The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2109: Do you want to attack Master Alin?


The relationship between Li Yalin and Lai Yin did not break through the last layer, and the relationship between the fiancee has been maintained until today. This is not because Li Yalin does not want to go further with Lai Yin, but because the burden on Lai Yin is too heavy.

With Li Yalin's ability, it is not a problem to share the burden for Rhine, but the real key is that this is not a problem that he can solve with his help.

Many things in hell are very complicated. When Rhine stepped forward, it was doomed that she would never be able to escape again, and hell would be forever united with her destiny.

But does this mean that Rhine likes to stay in hell

No, once upon a time, Rhine might have thought that hell was everything, but after she got to know Li Yalin and her cognition changed, she realized that the outside world was wider.

More than once, Rhine had fantasized about leaving hell, even if it was only for one day, she also wanted to see those truly beautiful worlds, but unfortunately, she couldn't do it, because hell couldn't leave her, and she couldn't leave hell either.

In order to make Hell truly settle down, Rhine has made countless efforts, because she knows that as long as Hell is truly settled down, it may be the moment when her wish comes true.

And now, has hell really settled down

No, hell is not completely stable, but if you want to take a little vacation and relax for a few days, it may not be a big problem.

It is also because of this that Rhine, who got the promise from Li Yalin, will be very excited. This is her long-awaited trip, and she can bring her good friend Su with her. It is really great news, isn't it

Yes, Rhine cheered for Li Yalin's promise, but Albedo, who was the guardian of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, her pretty face collapsed because she received Li Yalin's entrustment, She's taking over hell for a while after the war in the world of Devil's High School is over.

'That little bitch! Little wave hoof! She is so favored by Lord Yalin! '

Biting the handkerchief, Albedo's dissatisfaction was palpable, anyone could see that she was in a very bad mood right now, very bad!

Of course, Albedo wasn't targeting Li Yalin, she was just expressing her dissatisfaction with Rhine. In terms of her character, being able to hold back her thoughts without swearing was considered a great patience.

Regarding this point, those who are familiar with Albedo's character are very clear. Didn't they see that everyone is retreating subconsciously at this time, especially the siblings Aura and Mare, who don't want to cause trouble, have already Ready to escape at any time.

If Albedo, who became angry from embarrassment, got into trouble, she would be asking for trouble.

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin was actually quite helpless. He knew that Albedo might have emotions, but he didn't expect her emotions to be so strong. Although he was restraining, if the anger couldn't be vented, it would definitely become a problem Is not it.

This time back to the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Li Yalin first found his daughter Liz, and after being intimate with her, he summoned the guardians of all levels of the Great Tomb.

Over the years, these stratum guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick have become one of the top combat forces in Li Yalin's hands. Although the world of the devil's high school does not necessarily have to let these top combat forces take action, in order to avoid accidents, Li Yalin feels that It's better to let a few masters who can do it with you.

It's just that he didn't convey his meaning. First of all, he simply explained his intention to everyone, explaining that the world of Demon High School is about to be invaded, and he will lead ten thousand demon lords to support the world of Demon High School.

Immediately afterwards, he said that he planned to take Rhine away for a period of time after the war. During this time, Albedo would be in charge of managing Hell.

It would be strange if Albedo wasn't annoyed by this kind of statement, but in fact, it didn't matter, because Li Yalin was already ready to deal with Albedo.

"Speaking of which, for this assistance work, I still need some top experts to help me in case of emergency."

Having said that, everyone already understands Li Yalin's meaning very well. The high-end combat power in hell is nothing more than the guardians on the side of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Who else can there be

"Yuri, this time the Pleiades star cluster is led by you, come with me."

Logically speaking, the battle maids of the Pleiades star cluster cannot be compared with the guardians of all levels of the Great Tomb. After all, there are indeed too many levels of strength. However, after a long period of careful training, their growth is amazing, which makes Li Yalin very happy. satisfaction.

At least this time, the battle maids of the Pleiades star cluster are the designated candidates to assist the demon high school world, and they will definitely follow.

Although the real leader of the Pleiades star cluster should be Sebastian, who is the steward of the Great Tomb, but who will lead the team is not a matter of Li Yalin's words. He wants the Headless Horseman who is the vice-captain to lead the team. Naturally, Li It's best to take the lead.

