The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 48: Sorry for not being able to use magic!


"If all you want are those weapons, then I don't think you need to take out this box at all. You only need to take out one of them, and it will be worth the value of all the weapons, and even have some left over."

As a weapon merchant, although Kou Kou likes to earn the price difference and earn high profits, but this time, the value of the diamonds that Li Yalin took out has already been much higher than the commodity itself, which makes Kou Kou a little unacceptable.

Although making money is a good thing, but the money earned makes Kou Kou feel at ease, so whether to make this money or not needs to be carefully considered.

Ordinary businessmen are always open to money, and everything is based on profit, but this point, Kou Kou is completely different from others, she will think more, and will not only see the immediate benefits and get carried away.

"I know, but I still insist on my deal. These diamonds are all yours."

Li Yalin understood what Kou Kou meant, but regarding this transaction, he did not change his mind at all. This box of diamonds was all for Kou Kou. Now that it was taken out, Li Yalin did not consider taking it back.

Li Yalin, who already knew the plot, understood that Kou Kou was planning a crazy plan. If Li Yalin got the weapon, it was to protect the peace of the blood alliance city, then what Kou Kou is doing now is to force peace in the whole world.

This is Kou Kou's ideal, and it will naturally require a lot of money to implement it. Therefore, Li Yalin feels that it is necessary for him to step in at this time and use a mere box of diamonds to firmly tie Kou Kou to his body. On top of the chariot, no matter how you do this kind of business, you will not lose money, will you

Especially for Li Yalin, these diamonds have no value at all, and there are as many as they want. After all, the magic crystal ore that consumes all the magic power is the most indispensable thing in the blood alliance city.

Although Li Yalin doesn't need it, compared to Kou Kou, this is a lot of funding.

"I need a reason, otherwise I wouldn't accept these things."

Although Li Yalin had made up his mind, Kou Kou seemed very cautious in the face of this big cake. It is incomprehensible, and I am not sure what Li Yalin is thinking.

Simply give it to yourself? Kou Kou's thinking is not so simple, I believe no one will do things that are not beneficial.

"Why, isn't it enough that we are partners?"

Kou Kou insisted on giving a reason by herself, which made Li Yalin quite embarrassed. It would be difficult for people to break the casserole and ask the end.

"What do you think?"

"Okay, okay, can't I tell the truth?"

Being stared at by Kou Kou with a serious face made Li Yalin's pressure suddenly increase. Although Kou Kou is indeed very beautiful, but being stared at like this all the time, there is always a feeling of being peeped into the heart.

"Actually, my country, how should I put it, should be very poor and backward, and even say that some places don't even have enough to eat, so I'm thinking, can I have a long-term cooperation with you, not just cooperation in weapons It’s just an all-round three-dimensional, top-to-bottom cooperation to better develop my country.”

The above remarks are definitely the truth from Li Yalin's heart. You must know that what the blood league city lacks is not just weapons, food, education, and even spiritual entertainment! These are what the blood alliance city and even the whole world lack.

Now that he has decided to be the devil king for the time being, Li Yalin has to consider for the entire real devil country and all the residents of the real devil country. Reform is imperative, but Li Yalin alone is really alone.

Therefore, Li Yalin needs to introduce modern technology in order to better develop the Real Demon Kingdom, and Kou Kou's help is absolutely indispensable.

"I see, you have such a plan, but since you can travel across the world, from your world to this world, why is the world you live in so backward?"

Kou Kou could see that Li Yalin was not lying, but she was also wondering why Li Yalin had the technology to travel across the world, and was able to hand out so much wealth, but his country was still so poor and backward.

This is too contradictory.

"This... You can take this as magic. In fact, it was purely an accident that I came to this world. By the way, in my world, no one else can come to this world except me. "


Li Yalin's words made Kou Kou's eyes widen again. She knows about magic, but does magic, a magical ability that only exists in fantasy novels, really exist

"That's right, it's magic. In my world, I don't rely on the power of science and technology to develop, but use the power of magic. But because of this, the strength of my personal strength has caused the whole world to be chaotic, so my world has never been able to really developed."

Li Yalin nodded, this is also where he is very helpless.

This technology tree is completely in a crooked rhythm, with no productivity and culture at all, and only focusing on increasing the value of magic and force. It is strange that such a world can develop.

"Since there is magic, can you let me see it?"

As soon as he heard about magic, Kou Kou's interest rose again, but Li Yalin patted the back of his head in embarrassment about Kou Kou's curiosity.

"That... magic or something, I haven't learned it yet, and I'm just a beginner in this area."

"What, why is this?"

Li Yalin's answer made Kou Kou very disappointed, and she pouted for a moment, but Li Yalin's head was full of black lines about this. Can you stop being so curious, my lord queen? Sorry for not being able to use magic!

Although Li Yalin was speechless, Kou Kou accepted this explanation. She could tell that Li Yalin was thinking wholeheartedly about his country and the people of the country. Facing such a person, Kou Kou could not refuse at all. .

Since you are so dedicated, let me help you!

"Falme! Call everyone immediately, we have a big deal to do!"

After the cooperation agreement was reached, Kou Kou, who had left Li Yalin's room, immediately issued an order to Falme, which surprised Falme immediately.

"Coco? Do you really want to call everyone immediately?"

You know, for this sale, Kou Kou did not hesitate to take risks, and was even hunted down by the Mafia in the end, but now that all members are recalled immediately, wouldn't the plan come to naught

"Yes, this time the plan has been cancelled, there are more important things waiting for us to do now!"

Facing Falme, Kou Kou showed a happy smile on her face. She hasn't felt this way for a long time. Although it is for another world, it seems to be very interesting, isn't it

"Okay, I see."

Although she doesn't know what Kou Kou thinks, Falme will never oppose or question Kou Kou. She can dedicate everything to Kou Kou, even if it is her own life, as long as it is Kou Kou's order, she will unconditionally obedience.

From this point of view, Lily's power is indeed terrifying.

In this way, Li Yalin quickly met with Kou Kou's team. Although she had known this group for a long time, Kou Kou didn't know about it. When the members arrived, she introduced them to Li Yalin one by one.

Needless to say, Rem and Falme, who have already known each other, drove to support Li Yalin and Kou Kou before, and it was Ugo, a former Italian Mafia, who had been introduced to each other before.

Among the members who came later were Willie from the former US 18th Airborne Corps, Lutz from the former British Anti-Terrorist Special Forces, Mao from the former Artillery Unit, R from the former Italian Mountain Infantry Brigade, and the former Intelligence Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense of Japan Tojo in the SR class is all the best of the elite, and they are also Koko's most proud subordinates.

But when all the staff arrived, Li Yalin did not see the actor in the original plot. Could it be that the plot hasn't started yet? Hasn't the hero in the original plot joined Kou Kou's camp yet

I am away from home today, and I don’t know when I will be back tonight, so this chapter can only be uploaded now~