The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 38: Not a very nice accidental encounter


Got rich

That's right, Li Yalin really made a fortune, because when Li Yalin opened the box and saw the so-called abandoned magic crystal ore in the box, he found that it was a lot of colorful gems!

Rubies, this a diamond? How much can such a large diamond be sold for

Seeing this, Li Yalin felt that the world was too crazy. Are these treasures for sale? Well, since you don't want it, then I will accept it!

"Your Majesty the Demon King?"

Camel was very puzzled, what happened to His Majesty the Demon King? Isn't it just a pile of magic crystal ore that has exhausted its magic power? Why does His Majesty the Demon King smile so happily? Even the corners of his mouth were dripping with crystals, what's going on

"Ahem... It's okay, I said Kamail, are these things useless? Then it's okay if I take them all away?" After hearing Kamail's words, Li Yalin realized that he had lost his composure, and coughed quickly He said twice, pretending to be calm and asked Camel.

"Of course, it's just your majesty. These magic crystal ores have exhausted their magic power and are not of much use. If your majesty needs it, I can get some new magic crystal ores."

For Kamal, these magic crystal ores are all waste products, and they are just taking up space in the treasury. It is no problem for His Majesty to want it.

But these scraps are a bit too cheap for His Majesty the Demon King

At this moment, Kamal was thinking in his heart, whether he wanted to get some new magic crystal ore for Li Yalin. Although this thing was also very expensive, if it was Kamel, he could still get some.

"No, no, I just need these."

New magic crystal ore? What's the use of Li Yalin wanting that stuff? What he pays attention to now is these treasures. With these boxes of gems, why can't he buy them

At this time, Li Yalin's mood can be described as ecstatic. This was definitely a surprise for him. Who would have thought that these gems are so worthless in this world.

As if he was afraid that someone would snatch these gems away, Li Yalin immediately put the big box in the props, and then he was satisfied and left the treasury without looking back.

As for those gold coins, Li Yalin just ignored them. With these gems, what are gold coins

"By the way, Kamel, in the future, I will keep all the magic crystal ores that use up the magic power. In addition, if you can buy them, you will help me buy them as much as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Demon King, I understand."

For Li Yalin, today's major discovery is definitely a historic moment. Although it is not worth much in this world, in other worlds, these gems will be invaluable.

This is a very important capital, and Li Yalin must not miss it. As long as he has money in the future, what else does Li Yalin have to worry about

Kamail doesn't know what Li Yalin is thinking, but His Majesty the Demon King has arranged this matter, so she must follow the order. Isn't it just a discarded magic crystal ore? Since His Majesty the Demon King likes it, let's start buying it nationwide !

Of course, this is just the beginning, because Li Yalin is thinking about whether he wants to be a plane merchant, sell high and buy low in several worlds, and earn the difference between them. Isn't he going to be prosperous

It seems that I should start learning the skills of businessmen.

Hesitating that time was running out, Li Yalin didn't waste any more time. After getting the gem, he told Camel that he was leaving to buy weapons, so that Camel could wait for him to come back with peace of mind.

Hearing that His Majesty the Demon King is leaving, Kamail is naturally worried that he is alone, but Li Yalin is going to other worlds, so it is definitely impossible to take Kamail with him, so in the end, he persuaded Kamail and said a few words of relief. After she left, she started the mission and fell into the black hole.

It is said that every time it is a black hole, Li Yalin is almost used to it, so can't he change it

... I am the dividing line...

The high and low buildings, the continuous flow of vehicles, and the bustling crowd in the distance, when Li Yalin woke up, he found that all these in front of him felt so familiar and so memorable.

Sure enough, this kind of city full of modernity is good. For a while, Li Yalin had a feeling of returning home, but soon, he understood that this was really just an illusion.

Looking around at the surrounding scenery, reminiscing about the familiar feeling, but before Li Yalin could take a second look, a few gunshots immediately attracted his attention.

Fuck? How could there be gunshots

Subconsciously, Li Yalin became alert and observed the surrounding environment. He was standing by a relatively secluded street at this time. Although there were indeed many figures swaying in the distance, there was really no one around Li Yalin.

It is estimated that the position where Li Yalin appeared was deliberately selected by the system, otherwise it would be strange if a person fell out of the black hole out of thin air and did not frighten people.

Where did the gunshots come from

Li Yalin carefully identified it, and found that the gunshots were not far away from him. Although he didn't think he would provoke the enemy as soon as he appeared, it is better to be cautious at this time.

After all, this is not the Celestial Dynasty, which can be seen from the billboards of the building.

By the way, is this... Italy? The words on the billboard seemed to be in Italian. Although Li Yalin had never learned Italian, after seeing those words, Li Yalin somehow knew what they meant.

Probably the system translation. Li Yalin has learned how to ignore such trivial matters after experiencing the world of SAO once.

etc! Is it really okay to still think about these things at this time

That is…

Suddenly, a figure flashed at the corner of the street. After Li Yalin took a closer look, he found that this was a tall and beautiful girl with long flowing silver hair that was very eye-catching.

The silver-haired girl was running fast in the direction of Li Yalin, as if she was about to fall into Li Yalin's arms, but Li Yalin would not have an illusion at this time, because he was carefully identifying the identity of the silver-haired girl.

With long silver hair and sapphire-like eyes, although he is running fast, there is always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

No way, could it be that I am really lucky, just came to this world, and I will have an unexpected encounter with the heroine of the original plot, who is the target character I am looking for?

This system is too powerful, right

"Run! Run!"

Li Yalin wasn't sure about the encounter, but when he saw someone in front of him, Kou Heikemedia shouted loudly at Li Yalin.

run? Why run

Li Yalin was wondering, but then he realized why Kou Heikemedia let him run away.

Because also at the corner of the street, several men in black suits and holding pistols appeared, chasing in this direction.

Were they the source of the gunshots just now

This luck... is really good enough...

Li Yalin didn't even have the strength to complain. Although it was indeed an unexpected encounter, this encounter was not very beautiful. Could it be that he just came to this world and was going to fight first

No, now is not the time to start a war. At this moment, my main task is to save Kou Kou Hekmedia! in your own way!

"follow me!"

Although Kou Kou Hekmedia is not slow in running, it is obviously impossible for a girl to outrun the men in black behind her.

Fortunately, the people behind didn't seem to have the intention of killing Kou Kou Hekmedia, they just kept chasing after them and fired warning shots at the sky from time to time. In this way, Li Yalin's chances suddenly increased a lot.

At the moment when Kou Kou Hekemedia was about to approach Li Yalin, Li Yalin stepped forward and grabbed her little hand, leading her to run wildly together. For Li Yalin's move, Kou Hekmedia couldn't help it. A little bit unresponsive, I could only let Li Yalin pull and run forward together.