The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 49: It's really easy to associate with smart people


Everyone was very puzzled about Kou Kou's urgent recall of all personnel, but then, Kou Kou pushed Li Yalin out and grandly introduced him to everyone present.

"Then this is the newest partner of our team and the strongest supporter at this stage. He will act with us in the future. You can call him Lin. Let's welcome him now!"

"Ask, miss, what does the most powerful supporter mean? Can you explain it to us?"

After a burst of applause, as the most active member of the team, Lutz first expressed his doubts. After all, he recalled everyone so suddenly and added a newcomer inexplicably. Everyone has the right to know more about the situation.

"Well... in short, we got a lot of money."

Facing Lutz's question, Kou Kou smiled, and at the same time used a very cheerful tone, raising her hands high, as if to cheer.

"A lot of money?"

All the people present looked at each other, how much money would it take to make Kou Kou show such an expression? Hundreds of millions of dollars? If that's the case, there's really nothing wrong with being the strongest supporter.

"That's right, it's a large sum of money, Falme, take out the box." Kou Kou snapped her fingers and asked Falme to take out the box she had prepared and put it on the table.

This is not the small wooden box that Li Yalin used before, but a suitcase prepared by Kou Kou. After all, Li Yalin's wooden box is too conspicuous. The diamonds in the box should be replaced in the suitcase.

In fact, Li Yalin didn't understand what Kou Kou wanted to do? Although her team is trustworthy, she doesn't need to expose these diamonds, right? What exactly does she want to do

Li Yalin doesn't think that Kou Kou took out these diamonds just to show off. After all, there is no reason at all. Kou Kou is not someone who would do such boring things, but why would she do this

"Wow, this is really..."

When the suitcase was opened to reveal the bright diamonds in the box, a series of exclamations suddenly resounded in the room.

There is no way, this scene is too shocking, so many big diamonds are so vivid under the light, it is almost like a rhythm that will blind people's eyes.

Some reactions were exaggerated, such as Lutz and R, who had covered their eyes and were about to roll all over the floor. Even the most calm and experienced Rem had a very confused expression on his face.

No way, who made this box of diamonds really exceed everyone's imagination, this point, even Falme who has been carrying the suitcase, did not expect it at all.

"Now everyone should understand that Lin is now our partner and our most important client. In the future, everyone must protect Lin's safety and never let him have any accidents."

As soon as the diamond shone, Kou Kou's words got the attention of everyone present. That's right, such a big local tyrant stood in front of him, who would be able to take care of him if something happened

But Li Yalin always felt that there was a double meaning in Kou Kou's words, to protect his own safety? What do you have to protect yourself

surveillance? I haven't gained Kou Kou's complete trust yet

I don't know, what Kou Kou is thinking at this time, only she can know, it is simply unrealistic for others to try to figure out her thoughts.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Li Yalin didn't take this matter to heart. Whether it was surveillance or protection, he didn't have any malice towards Kou Kou. I can feel it.

Therefore, Li Yalin was not too eager to explain anything, Kou Kou could do whatever she wanted, anyway, her first step plan was very successful, and the first transaction should be completed smoothly.

This is enough for Li Yalin.

It is naturally unsafe to carry such a large box of diamonds with you, but looking at Kou Kou, it seems that he has no intention of handing it over to Li Yalin for storage. He just asks his men to guard the suitcase for 24 hours, and then Also in urgent arrangements.

Before becoming Lord Demon King, Li Yalin had never had the experience of flying, and this time, thanks to Kou Kou's blessing, Li Yalin directly enjoyed a private jet trip.

Kou Kou moved very fast. After staying in the hotel for no more than twelve hours, all the staff were transferred. Not only did they call a private plane, but even after flying for several hours and landing on the ground, Li Yalin boarded another ship. Huge freighter.

Well, on this day, the planes and ships were all boarded, and at this moment Li Yalin really felt Kou Kou's hard work.

Running around the world like this once or twice is still new, but if you experience it every day, it is really a very uncomfortable thing.

But on the freighter, all the guards were lifted, and Li Yalin was also told that he could act at will. This is the freighter belonging to Kou Kou, and this is Kou Kou's territory. No one can pose a threat to Kou Kou here.

It's finally time to relax!

Since getting on the plane, Li Yalin found that he seemed to be on the road all the time, and he didn't even have time to appreciate the surrounding scenery, which made him feel very helpless.

But now, standing on the deck and looking at the distant sky, the sound of seagulls can be heard from time to time on the calm sea, all of this is so refreshing.

This feels good, and I don't know if the border of the Real Demon Kingdom is connected to the sea. If possible, it seems to be quite interesting to build a warship to go back.

"What are you thinking about?"

Just as Li Yalin was looking into the distance, Kou Kou's voice suddenly came from behind. Judging from Kou Kou's voice, she seemed to be in a good mood.

"It's nothing, I just feel that such a peaceful life is really good. It would be great if I could enjoy this kind of enjoyment every day." While turning around, Li Yalin stretched a long way. When he was in the world of SAO before, he had It's not easy, almost every day is spent killing monsters and accumulating experience, even if you don't farm monsters, you still have to be busy with the guild's affairs, there is no leisure at all.

After returning to Blood League City, Li Yalin was thinking about this and that again. Until now, Li Yalin was really relaxed.

Seeing this vast sea, Li Yalin always has a feeling of spiritual cleansing, as if all the tiredness has disappeared. Although he knows that this is just a psychological effect, Li Yalin still enjoys this feeling very much.

"Peaceful days? There will be, and you will succeed."

Kou Kou followed Falme, so she didn't say too much. Regarding the fact that Li Yalin is a person from another world, although Li Yalin didn't force Kou Kou to keep it a secret, she was still very smart and didn't tell anyone.

At this point, Li Yalin felt that it was very worry-free to associate with smart people.

"I hope so."

Although Kou Kou's words were consoling, at least it was a good wish, and Li Yalin also sincerely hoped that everything would go well with the plan, and he wouldn't have to worry about it.

It would be great if the ten nobles could be resolved peacefully.

"What you want will arrive in three days. You can choose the delivery location, and we will be responsible for delivering it for you."

The topic of peace was too heavy for Li Yalin and Kou Kou, so in a timely manner, Kou Kou changed the subject and brought the topic to the goods that Li Yalin needed.

As expected of Kou Kou, the speed of action is really fast. Such a large batch of weapons can be finished in three days. In this way, I don't have to stay in this world for too long, and I can return to the blood alliance city!