The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2118: I can understand your mood


Will magical weapons really invade this world

Will the world really usher in war

To be honest, when everything has not really started right, no one can guarantee this, even if Li Yalin did show extremely powerful strength, and won four unified and enterprise consortiums in just one month.

However, on this day, all doubts were resolved, because on this day, the enemy really appeared!

"Magic weapon... is that a magic weapon..."

Watching the steel giants appearing in the video and witnessing the scenes of cities being destroyed, everyone held their breath at that moment.

Although they had already prepared in their hearts, when things came to an end, they found that they were still nervous.

The war... is really coming!

"Fortunately, if these magical weapons appear two days earlier, we may not be able to successfully complete the fortifications. Now, let's let those magical weapons go wild."

Different from the shocked girls, Li Yalin's behavior at the moment is very calm, because he has already done what he should do, and what he needs to do now is to wait for the end of the probing attack of the magic weapon, and draw out the opponent's large army. Annihilate it.

What a perfect plan!

It's just that EP and Yangxue, the two unified enterprise consortiums, can only ask for more blessings. Li Yalin has warned them in advance, and there is nothing they can do if they don't listen.

Yes, in Li Yalin's plan, drawing out a large army of magic weapons is a very important link. In this case, he will definitely be beaten in the early stage. If he doesn't give the enemy some sweetness, how can he be fooled

For this reason, Li Yalin issued a mandatory evacuation order to the countries controlled by his four unified enterprise consortiums in this short period of time. Read the joke.

But now, it is estimated that EP and Yangxue will be about to cry without tears. Li Yalin will suffer a little economic loss at most, but the country under the management of EP and Yangxue will suffer a devastating blow!

Of course, with the strength of EP and Yangxue, the two unified consortia, they will definitely be able to last for a while. Li Yalin is also happy to watch them get beaten. Anyway, they need cannon fodder anyway, and it is better to let their opponents be cannon fodder than to let themselves People as cannon fodder, okay

I just don't know what the expressions of EP and Yang Xue's high-level cadres are like at this moment, it will be interesting to think about it, isn't it

"Sophia? Why are you here?"

A whole week has passed since the magic weapons invaded this world, and during this week, at least one-third of the world has been turned into a battlefield.

Of course, most of these are EP and Yangxue's sites, and most of the sites where Li Yalin was attacked had no people, which caused those magical weapons to miss countless times.

It is also because of this that Li Yalin is quite leisurely in Asterisk. Anyway, it is impossible for magic weapons to invade here. What he needs to do now is to command individual battlefields, and the rest is to wait.

However, at such a waiting time, he ushered in an unexpected visitor.

The sudden visit of Sophia Fairclough from the He Ye Team belonging to Kui Enwei Children's Academy was unexpectedly unexpected by Li Yalin.

You know, although he has met this Sophia before, he is definitely not familiar with him. It has really been a long time since the last time we parted. What is she trying to do when she suddenly came here today

"Teacher Yalin..."

Although Sophia came to the door on her own initiative, she was quite nervous when facing Li Yalin. Not only did she stutter when she spoke, but her movements were also very stiff.

What's happening

"Student Sophia, if you have anything to say, just say it. I think you've put in so much effort to come to see me. You shouldn't just want to chat with me, right?"

Although I don't know why Sophia came to find me, and I don't know why she is so nervous, but one thing Li Yalin knows is that she can appear here now because someone has helped her.

Although he is not a big man with many things to do every day, he is not someone who can see him if he wants to. The area where he lives now has been designated as a forbidden area, and ordinary students can't get close at all.

In Li Yalin's mind, Silvia is the only one who is most likely to help Sophia. Apart from her, there is probably no one else who has such thoughts.

Since it was Silvia's kindness, Li Yalin must not let her down, so when facing Sophia, he had a faint smile on his lips, trying to calm her nervousness.

"me… "

Li Yalin's performance was perfect, but even so, Sophia was still very nervous, looking like she wanted to speak but couldn't speak, which could make people anxious to death.

"Can't you tell? It's okay, since Sophia, you can't tell, let your friends help."

