The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 27: Strength beyond expectations?


Li Yalin's words were resounding and full of deterrence, and the moment his words fell, it also caused an even bigger commotion in the room.

What? Form a strategy group? Only the clearing group can attack the BOSS? Others can't touch the boss? Why

"Then, may I ask the chairman of "Rebirth", what are the conditions for joining the clearing group? How to distribute experience and rewards when defeating BOSS? Who will be in charge of directing operations? "

Amidst the noise, Heathcliff once again raised questions to Li Yalin, but judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was not particularly opposed to Li Yalin, but was just asking his own question.

"There is only one condition for joining the strategy group, that is, you must be strong enough! Every guild present, every player in this world, can join the strategy group without any problem, but there is only one prerequisite, that is, you must be strong enough !” At this point, Li Yalin deliberately paused, looked around at the various guild leaders, and then continued to speak.

"During the battle against the BOSS, once there is a behavior of paddling, or someone finds that you are not working hard, as soon as it is confirmed, you will be removed from the capture group immediately, and you will never be allowed to join it again. When you conquer the BOSS, the experience will be evenly distributed. Kill the BOSS The final rewards will be in a random mode, and whoever gets it will get it."

"As for who will command the battle, I will introduce myself here first, but this does not mean that I will monopolize the power. After the formation of the strategy team is completed, any guild with more than ten members who join the strategy team can choose one person as the leader. Guild representatives, how to attack the boss at that time will be planned by me and these representatives."

Regarding Heathcliff's question, Li Yalin had already prepared for it. After all, this was only the most basic question, and the answer was very simple.

The experience is divided equally, and the rewards are randomly based on luck. This is acceptable to everyone, but Li Yalin leads the strategy group, and there must be a guild with more than ten people participating in the strategy group to have the right to speak. The pot is gone.

There were few masters in these small guilds, and even fewer people dared to join the raiding group to kill the boss. Just because they didn't dare to raid the boss, didn't mean they didn't dare to flirt, get jealous, or question Li Yalin.

Especially what Li Yalin said made them feel that everything about them was completely controlled by others. Even if they didn't have the strength, they still wanted to fight for it instinctively.

"Why? Why should the strategy team be commanded by you!"

"Do you want to monopolize the power? Why do you?"

"That's right! Why?"

Why, why, countless people gathered together and pointed their finger at Li Yalin. Most of the guild presidents present were accusing Li Yalin of authoritarian power and questioning Li Yalin's ability. What's more, they even encouraged everyone Tap the table and leave.

Only the presidents of the large guilds remained silent, did not speak, let alone expressed anything.

"Shut up!"

Just when there was a lot of noise in the conference room, Li Yalin suddenly let out a roar, which calmed down everyone present.

What's the situation

Subconsciously shutting down, everyone focused their eyes on Li Yalin. At this time, Li Yalin was exuding a convincing pressure all over his body. The feeling of not being angry and arrogant was simply not like what humans can do. Own a sense of coercion!

"I know that some people will question me, so let me answer you now, why can I command the strategy team!"

Having said that, Li Yalin took a deep breath and said loudly as if he had used all his strength: "I killed the bosses on the first and second floors by myself! Just rely on this! What else do you have?" What do you want to say?"

What? Killed two bosses alone? is it possible

Facing Li Yalin's words, none of the presidents present was willing to believe it. After all, no matter how you say this kind of thing, it seems a bit too fantasy.

"If anyone doesn't believe it, you can raise it. No matter who the challenge is, I am willing to accept it. If I lose, I can announce that the "Rebirth" guild will be disbanded immediately! "

In front of everyone, Li Yalin made this bold statement, but in the face of such a powerful Li Yalin, none of the people present dared to stand up and challenge Li Yalin.

There is no way, at this time, it is just a shot at the top bird, and doubts are just doubts. What if what people say is true

If Li Yalin really has the strength to single-handedly swipe the BOSS, then killing himself is just like playing, and when the time comes, he will not know how he died, that would be a real tragedy.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. No one said anything, and no one dared to stand up. As for the guild leaders of those large guilds, they still remained silent and did not make any gestures.

In fact, for Li Yalin's approach, the visionary presidents of large guilds all support it in their hearts. After all, the establishment of the strategy group means that elite players will be distinguished from ordinary players. Less.

And the more members who enter the strategy group, the more powerful the guild is. If this is used as a publicity, there is no fear that no single player will join your guild.

It was for this reason that Li Yalin's plan was passed without too much resistance, and the establishment of the strategy group also represented a new level of strategy for this game.

The regularized management, the integration of elite forces, and the detailed battle plan made it no longer difficult to defeat the boss that was originally difficult, and Li Yalin naturally gained more benefits from it.

Li Yalin's plan was very successful. Although the establishment of the strategy team made it impossible for him to keep hiding behind the scenes, now he doesn't need to keep a low profile.

Integrate resources, strive to collect monsters and compete for experience, everything is proceeding steadily and step by step.

What Li Yalin didn't expect was that when he led the team to attack the boss step by step and reached the tenth floor of SAO, the system suddenly sent him a message, forcing him to stop the attack.

System prompt: Since the player has stayed in this world for more than five months, and his strength has exceeded the expected standard, the mission will now be terminated. Please prepare to return within three days.

What does it mean? Ready to return? Does this mean that he can no longer stay in this world

After receiving the news suddenly, Li Yalin felt a little hard to accept it for a while.

Unknowingly, Li Yalin has been in this world for five months and experienced the first month of loneliness, but in the next four months, he has met so many friends, which made him very reluctant to leave here .

Li Yalin can't forget the time when he handled official business with Yulier, the days when he took care of those young players with Silica, and what's more, he couldn't forget the experience of fighting side by side with Kirito and Silica!

Obviously this strategy has only just begun, why did he leave suddenly

Li Yalin couldn't accept it, that's right! He doesn't want to leave here!

Is it wrong to increase strength? Didn't the previous task say that the task will be completed only after all the skills have been upgraded to A? But now I haven't even learned all the skills, so you say my strength exceeds the expected standard? System, are you the funny guy invited by the monkey

Li Yalin knew that it would be a matter of time before he left this world, but he never thought that this day would come so early and so suddenly.

Now, the feeling of reluctance has been accompanied by Li Yalin, making Li Yalin very uncomfortable. After all, he has gradually integrated into this world, and it is not so easy to let go.

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