The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 21: Tongzi... sister?


The greater the danger he endured, the more rewards he would get. Li Yalin's equipment became unprecedentedly luxurious even after killing the bosses on the first, second, and second floors.

Do you want to go directly to try to get through the third floor BOSS

Sure enough, after gaining strength, people became more and more courageous. When Li Yalin was equipped with the bone-crushing ashes suit, the first thought in his mind was to continue the strategy and see what the boss on the third floor would bring. What a pleasant surprise.

However, as soon as this thought came up, Li Yalin immediately abandoned it. The words of the former devil king were still ringing in his ears just now. Steady action is the kingly way.

You know, this is not a game, and there will be no resurrection after death, death is death, and there will really be nothing at that time.

After calming down, Li Yalin found that he had finally recovered his previous state before moving on.

The next thing Li Yalin needs to do is to open the portal of Zmuft in the main street on the third floor. Then game players can directly go to the third floor through the portals on the first two floors to explore the third floor. .

There is no system announcement in this world, and no one has noticed that Li Yalin killed the second floor boss and connected to the portal.

It wasn't until some players passed through the portal that they discovered that there was a third floor option, which caused an uproar. At this time, Li Yalin had already returned to the guild headquarters on the first floor.

The second floor boss was killed! It's only been half a month since we cleared the first floor. Who actually did it? Why so silently? Why is no one coming to announce this information

It's really weird, no news has been released before, but the fact is so shocking.

All of a sudden, rumors spread everywhere, and everyone speculated, but no one knew the truth. It should be said that even if you tell everyone the truth now, no one would believe it.

After all, killing two bosses in a row by one person is simply not something humans can do.

But thinking about it the other way around, just like what the previous demon king said, Li Yalin is no longer a human being. If humans can't do it, can't the demon king still be able to do it

Of course, Li Yalin didn't pay any attention to the rumors outside. He is now actively supplementing his sleep. As soon as he returned to the guild headquarters, he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

After sleeping for a whole day and night, Li Yalin finally got rid of the fatigue from the battle, but now is not the time to enjoy it, since he hasn't returned to the guild for such a long time, there must be a lot of things waiting for Li Yalin to deal with.

Although Yulier is there, Yulier is not omnipotent. Only Li Yalin can make decisions on some things, otherwise he, the president, would not be in name only.

"Youlier, how are the guild members doing monster spawning now? During my absence, have there been any accidents?" Although there are many things to deal with, Li Yalin is most concerned about the strength of the guild partners. After all, this is the most important thing in comparison.

"It went very smoothly. Master Yalin, the help you found is very powerful, and the guidance is also in place. We did not suffer any casualties during the monster spawning period, and now most of the guild members dare to take up weapons and face the wild area independently. It's a monster." Yulier answered very quickly, and there was a hint of relief in her voice.

It seems that Yulier is really happy to see such a smooth development of the guild. Although it is not necessary to transform the guild members into combat players, having a little self-preservation is also an important guarantee for everyone's future survival.

Knowing this, Yulier is very grateful to Li Yalin. After all, everyone can have today because of Li Yalin's blessing.

Without Li Yalin, Yulier could hardly imagine what a tragic end she would have ended up in. Maybe she would have died at the claws of the monster in the first place.

Most of the partners in the guild have the same experience as Yulier. After all, female players are more disadvantaged than male players from the beginning. Without good protection, they simply cannot survive.

"That's it, that's good." Li Yalin nodded with satisfaction when he heard that. Sure enough, Tongren was very powerful, and the original choice was correct.

"However, Lord Yalin, according to the agreement, the helper you hired has performed all his duties today. Look now..."

"Is it time already? Where is he? I'll go talk to him now."

After being reminded by Li Yeer, Li Yalin suddenly remembered that he signed a short-term contract with Tongren, and he quit working for him after half a month, but if such a big help can't be used for his own use What a pity.

Li Yalin is now the head of the guild, and what needs to be considered is how to better develop the guild, so as to bring him more benefits. Talents like Kirito must never give up.

What's more, Li Yalin now intends to develop a combat team. Although it was the right choice to form a living player guild in the early stage, as time goes by, the proportion of living players in the game will become lower and lower. A fighting game, knives and swords are the main theme of this world.

Thinking about it this way, Li Yalin will fight for Kirito even more. Fortunately, he has not left the guild immediately, so after Li Yalin got Kirito's position from Yulier, he immediately went straight to the room where Kirito was.

He is now ready to have a good chat with Kirito.

But just when Li Yalin came to the door of Tongren's room, he was surprised to hear that there was a sound of playfulness in the room. What's the situation? Could it be that Kirito and a certain girl in the guild...

No, no, Tong Tong is so talented, it seems that he is only fourteen years old this year, a fourteen-year-old kid knows what a fool, hallucinations! This is definitely an illusion!

Although Li Yalin wanted to deceive himself and others, the laughter in the room was still there. Gradually, Li Yalin became more and more restless. A winner in life deserves to be a winner in life. He can hook up with a girl at only fourteen years old. Think about yourself at fourteen years old What was he doing when he was young, Li Yalin suddenly felt that he had failed so far in life.

What a joke! Life winners or something, accept the wrath of my big FFF group!

At the moment, Li Yalin didn't care if he disturbed others or not, he went up and knocked on the door, and the noise of playfulness in the room stopped in an instant.

"can I help you?"

After a while, the door was opened with a creak, and Tongren walked out of the room frowning slightly, but when Li Yalin glanced at the room from the corner of his eye, he was greatly surprised.


Li Yalin never thought that it would be Silica who was playing with Kirito in the room just now. When did she have such a good relationship with Kirito

It can be said that Silica was the first game player Li Yalin met in this world. Since then, the two have spent a lot of time together. Silica often sticks to Li Yalin's back like a small tail, and they are always inseparable. .

To Li Yalin, Silica is like a little sister who needs to be cared for, but he never expected that during the short half month since he left, Silica and Kirito had such a hot fight .

Should it be said that it is Kirito's former harem? Sure enough, the speed of attacking is different.

Li Yalin would never admit that he was jealous, but the slight sourness in his heart couldn't be removed no matter what.

This feeling, as if my toy was suddenly snatched away, although I am not reluctant, but I will still be upset after all.

"Huh? Brother Yalin, why are you here?" Hearing Li Yalin's voice, Silica ran out of the room immediately. Seeing her cute smiling face that day, Li Yalin didn't know what to say for a while. as well.

"that… "

"I got it! Brother Yaling wanted to discuss with Sister Tongzi and let Sister Tongzi stay, right?"

"Tongzi... sister?"