As for Sebastian himself, um, it's better to let him stay in the tomb, after all, there are a lot of internal affairs here that need to be handled by him as the housekeeper.

"Yes! Lord Yalin!"

Although Li Yalin summoned the guardians of the strata this time, as the actual owner of the great tomb of Nazarick, Li Yalin just waved his hand, and the battle maids of the Pleiades star cluster would be sent over immediately.

At the beginning, these battle maids didn't understand the situation, but after understanding their mission, their expressions immediately became excited.

Especially the werewolf's younger sister, Lupus Regina, she almost jumped up, didn't she! Even Yuri, the headless horseman girl who has always been mature and stable, smiled, and the only ones who were expressionless were Narberal, who always gave people the feeling of an iceberg beauty, and Xizi, who was an automaton.

Of course, even if they had no expressions, everyone could feel the joy in their hearts. Everyone would feel bored after staying in the tomb for such a long time. After finally going out on a mission, they would definitely not be able to maintain their composure.

But also because of this, these battle maids of the Pleiades star cluster quickly attracted Albedo's hostility.

Glaring at the joyous maids in front of her, Albedo's teeth were almost gritted. Of course she knew how lucky the Pleiades star cluster was, and it was to accompany Lord Yalin to another world to fight!

Now she can't wait to change her status as the guardian chief with those battle maids. At least in that case, she can always follow Li Yalin.

It's a pity that she couldn't do it, so her anger could only be transferred to the battle maids in the Pleiades star cluster, and she couldn't express it yet.

For this scene, Li Yalin saw it in his eyes and felt helpless in his heart.

Most of the girls around him are kind. After all, he really likes those innocent and lovely girls, but in this Nazarick tomb, good people are the scarcest resource.

To say the least, there aren't many neutral characters.

Take this Albedo as an example. If it is really counted, she is definitely an extremely evil existence. If there is no suppression by Li Yalin, if she is allowed to go to the secular world like this, that world will be destroyed 100%.

This is a no-brainer.

It was also because of this that even if he was going to take Albedo away, he still had to fulfill the three chapters of the contract. The Pleiades star cluster was just an appetizer, and then the real drama began.

"If it's just the Pleiades star cluster, there might not be enough manpower. But this time we are going to the human world. If we don't know how to abide by the rules, I will have a headache, so it is better to choose some rational and reliable people."

"Aura, Mare, do you want to come with me? If you can be obedient and don't cause trouble for me, I will take you on this trip."

Groping his chin, Li Yalin seemed to be talking to himself, but he was actually talking to the guardians of these classes.

When it came to the end, Li Yalin looked at the dark elf siblings. Don't look at this pair of little guys who look insignificant, but in terms of strength, they are definitely top-notch. Naturally, they are the targets he wants to take away.

"Master Yalin! We will be obedient!"

Aura and Mare's siblings are very clear that this time they are favored by the almighty Supreme Lord Arin, which will definitely arouse Albedo's anger, but in comparison, they are more yearning for this mission, so the balance When they got down, of course they cheered and threw themselves in front of Li Yalin.

Of course, even without this clause, they would never have dared to refute Li Yalin's order, even in such a deliberative tone.

The siblings Aura and Ma Lei were taken away by Li Yalin, which naturally aroused Albedo's anger even more. It is not easy for her to be able to hold it until now, but in front of Li Yalin, she certainly can't. Vent this anger until Li Yalin turned his gaze to Shalltear.

As Albedo's biggest competitor, Shalltear's 'threat' was very great, at least in terms of competing for favor, Albedo would not allow herself to fall behind no matter what.

So now, when Li Yalin's words further stimulated Albedo, can she continue to endure it

The answer is absolutely no.

"Shalltear, you..."

"Master Yalin!"

Li Yalin's eyes turned to Shalltear, and before he finished speaking, everyone understood what he meant, and because of this, Albedo left violently.

She rushed to Li Yalin almost at the speed of teleportation. She could bear everything else, but she couldn't bear to take Shalltiya away and leave her behind. The showy expression that Tia might show in front of her made Albedo feel a burst of madness.

no! Absolutely not allowed!

"Albedo! What are you doing!"

"Do you want to attack Lord Yalin!"

Albedo's almost crazy behavior naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the guardians of several other classes. Although she is the head of the guardians, but when it comes to the real chapter, the identity of this head may not be easy to use.