The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 46: Your Majesty, are you thinking too much?


There have been many legends about aliens since ancient times, and the circle like Kou Kou is often heard of the existence of aliens.

But the legend is just a legend. Kou Kou has never seen a real alien. As for the so-called mysterious flying objects in the news reports, nine out of ten are new weapons tests at military bases, and those so-called aliens abducted Most of the incidents are secret operations of the state, and the truth is beyond the knowledge of ordinary people.

Although the existence of aliens cannot be denied, Kou Kou never imagined that one day she would actually meet aliens, and she still met in this way.

"Now you should believe it."

Seeing the shock on Kou Kou's face, Li Yalin suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction. It turned out that our Queen of Arms would be so surprised. By the way, Kou Kou at this time is really cute!

The brilliance flashed again, and the armor and double swords on Li Yalin disappeared without a trace, replaced by his original outfit. The setting of changing clothes at this moment is really convenient, at least Li Yalin doesn't have to worry about changing clothes anymore, right? what.

"Are you really... an alien?" Kou Kou murmured in disbelief, but Li Yalin was still full of black lines about this.

"If you can, you'd better treat me as someone from another world."

What's up with aliens and aliens! Li Yalin never regarded himself as an alien!

"Okay... people from another world, so there really are people from another world! By the way, do you people from another world wear armor? Then what do you usually eat? Do you often fight? Fight with swords? Do you people from another world wear armor?" Can eat people?"


what's the situation

All of a sudden, Li Yalin felt that he was under a lot of pressure, what happened to you, Kou Kou? Is it really a man who keeps asking questions like a little girl? And you asked so many questions all at once, how can I answer them? Hey!

All of a sudden, Li Yalin was dumbfounded by so many questions from Kou Kou. Is there something wrong with the script of the coach? When did Kou Kou become so interested in aliens and aliens

Finally... What are you going to do with cannibalism!

"I said Kou Kou, can we calm down first?"

Pressing his temple hard, Li Yalin felt that it was necessary for Kou Kou to calm down. If this continues, he wonders if she will ask more weird questions.

"Sorry, I'm just a little too excited. After all, it's the first time I meet someone from another world. Curiosity is inevitable."

Seeing more than N numbers of tic-tac-toe appearing on Li Yalin's head, Kou Kou hurriedly clasped her hands together to make an apology. She also found herself a little excited, but this is also normal. Anyone who suddenly meets a person from another world will have a lot of questions to think about. Go ahead and ask.

"Then Lin, since you are from another world, what are you planning to do when you come to this world? Sure enough, you still want to invade this world?"

Your Majesty, are you thinking too much

After Kou Kou calmed down, her next question still made Li Yalin dumbfounded. By the way, why are you asking this question with starry eyes? Are you that interested in other worlds? You're not some leader who is super interested in aliens, people from the future, and people with superpowers. Why did you become so excited all of a sudden

"No, no, no, how can we invade this world? It should be said that we can't even protect ourselves, so how can we invade others."

Facing Kou Kou's question, Li Yalin smiled wryly and shook his head. What he said was true, and the blood alliance city is really in a rhythm that cannot be guaranteed.

"Oh? Then you came to this world to prepare for refuge?"

"No, the purpose of my coming to this world is to buy weapons and defend my homeland."

"Buy... weapons?"

Ever since she knew that Li Yalin was from another world, Kou Kou had made many assumptions in her heart, such as Li Yalin's purpose in coming to this world, but she never thought that Li Yalin came to this world to buy weapons.

Buy weapons to defend your homeland? What the hell is going on

"To put it simply, our country is facing a huge threat. There are wolves inside and tigers outside. If we don't take action, our country will have no future to speak of. That's why I came to this world, hoping to bring the world back to life." Bring back your own weapons, arm your own troops, guard your own homeland, and let everyone live a peaceful life again."

"Using arms to... defend the peace?"

Li Yalin didn't hide anything at all at the moment, and he just told the truth. After all, this was a gamble of his, and the bet was on Kou Kou's mind.

If Kou Kou can be persuaded by Li Yalin, then everything will be easy to handle, if Kou Kou cannot be persuaded, then everything will be closed.

But looking at Kou Kou's expression, she seemed a little stunned by Li Yalin's words. After all, weapons are used to guard peace. Can weapons really bring peace

"To be honest, I hate taking up arms and fighting. It would be great if everyone could live a peaceful life without fighting. It's a pity that in this cage, you will be firmly trapped. Hold on, even if it is me, there is no room for resistance."

After watching the anime, Li Yalin knows Kou Kou's beliefs, and also knows what Kou Kou does all this for, and it is precisely because of this that Li Yalin speaks with Kou Kou's heart.

Of course, what Li Yalin said was exactly what he thought in his heart. On this point, he coincided with Kou Kou's thoughts.

All he did was for peace.

"Do you really think that weapons can bring peace?"

To be honest, Li Yalin's words touched Kou Kou a lot. At this moment, Kou Kou's expression became extremely serious, because her thoughts were exactly the same as Li Yalin's, but the crux of the problem was that the peace brought by weapons, Is it really called peace

Kou Kou wanted to get an answer from Li Yalin.

"No, weapons can only be used for deterrence, and the peace they bring is also mandatory. It is not peace in the true sense at all, but for now, I have no other choice."

Li Yalin shook his head. In fact, there is no real peace in this world. What he is doing now is just to protect the people in the blood alliance city, hoping that they can continue to live and work in peace.

Even if this peace is only temporary, even if Li Yalin has to face the pressure of the ten nobles, and there may be more wars with other races in the future, he still has to work hard to protect this rare time of peace.

"Enforced peace? I see."

After hearing Li Yalin's words, Kou Kou fell into silence for a long time, as if thinking about something, while Li Yalin looked at her quietly without saying a word to disturb her.

After a long time, Kou Kou finally broke the silence, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, drawing a beautiful arc, and bowed to Li Yalin very formally: "Then, let me introduce myself again, Kou Kou Heikemedia, I am a weapons dealer by profession, very glad to meet you, a visitor from another world, maybe we can become partners who can trust each other in the future."

"Are you a partner...then please give me your advice from today on."