The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 56: Camille in shock


The late-night invitation from His Majesty the Demon King made Kamail very uneasy. Although he knew that His Majesty the Demon King in front of him was kind-hearted and could face everything tolerantly, after all, he was also a young man with a healthy body and mind. Regarding that aspect, It will also be necessary.

Although she has never experienced human affairs, it doesn't mean that Kamel knows nothing. As the daughter of the Demon King, she is in charge of the military power of the Blood Alliance City. How could Kamel not know how much men need in this regard!

Because of this, Kamel is very worried. Although she doesn't have any dislike for Li Yalin, and even secretly has some admiration, if it really develops along with the trend, I'm afraid it will have very bad memories.

"What's wrong, Camille?"

Camel had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but Li Yalin didn't think about it at all. He turned around and walked a few steps, but found that Camel didn't keep up, which made him very puzzled.

"No... nothing..."

There is no other way, let's bite the bullet! Anyway, sooner or later, I will belong to His Majesty the Demon King!

At this time, Kamail had already clenched her silver teeth with an attitude of dedication, and finally made up her mind to follow Li Yalin from behind.

But Li Yalin saw Camel's expression as very strange. What's the matter with your appearance of preparing for a heroic sacrifice? Does chatting make you so embarrassed

"If you are tired, Camille, go to rest first, it's the same if we talk about it tomorrow."

As a man, it is very necessary to show timely concern for girls. In Li Yalin's opinion, the reason why Kamailer is like this is probably because she is very tired. If she is really tired, then we can talk about it tomorrow Same.

Although Li Yalin is very energetic and bored now, he is not going to force Kamailer. Girls need a good rest at night.

Let's talk tomorrow? That is to say, there is no discussion at all, and there is no way to avoid it!

Kamel didn't understand Li Yalin's concern. In her opinion, it was a stab to the head, and a stab to the head, and she couldn't escape, so what's the point of escaping.

"It's okay Your Majesty the Demon King, I'm not sleepy."

Although I feel that it is a pity to give it away so quickly for the first time, but if I dedicate myself to His Majesty the Demon King, I don't regret it!

At this time, Kamail had already made up his mind, especially after the two came to Li Yalin's room, Li Yalin actually closed the door, which made Kamail sure that His Majesty the Demon King was going to be with his...

No, Kamel could no longer imagine what would happen next. At this moment, she could only close her eyes tightly, and obeyed His Majesty the Demon King in everything. He could do whatever the Demon King wanted.

"I said Camille... what are you doing?"

Li Yalin was naturally very happy to see Kamel leaving with him. After returning to the room, he closed the door subconsciously, and then manifested an AKM in the props bar, and was ready to show it to Kamel with great interest. Well, but Camille's reaction made him unable to understand.

What do you mean by closing your eyes and trembling all over? are you sick

"I… "

Hearing Li Yalin's surprised voice, Kamail quickly opened his eyes. In Kamail's imagination, Li Yalin should have taken off his coat at this time, and the next step is to push himself to the ground, but the sight in front of him The scene was completely inconsistent with Camille's imagination.

Li Yalin didn't take off his clothes, and there was a strange thing in his hand. The whole body was made of wood and steel, and the shape was something Camel had never seen before.

What is this

Camel looked at the AKM in Li Yalin's hands curiously. What is His Majesty the Demon King doing with this thing

"Look, isn't it handsome?"

Li Yalin didn't know what Kamail was thinking at all, he only saw Kamail opened his eyes, so next, he naturally wanted to show Kamail the AKM in his hand.

"Your Majesty the Demon King, what is this?"

Seeing AKM for the first time, Kamel naturally didn't know what it was, and she couldn't imagine what kind of power this AKM could produce.

"Of course this is the weapon I prepared for the soldiers."

Li Yalin smiled and handed the AKM to Camel. Of course, the magazine had to be removed beforehand. If Kamel, who had never touched a gun before, fiddled with it and misfired, it would be a real joy.

"Weapon? This?"

Camel couldn't understand Li Yalin's words at all, what's the use of this weapon? Is it used for chopping? And there is no sharp blade, can this thing cut people? It's more or less used to smash people.

"Of course, I plan to equip the soldiers of the Blood Alliance City with such weapons, and the ten nobles will definitely not dare to attack our Blood Alliance City again!"

Li Yalin's expression was one of self-confidence. After all, this was the rhythm of using a gun to force a cold weapon. I believe that after seeing the power of the gun, no one would dare to provoke the Blood Alliance City easily.

If someone really dares to come and clamor, he must be let back and forth!

Li Yalin's self-confidence made Camel very speechless, what happened to you, Your Majesty the Demon King? No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing can't possibly have any power, right? If there were magic fluctuations on it, then Camille would still use it as a magic weapon, but there was no magic fluctuation at all, it was just a toy made of wood and steel!

"What? Don't believe it? If that's the case, come with me!"

Seeing Kamailer's expression, Li Yalin knew that it would be impossible for him not to let her see it. If this is the case, let's speak with the facts!

What is His Majesty the Demon King planning to do

From the beginning to the end, Kamail didn't understand what Li Yalin meant. From the beginning, he thought what Li Yalin was going to do to her, and now the AKM that Li Yalin took out made Kamail confused.

But just as Li Yalin and Kamel walked to the back garden of the Blood Alliance City, the AKM gunshot rang out, and Kamel was shocked on the spot.

In the quiet night, the crisp gunshots can be heard far away, but this is not the key point! When Li Yalin fired the bullets from the magazine, the scene in front of him really stunned Camel.

Li Yalin's shooting target was a piece of Camel's spare iron armor. After all, this was a temporary idea, and there was no good target, so he could only use Camel's iron armor first.

The armor that can be worn on Camel, even if it is a spare, has a defensive power that is not comparable to the inferior armor and leather armor worn by ordinary soldiers. It turned into a sieve in an instant.

That's right! It was smashed into a sieve in an instant. Although this set of iron armor is very strong, it still cannot withstand the bullets of AKM!

No way, who let Li Yalin shoot at close range, and the AKM's penetrating power is extraordinary, so it is completely reasonable to smash this armor into a sieve.

Regarding the power of AKM, Li Yalin nodded to express his satisfaction, but what Kamailer said was beyond shock. How did this happen? Why does this seemingly ordinary thing produce such great power

Trembling, she stepped forward to pick up the iron armor. Camille's mood was very complicated at this time. Although it was a spare iron armor, as long as it was not fighting against a master, ordinary swords still couldn't pierce this armor. But now, this But the armor was completely scrapped.

If on the battlefield, when the enemy uses this weapon to sneak attack on him, what is his chance of surviving wearing this iron armor

Kamel doesn't know, but there is only one thing that is certain, if he is careless, even if the weapon in His Majesty's hands cannot kill him, he will seriously injure him!

Thinking of this, Camel felt a chill in her heart.