The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2119: The Sea Fog Fleet is directly under the Air Marine Corps?


"Brother, he already knew he was wrong! He really knew he was wrong! Teacher Yalin! Please give my brother a chance!"

Yes, the reason why Li Yalin said this was to throw out the bait, and at the same time his target, the simple Sophia, took the bait.

For Sophia, this was a hard-won turnaround. She thought it was completely useless, but in the end she didn't expect it, and she got an unexpected surprise.

Faced with this hard-won opportunity, of course she must firmly grasp it!

"As I said, the decision on this matter is not up to me, but to your brother, President Ernest, how he chooses. If this is what he wants, then he should be on my side. in front of you, not you, isn't it?"

Li Yalin said this, if Sophia still doesn't understand, then she is really stupid and sweet.

Fortunately, Sophia is very smart, she quickly thought of the key point from Li Yalin's words, and as for the next step, she couldn't have any hesitation.

Teacher Yalin hopes that his brother will come to him in person, right? If that's the case, then let my brother come in person!

That's right, Li Yalin was indeed trying to force Erneste to fight in person. After all, counting the time, it's almost time to close the net, so it's time to take down the two unified enterprise consortiums, P and Yangxue, isn't it

In the end, Yanest did come to Li Yalin to apologize and subdue, as Li Yalin calculated, for the sake of the school and the family, and promised to help Li Yalin win p.

It is also because of this that when Ernest acted out of selfishness, he was abandoned by his white sword, that is to say, everyone witnessed the depravity of this paladin.

It's an ironic scene, isn't it

Regarding the fact that he was abandoned by the white filter magic sword, Ernest seemed to have expected it a long time ago. After he helped Li Yalin control P and St. Gary Dowas, he voluntarily gave up the post of student council president, and even went from St. Gary Dowas dropped out of school.

It's not that he can't think about committing suicide, but he thinks that his academic career is over, and next, he will dedicate his life to the Fairclough family.

Yes, he decided to inherit the Fairclough family, sacrificing everything to restore the family.

Faced with such a result, what can Li Yalin say

Is it pathetic

Well, he is really not familiar with Agnest, and it seems that there is no reason to meddle in other people's business. People can do whatever they like, and it has nothing to do with him, as long as St. Galedovas and p are in control. Is it all right

That's right, that's good!

After P is also in the hands of Li Yalin, the only ones who are still struggling to support it are Yangxue's family and corporate consortium. Under the pressure of the corporate consortium, Yang Xue couldn't sustain it at all, and it was the general trend to be controlled by Li Yalin.

After all the Tonghe consortiums were under control, Li Yalin knew that it was time for him to move on to the next step!

"Publicly enlisting the Sea Fog Fleet directly under the Air Marine Corps? And only women can participate? And this magical weapon response team, only men can participate? What does this mean?"

Li Yalin's next plan is to start, but it makes everyone very puzzled.

What is the Sea Fog Fleet? Why never heard of it before

And what the hell is the Air Marine Corps? Why does a fleet that should be in the ocean need to deploy the Air Marine Corps? Also the Air Corps? Why fight on land if you can fly? This is completely inexplicable.

As for the Magical Weapons Response Team, this is understandable, but why are the two participating teams divided into men and women

"Well, I can't explain the details to you, anyway, you will know when the time comes."

Faced with the questions from the girls, Li Yalin scratched the back of his head subconsciously. Although he wanted to answer everyone, it was really hard to explain.

Simply let everyone see is believing.

"Battleship? Is that a battleship flying in the sky?"

Li Yalin's conscription announcement was released, and the target was limited to the Xingmai generation within the srs. This incident sparked a lot of discussion in a short period of time.

Just like the girl next to him, everyone wondered why there was a difference between men and women in the recruitment of members, and what was the situation with the Sea Mist Fleet directly under the Air Marine Corps and the Magical Weapons Response Team.

Regarding these questions, Li Yalin quickly gave answers.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, since everyone is curious, let you first see what the Sea Fog Fleet is!

For the first time, the Sea Fog Fleet made its public appearance in this world, headed by Yamato, supplemented by Musashi, who is also a super battleship, followed by a series of large ships such as Kaohsiung, King Kong, Maya, Hyuga, Kirishima and Shiina, plus that Countless mass-produced cruisers and destroyers appeared together, and the momentum was indeed amazing.

