The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 47: Win-win cooperation


When Kou Kou spit out the word partner, Li Yalin knew that he had succeeded!

From the looks of it, he did talk to Kou Kou, and looking at Kou Kou's expression, he didn't seem to be perfunctory, but was really thinking about future cooperation.

But what Kou Kou said next made Li Yalin speechless again.

"Then Lin, since you are going to buy weapons in this world, what are you going to use to pay? Cash? Or barter? By the way, I never do business on credit."

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of paying on credit either."

Li Yalin looked at Kou Kou with black lines all over his head, he really deserved to be a weapons dealer, and he really kept his money in three words.

However, what Kou Kou said is understandable. Although she agreed to the cooperation between the two parties, it does not mean that she can provide Li Yalin with weapons for free. After all, it is of no benefit to Kou Kou.

Our Majesty the Queen will not do anything that is not beneficial.

"Oh? Then you brought special products from another world? Can you let me have a look?" Hearing what Li Yalin said, Kou Kou immediately became interested. Since Li Yalin is from another world, it must be used to buy weapons. It is also the currency or treasure of another world,

Wouldn't it be a pity if we couldn't see it first.

"Do you want to inspect the banknotes before you let me see the goods?" Li Yalin looked at Kou Kou rather amusedly, but the next moment, he manifested a small wooden box from the inventory.

This was prepared by Li Yalin in advance, and the contents inside are naturally those magic crystal ores that have exhausted their magic power, but compared to this world, they are all priceless gems.

The previous large wooden boxes were a bit too exaggerated, so Li Yalin also sorted and packed the magic crystal ore in advance. This boxy box is about the size of a suitcase, and all of it is filled with pure diamonds. .

Seeing a wooden box suddenly appear in Li Yalin's hand, although he had been prepared, Kou Kou still seemed a little surprised. It was like watching magic, and he had no idea where Li Yalin had hidden the wooden box before.

But the moment Li Yalin opened the wooden box, Kou Kou's eyes suddenly widened. She dared to swear that this was the most shocking display of diamonds she had ever seen in her life. This is really... too exaggerated!

As an arms dealer, Kou Kou also received diamond deals when she was in Africa, but the trades to her at that time were nothing more than ordinary goods of average quality and small size, but even so, those diamonds were Kou Kou made a lot of money.

But right now, the diamonds in Li Yalin's wooden box are all exaggerated in size, the smaller ones are the size of ping-pong balls, and the larger ones already exceed the fists of two grown men!

The most important thing is that these diamonds are crystal clear, even non-diamond experts can see that these are top-notch goods, both in color and clarity, are very exaggerated.

The only pity is that the cutting of these diamonds is terrible, and I don't know where the cheating craftsmen came from, but they cut these top-level diamonds into such an ugly appearance, which is simply the biggest waste.

But even so, the poor cut can hardly hide the value of this box of diamonds. If all the diamonds in this box are sold, the money will be incalculable!

After all, Kou Kou has seen the big world. After experiencing the initial shock, she quickly returned to normal. Although the price of this box of diamonds is really expensive, she wants to take out a weapon with the same value as this box of diamonds. , but it is also very difficult.

How many weapons would it take to equal this box of diamonds? This is the question that Kou Kou is considering at this stage. There are so many diamonds, I am afraid that she is very difficult to digest by herself.

"How about it, my box of diamonds is not bad, I should be able to buy a lot of good things."

Seeing Kou Kou lost in thought, Li Yalin opened his mouth accordingly. At this time, he already had his own little plan secretly in his heart, and he was waiting to implement it smoothly.

"What do you need? I said it in advance. If you want a nuclear bomb, I really can't do anything about it."

At this time, Kou Kou stared at Li Yalin closely. She wanted to know what kind of weapon Li Yalin wanted to buy when he took out this box of diamonds. If it was just a general conventional weapon, one diamond would be enough.

From being in contact with Li Yalin to the present, Kou Kou doesn’t think that Li Yalin is a person from another world who just came to this world and doesn’t understand anything. On the contrary, Li Yalin knows this world very well, and naturally understands the prices of this world and the diamonds in his hands. s price.

But now that he knew, why did Li Yalin still take out this box of diamonds? What exactly does he want

"Nuclear bomb... why do I want that thing? Is it possible that I want to die with the enemy?" Kou Kou's question made Li Yalin sweat coldly. He had never considered the issue of nuclear bombs at all.

You know, the nuclear bomb is a double-edged sword at all. As long as the nuclear bomb is detonated, it will be of no benefit to either party. Li Yalin is still counting on the peaceful subjugation of the real devil country, but he does not want the real devil country to become full of radiation. Desolate place.

"Then what do you want?"

"Well... Let me think about it, the best assault rifle to use and the easiest to maintain is the AK47? Give me 10,000 pieces first, and if you have other bullets, give me a few million rounds. I want some, grenades, bazookas, etc., that’s about it.”


When Li Yalin counted the weapons he wanted with his fingers, Kou Kou on the side showed an expression of disbelief, ten thousand AK47s, although this number seems not small, but in fact, for Kou Kou It doesn't matter at all.

After all, the AK47 is the most common assault rifle in the world, as long as Kou Kou opens his mouth, he can have as many as he wants.

As for the remaining heavy machine guns and grenade bazookas, there is no problem, but Kou Kou doesn't understand why Li Yalin only needs these most common weapons.

Isn't he going to ask for some high-tech equipment? For example, aircraft cannon guns and so on, isn't this the real kingly weapon

The reason for thinking this way is that Kou Kou does not understand the current situation of the Blood League City, but Li Yalin is different. He made this decision after careful consideration.

There is only one month left before the coronation ceremony. It is impossible for Li Yalin to train a group of stragglers into perfect marksmen within this month, let alone let them control aircraft and cannons.

Even Li Yalin can't do it himself, how can he teach others

Therefore, for weapons with too high technical content, Li Yalin directly lost the PASS. What he needs now is a group of soldiers and weapons that can shock ten nobles. Assault rifles + heavy machine guns + grenades + rocket launchers are enough. If you need something more, let's have some mortars. I heard that this thing is also very useful.

As for the deeper level of training and high-tech weapons, there is no need to think about it at all. It is very difficult to learn these well within a month. It is not what Li Yalin needs to do now.

The reason for choosing AK47 as the main force is also considering its lethality, maintenance difficulty, failure rate, and reliability. As a legend in the field of assault rifles, AK47 is still active on the battlefield since its creation. Not without reason.

Therefore, Li Yalin thinks this is very good. It will not cause any trouble for Kou Kou, and he can get what he wants. It is simply a win-win cooperation.

It's just that Kou Kou couldn't understand Li Yalin's thoughts at all.

Those who ask for tickets for the Dream Cup say ~ ask for tickets~