal, right, can you come in and have a chat with me?"

After sorting out his chaotic thoughts, Li Yalin tried his best to put on the most amiable expression, and waved to Kamel with a smile.

"It's my honor, Your Majesty the Demon King!" Camel put her right hand on her chest, and saluted Li Yalin, always feeling like a soldier.

"Don't be so serious, we're just chatting normally." Seeing that Kamael really respected him, Li Yalin gradually let go of his courage. After all, the beautiful girl in front of him is very likely to be a female devil. Come out, the demon king's men, what is it if it's not a demon

Li Yalin was very nervous at the beginning. At this moment, it would be bragging to say that he can still be calm, but Kamel's attitude finally made Li Yalin completely relaxed. The two asked and answered, which made him gain A lot of information.

For example, where Li Yalin is now is the Blood Alliance City, the capital of the Real Demon Kingdom, a castle that only the Demon King can rule!

True Demon Kingdom and Blood Alliance City? After hearing these two names, Li Yalin had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. If there is another middle school justice demon king who was stuffed into the toilet by a bad/good boy and traveled to another world, he would be more familiar.

It's a pity that there is no righteous devil in the second class, but there is one unlucky devil. Li Yalin feels that he has no strength and no magic power. It is purely accidental to travel to this inexplicable world. How could he be the devil

But Camel was very sure about this. She said that Li Yalin had accepted the inheritance of the previous Demon King, so Li Yalin was the thirty-second Demon King!


After Camel resigned, Li Yalin looked at his hands in confusion. Does this count as accepting the inheritance of the Demon King? Just one more automatic translation function

No no no! Sure enough, there is still something wrong!

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Yalin couldn't think of a reason, and he scratched his hair vigorously. He didn't have any clue at all. Could it be that he just went along with the situation

To be honest, Li Yalin wanted to go home very much, but he couldn't find a way to go home. When he asked Kamailer, she knew nothing about it. Li Yalin had no other choice except to stay in the room and worry.

"Ding! The test is complete and the data is loading..."

Just when Li Yalin was distressed, suddenly! The sound in his ears made Li Yalin jump up from bed instantly.

Who is speaking

Li Yalin turned his head left and right, but there was no one else in the room except him.

"Confirm the carrier, the fit is 100%, fusion is in progress..."

What's the meaning

"The fusion is complete, confirm the identity of the host, and start the cultivation system of the true devil king..."

When the voice of this sentence was over, Li Yalin was shocked to find that a virtual screen appeared in front of him. On the top of the screen were written the words "True Demon King Cultivation System" in Chinese characters!

What is this long-lost intimacy? Although he was in another world not long ago, Li Yalin felt inexplicably kind when he saw these Chinese characters.

Kindness is kindness, but what is the situation of this real devil cultivation system

Seeing that there are two options on this virtual screen, one is character attributes, and the other is system tasks. Li Yalin tried to click on character attributes, and a new page immediately appeared in front of him.

Name: Li Yalin

Title: Thirty-second Demon King of the Real Demon Kingdom

System Evaluation: Rookie Demon King

talent: no

Weaponry: none

Skills: none


Very good, after seeing his attributes, Li Yalin was completely speechless, rookie devil? The description is quite appropriate, but what do the following three question marks mean? Unopened or undeveloped? What triggers are needed

Look at another task system, and see that except for a line of words, the rest is gray and black, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Demon King's Growth Quest—The content of the mission is unknown, and the reward is unknown. Do you want to start the mission immediately

Such a silly introduction, since it is a task, you should at least give me some hints! Without knowing the content and rewards like this, who would dare to open it casually

To be honest, Li Yalin is very speechless about this real devil cultivation system. Apart from complaining about himself, the character attributes have no other functions at all. The system tasks are still a pit, so what's the use

People have some cheats when they travel to other worlds, but they get a cheating system when they travel to other worlds. Li Yalin expresses dissatisfaction with this, but suffers from nowhere to complain, and even has no chance to return or exchange the goods.

Fortunately, this cheating system can be turned on and off at any time. After some trials, Li Yalin found that as long as he closed the system silently in his heart, the interface in front of him would disappear without a trace, which finally made him heave a sigh of relief.

If this interface does not disappear, staring at this thing all day will break people down.

"Your Majesty the Demon King, please come and have dinner."

After turning off the system, Li Yalin found that he had nothing to do except lie in bed in a daze, and just when he was bored, a series of knocks on the door sounded, and at the same time, Camel's voice came from outside the door.

"Oh, here we come."

It’s okay not to mention, but with Camel’s reminder, Li Yalin remembered that he seemed to have not eaten for a day, touched his shriveled stomach, and sure enough, filling his stomach was the top priority.

Opening the door, Li Yalin came to the restaurant in the castle under the leadership of Kamel. Is the restaurant a bit too big

When Li Yalin saw the ten-meter-long table in the middle of the restaurant, he felt uneasy for a while. This kind of plot only appeared in movies or comics! What will the devil's dinner be like? A feast of blood and flesh

Thinking of this, Li Yalin suddenly felt a burst of regret, did he want to find an excuse to slip away first