The Sea Mist Fleet descended, their numbers almost covering the sky and covering the sun, covering the entire SRS in shadow.

Faced with this situation, the entire SRS was in extreme shock.

"This is my first meeting, teachers and students of srs, I am subordinate to Lord Yalin, the flagship of this sea fog fleet, Yamato."

Before everyone recovered from the shock, countless projections were cast from those battleships, and the next moment, Yamato's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Although Yamato's gentle temperament is simply the most perfect Yamato Nadeko, but unfortunately, under the extreme shock, no one seems to be in the mood to appreciate Yamato's beauty.

Of course, that's not the point.

"This time, at Lord Yalin's order, we will select at least 200 women from the srs to become members of the Air Marine Corps of our sea fog fleet. Because the mental models of our sea fog warships are all female, we will only choose women As a member of the direct army, please forgive me for this."

"As for the Magical Weapons Response Team, it will be assigned to the 1st and 2nd Aviation Squadrons of the Blood Alliance Fleet to be in charge of dispatching and commanding. The specific information will be released in ten minutes. Please pay attention to inquiries."

"Then, in the next battle, please give me your advice. I hope we can work together to defeat the enemy. I am very happy to meet you in this world."

After saying these words, Yamato's figure disappeared from the screen projection, but her words lingered in everyone's ears for a long time, and they could never forget them.

There is no way, all of this happened too suddenly, and it was too shocking.

So this is the Sea Fog Fleet

With such a fleet, what enemy can't be dealt with

no! I had to be a member of that Air Marine Corps! Being able to become a direct member of such a force will surely kill all those damned enemies!

That's right!

That's it!

After reminiscing about Yamato's words, the male and female students in srs, including the teacher, can be said to be collectively boiling.

Since the arrival of the magical weapons, human beings have retreated again and again, without any hope of victory.

The enemy is too strong, even if it is the generation of Xingmai, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of those magical weapons.

This depressing atmosphere can be said to have permeated the entire SRS, until now, with the appearance of the Sea Fog Fleet, everything has changed.

The Air Corps, right? Only two hundred? good! One of the two hundred must have my name!

Although I don't know what the No. 1 and No. 2 Aviation Squadron of the Blood Alliance Fleet is, it may be shoulder to shoulder with the Sea Mist Fleet, and it is definitely not a weak one, especially since it is a magic weapon response team, and it is inevitable that I will participate!

With such thoughts, the men and women of SRS want to participate wholeheartedly, and because of this, Li Yalin is really a planner.

Although he didn't count this world as a source of soldiers at the beginning, but now he has this opportunity, of course he can't miss it.

That's right, he has already decided that if the girls are young, he will be carefully cultivated, and if the men are young, let them throw their heads and blood under the command of Sister Zhang Xiang. Anyway, it is the age of young and strong, and it is the time when the blood is surging.

If you like blood, I will give you blood. I am very considerate, am I not

Of course, conscription is only a part of the plan, and the biggest reason for the appearance of the Sea Fog Fleet is to blow the horn of counterattack.

After enduring it for such a long time, Li Yalin knew that the time had come. Almost all the large forces of magic weapons had arrived in this world. Seeing what the other party meant, they were preparing to launch a large-scale attack to completely occupy the world.

Well, now is definitely the best time to counterattack. Facing the sudden appearance of the sea fog fleet, how will the magical weapons react

To be honest, Li Yalin is really interested in this, but it's a pity that he can't see it, because next, he will command the sea fog fleet to launch a full-scale attack on the magic weapons!

Want to invade the world

Didn't you play very refreshingly before

Now let's see how happy you are!

Next, there will be a see-saw battle that will last for half a year. This is also impossible. After all, the magic weapon on the opposite side can also supply the source of troops. It is indeed very difficult to destroy the enemy in one go.

Moreover, in order to destroy the enemy as much as possible, Li Yalin also used the lure tactic at the beginning, dragging the enemy into the water little by little, and by the time the opponent reacted, he was already in the quagmire and could not get out at all.

Although this battle took a little longer, but to be reasonable, the effect is really ideal. The most important thing is that he finally took advantage of the wind and came to attack Huanglong once, killing the chief envoys who controlled the magic weapons. All the people captured!

What kind of acting queen who wants to revive the royal family, what kind of female guard captain who is dedicated to protecting the queen, what kind of female general, all of them are caught!

Absolute catch!