The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 43: Get your favorability back!


It's a shame!

Li Yalin never expected that when Kou Kou pounced on him just now, his hand would subconsciously grab Kou Kou's... buttocks!

Especially when he saw the Mafia chasing soldiers, he felt nervous, which made Li Yalin grab him even harder, causing Kou Kou to frown.

Well, although it can't be seen from the outside, it's unexpectedly predictable, very compact and very...

No no no! What are you thinking at this time! If Kou Kou really cares about it, she still doesn't send her elites to destroy herself!

Li Yalin's face was also full of embarrassment as he closed his hand as quickly as an electric shock, but looking at Kou Kou's expression, he didn't seem to be angry because of it, and finally Li Yalin let out a sigh of relief.

I escaped a catastrophe.

With a light cough, Li Yalin wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere, but he didn't expect that the car suddenly started again, and due to inertia, Kou Kou, who hadn't had time to get out of Li Yalin's arms, came with Li Yalin again A close contact, and Li Yalin's hand once again touched a place that shouldn't be touched.

Especially this time, Li Yalin's hand touched Kou Kou's thigh inadvertently...


Will be killed! Will definitely be killed!

Although he withdrew his hand immediately, the touch still remained. Li Yalin's face turned pale instantly, while Kou Kou's fair face was instantly blushed.

Mom I want to go home!

Li Yalin is absolutely on the verge of crying now. Everything was fine at first, and he has won the favor of Kou Kou very smoothly, but this accident will definitely make Kou Kou's favorability drop below freezing point in an instant.

Will he be regarded as a disciple? Absolutely!

no! In order to avoid being killed, I must do something! At least he couldn't become Kou Kou's target just because of one close contact!

Of course, Li Yalin would not know what Kou Kou was thinking at this time, but according to common sense, once a woman is treated so lightly, she will probably become angry from embarrassment.

You must restore your favorability at this time, or you will die!

"This welcome banquet is quite grand, BOY, I will leave it to you, Missy."

Facing the pursuers, Rem in the co-pilot seemed to get excited all of a sudden. He loaded the assault rifle in his hand, lit a cigarette, opened the skylight and popped out.

Da da da…

Flames froze, and the assault rifle in Rem's hand kept pouring bullets at the pursuers behind, but the mafia behind were not to be outdone, and poked their heads out of the car windows one after another, shooting towards the front.

"It's Uzi! Keep driving steadily, Missy, keep your head down!"

As soon as the mafia shot, Rem immediately warned loudly, the Uzi submachine gun, this is a light submachine gun with strong stability and good power, if it is shot at close range, it can cause considerable damage, although Not as good as an assault rifle, but in this kind of chase, it can play a better role.

At least with only Rem's gun, he was completely overwhelmed by the opponent and couldn't lift his head up.

The most important thing is that the car Li Yalin was in was not a specially-made bulletproof vehicle, and the rear window was shattered after a round of intensive shooting.

"Don't look up!"

At this critical moment, Li Yalin pressed Kou Kou tightly under him, and at the same time took out a pistol and shot continuously towards the rear window.

"Don't you have any good weapons?"

A small pistol would be of no use in this situation, especially since Li Yalin couldn't aim at all due to the suppressed firepower on the other side. Even if he could shoot, the bullets would all fly away.

Li Yalin needs stronger weapons!

"use this!"

At this moment, Kou Kou, who had been pressed by Li Yalin, pulled out a box from under the car seat. After opening it, Li Yalin found that it contained an assault rifle and a dozen grenades!

Just in time for the rain!

No one needs to teach grenades. Li Yalin has seen how to use them no less than a hundred times just watching movies. He pulled the safety cover and quickly threw one towards the back. With a bang, a chasing off-road vehicle was directly bombed. fly.

"Good job!"

Li Yalin's sudden grenade made Rem couldn't help admiring, and he didn't know whether Li Yalin was really accurate or just luck, anyway, the grenade was thrown directly under the chassis of the front end off-road vehicle, The timing of the explosion was just right, and the unlucky off-road vehicle was instantly blown away.


Li Yalin himself didn't expect that a grenade thrown casually could have such a big effect, but in this way, his self-confidence was even more aroused.

"How does this thing work?"

It's okay if it's a pistol, but for an assault rifle, Li Yalin needs Kou Kou's guidance. After all, he has never touched this thing before.

In this regard, Kou Kou also carefully told Li Yalin how to use the gun, and after understanding, Li Yalin threw a grenade outside again, and then put the gun on the rear seat of the car, and started shooting wildly .

Although Li Yalin is touching a gun for the first time, but fighting is fighting, Li Yalin will naturally be able to enter the state soon, not to mention his physical fitness is not comparable to ordinary people, coupled with a high degree of concentration, Li Yalin and Rem's Shooting in pairs, they quickly overwhelmed the pursuers behind.

Li Yalin knew that the way to get the other side to give up the pursuit was very simple, all he had to do was shoot at the driver's cab. As long as the driver was killed, the other passengers in the car would naturally follow in tragedy.

At this point, Rem and Li Yalin thought of going together, ignoring the others, focusing on killing the driver, and quickly wiped out all the pursuers behind.

"Hehe, what a nice young man, Good_Job~"

All the chasers behind were done, and Rem also gave Li Yalin a thumbs up. It can be seen that it was the first time that Li Yalin took up a gun to fight, what's more, it was the first time he killed people today, but in the battle During the process, Li Yalin did not show any cowardice and softness, which is simply unbelievable.


On Li Yalin's side, he didn't have time to pay attention to Rem's praise at all. At this time, he was taking a deep breath and trying to keep himself calm.

It is the first time to experience this kind of gun battle, nervousness is inevitable, it is different from killing monsters with a sword, and the degree of tension and excitement is also different.

But after this experience, Li Yalin will no longer feel nervous.

"Lin, how are you doing?"

Like Rem, Kou Kou is very accurate in judging people. She can tell that Li Yalin is a novice who is touching a gun for the first time. When he just fought, he also has a little bit of jerky. This is something that professionals cannot imitate. .

Because of this, Kou Kou seemed a little nervous at this time, she was not sure whether Li Yalin could bear the guilt left over from the first murder.

Although it is forced to fight back, for ordinary people, this is also a very difficult hurdle.

"It's okay, I've been used to it for a long time. Although it's annoying, I have to choose to accept it. Fate is like this sometimes, and you can't choose."

Li Yalin could feel Kou Kou's concern, but he sighed very sadly about it. According to his inner thoughts, he didn't like fighting or killing people, but fate chose him and made him a In order to defeat the Demon King, he had to shoulder everything in front of him.

Such an answer was a pun for Li Yalin, but for Kou Kou, it touched her heart all of a sudden.

fate? Have to accept it? No! Sometimes, even if fate has already bound you, you can still choose to resist!