Seeing that Sophia was still unable to open her mouth, Li Yalin simply waved her hand and told her not to speak.

Turning around again, walked to the door of the room, clicked the button on the wall, and the door opened with a bang.

The moment the door opened, several figures fell down, and after a closer look, they were none other than Sophia's teammates.

Wakamiya Mina Usagi, Liancheng Temple Yuyang, Heijiang Flockhart, and Nina Achenwal, all the members of the Heye team came out.

"teacher… "

"Teacher Yalin..."

Obviously, the girls outside the door never expected that their whereabouts would be exposed, let alone being caught by Li Yalin, so apart from the heartless girl Wakamiya Mina Rabbit, The other three blushed for a moment, and some couldn't face Li Yalin.

"Since they're all here, why don't you come in with Sophia? Forget it, those are trivial matters, Mina Rabbit, please explain the situation to me."

Looking at the girls in front of him with some amusement, Li Yalin shook his head lightly. These girls thought they were eavesdropping outside the door, but didn't they know

Thinking too much, okay

Having said that, Li Yalin didn't intend to reprimand them for anything, after all, it was harmless, rather, they helped a lot by doing so.

Sophia has been so difficult to speak, and I'm afraid it will be a stalemate for a long time. Now that there are a few more people, especially Wakamiya Mina Rabbit, it will make the atmosphere more relaxed.

What's more, he could also hear more intuitive answers from Mina Rabbit.


After hearing Li Yalin's words, Mina Wakamiya got up from the ground in a hurry, and saluted Li Yalin in a panic, which made people feel quite funny.

Although her actions were funny, what she said made people unable to laugh. Sophia came to Li Yalin this time for no small matter.

"So that's it. Are you here to intercede for President Ernest... Sophia, I can understand your feelings, but I regret to tell you that the decision on this matter is not up to me."

With the help of Mina Rabbit's description, Li Yalin finally understood Sophia's purpose.

As the younger sister of the student council president of Saint Gala Dovas, Sophia, she is very concerned about her brother, and she is naturally very clear that the recent invasion of magical weapons from another world has made her brother grey. .

You must know that he is not only the student council president of St. Gary Dowas, but also the next successor of the noble Faircliff family. Because of his own decision-making mistakes, not only the consortium belonging to his school was attacked by the enemy, but even himself I am afraid that the family's territory will not be kept.

Under such circumstances, Ernest finally knew how small his own strength was, and he had no room to resist against the real strength.

He is very clear that Li Yalin has considerable foresight, so he was approached to cooperate with him at the beginning, but he failed to trust the other party, which led to today's situation.

If I knew this earlier, even if I refused to cooperate with Li Yalin, I should do something, so I wouldn't end up where I am today, right

According to Yanest's calculations, if this continues, the EP consortium will fall in one month, at most one month. As for his family, it would be good to last for a week at most.

So reduced to this point, what can he do

Looking for Li Yalin for help

Don't make trouble, in Yanest's view, Li Yalin is just protecting himself now, and has no spare energy to help himself.

Now Ernest has no choice but to regret his stupidity back then.

It was also seeing her brother's decadent appearance that Sophia wanted to ask Li Yalin for help, hoping to get his help, but the problem is, Sophia also knew that it was not very good for her to do so, so she hesitated in her heart. Even if the words came to my lips, I couldn't say them.

It's all right now, with Mina Rabbit here, Sophia didn't need to say anything, she just said everything like beans, and because of this, the girls all cast expectant glances at Li Yalin.

It's a pity that Li Yalin will disappoint them.

Yes, when he said the regrettable words, Sophia's expression froze. Although she also knew that this kind of ending was the most likely, but it really happened, and it was still hard for her to accept it.

But is it really that simple

"You should have heard that I took the initiative to contact President Ernest and had a detailed discussion with him, but President Ernest did not believe me and expressed his unwillingness to cooperate with me, so It's not that I don't want to, but President Ernest is not."

"If President Ernest needed my assistance, he would have come a long time ago. There is no need to wait until today for a little girl like you to come forward, right?"

When Li Yalin said these words, his face was full of smiles, because he knew that the little girl opposite was going to be hooked! .