The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2120: This one hundred places is about to be decided


It is true that Li Yalin stayed in the world of Xuezhan City for a long time, and the half-year-long war has caused a lot of losses.

But at the same time, his harvest is also amazing. Not only has he cultivated a group of excellent subordinates, but he also captured all the enemies. By the end of the war, the magical weapons have completely become his private army.

The most important thing is that after defeating this wave of enemies, there are not many enemies left that need to be dealt with.

"I don't care about that much! In a word, you must give me a hundred places in the new army this time. I can guarantee that all of them are young and beautiful girls with high qualifications, and they definitely meet your requirements!"

The war in this world is over, but Li Yalin's war will still continue. Although there are not too many enemies to be dealt with next, he still has to maintain the quality and quantity of his troops.

The members of the Air Marine Corps previously assigned to the Sea Fog Fleet have fully grown up. It is no wonder that when the members were selected, this unit can be said to have included too many elites.

For example, Fan Xinglu's proud disciples such as Jielong's thunder halberd Qianhua Sexili, Tianke Wubu Zhao Hufeng, etc., as well as Saint Galedova's light-winged witch Letitia Blanchard, the excellent knight Paxivar Gardona and other elites.

These girls are already very talented, and with Li Yalin's special training and equipment blessing, their strength is of course rising steadily.

What's more, it's worth mentioning that among the Air Marine Corps, Kui Enwei Children's Academy has the largest number of members, which is something that no one would have thought of.

It's no wonder that Kui Enwei Children's Academy has never been good at strength, and it is normal to be underestimated.

It's just that everyone has overlooked a problem, that is, this school is a girls' school, and all the students who come out are female students, and the Air Marine Corps of the Sea Fog Fleet only recruits female members, which is quite natural, Kui Enwei Are the students of the Children's Academy accounted for an important proportion of the Marine Corps

At the beginning, everyone didn't understand the difference between the Air Marine Corps and the Magical Weapons Response Team, but now, after going through so many battles, everyone already knows it.

The Magical Weapons Response Team is the front row cannon fodder on the battlefield. Fighting on the most difficult battlefield, they may die at any time. Apart from the salary being generous enough, there is nothing worthy of praise.

In comparison, the Air Marine Corps is much superior. As a direct unit of the Sea Fog Fleet, the girls of the Air Marine Corps only need to cooperate with the Sea Fog Fleet to fight. Absolute guarantee.

More importantly, the girls in the Air Marine Corps can enjoy very rich resources, and they grow up naturally and swiftly. The superior conditions make the guys in the Magical Weapons Response Team envious.

It was precisely because of this that when Li Yalin was about to set up a new army after the war, and only recruited women, even Fan Xinglu couldn't sit still, and rushed to ask Li Yalin for a place.

"One hundred places is too much, right? Do you still have so many talents in Jielong?"

Regarding Fan Xinglu's old lady's attitude of openly going through the back door, Li Yalin pressed his temple helplessly. This time he formed a new army, and he didn't intend to make it too exaggerated. About two or three hundred people are enough. I also plan to take it to another world for training.

Now Fan Xinglu wants 100 places all at once, and he said that he is under a lot of pressure.

"Then don't worry about it, anyway, the one hundred places are going to be reserved!"

Since Li Yalin took control of the six major consortiums, the major consortiums were naturally managed by those brainwashed high-level cadres, while the six schools under the six major consortiums were separated separately.

For example, the Academy of Star Guidance Hall is now in the hands of Claudia alone, Fan Xinglu is in control of Jielong, the Alecante Research Institute is handed over to Camila, and Sylvia is responsible for the Kui Enwei Children's Academy. Cooperate with management.

It is worth mentioning that after Ernest quit St. Galedovas, Li Yalin promoted the school's original vice president, Letitia Blanchard, the Winged Witch of Light, to the president.

Although this girl later joined the Air Marine Corps of the Sea Mist Fleet and made outstanding achievements on the battlefield, when the war ended, she was still appointed by Li Yalin to control the entire Saint Gala Dovas.

Similar to Letitia Blanchard's situation, there is also Irene. Although she withdrew from Le Wolf Black Academy with Priscilla, she took control of Yang Xue under Li Yalin and kicked Di Lu away. After Ke, Le Wolf Black Academy was handed over to the sisters to control.

Of course, considering that the Wuer Sethe sisters are really not suitable for controlling a school, Li Yalin also specially assigned them an assistant, Kashimaru Korona, who was the secretary of the former student council president of Le Wolf Black Academy.

