The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2116: If you are excited, why don't you act quickly?


It is not beyond Li Yalin's expectation to get the support of Claudia and Julis. After all, they are all girls who are close to him. He still has some confidence in this.

But there is no need to help or something for the time being. There is one more important thing right now, which Li Yalin needs to tell Julis.

This time, he will bring Julis a surprise.

"Julis, there is someone who has always wanted to see you."

Li Yalin smiled mysteriously at Julis, but Li Yalin did not forget that after so many years, there was a person who always wanted to meet Julis again, and now he finally had the opportunity, and it was time for them to meet again, right

"Anyone want to see me?"

Li Yalin's smile made Julis slightly startled, she still didn't understand the situation.

However, next, Li Yalin did not answer Julis' doubts, but let the person who wanted to see her appear in front of everyone.

"Are you... Ophelia?"

The sudden appearance of a figure startled all the girls present. It seemed to appear out of thin air, making people unprepared.

But despite being surprised, when Julis saw the figure clearly, she cheered in surprise and rushed towards the figure.

Yes, what appeared in front of everyone at this moment was Julis's childhood friend, who was used as an experiment and transformed into a lonely poisonous witch, and was finally rescued by Li Yalin's Ophelia Landolofen.

Since Ophelia was sent into the prop space, she never came out again, so of course, she spent a long time with Li Yalin.

After Ophelia's body was healed, her mental trauma was also fully recovered with the help of Li Yalin. Needless to say, as the war escalates, Ophelia must also be used as a combat force. into the war.

Today, she is no longer the lonely poisonous witch she used to be. While returning to normal, she has been reborn and has become the strongest existence under Li Yalin in this world.

That's right, even Fan Xinglu is no match for her, her strength has long surpassed this world!

"What a terrifying breath!"

Finally reunited with her friend, Julis hadn't felt it yet, but Qi Lin, who was very sensitive to power, took several steps back because of Ophelia's appearance. This strong pressure made her unable to Eye to eye with Ophelia.

Not only Kirin, but Claudia and Saya also felt Ophelia's strength. Although they didn't react too exaggeratedly, the two of them still couldn't help but looked at each other.

Is this the power of the Lonely Poisonous Witch

Is she really that strong

That's right! Ophelia is so strong!

This time Li Yalin brought Ophelia back, reuniting her with Julis on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was preparing to let her join the battle.

After all, this is also Ophelia's world, and it is her duty to protect this world. Li Yalin also discussed it with her before.

As for what to do next, Li Yalin has fully considered this issue.

Ophelia and Julis were indeed reunited, but there was not much time left for them. After just one night, Li Yalin took Ophelia and Claudia to the Seventh Academy of Jielong to visit Wanyou Tianluo Fan Xinglu.

This is his first stop, and I hope there will be a good sign. Although the task is a bit difficult, it is also a good challenge.

So, what did Li Yalin want to do when he came to see Fan Xinglu

"Huh? You asked my mother to help you control the entire Seventh Academy of Realm Dragon, and then take down the entire Realm Dragon Consortium? What is this? Is this a popular joke this year?"

Seeing Fan Xinglu's reaction, everyone probably guessed it. That's right, Li Yalin is here to recruit Fan Xinglu into his gang.

You know, Fan Xinglu can be regarded as one of the strongest in the world. At that time, Li Yalin was looking forward to how strong she would be after she regained her true self. Although now he can completely abuse this thousand-year-old girl, but he She still values Fan Xinglu's strength very much.

What's more, Fan Xinglu's high status in Jielong can also bring great convenience to Li Yalin, and this alone is worth his wooing.

It's a pity that before Li Yalin explained the truth, Fan Xinglu would only think that he was crazy. It's no wonder that anyone's first reaction should be like this.

"Although I like to tell jokes very much, I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood for joking this time. I need your strength and the full cooperation of Jielong, but as an outsider, it's hard to have these, so I Decided to take the initiative to fight for it.”

Smiling towards Fan Xinglu, Li Yalin's expression should be as indifferent at this time, but what he said is definitely at the level of landslides and earth cracks.

At least if his words were heard by others, their jaws would definitely drop.

"Take the initiative to fight for it? Interesting, why do you think my old lady will help you?"