Don't look at her weak and clumsy, but she has a good understanding of the situation in Le Wolf Black Academy, and she can be useful at critical moments.

What's more, Li Yalin is backing a few girls behind the scenes, what else do they have to be afraid of

All in all, the six colleges are independent, and the controllers of each college naturally have to consider their own students. For example, Fan Xinglu, she is now going to put people under Li Yalin. Will Li Yalin refuse or accept it

To be honest, he is also annoying now.

It was true that the new army was going to be formed, but as soon as the news got out, the women in charge of the school all ran over as if they smelled a bloody shark.

In fact, Fan Xinglu was not the first to come. As early as when the news came out, Claudia came to the door and had an in-depth discussion with Li Yalin. Rejecting Claudia, right

On the other hand, Yi Renai was even more straightforward. She had spotted Li Yalin's death spot, knowing that he couldn't reject Priscilla, so she simply sold her sister over, what else could Li Yalin say

And Silvia, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The last time the Air Marine Corps was formed, the He Ye team headed by Mina Wakamiya was successfully selected, and its strength has grown by leaps and bounds. For this reason, others are envious.

No, the Lusa Luka band, who didn't participate in the election last time because of their reserve, completely abandoned their integrity at this moment, and directly approached their eternal rival Silvia, and asked Silvia to help create a chance. Michelle and Morgan Nika made a move, which made Li Yalin unable to refuse no matter what.

Although it is not a problem for Li Yalin to join Lusa Luka, but Silvia immediately took the opportunity to ask for a place, what else can he say

Fortunately, Alcante and St. Galedoise haven't acted yet, otherwise, God knows what else will come up.

After getting along for such a long time, everyone knows exactly what kind of temper Li Yalin is. Anyway, he just doesn’t eat the hard ones and eats the soft ones, and he can’t stand the hard work of the beautiful girl. If he decides to abandon his integrity , you can get unexpected gains.

In this case, there is no need to say more about what should be done.

Only Fan Xinglu, this millennium young girl, is the most troublesome. Even if she knows that Li Yalin will be soft and not hard, she still wants to fight hard with Li Yalin.

What's embarrassing is that Li Yalin really couldn't refuse her.

"Okay, okay, I see, isn't it just a quota of one hundred people, I'll just give it."

After pressing his temples again with some helplessness, Li Yalin didn't bother at all, he just wanted a quota, wouldn't it be okay for me to give you as much as you want!

Anyway, there are not too many beautiful and capable girls!

"That's about the same."

Li Yalin's side is a bit broken, but looking at Fan Xinglu, she is obviously very satisfied with Li Yalin's attitude.

"Oh, by the way, I think the men's army will be formed soon. How many places do you want? Give me the number now. At least I can make preparations in advance."

It is not a big deal for Fan Xinglu or Li Yalin to ask for a quota. After talking about the troops on the girl's side, Li Yalin naturally mentioned the male troops.

He knew that the news would be announced sooner or later anyway, so it was better to tell Fan Xinglu in advance, she must be very interested in it.

"Do you want to form a male army too? Four hundred people! I want at least four hundred people!"

Not to Li Yalin's surprise, when he finished speaking, Fan Xinglu's eyes lit up. Yes, she was also interested in the quota for male troops, and compared to the quota for women, she needed more quota for male troops.

Although the Magical Weapons Response Team is considered a cannon fodder force, the death rate is quite high, but even so, there are still many people who desperately want to join.

The reason is very simple, as long as the members of the magic weapon response team can survive, they will definitely become the real strong. If the death rate is high, they will also become stronger. As the Seventh Academy of Jielong with many male disciples, Fan Xinglu must strive for more places.

You know, like this male army, although Kui Enwei's Children's Academy is not interested, Jielong's competitiveness is still not as strong as that of Leiwolf Black Academy, St. Gary Dowas, and Star Guidance Hall.

Especially Le Wolf Black Academy, there are too many boys in this academy, if one fails, it will take away a lot of places from Jielong, which should not be underestimated.

"Four hundred people, that's a lot of people. Cheng, I understand, just four hundred people, just leave it to me."

Fan Xinglu opened his mouth and asked for four hundred places at once, which was indeed beyond Li Yalin's expectations.

But after thinking for a moment, he nodded and agreed with Fan Xinglu's figure.

Yes, after careful consideration, he felt that the number of troops could be increased appropriately. After all, not only the new female troops will be trained, but also the Air Marine Corps will need to make special arrangements. In this way, More manpower is needed, and it is a normal choice to increase the number.