Looking at Li Yalin with her arms crossed, Fan Xinglu frowned slightly, but then eased up.

She knew very well that Li Yalin suddenly ran over and said these things to her, it was absolutely impossible to be just joking, because she could tell that Li Yalin was absolutely serious.

It was also because of this that she had to figure out what was going on!

"About this question, my first answer is that the world is about to end, and only I can save it, but I don't want pig teammates to appear at critical moments, so I want to eliminate all hidden dangers in the infancy, The six consortiums of unified enterprises are all hidden dangers, either they are under my control, or they are completely destroyed, there is no third way to choose."

"As for the second answer, it is even simpler. Since ancient times, the strong are respected. I am stronger than you, so you have to listen to me. Don't rush to deny it. You can compete with our Ophelia first. Let's take a look at the gap between you, and it's not too late to tell me your decision."

Li Yalin didn't hesitate to answer Fan Xinglu's question, but what he said was really domineering, at least Claudia felt it was very harsh.

"The Lone Poison Witch?"

Claudia felt that these words were harsh, but Fan Xinglu's reaction was not as great as expected. As Li Yalin's voice fell, her gaze also turned to Ophelia.

At the moment when Fan Xinglu and Ophelia looked into each other's eyes, a gleam of light flashed in Fan Xinglu's eyes. It was obvious that Ophelia's power made her interested.

"Interesting, although I don't know why the Lone Poison Witch has changed so much in a few months, but her strength has really moved my heart!"

Fan Xinglu has always been interested in the strong, so Ophelia's strength can naturally impress her.

"Is your heart moved? Why don't you act quickly if your heart is moved?"

Fan Xinglu's reaction was within Li Yalin's expectations, so there's no need to talk nonsense, just start the fight without explaining!

"Ophelia, the Poisonous Witch...why is her power so terrifying?"

Half an hour later, when Li Yalin walked out of Jielong Seventh Academy, he had already reached a consensus with Fan Xinglu. In the future, Fan Xinglu would do his best to help him win the Jielong Consortium. More importantly, all her disciples would also plan to Commanded by Li Yalin.

As for her purpose, needless to say, it must be to save the world. After all, Li Yalin has already proved to her the coming war with facts.

However, after leaving the Seventh Academy of Realm Dragon, Claudia's expression still had a little bit of disbelief, and there was nothing she could do about it. The scene that happened just now really shocked her too much.

God... that's Fan Xinglu! The Heavenly Law of the Seventh Academy of Jielong! When had she been pinned to the ground and beaten violently

However, Ophelia did it. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Claudia would not have believed her eyes.

That's true, but the question is, why did Ophelia, the Poisonous Witch, become so strong

If it had nothing to do with Li Yalin, Claudia would not believe it even if she was killed. Because of this, Claudia was convinced that Li Yalin definitely had a lot of things that she didn't explain to herself. This feeling of being kept in the dark, Really not good.

"What Ophelia is using now is not just the star power, but another kind of power, a power that does not belong to this world."

"Claudia, I know you still have a lot of doubts in your heart, don't worry, I will explain it clearly to you."

Claudia was wondering, but she didn't ask directly. Li Yalin knew this well, and because of this, he knew that he needed to tell more truth.

As I said before, he needs to progress step by step. After a day of buffering, how much can Claudia accept now

"You don't belong to this world?"

"A war across multiple worlds?"

Well, no matter how strong Claudia's receptivity is, so much information pouring into her head will still short-circuit her for a while.

It's no wonder why these truths are so hard to digest.

"You are an alien?"

Until the end, Claudia looked at Li Yalin in a daze, as if meeting him for the first time.

"If you want to think so, it's okay."

Shrugging helplessly, Li Yalin always felt that Claudia's reaction was different from what he imagined.

"Ophelia became so powerful because of you?"

"That's right, of course there are also factors of her own hard work."

"You said you are the devil, so you must have destroyed many worlds?"

"Although I am indeed the devil, but I seem to have been doing the work of the savior..."

"Then you are really incompetent as a demon king. Forget it, the next question is, since you are a demon king, you must have occupied a lot of women, right? Have you never lacked women around you?"

"Claudia, what are you trying to say?"

With Claudia asking one question after another, why does Li Yalin always feel that the question is starting to go slightly off track